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7040277 No.7040277 [Reply] [Original]

Ayahuasca is a Tea
what are your favorite ayahuasca recipes /ck/

>> No.7040285

I just drink robotussin and whiskey

>> No.7040336

DXM is honestly a rather poor drug
The ayahuasca purge makes you cleanse ur blood and allows the user very insightful experiences
and alcohol is a degenerate's drink in its own right to be honest

>> No.7040345

STOP talking shit about my drugfu

>> No.7040355

A heaping bag of red or yellow banisteriopsis caapi root
A Floridian wild coffee bush load of leaves
A datura or brugmansia flower and leaf combo for extra funsies

>Tfw live in Florida and all the ingredients grow wild on my street except the root which I just get online
>Tfw Hawaiian baby woodrose vine on my street has finally started to flower and produce seeds

>> No.7040363

you don't seem to have any DMT containing plants in your brew
i personally find this rather odd even though ayahuasca refers to the maoi alkaloids
how do coffee and datura interact with maoi
or rather how is the experience

>> No.7040368

Floridian wild coffee has dmt in the leaves
Acacia is good too but I think it's best for extracting tee bee aych

Datura turns it into Mr bones wild ride

>> No.7040420

I actually wouldn't recommend acacia
i believe that is more 5-MeO-DMT based and that kinda of trip has a lot of people screaming n shit
its not a bad drug, it just confronts u with ur bullshit a lot more graphically, you can get a good ass trip off it too.

Mimosa Hostilis has the highest DMT concentration of any plant atm i believe
and its nigger cheap
why waste ut time with floridian wild coffee leaves b0ss

>> No.7040481

will the popo get me for ordering mimosas

>> No.7040492


>> No.7040494

also how do i prep it

>> No.7040509


Champagne and OJ for everyone?

As long as you're aware they exist, aren't stupid, confrontational, and don't seek their care or attention: probably not.

I never drank it, and I only know one person who drank it... Said it was nauseous, but interesting. I don't mind the purge, but I don't like natural things, usually, except mush. My mate and I's favourite psychedelic drug is magic mushrooms. He likes other herbs, natural things, and was thoroughly exposed to that, but entirely natural things usually don't agree with me.

>> No.7040517

to be totally honest dmt is the only drug i indulge in aside from coffee

this may seem rather odd however it is true
dmt also isnt much of a hippie drug
that era of people were more weed, acid, nitrous, coke, etc.

>> No.7040524

it is legal

>> No.7040529

>entirely natural things usually don't agree with me.
doesn't really make sense m8, probably just bias against "natural things"

>> No.7040551
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i agree that people that divide things between chemicals and natural shit are the cancer of the earth however i do know what he means
a lot of plant based drugs cause nausea in the come up such as Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Shrooms, etc. "Chemicals" generally just sit in ur stomach and do their thing as they are generally just silly wittle pills.

>> No.7040556

>make tea from 8 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds
>carefully remove all the "hairs" since apparently that will make you sick
>wolf it down, even though it tastes like concentrated burnt coffee
>an hour later, start to see psychedelic visuals
>put on some music, intending to spend a quiet night tripping balls
>then the nausea comes in
>oh fuck
>puke the tea out and spend the next 10 minutes shivering and dry heaving
>"it's cool, i've done this before. i'm done puking and now i'll be fine"
>body load rushes in. my fingers go numb and every muscle in my body feels like it's being ripped apart
>stagger off to bed as my vision goes dark
>nausea comes back twice as hard
>run to the bathroom again and collapse as i reach the toilet and vomit. again.
>spend the next 6 hours on the bathroom floor, curled up in a ball, room spinning, puking, until i pass out from exhaustion
>to this day, if i taste anything that tastes like woodrose seeds, i vomit

I don't want to do ayahuasca because I don't want that to happen to me again. The only insight I gained was that I really love being alive and not high on anything.

>> No.7040560

yeah wasn't thinking about the nausea part. i almost threw up on hawaiian baby rosewoods and didn't even trip, but shrooms are my shit.

>> No.7040573

this wont happen with ayahuasca
the purge is very different and it feels rather nice or at least like ur being purified

ive had several bad experiences with hawaiian baby woodrose despite loving it as much as i do
i would recommend doing a proper extraction
this makes for a much cleaner experience
or you could do a cold water extraction and put it in cooled ayahuasca

>> No.7040575

4-AcO-DMT is legal and is processed into psylocin by your body
it is also nigger cheap compared to shrooms
they can be put into pills or added to your ayahuasca brew.

>> No.7040581

i live with my parents currently, so i don't want to order anything of even questionable legality. i wish i could order research chemicals so bad.

>> No.7040588

I believe it is called a PO Box
get a job
they cost 50 bucks a month here
save up some money from a job, pay for ur PO Box and immediately order a huge load of research chems and ayahuasca brew shit that same night to ensure it gets there before ur PO Box expires. This means u will have a place u can pick ur own shit up from and carry in a bag and hide. Just never bring brewed ayahuasca to school, only ingredients.
good luck

>> No.7040593

im currently in school but this summer i should have an internship at a place i volunteered last summer. i dont know what they're paying me but if i can make 200 bucks that's enough for stims and 4-aco/ayahuasca. hopefully shit goes according to plan.

>> No.7040599

Please don't buy stims
just get 5-MeO-DALT instead of any stims. Stick to coffee and thats all. Stimulants are the most damaging drugs mentally, opiates the most damaging physically, and psychedelics are just safe a mofo.

>> No.7040602

bclsupply com

just a little help man
and like i said
stay in that substituted tryptamine section

>> No.7040604

Not even 4-fa? or 2-fma for functional shit like studying? I'm staying far away from opiates but occasional use seems fine for stims.

>> No.7040628

up2u man
just know that stims are the most mentally damaging and the fucking dependency hits u faster than it does for opiates
if you want shit for studying go to nootropics like adrifinil/modafinil, noopept, and alpha gpc

>> No.7040846

You are living under a rock if you think there aren't modern day hippies.

>> No.7040943

oh i agree that id be living under a rock to believe such a thing
however modern day hippies also follow a similar formula
iv met the burnt out hippy stereotype in several different forms within the last 4 years
they dont obsess over DMT as I do
I wouldnt mess with any other drugs other than DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 4-AcO-DMT, and caffeine
those are the only ones ill ever really feel safe doing and will accept in my body
I find the assumption that you do psychedelics misleading as to the general drug patterns of modern hippies and how people who use certain drugs behave

>> No.7041310

>don't get stims
Stimulants are truly the best drugs

>> No.7041325

How does one get ayahuasca?

>> No.7041575

mimosa hostilis on ebay then make tea

>> No.7042347

Thanks bruh

>> No.7042378

Is /ck/ the de-facto drugs board?

>> No.7042391


>> No.7042400

Yes, but you have to phrase it right.

You can't ask how people smoke weed, but you can make a thread about cooking with weed.

And you'll probably be banned. Like tobacco, it's not REALLY /ck/, but sometimes the mods delete the thread, sometimes they dont.

>> No.7042407

"itt: post crack recipes"

>> No.7042521

>heat up cocaine
>add baking soda
>sell it for a vcr

>> No.7042767

>drugs board
most of the druggies on /b/ are meth or coke heads, such people aren't worth consulting for discussion
maybe in the case of mild stims for the sake of work like with caffeine or nootropics that feel similar to amphetamines such as alpha brain, however stimulants(and amphetamines in general) that are made for fun n shit like coke, meth, vyvanse, ritalin, adderal, etc. are in my opinion horrible drugs. The only good drugs for recreational use in my opinion are psychedelics.

>> No.7042803


>> No.7043627
File: 122 KB, 637x817, BTRFS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What up, *sumi.
Bump for a good recipe focusing on B. caapi.

>> No.7043982

> dont eat the best type of drugs
wtf mang