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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7039969 No.7039969 [Reply] [Original]

who /industry/ here?

Waiter here. Working a double, on my 2 hr break here. Chilling at the house cuddling with the cat, I'm so comfy I wish I could just sleep instead, fuck the tips. Close at 10.

>> No.7039983
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>2 hr break

>> No.7039985

He works a split.

>> No.7039989


>close at 10

I wish I served at a place that closed FUCK stupid diners


So work through it

That's what I always did

>> No.7040139

Sous chef for a corporate cafe of a large pharmaceutical company. Feed about 2k people daily

>> No.7040143

>I work for no money

Congratulations. You were a slave.

>> No.7040200
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Waiter at a Thai place here
Free food after every shift, great coworkers, nice customers, state doesn't take tips out of my wages, short shifts late in the day
What more could I ask for?
Wish I could be working directly with the food though
No talent, no real kitchen experience but I want to learn
Waiting is hella comfy tho

>> No.7040233

>actually clocking out

Lol kek

>> No.7040243

Same gig, waiter at a nice cafe. Love the people I work with, work's good, nice regulars, good food. In NZ so no tips which I'm glad about.

Is it normal in the US etc for cafes to serve full meals, or just coffee + biscuits?

>> No.7040256

Shut the fuck up, if you mean Pfizer in NYC it doesn't work that way.

>> No.7040260

Depends on the area/cafe
Most places out here (Portland, Oregon) have some sandwiches, cookies, muffins, maybe some soup or something

>> No.7040267

Cafes tend to just have sandwiches and late fare, but it's not a very strict definition

>> No.7040269


Cafe typically implies you can get some lighter food, like soups, salads, and sandwiches.

A place that focuses on coffee and only sells a few pastries is just usually referred to as a coffee shop.

>> No.7040276

Fuckin' faggit detected... it knows the definitions of cafes and shit.

>> No.7040283

I seriously hope English is not your first language

>> No.7040286

Finishing up 8 hour shift at the mom and pop restaurant then bartending from 8-3.
Both tip really well but I'm feeling down today and acting happy go lucky is fucking draining.

>> No.7040287


>on food and cooking board
>offended that people sometimes know about things related to food and cooking

Fuck off, shitposter.

>> No.7040290

It is, so your hopes and dreams have been flushed down the toilet bowl.

>> No.7040293

Holy shit you're a retard. Am I a faggot for also knowing what a bank and a police station is?

How does the American education system let people like this get their GED?

>> No.7040295


>> No.7040297

Cheers lads.

In NZ cafe often implies full cooked meals as well, but can vary. Our place does dinner service as well but the owners didn't advertise so its quiet almost every night.

>> No.7040299

>works for tips
>2hr break

Why even bother taking the double

>> No.7040303
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Are you drunk?

>> No.7040302

You sound like a product of the "never let a nigger get left behind" act.

Trust me, those books are cooked.

>> No.7040305

I'm going to be soon, it's my first job ever, just waiting for the place to open. Going to be kitchen staff, and I'm starting out at 12 dollars an hour plus tips. Super excited and super nervous.

>> No.7040306 [DELETED] 

Are you a retarded nigger?

>> No.7040308


The waitstaff still makes a wage, and they're not going to get paid to sit around when the place is dead.

>> No.7040312

Not him, but when someone works a double with a 2 hour break it's between lunch and dinner, a time when it's dead.
Then you come back for the rush/tips

>> No.7040319
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>> No.7040320
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Asst. General Manager of a steakhouse here. Off today, thank god.

55-60 hour workweek but the money is comfy as hell.

Hit my bonus routinely every month. Cant complain. Staff is great but the chef is a cunt. Luckily i am his superior so he doesnt give me too much shit otherwise i send his ass packing home. Hes hourly so he doesnt like that. But almost all the drama in the restaurant is because of him. Dont know why my boss wont let me get rid of him. We dont have any special dishes only he can make. I can fucking make anything on the menu.

He does have talent at cooking large amounts of food but damn its not worth the drama. Hopefully wont have to put up with it much longer.

>> No.7040324

OK that makes sense.

>> No.7040325
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Do your fuckin' job and stop whining.

>> No.7040328

1/2 Sou chef here just waiting for dinner to end

>> No.7040331


>assistant gm think he's the chef's superior
>chef gets paid hourly
>chef has a bad attitude

Sounds like a problem with management to me.

>> No.7040332

As a patron of the establishment that you don't own or have any interest in, it's not in my interest to give a flying fuck about your job. Just do it and get over it, you little faggots think that you're the only ones that have done that in the world, you pathetic special snowflake faggits!

>> No.7040334

Seems pretty easy to solve, for instance does the company have a website? If so then look the shit up. Don't be a lazy whiny cunt.

>> No.7040337

i work in a deli and sometimes the boss lets me take the turkey and roast beef out of the oven, does that count?

>> No.7040338
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Dishwasher here. Working part-time and going to college.

The place I work in now is different from the corporate-run shitshows I've worked at before. At least I get treated like a human being, and my co-workers are generally polite people.

>> No.7040340

>He does have talent at cooking large amounts of food but damn its not worth the drama

Guess what's gonna happen if you fire the guy, you'll be in the shit

>> No.7040354

If the company doesn't have a website then ask directly when you get hired.

Don't be a schumck.

>> No.7040398

I work a family run pub kitchen. Small place, so I'm the only one working in the kitchen. Not exactly busy, a good day is 55-60 covers, but seeing as I do all the cleaning and washing up its enough to keep me occupied.

>> No.7040399

>tfw work in the industry
>tfw 9-5 M-F
>tfw work at a desk and never get my hands messy
>tfw make decent money
It's a lot of good feels

>> No.7040422

>sous chef.
>On shift, on /ck/

You fucking on a smoke break faggot?

>> No.7040428

Nah dude we did all of our covers early sent home some people now we're just breaking down to wait some more

>> No.7040429

Line cook here.
On break before close and teardown.
Today was slow as fuck, only about 100 covers.

>> No.7040455

Chef at wendys. Feel free to ask me anything

>> No.7040457

Last place I worked was a small place. It was a 2 man show, with a 3rd floating for prep shift on the weekends. I ran the line alone more than once.

I gotta tell you, my "buddy" left mid shift once, I was able to feel a bit of your pain that day. It was a real shit show dude.

>> No.7040484


>> No.7040488

is it true that the hamburger meat in your chili is sometimes months old?

>> No.7040518

That's no whining;just a lot of restaurants policy, faggot.

I'm not a server but my ex was and she worked that shift.

>> No.7040534

Chef of an organic restaurant here, sometimes i'd like the working hours of a regular person but even on my day off i get bored after about 5 hours. Ask me anything i suppose

>> No.7040536

How much do you get paid?

>> No.7040584

salary equates to £18 An Hour, generous for kitchens but at 90 hours a week of hard labour is awful compared to comfy 9-5's

>> No.7040624

Like your job is that fucking hard.
Bitch somewhere else dropout.

>> No.7040877

Whats the most challenging part of your job?

>> No.7040897

Underpaid as fuck (more than the usual) line cook, in an italian restaurant, here. Just got home after a slow night. Yesterday I skipped work for the first time in my life. Felt weird, but at least my head felt clearer today

>> No.7041003

There a lot of places that won't let you. Laws and other bullshit. The boss might push you to work through it but it's technically illegal and he probably isn't paying you for the hour but you don't notice.

>> No.7041012

Did you at least call in to say you can't show up? Where I work, 1 missed shift without prior notification is an automatic firing.

>> No.7041014

Working at a college food court. Making pizza all day and serving customers. It was pretty good but fuck our dish guy for being the first one out while I clean my station alone and everyone else is a team of 2 or 3.

>> No.7041026

>First out
Lol wat, doesn't he have to clean shit from line after you do teardown? Where I've worked, thw dish guys were always the last out to

>> No.7041032

The kitchen tonight was the people packaging and making cookies and salads, and a guy who was roasting chicken and other shit for the next few days. The rest is already made and stored to be heated when needed. But it was relatively slow and with 2 dish guys they went through it fast. But fuck me for actually staying open till we close because I like my job and have a good work ethic. I came back with my last 3 pans and he bitched about having to turn the machine back on.

>> No.7041037

He sounds like an ass. As a former dishwasher, I am sorry that you have to deal with that. I always tried to keep the pit as clean and clear as possible for the next shift.

>> No.7041049
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Delivery driver here.
Started working at a pizza place when I dropped out of college, saving money to move out and hoping to find a better job soon.
This industry seriously sucks. A ton of our customers feel so entitled to the place that they threatened one of our managers with calling the owner because we ran out of a dough near closing time.
She still made the dough for their ungrateful asses but they definitely didn't deserve it. Making dough is literally the worst job in building.
They also made one of our waiters cry, then tipped the waitress that didn't even help them like $30.

>> No.7041070

People are dumb, Anon. I'm glad that I work in the back of house and don't have to deal with them.

>> No.7041118
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I know I shouldn't even bother replying, but this sounds like a chatbot making sentences from words it found on /b/

>> No.7041157

Line cook here, work with 3 other people during the week and 5 on the weekends. the pay's shit but i enjoy the work and i'm trying to make it to sous chef because we just fired one of our sous. If I can manage that I'll get better hours / bonus options and a wage increase. Hoping for the best.

>> No.7041161

>They also made one of our waiters cry,
Americans are big cry babies.

>> No.7041203

You're a fucking retard

>> No.7041274

Nobody parties like a waiter does.

>> No.7041346
File: 39 KB, 200x200, Kitty cook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Server/Assistant Manager at a Sushi/teppanyaki restaurant near a middle/upper class area. Work as a server Fri/Sat/Sun making great tips with great coworkers that pull all their own weight and more. It's literally the first place i'v ever worked where I feel like everyone around me holds the same work ethic as myself. Mon/Wed I'm on as an Assistant manager. All the staff have years of experience so I barely have to do anything. I'll go shoot the shit with regulars, and shmooz with new tables. I haven't had to void/comp anything in weeks which is unreal compared to other jobs. College on Tues/Thurs all day. I have very little free time, but the income is great, and the closing work is so easy our servers can actually get out 10 minutes after closing instead of staying till midnight or 1am rolling silverware or some other shit.

>> No.7041396

fuck dudes who's prime directive is getting out "on time" they are the worst to open after.

>> No.7041401

No where that you go two days a week is a college.

>> No.7041527

OZ Barista here, wish my hands weren't getting uglier each day. What lotions do you use?

>> No.7041567

I used to have 12 hours of classes on only two days at a 4 year university

>> No.7041588

Honestly the first 20 mins after waking up, shaking off the tiredness that's built up. It's a small establishment so egos and beauracracy are at a minimum which is always nice, and i get fantastic produce so the creative side is quite simple. I think the only difficult part is the effect on my outside life, i don't see my wife or family enough

>> No.7041593

If you count line work, I used to be an industry worker as a sandwich/salad architect at Panera Bread. 55 hours a week was aight; like 30g's a year if I'd kept it up.

The only thing I miss is their asiago steak sandwich because I'm too lazy to cook steak.

>> No.7041636


>sandwich/salad architect
>not being a sandwich/salad engineer


>> No.7041637

Not sure. I put it on my skin then I have to put it back in the basket again.

>> No.7041638


Sous chef at Burger King.
Just finished double.
Tired as all get out.
Meth and vodka time.

>> No.7041655

what kind of idiot are you

you can easily schedule full time college classes on 2 weekdays, I used to live on my college's campus and only had class 2 times a week pulling 15 credits in a semester

>> No.7042149

This is true in most kitchens. No show=no job.

>> No.7042404

You mean by arriving to the party late when people are already starting to leave, chugging as much booze within a few minutes as possible to catch up to how drunk you should be by that time, then quietly watching a movie for about 45 minutes because nobody feels like partying anymore, before going home because everyone has left? Because that's how I partied on Halloween this year.

>> No.7042410

the last thing I remember halloween night was two grils asking "want a shot" so I got up and followed them, took the shot and went "EEUGH was that MALIBU?" "Yeah" "EUUUGH"

and then I woke up on a couch with a small dog sleeping on me.

>> No.7042649

Bartender here, pretty comfy but I work at a restaurant and hate the whole uniform thing and other shit. I want shots and loud music back.

>> No.7042661

commis chef here, fucking LOVING my job

i feel sorry for my sous chef, nobody likes him right now to be honest. he can't even make a roux properly LOL so he probably should be fired asap

>> No.7042690

>tipping is mandatory
Jej off yourself you entitled baby.

>> No.7042853

Not pfizer

>> No.7042981

Mandatory tipping is just paying for service. You wouldn't go eat the food and then be outraged they expect you to pay a bill for it, would you?

>> No.7043987

Dishwasher here, my co-dishie is being moved up to prep soon. Fingers crossed that I will get the same training in a couple months; I want to climb my way out of hell into a sweet 8am-5pm spot and drop out of school.

>> No.7044018


Anons like that are either fuck 'murrica shitposters or kids who've never even been inside a real restaurant.

Just ignore it.

>> No.7044030

You won't be moved up. He got the spot over you because he's better than you, and the excuse you will hear why you're not going to be moved up is, "But you're so good at your job. No one could do it better."

I use to tell dish dogs this to string them along to stay for a few more months to a few more years because they work for almost nothing. This was back when I was small time running kitchens in tiny mom and pop places.

Now I'm a chef at 3 places in NYC, LA, and Chicago. Don't get your hopes up kid. Get out while you can. There's nothing for you in the food industry.

>> No.7044044

>He got the spot over you because he's better than you
Well yeah, of course he is. He's been here for a couple months longer than I have.

Our restaurant has enough trouble hiring competent prep cooks who actually like/are willing to stay in the position. The last new hire was so bad that they've demoted him to dish to move the other guy up.

>> No.7044071

You're talking about dropping out of school to get a chance at doing prep. You want to give up your chance at higher education to do work to make someone else's job easier.

If you don't have motivation and drive to better yourself than the food industry isn't for you.

Stay in school and find something else to do.

>> No.7044079

9-5 prepcook/opener reporting in.

It isn't worth it. Stay in school.

>> No.7044090


Last place I worked the head chef left and went through some pretty rough times (I was working half the station, six days a week, doing a double here and there on last minute notice - as a relatively inexperienced line cook... I got respect as fuck, but should have been making closer to what the tenured Guatemalans were making, while choosing their shifts).

We went through so many new people so fast it was ridiculous, especially considering how most of the kitchen was pretty much a family, and then there's a new guy coming in every week.

The worst is when you get a an overqualified asshole who just left a chef position for something less stressful and acts like he runs the kitchen on the first day. Fortunately our new chef (pretty much autistic black felon dude who was the old sous) would put them on morning shift dish to put them in their place.

There's honestly nothing like watching a cocky asshole (who could admittedly cook better than most of the kitchen) wheel the trash cans to the dumpsters,past everyone in the middle of the day in the middle of downtown.

>> No.7044099


The food industry is for felons, 3rd world immigrants, and complete fuck ups, but being nothing more than a prep cook is pretty sad, if you're not staging at a really good place.

I got on the line with no experience whatsoever, fucked up a bit, like everybody, and was running the lunch shift by myself after a few months.

>> No.7044102

>Now I'm a chef at 3 places in NYC, LA, and Chicago.
how are you a chef in three different cities all very far away from each other?

>> No.7044112

It's ass-backwards here. You're trained on line, then on prep. It probably explains how poorly the store runs.

>> No.7044114

What? Nigga I worked for motherbread for a year and never heard it called that. It was always "line associate". I used to do truck. Went in at midnight and was out quick. Bakers always liked me.

>> No.7044116

No, the place is a mess, even though its a big restaurant that sells a lot. I pretty much left a message for the cook in charge, since we don't really have a Chef, at the moment (partially why its a mess), but he was doing a double shift and didn't pick up in time, I felt a little bad when I remembered. Also let the other line cook that works the main dishes with me know, but he thought I was joking.

But long story short, managers didn't seem to give much of a fuck, hell, they looked like they were afraid to even ask me to have a talk with them and pretty much ignored the situation.

I'm usually committed as fuck, but I'm so fed up with my current situation and the lack of care the higher ups have with the kitchen staff as of late, that I cannot bring myself to care anymore.

>> No.7044120

It's not uncommon for exec chefs to run/own multiple restaurants in various locations, even spread across the country.

That being said, I'd guess he's full of shit and is either a line cook at Chilis or just some unemployed neckbeard.

>> No.7044127

I worked hard to get where I am, and I've sacrificed a lot over the years to be able to do it.

I wasn't born into wealth so I busted my hump to learn to cook well.

I'm 47 and I still learn something new everyday.

>> No.7044131


>i still learn something new everyday

That cliche line is the only thing you've said that doesn't make you sound like you're just completely full of shit.

>> No.7044133

How does one fail to make roux?

>> No.7044149

If you fags are in Redcar UK

The Cleveland Bay restaurant, check it out.

>> No.7044154


Pretty sure nobody is going to be visiting Redcar UK any time soon.

>> No.7044161

You're not going to hurt my feelings if you believe me or not. I've worked under a couple very intense chefs when I was starting out.

I had a lot of respect for them, and I had to learn to take what they said and apply that knowledge to benefit my skill set.

You're an anonymous person on the internet with nothing better to do with their time right now. Just like me. Why the fuck would I care what your opinion is or if you believe me? I could be making it all up.

The important thing is there's a young man that wants to drop out of school for a chance to prep food. I'm hoping he will take some advice and not give up academia to prep vegetables and meats.

>> No.7044178

From maps and stuff and people from there that I speak to it seems pretty cool. I'd go there and check out the ocean.

>> No.7044181


Fair enough.

But I, and everyone else who posts in industry threads basically says that same thing every time some kid brings it up.

Working in a kitchen is pretty much the worst "career" choice you can make.

There's no need to say you run multiple restaurants across metropolitan America... Just give actual kitchen advice and people will respond to and appreciate it.

>> No.7044187

I'd check out a boro match live with friends instead of having to pirate them.

>> No.7044201

One of these days Boro will wake up and get into EPL.

>> No.7044208

You're right. I should have approached the subject more humble.

I can't even make the excuse that I'm drunk. I'm not yet.

I think making a career out of kitchen work can be rewarding though, but it takes a special (mildly-retarded) person to want to put up with long hours and shit pay for a very long time to have a chance at success.

>> No.7044211
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>> No.7044226

I was a delivery driver over the summer and it was practically paradise

it probably depends on where you work

It was essentially just chilling, driving around, listening to shit, and meeting cute girls/dogs/cats, with the occasional traffic bullshit. Once I figured out the basic map of town everything was great.

In comparison, I'm at college now and worked a week as a dishwasher at the dining court. it was shit. i walked out.

>> No.7044229

also re: industry i'm majoring in food science so gods be good i'll have a job

i guess it's a slightly different industry but still

>> No.7044232


Well I've seen people stuck at the same level for years, despite being smarter and/or more talented than the people getting the better positions.

It's just like any other job in that there's a huge amount of luck and being an ambitious person who actually knows how to move up.

It's always going to be hard work and long hours - and working hard and being good at what you do will always be noticed (by somebody at least) in a kitchen - but unless somebody is hellbent on spending their life in a kitchen I would never suggest it.

>> No.7044240


Food science is an entirely different industry.

>> No.7044260

Is that the crap where fags design what should go on a plate and in what order?
That's not an industry, that's fag bullshit.

>> No.7044276


Food scientists do all sorts of shit, but not that.

They're scientist who work with food, sometimes with giant corporations who produce foods with 50 ingredients you've never heard of.

>> No.7044280

Food scientists are the fags that decide what goes in Kraft mac and cheese

>> No.7044290

yeah i know. my professors always call it 'the food industry' so i got excited upon seeing this thread but then realized it's all chefs ITT

>> No.7044318


>it's all chefs

More like line cooks, dish slaves, and FoH.

>> No.7044345

As someone who's worked in stage tech & film, it's interesting to hear you guys talk about "tear down" and shit.

>> No.7044379


"Tear down" (never used that term) isn't interesting.

It's the end of a long, hot night on your feet, and you're happy to hear the gm bust through the door and yell, "shut it down".

But then you have to spend the next 20-60 minutes wrapping shit up, walking back and forth to the walk in, labeling things, and otherwise doing janitorial shit so the people who come in 6 hours later have something to start the day with (and sometimes one of those anons is yourself, and you don't want to deal with that shit first thing in the morning when you have a giant prep list to get done during lunch service).

>no more filtering out three fryolators every night after everyone but the dishwasher has gone home

>> No.7044419


>> No.7044474

He wasn't asking how you got where you are, jackass. This isn't a feature on Munchies.

>> No.7044477


>> No.7044502
File: 4 KB, 335x76, this you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


However insignificant, sometimes this is all you need to go to sleep in a halfway decent mood.

>> No.7044672

Maybe I'll just switch into becoming part-time student.

>> No.7044933

he just put some butter in a pan and let it melt for far too long, then threw in some flour (weighing neither the butter nor the flour), mixed it halfheartedly, then put in all the milk in one go

you could see and taste the flour in the dish

>> No.7045035

Currently pulling an all nighter writing out recipes for my Christmas menu and I open in 3 hours thank god for coffee

>> No.7046217

130 pm and I haven't had a table yet.. Fuck.

>> No.7046245

plenty of time to prep!

>> No.7048829

I had a hearty kek. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.7048977

>new hire
>hired to be cold line
>terrible at cold line, demoted to prep
>terrible at prep, demoted to dish
>terrible at dish, stuck with me
I want it to end, why can't we just get rid of him?

>> No.7049160

Is he a spic or a nigger?

>> No.7049403

>be a poorfag
>wait tables for a living
>see family for holidays
>they ask what days I'm working
>tell them
>Oh, ONLY that many?
Every year.

Am I really such a lazy sack of shit for not working 5 days a week? Most of my family doesn't seem to understand the concept of not working a regular 9 to 5. I get by okay and I'm pretty happy with my situation, but every Christmas I end up feeling ashamed.

>> No.7049409

You should see if the boh could use some help prepping instead of standing there twiddling your thumbs complaining on the internet

>> No.7049486

Not him, but in my 10y of BoH experience, FoH has never once tried to help us.

>> No.7049500

That is because the restaurant needs to pay FoH at least minimum wage if they do any prep work.

>> No.7049519
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Who /akm/ here??

>> No.7049544

Confirmed. This anon is a foh faggot and his co-workers prolly hate him.

>not helping boh
>being a whiny ass about prep
Fuck I'd hate you. Every waiter I deal with wants the kitchen to help with their jobs when slammed but when the kitchens slammed they go Fuck off and take ciggarette breaks and dick around

>> No.7049548


>> No.7049555

Lol, I'm new to serving and recently asked a cook if he was all good during a downtime, he was shocked and said nobody's ever asked him that before

>> No.7049572

>ass backwards waiter faggot detected. Gr8b8m8

>> No.7049595

>anally pained line cook faggot detected

Enjoy your shit wage and no tips back there, friend.

>> No.7049640

>line cook
>"fast casual" "mexican food" chain
>make higher wage than any of the other cooks there, including some who have 5 years with company
>still shit pay
>only give me 35 hours a week after breaks because "muh labor hours" and "muh only management is allowed to clock overtime"
>just waiting for them to hire and train new cooks so i can get promotion and another raise
>got approved for the 17th of December off so i can watch star wars premier
>car didnt pass smog
>want to get a 2nd job cause no hours

could be worse. if i could actually get up to 40/hrs a week after breaks at this job i would be making better money than most of my friends.

>> No.7050625

I'd like to help boh some way but I'm terrified of getting in their way or slowing them down because I wouldn't know what I'm doing with anything back there. I only just started at this place about a month ago, though.