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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 1000x666, chick sundays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7038180 No.7038180 [Reply] [Original]

You know how Chick-fil-A isn't open on Sunday and you often find yourself craving it the most that day especially after going to mass?

I was wondering would it be legal to buy up a shit ton of chic-fil-a sandwiches, strips, and waffle fries, and keep them store overnight, reheat them under lamps in the morning and make a business selling Saturday's Chick-fil-a to the public on Sunday? Basically make your own business that's only open on Sunday and whose sole purpose is to provide the public with Chick-fil-A that they otherwise can't get on Sunday, and also turn a profit by raising the price on items by a buck or two?

Maybe call the business chick-fil-ayy on Sundays?

>> No.7038190

>would it be legal


>> No.7038194



To make something like that profitable you'd have to triple the price at the very least.

>> No.7038200

People LOVE them some Chi-fil-A, they might just be willing to pay those prices.

>> No.7038503

>you often find yourself craving it the most on sunday

im not giving it my gay money any day of the week

>> No.7038531

You would immediately find yourself facing a lawsuit
Good, maybe you can bribe Satan with your fag dollars. Chick-fil-a doesn't need them

>> No.7038599

Little edgy there anon?

I'm gay and I boycotted them until they stopped financially supporting anti-gay organizations, I don't care what the CEO thinks I just didn't want my money going to anti gay political causes, and they've gotten out of politics because of the backlash, so I eat there once again.

>> No.7038618
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You fags are worse than terrorists desu senpai. I don't care if you want to protest for equal rights and tolerance and shit, but nowadays you fucks are just holding guns to private business' heads and saying "bake the fucking cake". I don't see SJWs out boycotting Muslims because they hate fags and would absolutely refuse to do ANYTHING for a gay wedding.

Oh, but I forgot. It's the 2015. The only people who can be evil are straight, white, Christians.

>> No.7038644

>The only people who can be evil are straight, white, Christians.
cause in the US and uch of Europe white streight male christians are the dominant political force whereas muslims are a minority. in a biger picture a white christian denying a gay a service plays into a bigger system and there will be hordes of white christians who will flood in with suport and money, there will be plenty of white christian politicians available for suport too...wheras a muslim baker denying a gay a cake, tho still bigotry and not to be sufered, is a kind of random incident contextualy and also statisticly.....most services in this country are provided by white christians so allowing them to be able to be biggots is simply a uch bigger contextual problem

>> No.7038654

Why don't you just say you don't have to courage to take on Muslims because they have the actual balls to fight back or are you that afraid they'll Charlie Hebdo your favorite establishment?

>> No.7038666


>> No.7038669

No, it's just that no SPOOKY SCARY SKELETON in their right mind would actually try forcing this shit on Muslims, because they know they would just get their fucking heads chopped off.

Muslims invaded Europe for hundreds of years, took untold numbers of slaves, raped and pillaged their way across the Mediterranean. Oh, but no, it's the evil Christian's fault.

Fuck off you self-flagellating fuck.

>Christians aren't allowed to be bigots but other people are because there's less of them!
Great logic, fag.

>> No.7038673
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>> No.7038676

my point is that in this country christian bigotry is like having snowballs hurled at you by a crowd whereas muslim bigotry is a single snowball, and furthermore the people who keep making the muslim comparison are often islamaphobes who would probobly get pissed if a muslim baker refused to make a bachalorete cake or a bacon cake but would be sudenly suportive of their rights if they denied a gay man

its a bull shit argument made by biggots

>> No.7038683

>Christians aren't allowed to have religious freedom but shitskins are because I say so
Protip: 9/11 was a pretty big snowball

>> No.7038688

i didnt say anyone is allowed to be a biggot cause they are a minority...i just said christian bigotry is more dangerous in america becuase we are a christian socioty and theres more suport/tolorance/legal room for christians to be biggots

>> No.7038689

Yes, please keep ignoring the extremists. It worked for Obama.

>> No.7038694

again, never said anything to this effect....no one should be allowed to be a biggoted buisness owner, im just saying that biggoted christian buisness owners are a bigger problem in this country and that the theoretical muslim baker that keeps getting brought out in arguments is a fucking weak tool for argument cause its not the same power dynamic

none of this means that its ok for a muslim to be a biggot tho, yal fuckers are dense

>> No.7038699

in this country christians are also extremists, they have support, are in government, and are tolorated by socioty....they activley denie people rights in government

>> No.7038700

USA, land of the free but you have to love fags.

>> No.7038702
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>I have bigotry and prejudice against a certain groups of people because of what they believe
>what they believe is wrong, that makes my hypocrisy okay

Walmart is founded on "good Christian morals" as well, better start buying your Hotpockets in bulk somewhere other than Sam's Club, friend-o.

The largest Lobby in your political process are people that believe Dinosaurs existed at the time of Christ. Better fall in line quick.

>> No.7038703


>> No.7038704


American spotted. Islam is cancer . Cant wait till you get enriched

>> No.7038713
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>Christians are also extremests
>in governement
>actively denie people rights
Non Christians are in government you fucking moron, also what rights are they withholding, fucking name one.

>> No.7038724

our government is composed of 92% self professed christians
as far as rights go up untill recently mariage was an issue, curently its comprehensive legal protection in the fields of housing,employment,and health care
many cities have enacted protections but many states havent and some states have even bared such laws that would provide protections

>> No.7038729

>self professed Christians
>currently its comprehensive legal protection in the fields of housing,employment,and health care

Just because they say they are Chrisitans doesn't mean they practice. They just want votes. Also, you are telling me that the terrible evil thing they do is not be socialist. Fucking hell man, this has nothing to do with Christianity itself. This is just stereotyping.
Religion isn't the same as a political view.

>> No.7038732

don't make up statistics fuckboi

>> No.7038748

pew mutherfucker, look it up

>> No.7038753

and now your argument is officially invalid

>> No.7038861

>gets his religion called out
>immediately adds in something else to divert from the original statement
Typical religitard shit.

>> No.7038897

It's called freedom of speech you moron, and it goes both ways. Corporations can make statements and I can make a statment back, also I said I don't care what the CEO thinks ofgay marriage, I just didn't want him donating my money to political organizations that are anti gay. Jesus Christ I eat at chick-fil-A and the CEO never changed his stance. People on /pol/ talk of not giving their patronage to liberal businesses.

Why are you so butthurt over my freedom of speech?

>Oh, but I forgot. It's the 2015. The only people who can be evil are straight, white, Christians.

You really bought the Fox News line hook line and sinker, you're an idiot.

Also as far as wedding cakes are concerned how can you boycott a business that doesn't want to serve you in the first place? You're talking about two different things. You're fucking retarded dude.

>> No.7038903

>Gay couple boycotts business that doesn't cater to them in the first place

KEK, do you even know what a boycott is or are you fucking retarded?

>> No.7038906

Muslims never make anything worth buying. They don't even serve alcohol or pork for god sake, who the fuck wants a wedding cake made by Muslims besides Muslims, it's because no one wants their product lul.

>> No.7038907
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>> No.7038916

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from criticism.

It's anti-freedom of speech to cry about people criticizing you or boycotting you. Freedom of speech works both ways

>Wahh I want to state my opinion, but if you say anything back you're infringing on me

>> No.7038947

Why don't people like you also rage against groups like One Million Moms... they don't actually have a million members it's just a name. They boycott various department stores if they feature any ads with a same-sex couple, and they boycott tv shows if they are too sexual or mock "Christian values". They are pushing their opinion on corporations, and yet you don't bitch at them, why is that?

I'll tell you why because regardless of whether or not gays boycotted anything you'd hate them while you probably agree with one million moms, and the gays boycotting you just used to justify your dislike of them. You're so transparent it's pathetic.

>> No.7039079

>I don't want my money going toward any anti-gay causes
Do you keep your money at a bank?
Do you own life insurance?
Do you have a car or home loan?
Do you rent your place of dwelling?
Do you have non-government student loans as an American?
Shit, do you pay fucking taxes sometimes that provide welfare to anti-gay poor people?
>better not eat any nuggets, then they'll use my money for stuff that I don't like (even though gays are obviously here to stay and any anti-gay effort is obviously futile)
Yeah, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.7039133 [DELETED] 

Here is a "Christian extremist"
>God hates fags!
>The world is 6,000 years old!
>If you sin you're going to hell!
Here is an Islamic extremist (of which there is a far higher occurence than in Christianity)
>Allahu akbar!
>Death to the infidels!
>*cuts your fucking head off and films it*

>> No.7039154 [DELETED] 

>fag internet defence force in full effect
Fags don't just boycott businesses that don't want to cater to them. They destroy them. They make it into a political issue, they take it up with the courts, and they either FORCE the Christians to bake their fucking cake or they force them out of business.

The reason you don't see them doing this to Muslims is because they know the second they try to tell Akmed to bake a cake for their Big Fat Gay Wedding, they're going to get their fucking head sliced off

Christians are absolutely painted as the bad guys in this day and age. This country is becoming pathetic. We went from wanting to bomb those worthless fucks back into the Stone Age to kissing their ass and putting our own religion on trial in just 15 years. What a worthless pile of shit.

If you want cultural enrichment and mandatory acceptance of your minority groups, go to Sweden and Paris.

>> No.7039175
File: 490 KB, 500x407, money.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do we draw the line in the name of Religious Freedom? Religious freedom is getting out of hand in this country.

And what idiot turns away money from a paying customer?

>> No.7039187 [DELETED] 

By next year, the Midwest will have the largest wooden structure in the country built on it's soil: a life sized Noah's fucking Ark. Mudshits are subhuman degenerates but the Christ fucks are just as annoying in different ways.

>> No.7039244

Speaking on my own behalf, I don't really rage against any of these groups. I think they're annoying, petty, and stupid to let something insignificant offend them so that they rally up and fight against it. At the same time no MillionMom's have shown up in this thread to cry about Chick For'gays, so I'm not going to bring them up or bitch about them. YOU, on the other hand, are here whining about how gay you are and pride boycotting the evil Christian chicken men. Do whatever you want but the moment you want a pat on the back is where you've crossed the line from change seeking to attention seeking.

>> No.7039349

Why is this your problem? My local pizza joint isn't open on Sunday's either.
Are you the islamic freak job type that wants it only open when your local mullah sais that it's OK?

You disgusting sack of shit!

>> No.7039361
File: 54 KB, 373x527, Islam_Truth-religion_of_peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam is the religion of peace.

>> No.7039372
File: 500 KB, 2310x1190, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying three times as much for day old Chik-fil-a
I hope people don't stoop that low

>> No.7039385

They will but look at will islam is doing and our own idiots calling it isis when it's not a recognized state. Fear, that's that way things work for the masses.

il or deash is a much better term for terrorist scumbags.

>> No.7039389

Always follow the money from fear. Always. With fear there's more justification to tax people more, and more justification to call something a state and scare people that's not a state... hence why these assholes keep calling deash or il, isis.

One of these days you people will learn that.
Hopefully it wont be too late.

>> No.7039394

This is some weird version of Godwin's Law

>> No.7039405

I'm not versed in Godwin's law but I'm versed in Eisenhower, he's been there done that. Godwin is nothing but an academic punk.


>> No.7039459

>Godwin's Law
That's pretty silly, who is he to make a "law." He can fuck off.

>> No.7039791

>I just didn't want my money going to anti gay political causes,

Its not your money faggot. Once you hand the cashier your money and take their food its no longer yours.

>> No.7040123

Faggots should not be allowed to eat.

>> No.7040141

Can't buy booze after 9 pm here. Can't buy cold booze. Can't have a glass of booze with my meal because dry county.
Blue laws man, they significantly affect my ability to get buzzed 24/7

>> No.7040350

The good liquor store in my neighborhood closes at 9 (11 on fridays and saturdays)

I could go to the shit one and buy shit quality stuff at inflated prices, but instead I just plan ahead

Doesn't stop me from getting buzzed whenever I please

Planning ahead. I highly recommend it

As for the drinking at a restaurant. It's a dry county. I'm pretty sure you can't even find a good restaurant there. Cook at home

>> No.7040385
File: 89 KB, 766x399, Asiago-ranch-chicken-club-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i go to wendy's because the medium spicy chicken sandwich + fries + pepsi is superior in every way

fuck their "natural cut fries" gimmick tho. leaving the skin on to add bulk and reduce bulk, and then sticking "natural" on it.

>> No.7040392

*add bulk and reduce preparation

>> No.7040396

That's probably not legal and it would taste like shit anyways

>> No.7040596

who the fuck would buy a day old, arguably 'used' chicken sandwich from a random guy on the street?

homeless. that's who. with the change they picked up off the ground.