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7038850 No.7038850 [Reply] [Original]

I need sum help. I've got plenty of cannabutter but no recipe.
Post your best recipes.

>> No.7038855 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7038865

somehow you're even cringier than any 420blaze it faggot

>> No.7038877

Just make some macaroni and cheese with it.

>> No.7038920
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>> No.7038931

ITT: junkies

>> No.7038948

Go buy a box of cookie or brownie mix, substitute oil for cannabutter.

>> No.7038995

Fried some eggs in it.

>> No.7039026

>find a recipe that you like that includes butter
>use cannabutter instead of regular butter

>> No.7039031

Melt it on low heat, mix with melted peanut butter and or chocolate (get good chocolate faggot) and confectioners sugar.
Delicious fudge. Uses only low heat so good compounds are not destroyed like when you try to make brownies or cookies at home.

>> No.7039121

My friends made a really good pumpkin pie recently. They baked the crust with cannabutter and added extra to the pumpkin filling, and then did cinnamon and nutmeg and I think I caught a taste of allspice. It honestly tasted great.

>> No.7039129

I like to put it on toast in the morning, makes work more interesting.

Also try dipping crab meat in it, that one came to me in a dream

>> No.7039171

lobster Thermidor
be prepared to trip absolute balls

>> No.7039185

Anything that requires regular butter and you don't drain any of the fat off. Baked goods are preferable.

>> No.7039248

Mac & cheese

>> No.7039892

spread it on toast

>> No.7039907 [DELETED] 
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>consuming the herbal Jew

>> No.7039928

Does it have THC?

>> No.7039935


>sorry, i love my family

Actually made me chuckle.

>> No.7039999

Cannabutter? I don't think I've ever bought butter in a can.

>> No.7040019

I think it's funny that the picture still implies that smoking weed is cool as hell.

>> No.7040034

My late stepmother made an awsome and easy dish. Boil a bunch of shell pasta and drain. Add a can of crushed tomatoes and stir. Put butter in the mix until happy. It is best hot and fresh (it went so fast it never got cold).

>> No.7040042

just put that magical weed butter on a saltine cracker and chomp chomp chomp homie. you really get the full effect then. I ate 0.4 grams worth of hash oil(dabs) that i had melted into some butter on one cracker. holleeeee shit was i fucking blitzed and i have a stupid high tolerance due to dabbing all day.

>> No.7040052


1. Simmer butter on low
2. Chop 5 chilies
2. Dice 2 whole onions
3. Mix chilies and onions in a bowl with you're hands
4. Immediately rub your eyeballs
5. Dip ballsack into hot butter
6. Fuck you you fucking faggot

>> No.7040060

More like 36 ways to make your self look like an ass

The only cool way to say no to smoking is just no if someone asks why just say because I don't enjoy it

>> No.7040067

Did someone in your family die from a weed overdose or something?

>> No.7040094


>> No.7040191
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>> No.7040198

Try drinking vinegar with water.

>> No.7040201


>> No.7040223


>> No.7040270

no you will fail
i recommend not eating or excersizing and only drinking water and lots of it... like non stop untuil ur test
take some b-12 vitamins and plenty of creatin 4 hours before the test
otherwise use ur vacation days and dedicate them to detoxing

>> No.7040274

Anything with rice

When boiling your rice add some butter

And then use the rice in a recipe or eat plain

>> No.7040279


>> No.7040339

It depends on how much mary jane you were smoking.

You need to give us a lot more info.

>> No.7040343

>Get a life you ganja gremlin

>> No.7040357


>stoners are junkies automatically

>> No.7040389
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>tfw when I abstained for 2 months, passed my new job piss test, and just hit the clinic for edibles and hash

>> No.7040417

>le marijuana is non addicting maymay

>> No.7040423


this mindblowingly edgy

the picture I mean

>> No.7040439

this is a work safe board you faggot
my boss saw this and told me to clean out my desk
I'll hunt y you down

>> No.7040446

You don't work. Quit lying. You're a stay at home dad.

>> No.7040447

>I'm calling the cops on you.

>> No.7040500

I slice some off into a shot glass, heat it up in the microwave until it is completely liquid, then take the shot. Fuck mixing it with food.

>> No.7040505

A bunch of shake... stems, leaves, whatever, and whatever bud you/your friends/the recipient wants to throw in, a mickey of vodka, two pounds of butter, and enough water to cover the weed by 2-3 inches in a large stockpot.

let it all simmer (if in doubt, bring the water to a boil, and then turn it down until it no longer boils before adding everything else) for 2-3 hours, adding water as necessary to make sure that the butter will float above the marijuana... remove from heat, and allow the butter to solidify.

>> No.7040515

>dude weed lmao

>dude hilarious pepe meme xD

>> No.7040527

Ask here, they are more suited for your pleb DUDE WEED LMAO requests, degenerate


>> No.7040530

>cool kid offers you weed
>immediately announce to him that you're going to narc on him
>"yeah, kids are going to think i'm cool"

What the fuck kind of fascist police-worshipping reefer-bogeyman scaredy grandma knitting circle wrote this utter bullshit? This would get a kid fucking beaten up all day.

>> No.7040539

Just took a dab this made me lol

>> No.7040726


If you somehow managed to become dependant on marijuana then something's horribly wrong with you.

>> No.7040860

Dude just take literally any recipe that uses butter and use the canni-butter instead.

>> No.7040945

I won't deny marijuana, like any substance illicit or otherwise, can be addictive, but I'm more hooked on caffeine and jacking off than I am pot. Stopped smoking about a month ago for a new state job that randomly drug tests after toking daily for six years and I have yet to get headaches, shivers or bouts of insanity. I'll admit that I was bored out of my fucking mind the first week, but then I started lifting and reading Stephen King novels.

>> No.7040950

>2 months

Sweet christ, do you have the metabolism of a fucking dead moose?

>> No.7040961

smoke more of the marawans so that a rediculous amount is found in your system that it must be a faulty test.

>> No.7040968

I use that nestle double chocolate chip recipe and substitute the chocolate chips for andes chunks. Covers the nasty taste pretty well.

>> No.7041066

Sure, marijuana is addicting. So is chocolate, big macs, soda, coffee, etc. Doesn't make it automatically bad if you have even an ounce of willpower.

>> No.7041909
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>> No.7042114

Hop on a rowing machine for 6 hours and drink as much water as you possibly can.

>> No.7042182

Good. Quit smoking weed

>> No.7042193
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>weed makes you mean

>> No.7042214

This. That's pretty much it. But I'm guessing OP just wants peoples reactions and not an actual recipe.

>> No.7042216

If I ever smoked around anyone else I'd find them unbearably annoying and would just get really pissed off at how dumb they were while high.

>> No.7042222

How the fuck did you make it without a recipe?

Get a friend to piss in a baggie 4 u

>> No.7042226

Ask for a retest since there's such a high risk of false positive. Just keep drinking water and doing cardio until then. Even if you don't pass the second test, at least you've screwed your employer out of a couple hundred bucks.

>> No.7042230

>No way, Bob Marley is awful

This tbqhwufam

>> No.7042232

sounds like either you're kind of a dick or you need to get less shitty friends to smoke around. or both.

>> No.7042312 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7042317

made me laugh

>> No.7042329
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getting this mad

>> No.7042335

>be gone
>no, i'm allergic to hate
>i never inject, weed sucks!
>get a life you ganja gremlin

is this satire?

>> No.7042381

Neither, actually. Most people are just really dumb while they're high or drunk

>> No.7042440

>herbal Jew
I wonder what blue pilled nazi is behind this?

>> No.7042485



>> No.7043125

How high does this shit get you? Scale from 0 to 10

>> No.7043145

Depends how much you eat.

Generally, edibles are a waste of money since some of the THC gets destroyed during cooking

>> No.7043146

OP it doesn't matter that the butter has weed in it. any recipe that requires butter/oil will work

>> No.7043152

Lets say that I ate enough to get full: 3-4 cups

>> No.7043167

I hear a teaspoon is enough for experienced people to be high at least all day long. You wouldn't want to overdo it.

>> No.7043177
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>You wouldn't want to overdo it.

>> No.7043258

where's the longer one? my fave is
>i only smoke clowns like you on the basketball court

>> No.7043636

No this is bad advice. Depending on the concentration of cannabinoids in the butter, just substituting it in any old recipe is a recipe for disaster because you'll probably end up having way too much in a serving.

Just make brownies or cookies or anything that you can break em up into smaller pieces.

>> No.7043758

>I'm allergic to hate

>> No.7043780


>> No.7043790

>getting this mad about an internet post
get a life you ganja gremlin

>> No.7043919

thats oil for ya. I have never made stronger edibles then the time I used hash, I estimated about regular amount of THC per cookie but they were insanely more potent than ever. Not sure if my weed decarb method suck or its oil but that's the easiest and most rewarding way to make canabutter.

>> No.7043930

Take trim. If you don't have trim stop process. Break trim into manageable size. Place in crock pot. Add butter and wait for it to melt. You should have enough butter to cover the trim. Cook on low for 2-8 hours. Doesn't really matter. I've gone up to 8 hours because I had shit to do. You can also use any other cooking oil.

Use trim.

>> No.7043932

btw clarified butter + good wax and u got the best tasting butter ever too

>> No.7043948


>> No.7044058

>tips fedora

>> No.7044080


Acting stupid=/=mean

Most the people who smoke around me you can never tell when they are high or not. But that might be because they aren't 15 years old.

>> No.7044184

>still being XxX in 2015

>> No.7045144

>le coffee isn't addictive maymay

get a life you junkie

>> No.7045148

It's extremely potent when cooked, be careful

>> No.7045170
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put a pat of that on your medium rare steak

>> No.7045373

So, like 8/10? Or something?

>> No.7045659

more like 10 I'd say

>> No.7045715

it's more like >9000/420 d:^)

>> No.7046335

The weed you lose is nothing compared to the thc absorption you'll get if you prepared it right. Smoking weed actually wastes a fuckton of thc. Maybe if you vape it you'll get close to the absorption you get with edibles. I wouldn't bet on it though

>> No.7046350

I use a cup for a batch of 24, and people are coming back saying it knocks them on their ass. One of my chick friends ate only half of one and she almost had a panic attack. She had no tolerance, but it still made me happy my product was good.

Selling this shit in college is so fucking easy in college man, I paid $240 for 3 oz of reggie and I charge $10 per brownie with a little less than a gram in each one. You do the math.

>> No.7046913

get a life you ganja gremlin

>> No.7046919
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>> No.7046941

>wasabi toast

>> No.7047134

Too much?
Will it get you fucked up if you have a small tolerance?

>> No.7047138

Wish it was Matcha pudding :(

>> No.7047159

I think that's guac

>> No.7047189

I mean... If I used an equivalent portion of weed butter?

>> No.7047443

spread it on a roll. Toast the roll, dip in marinara. Simple 4 stoners.

>> No.7047459


So I like to think of it this way. How much flower or trim would I like to smoke in a session. If you know how much total THC or flower you used making your butter that should be used to determine how much you would feel comfortable smoking in a day. Because you can be high for up to 24 hours. Also I recommend using coconut oil in the future because coconut oil is higher in saturated fat and to me does a better extraction.

>> No.7047821

breddy gud way to do it

put some on my garlic bread too

>> No.7047825

>3 weeks
>still failed

You must be fat as all holy hell.

>> No.7047839

depends on if you were a regular smoker 3 weeks ago

If you smoked more than twice a week for a while, you probably need another couple of weeks

If you consumed more occasionally you might be fine for 50ng/L

>> No.7047854

Paula Deen is that you?

>> No.7047855

If I'm doing it right, you're pulling in about $2500?

Sounds cool, but I know I would get busted

>> No.7047950

yooo dont eat that soap

>> No.7049016

Lol nah man, 3*28 *$10= $840 of income, -$240= $600 profit. You also have to take into account cost of brownie mix and shit but my parents pay for my food so I just buy it with my normal shopping stuff. And I'm not even doing it for the money, at this point it's so I can buy a steady stream of weed, alcohol, shrooms, lsd, mdma and whatever other drugs I feel like doing.

Next year I'm gonna get my friends to pitch in to buy a volcano vaporizer. You can vape the weed and still use it in brownies afterwards, and they'll be as good or better than the ones I'm making now since we'll be using higher quality weed. Our apartment is gonna be stuffed to burst with goodies.

The great thing about being kinda geeky in high school is that by the time college hits you know how to tons of shit without getting caught.

>> No.7049178

>I'm calling the cops
>being a faggot narc is considered cool

>> No.7049377

That's the one from a commercial with a couple of dindus.

>> No.7049491


>> No.7049895
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Absolutely not. I'm nice.

>> No.7050495

You should try it some time. If you're looking to feel effects ASAP there's really no better way to go about it.

>> No.7050534

>1. You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.

>> No.7050538
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Are you autistic or do you hold a place in the senate?

>> No.7050772


>Selling this shit in college is so fucking easy in college man

You high af right now.

>> No.7050828

Take a double chocolate chip cookie recipe you like and sub reg butter for cannabutter and the chocolate chips for twice the amount of andes chunks. Mint and chocolate do a good ass job of hiding the taste. Freeze your excess dough so you can have cookies shortly after they bake when they taste best.

>> No.7052131

What is he's from Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Washington DC, or any other state/territory that has medicinal or legal marijuana?

>> No.7052152
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