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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 460x276, Kimchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7041111 No.7041111 [Reply] [Original]

Never tried this stuff until today when I bought a jar of it on a whim.

Holy shit it's wonderful. The jar is gone now. Let's talk about kimchi and other pickled/fermented things.

>> No.7041119
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I like cabbage kimchi more than beet kimchi. I buy it off the shelf at walmart since I no longer live in S. Korea. The walmart stuff is pretty good. It goes with most meals.

>> No.7041125

mine was some korean shit from new york that I bought at an oriental market here in florida. I have nothing to compare it to but I thought it was great.

>> No.7041129

Are those metal chopsticks?
Also, what's the flavor of kimchi like in /ck/'s opinion?

>> No.7041134

>be white american
>used chopsticks since age 4
>always considered myself really adept
>hear about skinny metal korean chopsticks
>order a pair
>can't use them at all
>realize i've been using chopsticks wrong my entire life and it's too late to re-learn

Every time someone posts anything Korean I am reminded of this shameful part of my being.

>> No.7041156

yeah senpai

coreans use metal chopsticks idk why shits are slippery as fuck desu

baka cant describe it sour salty and chili

>> No.7041160

yeah seriously what is the benefit of metal chopsticks? seems unnecessarily irritating to use over wooden ones.

>> No.7041169


More sanitary, easier to clean, more durable

>> No.7041173

spicy pickled (sour/vinegear) cabbage. it' a good condiment, especially paired with something rich/savoury like kalbi or steak.

>> No.7041181

korean guy here

fuck metal chopsticks and their shitty grip

>> No.7041190
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If you're Korean then I'm a Mooninite.

>> No.7041195

get a kgf and have her mom make you homemade kimchi. way better than store bought.

>> No.7041235

condiment? dude i just ate the shit plain out of the jar, am i not supposed to do that?

asian girls don't like me because i'm not a pasty white fucker or black :(

>> No.7041253


>> No.7041258

By the time I buy more jars of kimchi, I've been without for a couple of weeks. One of the first things I do after stowing the groceries is crack open a jar and chow down.

Nothing wrong with eating it by itself.

>> No.7041260

omg yes

always ask for the disposable wooden to-go ones.

...actually just ask for disposable everything at every restaurant it;s disgusting if you think about it

>> No.7041267

Salt content is really high. Lots of us folks who eat kimchi, stews, and other Korean shit tend to suffer from hypertension from the high salt content of the cuisine. Eat it in moderation like all food. But yeah I'm guilty of just pouring cold water over a rice bowl and eating kimchi when I don't feel like cooking.

>> No.7041344

Using chopsticks correctly will give you writer's cramp. It's kinda stupid desu

Technically fermented, not pickled. They introduce lactic acid bacteria instead of soaking it in vinegar (acetic acid).

>> No.7041349

I made some today actually, with about half the ingredients and twice the chilli

I hope with less seasoning it will make a more versatile side

>> No.7041364

I really like the sweetened Radish, Potato, or Cucumbers.

Any of those side dishes is so great when contrasted with a fire loaded hot soup, or spicy chicken dish.

>> No.7041366

Pickling includes fermentation.

>> No.7041375

what are you supposed to do with this stuff anyway? Do you eat it like a pickle, to cut the richness of whatever else you're eating? Can you fry it like that chinese fermented chili shit they use to get the fried rice going at takeout joints?

>> No.7041400

You can eat as a side dish, you can chop then fry it, and you can use it in various stews and soups. Depending on what type of kimchi.

>> No.7041409

>More sanitary, easier to clean
I'd assume lacquer-coated wooden chopsticks aren't worse than metal in that regard.

>> No.7041411


> think you're a chopstick pro
> find out yesterday that the correct way to use them is to rest the bottom chopstick on your ring finger rather than your middle

my entire life has been a lie

>> No.7041418

i want to test kimchi, what's a good, simple and cheap korean dish i can make that kimchi works with?

>> No.7041420

Kimchi fried rice.

>> No.7041634

>Can't use metal chopsticks / Korean

>> No.7041882

what was your method and what is the proper method? I know I do it wrong, but it works and I enjoy it, so who cares?

>> No.7042011

Fuck man, that sounds good. Could it work in a stir fry w/ oyster sauce?

>> No.7042017

Literally cook up some rice and put kinchi on it

I eat it plain though

>> No.7042096

Kimchi is probably one of the few things that actually tastes better store bought than home made
I've eaten a lot of kimchi over my lifetime

>> No.7042105

pls gb a spoonface somewhere else

>> No.7042117

Die you disgusting koreaboo faggots.

>> No.7042177
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>> No.7042189

Asian girls like pasty white guys?

I mean, I had a Taiwanese gf and I never really noticed her saying anything of the sort.

>> No.7042199
File: 130 KB, 800x533, do-chua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /do chua/?

It is really easy to make, lasts a while in the fridge and goes well with a lot of food.

You can quick pickle other vegetables using the same method as do chua as well.

>> No.7042255

>tfw buy a kilo of sauerkraut from the local polish shop for $1
>tfw eat it with everything

I wish kimchi was this cheap and easy to find here.

>> No.7042502
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Pic related is apparently the proper method.

I, and most people it sounds like, don't use the ring finger, which works completely fine until you try Korean chopsticks.

>> No.7042526

You don't use your ring finger, the chopstick that is propped against the ring finger stays stationary. The chopstick that is placed between pointer and middle acts as an extension of your digits. I notice white people have trouble with the technique because they try to move both sticks independent of each other. The idea is use chopstick is similar to picking something up with your finger tips. So the ring finger chopstick should tuck under the food you wish you grasp and the too chopstick should come down and firmly grip the food against the firmly held bottom stick.

>> No.7042532


been going to a local chinese restaurant my family were very friendly with my entire life, and have always been using chopsticks. If not using the ring finger, how do you possibly use them? The idea is totally blowing my mind. You need to use thumb, forefinger, and your middle finger to control one stick properly, how do you do it? video example?

>> No.7042888
File: 11 KB, 350x250, chopstick_3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No ring finger involved, and it works just as well as the "proper" technique 100% of the time when Korean chopsticks aren't involved.

>> No.7042897

There's no support for the bottom of the chopstick so you can't use it for large pieces of meat or vegetables when cooking or when extending you arm over a large table

>> No.7042906


It works just as well, and is arguably less awkward.

>> No.7042994
File: 1.12 MB, 1328x1499, 2015-11-04 17.14.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that fucking method.

I put them sticks on both sides of my middle finger. I swear when I was like 9 and at a chink buffet the directions said to do that and I've been doing that ever since.

And it works for me

I couldn't find a picture on Internet so I just took a picture of it using some paintbrushes

>> No.7043038

I usually get the kind in a glass jar at my local Asian market. It's so pickley and spicy and wonderful. My favorite are the first few top pieces because they're fizzy like they're carbonated.

This last time, I grabbed some from a plastic container that looked homemade. Looks the same, mostly cabbage and onion, but it is quite sweet, and hardly spicy. Is it because of a variation in recipe or is authentic supposed to be sweet? I've recently learned of Korean food often containing pear or apple juice, but then again I bought it at a Vietnamese grocery... so confused.

>> No.7043206



>> No.7043222

yo, the recipe for cabbage kimchi on notjustrice is pretty good and easy. The basic sauce is ok, lacks zing tho. I add more pepper, pears and soy sauce to mine.


roundeye detected

>> No.7043247


I'm not a huge fan of Maangchi, but her kimchi video is pretty solid and makes it look easy (she's no nonsense as fuck when actually cooking).

Before trying this I used the Momofuku/Lucky Peach recipe, which wasn't as detailed on technique but still good.


>> No.7043256

I use that recipe for kimchi. I just made my batch for winter and like Maangchi's recipe the most.

Planning on making that army base stew or kimchi stew once my kimchi gets a little older.

>> No.7043357

what is it? google gives me an old chink lawyer.

>> No.7043437


It's just quick pickled daikon and carrot.

It's the shit you get on a banh mi.

>> No.7044405

There's a whole variety of kimchi variation depending on what region and province of Korea the recipe originates from. Also it depends on the season and type of cabbage used. There's kimchi is salted and brined and ingrediants are added after and stored in earthenware pots during the winter to ferment in the ground, there are kimchi where a paste mixture of red pepperflakes, salt, brine shrimps and other ingrediants are spread on individual leaves of the cabbage and stored to pickle for a short period or can be eaten fresh, there are also many refreshing kimchi that are sweeter or of a lighter palate, usually using Korean raddish, other root vegetables, or brined cucumber. Kimchi is very versatile.

>> No.7044500

What else do you guys use kimchi for outside of Korean food? I can (and do) eat sauerkraut on practically everything but I have a harder time finding stuff that suits kimchi. I've heard of it in quesadillas but I'm skeptical.

>> No.7044508

You can put it in any dish that can take a pickle or needs spicing up. You dice the kimchi, drain the liquid and place it on or mix into whatever dish you want to try it. It also cooks fries well and boils well.

>> No.7044515

Most meat dishes, ramyun, hot sandwiches

>> No.7044520
File: 469 KB, 2000x1500, kimchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was waiting for another korean thread but this'll do.

Does anyone know what's in this cup? I got it with some takeout a few days ago, came with the kimchi jjigae.

>> No.7044530

Jangajjhi. Basically soy sauce pickles.

>> No.7044537
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If it looks good, eat it.

>> No.7044546

You wouldn't happen to know what sort of vegetables they are would you? I figured the sticks were some bamboo sort of thing. No idea what the rest is. Looks like cabbage, but it was unusually chewy/rubbery.

I threw it all in the stew, I was just curious.

>> No.7044555

Garlic stems and old left over daikon.
>threw it in the stew
Why would you do that?

>> No.7044586

I wasn't given instructions. Usually you put the toppings onto the food, I don't know.

>> No.7044600

Those are side dishes and are meant to be eaten between the stew and rice.

>> No.7044618

Oh I put that in the stew also. It was really thin, don't know if it was meant to be but the consistency wasn't what I'd call stew.

>> No.7044627

Then it was soup, anyway, you went and fucked up your meal, man. But as long as you enjoyed it that's okay. If you did not enjoy it try eating in the restaurant next time and ask the middle aged slightly upset looking Korean lady to explain what each component of the meal is and how it all should be consumed and enjoyed. And slide her 5 dollars and wink twice for the happy ending.

>> No.7044646

Maybe but I swear the menu said stew.

also while the kitchen staff was a bunch of regular korean guys, the waitress was this 20 something white girl, yet oddly there was only korean families sitting when I was there. And the place has like 10 tables.

It's pretty quaint actually. I really should eat there. I feel like they jipped me with the takeout proportions.

>> No.7044651

This, as someone who has used metal and actual wodden chopsticks (not the shit you get at chinese take out) the wooden is far superior. It's like 500% harder to pick up food with metal chopsticks. proper wood chopsticks that you can use over and over again are GOAT

>> No.7044654

Side dishes are expensive, lately crop failures of napa cabbages has really caused the price of kimchi to increase. If there is not one old Korean lady it's no good, man. Unless you're into sliding 5 bucks to a Korean man and winking twice at him. I ain't judging.

>> No.7044660


If you believed in the concept of "meme food" and knew anything outside of /ck/, you'd be aware of how korean-mexican fusion has been huge out in Sriracha land for almost a decade now.

My only problem with popular things is when someone takes me somewhere and I have to wait in line. You shouldn't care what other people think, especially online.

>irrelevant rant

I like cooking so I make shit at home and try all sorts of things.

>> No.7045151

Thanks senpai. gonna try this recipe, never made one with a rice base and no bell peppers.. worried about where the fuck I can get saeujeot.

Anyone here ever made danmuji? I make mine with turmeric, is it acceptable?

>> No.7045179
File: 61 KB, 300x196, kim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, kim chi broke my heart

>> No.7045254

I'm actually Korean but ok

>> No.7045257

>Born and raised in the U.S.
>Doesn't speak Hangul
>I'm Korean guys!