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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 240x210, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7039510 No.7039510 [Reply] [Original]

if this didnt make you hungry kill yourself

>> No.7039514

Mmhmmmhhmmmmm I sure do love thumbnails!!!

>> No.7039515

I won't but it really didn't.

It's just grease and salt on grease and salt.

It needs some balance and variety.

>> No.7039518

Brb loading shotgum

>> No.7039519

I'm not fat, so pictures don't make me hungry

>> No.7039521

Mmmmmm meme food

>> No.7039551

>kill yourself
How? By eating it?

Because that is a heart attack right there.

>> No.7039564

>if you're not an obese sack of human waste, kill yourself

Get that helium tank ready, faggot

>> No.7039583
File: 71 KB, 50x42, ants.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7039590


Picture is for ants! What is it, deep fried colonial arteries?

>> No.7039619

>amerifats actually thing that is good food

your meme bacon craving is hilarious

>> No.7039622

The problem with memefood is that it's main purpose is to sound good on paper/be bragged about. When you see a picture like you're thinking of how the first bite will taste, not how you'll feel after eating a whole plate of them.

Put another way, if a dish is a amazing for the first half and nauseating for the second, it's just nauseating food.

>> No.7039639

I could see these being a VERY occasional treat, like for a superbowl party or something. But anyone who would eat those on the regular must have a death wish.
Also, I'd add a strip of jalapeño or other pepper in there.
>freeze cheese sticks
>add a strip of hot pepper to cheese sticks
>wrap frozen cheese stick and pepper in bacon
>quickly fry in peanut oil
>enjoy your artery clogging goodness.

>> No.7039644

Are colonial arteries any different from regular ones?

>> No.7039673

they would be from the colonies, friendo

>> No.7039725

damn looks like we have a master chef in this thread

>> No.7039732

ah, a pile of grease and salt
my favourite food

>> No.7041433


Fuck off

>> No.7041459

May as well stick it right into your aorta.

>> No.7041482

why is the millennial's idea of food always some sort of variation on pizza or candybars?

>> No.7041521

OP is just another fat as fuck piece of shit. Bet he is an american.