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File: 87 KB, 500x333, tipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7034329 No.7034329 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever been called out for not tipping?

>> No.7034339

I've been called out even if I WAS tipping. They demanded more.

>> No.7034340

Pizza delivery guys keep bitching because I use paypal to tip and it goes straight to their bosses wallet.

>> No.7034349

>alright, give me back the receipt and I'll adjust the tip
>*crosses out the tip*

Please tell me you did something like that.

>> No.7034350

I'm not poor

>> No.7034370

Tipping has not a shit to do with how much money you have.

>> No.7034399


i always tip between 0 and 4 bucks despite the price. unless im drunk then that can accidentally go up to 10.

>> No.7034406

I wanted to but the people I was with just said to hell with it and threw in a few more dollars. I'm like, "What?!"

>> No.7034411

sucks to say that i might be the type to give a dollar extra. my friend on the other hand would definitively have either said to or cross out the tip

>> No.7034437

I always tip 15% unless the food and service were exceptional or dreadful. If it's great I'll go up to 20% if it's bad I'm not beneath tipping nothing at all.

Bar service, I will open a tab and tip at the end 5% to 10%

Oddly enough, the only time I was called out on tipping was when i went to Europe for the first time. I was in Greece, Italy and Spain and people kept either trying to give me my money back, acted overjoyed or offended.

With tipping the thing that pisses me off is delivery. The shop builds in a delivery fee to the price, I'm sure the kid that delivers my food sees none of it, I feel obligated to tip the driver as he works for a shit wage and puts wear and tear on his vehicle but WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK WAS THE DELIVER FEE FOR THEN?!

>> No.7034441

Yay, yet another tipping thread to hide.

This is what, the 3rd one today?

>> No.7034443

this desu senpai

but think about this desu
delivery fee is for the service
tip is for the driver's gas

>> No.7035569

No because I don't live in the third world.

>> No.7035585

It's for the car, gas, and insurance.

>> No.7035586

>With tipping the thing that pisses me off is delivery. The shop builds in a delivery fee to the price, I'm sure the kid that delivers my food sees none of it, I feel obligated to tip the driver as he works for a shit wage and puts wear and tear on his vehicle but WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK WAS THE DELIVER FEE FOR THEN?!

Agreed. But frankly I feel the same way about bars. Bars charge a huge markup on alcohol. If I'm already paying 2 or 3 times (or more) the cost compared to buying the booze from the liquor store then why on earth do I also have to tip? Is that not what the huge markup on the drinks is for?

>> No.7035696

Huge markup are to pay for everything around you. Rent, food, wages, etc.

Delivery fees are to pay the wages of the delivery boys since on delivery they cabrby work in the store

>> No.7035704

>delivery boys
misogynist cis-gendered scum

>> No.7035721

Stop oppressing me my pronoun is master

>> No.7035726

many times. even one time a waitress wasn't satisfied with the tip she got and claimed we tried to skip out on the check.

>> No.7035727

please refer to me as "your majesty"

>> No.7035730

I work serving food, and recently had a guy pay a $19.85 bill with a $20 that was torn almost completely in half.

I wouldn't spit on that motherfucker if he were on fire.

>> No.7035731

is that a threat?

>> No.7035768


>> No.7035773
File: 115 KB, 1808x336, Amerian_tipping_culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How strict is American tipping culture? I mean, with all the jokes about it being mandatory, I kinda started to wonder. The attached picture, I think, is especially egregious.

>> No.7035783

20% is a good tip

anything above that is "nice"

if you tip me 10% I will assume you are poor unless something went really wrong during service (this must also be my fault, not the kitchen or mgmt or whatever)

below 10% is picking a fight

>> No.7035790

15% is default. Those who say 20% are waitstaff. And no matter what anybody says here, you can leave zero if the service sucks. If you really want show your displeasure, leave a few coins so they won't think you forgot to tip.

>> No.7035792

did you high school drops outs never learn the number 15? cause thats what you niggers are getting.

>> No.7035795

>below 10% is picking a fight
>With a waitress
Even if you're a male waitress you're a beta faggot

>> No.7035799
File: 66 KB, 540x726, 1291807434404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>below 10% is picking a fight

wtf America

>> No.7035803

Oh, always tip the pizza guys a couple of dollars. They really deserve it. Ignore the delivery charge, it's not a tip. That's just bullshit from the company to avoid making their pizza seem more expensive (even though it is). The drivers see like 20 cents of that.

>> No.7035806

I leave 0%-5% if the service was terrible

I leave 10% if the service was decent but the waiter/waitress was particularly slow or unmotivated

I leave 15% if the service was good

20% if it was great

Anything about 20% means I had an amazing time, the wait staff were unintrusive but at the same time were really fun to talk with and were on their game

>> No.7035811

server is the proper gender neutral term
i'll see you in the parking lot faggot

>> No.7035814


Are you homophobic?

>> No.7035817
File: 18 KB, 429x410, 1385291657271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why are customers supposed to make up for the employers not paying their staff a decent wage?

>> No.7035819

why would i be afraid of a faggot

>> No.7035824

Well, with a $15 minimum wage, soon we won't have to. :^)

>> No.7035825

Hear, hear!

>> No.7035835

It's a bundle of sticks. Those hurt.

>> No.7035863

This desu senpai

>> No.7035915

Yes. At a national chain. Infiled a complaint. 3 weeks later there was corporate no tipping signs all over the place.

>> No.7035947

>go to local pub crawl event
>want to just drink beer and get out of there and to the next place
>bar is full have to get seated
>waitress comes and and hands us menus and we say oh no thanks we'll just have drinks
>she makes an audible "ugh", rolls her eyes, and then says it out loud to another coworker and he takes our order
>agree not to tip
>beer is free because we have the tickets
>I've never drank a beer any faster in my life
>come back a couple weeks later for wings
>fat waitress says we didn't tip last time we came and it wasn't cool
>explain the situation to her but she doesn't care
>feel like shit for an hour while we wait for our friends to come
>leave a good tip
>never want to come back again
>can't get better wing anywhere else

>> No.7035965

this is right on desu senpai

>> No.7035977

Yeah at a bar

Was my second drink and I didn't tip because I would rather leave one big tip after I'm done for the night then small tips after every drink. Second drink in this 40 year old jaded bartender says
"you know we bartenders make our living off of tips"
To which I replied
"That' sounds horrible and I thank the lord everyday that I'm not a bartender"
Then I asked for another drink just to spite him.

Didn't end up tipping that night at all and was perfectly ok.

Tipping is there for when somebody goes above and beyond their normal work to make sure you are happy and satisfied. Doing your regular shit or having a shitty attitude and asking for a tip or even asking in general is unacceptable. At that point it's a fuck you loser I'm not tipping you shit.

>> No.7035979

Former driver here: I used my car, my gas, and paid 100% of my own insurance. We charged a $2.50 delivery fee and I got 50 cents of it. The remainder goes to the store. They don't do it because they need to they do it because they can.

>> No.7035999

You'd be suprised how little a bar makes per drink.

>> No.7036006

Tipping should be banned

>> No.7036009

True, but his point is that the delivery does not require much "service" on behalf of the restaurant. The restaurant cooks the food as normal and the delivery guy delivers it

>> No.7036017

I just paid 8 dollars for a pint.

I'm not going to tip you ho.

>> No.7036027

Yeah but the volume that a successful bar should be dealing with more than makes up for it. restaurants get like what? 200 people a night if they are a good sized establishment and each person is only paying one cover. At even a small bar 200 drinks a night is just an average busy night.

>> No.7036032

God damn liquor licenses and government regulations!


Trump 2016

>> No.7036034

No, and I generally don't tip
I'll throw in $5 if you do something to make me appreciate that it is you specifically serving me rather than any other faceless waiter/driver but its not common.
Although where I live the minimum wage applies to these positions to, but a lot of people don't seem to know this and servers are perfectly happy to play up the depending-on-tips angle. I've had a waitress lie to my face about it, although it wasn't in response to not tipping.
You're unskilled labor, and it isn't even particularly demanding work compared to the other jobs you can get with no experience or education or skills. You aren't entitled to a high income unless you're providing truly exemplary service consistently.

>> No.7036036

I guess you could have opened a tab, but that guy sounds like he was a cunt

>> No.7036046

Please explain, because it seems like they have a pretty sweet deal going.

A bar has a to pay the same basic expenses that any business does: rent or mortgage on the property, property taxes, employee pay, and legal fees, insurance, etc.

Beyond that it's very simple: they buy inventory (booze) and sell it at a high markup.

A bar lacks many of the expenses that other businesses have: they don't have much if any expensive equipment/machinery to maintain. They don't have ongoing R&D costs. They don't have much in the way of maintenance. Their number of employees is relatively small, and those employees are also relatively low paid. How on earth can they not be making killer money? Where on earth does the margin go?

>> No.7036057


Someone has to answer the phone and check internet orders, manage what driver is getting assigned which delivery, handle customer service issues like order changes, fixing mistakes, handle normal HR stuff (hiring/firing drivers, employment paperwork for the drivers, managing the driver's schedules, and so on)

>> No.7036080

When I worked as a waiter I loved it. I made so much tax free money from tips I was always able to afford the latest ipad and iphone among numerous luxuries.

>> No.7036251


Loads of times. I don't tip, full-stop! If you want more money, then go get a better fucking job.

>> No.7036440

Reddit: The Post

>> No.7036565

You're literally an ass, how have you made it through life? You tip based on price not just a fixed amount of shit-tier money. Your agreement with the fact that tipping has nothing to do with how much money you have made no sense. Kill yourself.

>> No.7037548

Watch bar rescue idiot owners

>> No.7037554

>tfw learned how to cook specifically to avoid shitty fucking tipping culture

feels good mang

>> No.7037558

>tip based on price
Carrying a plate of lobster from the kitchen to the table is no harder than carrying a cheap burger from the kitchen to the table. If you want to be treated like a human being, get a real job.

>> No.7037573

you're really dumb

if you want good service at a bar, go big on the first tip, then you can bring it back down and you'll still have made the right impression on the bartender so you can get best service (if they're decent bartenders at all) like, ignoring the hot chicks who were there first to serve you.

if you stiffed me and then had the gall to come back in my house id fucking spit on you

>> No.7037587

>tfw too poor to go to the bar
>tfw just drink out of the trunk of my car with the lads

>> No.7037589

>Being this assblasted about paying a few extra dollars.

I generally tip 20% on average, unless it was bad service, then I'll do about 15%. I suppose I would go less if it was exceptionally bad, but I've never had that happen.

>> No.7037591

The phrase "good help is hard to find" exists for a reason, you're probably too poor to have ever experienced proper high class service.

>> No.7037595

doin it right
gj buddy

>> No.7037608

Tipping is fucking retarded.
Restaurant owners love it because they don't have to pay their employees as much out of pocket.
Waiters/waitresses love it because they get tax free money and hold the quality of their service hostage.
Customers are fucked over and are forced to make up for their shit pay. The only person that really loses is the customer because if you don't tip (or don't tip "adequately") you can get called out on social media and have your food
illegally fucked with.

>> No.7037609

and none of that is more intensive than managing the cooks in the back and the carry out orders that come in every night

its an extra charge because they know they can add it and it'll change almost nothing for people placing orders

>> No.7037611

i hear you, brother

>> No.7037612
File: 201 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips tip jar over*

>> No.7037617

>"I don't tip"

>I refuse to comply with social mores because I am a special snowflake
>even though it has been the norm my entire life and it is an expected cost of dining out, I still bitch about it
>I am completely unaware that menu prices will drastically increase if my server has to be paid a living wage
>I have never actually worked in the food industry

>> No.7037624

>living wage
If a person wants a living wage from a fucking service job they fucked up somewhere in life.

The food won't cost that much more if they are paid federal minimum wage because tipping is automatically a tacked on charge due to the culture. Everyone expects you to pay at least 15% more from the get-go.

>> No.7037625

If they were making killer money, there would be more bars. The insurance on bars is different due to possible DUI liabilities, monthly/yearly liquor license payments, and higher property taxes/regulations in order to even open a business that sells liquor.

But the biggest reason that drives the prices down to almost a negligible profit is the market. Why go to bar A if bar B has better prices, and its probably right next door. Bars have to under cut each other constantly, or offer better happy hour deals, in order to keep return business.

>> No.7037632

I would have crossed out the tip immediately even as my friends were dropping dollars on the table.

I would have locked eyes with the server who had the gal to insinuate that I should them more free money.

>> No.7037637

>tipping system
>service is shit
>don't tip
>service sucks but I saved 15% off the bill.

>no tipping system
>service is jack shit
>don't have to tip but meal costs 15% more than it used to
>service sucks and I paid more money

>> No.7037641

>people who do this job that I want done are inferior to me and dont deserve to be paid for it.

>> No.7037648

lol you think that's going to change anything...

fucking dying over here

>> No.7037654

i'd tip that fucken jar over, i tell u wot!

>> No.7037659

No. Service jobs are for high schoolers and college students or for people making extra money on the side. They deserve at least minimum wage and whatever the owner decides to negotiate with them beyond that. It's not up to customers to offset the price of paying them for a service.

>tipping system
>most people still tip for mediocre to bad service
>the only way to actually motivate a person to do their job is to complain to their superior if they aren't performing well
>you still get your food fucked with for complaining

>no tipping system
>you pay the price the food costs plus whatever mark up the restaurant decides
>servers do their job and if they perform poorly you complain and they can be fired

It's not an issue in any other country, it shouldn't be an issue in the US. People aren't tipped at every fucking job but they still perform at least on par lest they get sacked.

>> No.7037662

No, because I tip like a badass, and every restaurant I frequent knows me by name and gives me fantastic service and tons of free shit because of it.

>> No.7037665

tough guy over ehre

>> No.7037666


>> No.7037667

If you have bad service, there is literally nothing forcing you to tip.

>but they don't in other countries!

Then eat there, meanwhile, in America, the guideline ks that you tip. You may think it's unfair, but it's still the zeitgeist.

Too poor to tip, too poor to eat out.

>> No.7037671

>the only way to actually motivate a person to do their job is to complain to their superior if they aren't performing well
>servers do their job and if they perform poorly you complain and they can be fired

You say this like servers don't get fired because they receive tips.

>> No.7037675

poor baby. maybe you should find a real job

>> No.7037678

seriously. this guy is so shit the only way he can feel good is by spitting on servants.

it's the classic tell for a shitperson.

>> No.7037687

When people expect me to give them free money because its a social norm, then they can fuck off. I tip people who do their job well and don't stick their hand out expectantly.

Tipping isn't mandatory and I'll never cater to entitled slackers.

>> No.7037697

No I don't. I actually do tip but only for good service. I rarely go out except to a handful of restaurants which I've had good service at. I still don't like the tipping system and believe the waiters/waitresses should just be paid a real fucking wage (at least minimum wage) instead of expecting consumers to pay their wage for them.

I've worked at service jobs where I relied on tips but I don't kid myself and think that working at said service job was ever supposed to be anything more than a stepping stone to a better job. If a person needs a living wage it's up to them to negotiate it with their employer, not me. If they aren't making enough money it's not my fault that they chose to work there and it's up to them to find a better job then.

They do but mediocre service is the norm at most places because people feel obligated to tip and workers feel like they are doing an adequate job. The system doesn't even work anymore because it's a cultural requirement.

>> No.7037708

suck butter out my ass

>> No.7037709

I tip based on the server.

0% if male or black.

5% if she's pretty flirty

10% if she has a nice ass and tight pants

15-20% if I spot a camel toe

>> No.7037713


What sort of idiotic country thinks that being blackmailed into getting good service is a good way to go? Good service should be expected no matter what!

>> No.7037715

this to be honest families

>> No.7037721

>it has not been a norm for most people's entire life since this is only an amerifat thing.
>There are plenty of places to 'dine-out' where tipping is not an expected cost, i.e. fast food, food trucks, walk-up windows.
>I work in the food industry for 4 years in high school and college. I literally never once received a tip.
You probably rag that servers only make $2.50/hr which is a lie. You make federal minimum wage if tips don't bring your hourly wage up to that level. Being a server is below being a janitor. Grow up and get a real job

>> No.7037728

>purchasing high quality service is blackmail
george costanza

>> No.7037730

This is fucking genius for restaurant owners though, pay your staff pennies an hour and then tell to yo cry to the customers if they want more

>> No.7037733

> be poor student working as waiter
> didn't get a tip
> school massacre next day
tip well, live well. think of the children and pay your ransom money.

>> No.7037741

more like 8 dollars. 15 is really just pushing it

>> No.7037750

I read in one of these tipping threads NY servers makes state min wage+tips. One anona said he avg about $250 a day working as a server. May have been bait but idk

>> No.7037753

tipped 8% because service was bad and the waitress spilled drinks on me and before she passed out the menu, she told me that they have nothing in braille, I'm deaf, not fucking blind. And the waitress at waffle house made a huge scene screaming at me telling me she's a single mom of two trying to make ends meet.

>> No.7037760
File: 174 KB, 500x370, tumblr_mf6tvir1Dl1qaqtjpo1_500[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes sense, unless it was a bartender, then I always tip 15%. If I'm getting one beer or something its different, but if I'm racking up a bill its straight 15.
Also, I don't tip at restaurants. I'll pay for the meal she pays for the tip, but usually she's paying for two tips if you know what I mean.

>> No.7037776

yeah its my only story but also my best
so i went to a clutch concert with my friend and he gave me some jaeger to drink. i got a little sick but whatever still went to the show, amazing too.
so we meet up with some of his friends after, play some pool and go to a mexican restaurant for some tacos.
at this point i feel really sick and only take a bite of the tacos they got me.
the others were trying to get the waitresses attention the entire time, she passed right by our table, looked directly at us and kept walking several times while they were calling her
she came back to give us the bill however, still didnt say a word. it had the tip included into the bill too
so they decided to just pay for the food and not the tip and leave
as we were in our cars the waitress runs out and starts screaming at us. every one drives away fast as hell and she is in the street chasing after us
then like 3 blocks away i have to get out of the car on a busy street and puke everywhere
long story short i hate jaeger and we didnt go to the mexican place for years

>> No.7037779

>you're unskilled labour
This basically, it's shit how American restaurant owners rip their staff off and all but take it up with them. Do you tip the toilet cleaner when you go for a shit, they do a much harder job, surely they deserve a tip. What about the cashier they have to listen to whiney fat middle aged women all day. I worked as a delivery driver and it was the fucking easiest job ever. I'm not American so maybe this is just too foreign to me but anytime I've received Tips(funnily enough mainly working at a supermarket helping old women bring their shit to the car) I've refused it and it sort of feels insulting to be honest

>> No.7037793

>cleaning toilets is harder than serving food

What? It's un-glamorous, but not hard

>> No.7037796

To be honest I'd have pulled out the smallest change I could find

>> No.7037809

>he's never been in a bathroom with an attendant

you know you actually are supposed to tip those guys.
poorfags, when will they learn

>> No.7037824

>tipping niggers for standing in toilets

>> No.7037852

15% is standard for a sit-down restaurant.
- Calculate tip for the price of the food, excluding sales tax
- If you're using a coupon or other discount, base your tip on the normal price of the meal
- For cheaper meals, leave a minimum tip of $2

Only put money in tip jars at places where you're a regular (if an employee doesn't thank you for the tip it's usually a sign that the owner pockets everything). For delivery it's better to pay the driver his tip in cash. Again, some bosses pocket tips from credit cards/paypal. I tip delivery drivers 15% with a $3 minimum.

>> No.7037868


High quality service should be the fucking norm you dumb cunt. You don't tip the guy who services your car because he managed to not get brake fluid all over your leather interior, so why the fuck should you tip some splitarse who has done nothing more than her job of bringing you your food? A job, I mighty add, that she gets paid a fucking wage to do!

>> No.7037869

Youre supposed to report your tips on the tax return newbie

>> No.7037875

That's what I'm talking about

>> No.7037877

Newbie you report tips on the tax return legally

>> No.7037888

Half of the waiters/ staff don't know the menu anyway

>> No.7037891

how often do you think a cash tip gets reported newbie? no one in their right mind wants to give money to the government. even an unskilled 'server' knows that

>> No.7037893
File: 22 KB, 250x341, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.85/hr is not a wage
at the bar you're competing for service with everyone else who is willing to pay for it, get cuk'd cheaparse

>should be
allow me to introduce you to david hume

nobody does this

>> No.7037896

Fag. That's not the point. The point is that tips aren't tax free.

>> No.7037899

>implying they're all nigger

What was it like, growing up in the 1920s, great grandpa?

>> No.7037910

Fag. They are if they're not reported. I agree that it's illegal but since it's almost impossible to enforce, even servers, who are the literal definition of retards, know there's no reason to comply

>> No.7037927

ey mang i hav a goleege degree

>> No.7037933

2.85/hr IS a wage. what else would you call it? charity? probably since you're a welfare queen expecting others to subsidize your unskilled lazy ass

>> No.7037938


>> No.7037946

Yeah, 2.85 an hour IS pretty much charity at that point. You could make more than that per hour begging on the street.

>> No.7038240

Servers will never make less than minimum wage no matter how low their hourly pay is.

If a server doesn't make enough tips that they end up making at least minimum wage, the restaurant is required by law to make up the difference.

Stop perpetuating this myth that servers going to starve or get evicted from their homes if you don't tip. Even if every single one of their customers doesn't leave so much as a penny, they still make 7.25/hr or whatever the minimum wage is in their area.

>> No.7038248

>Order food
>leave a bit of my starter
>ask for it to be wrapped up to take home later
>leave a bit of my main meal
>ask for it to be wrapped up to take home later
>leave a bit of my desert
>ask for it to be wrapped up to take home later
>pay for my meal
>the waiter hands me my left overs i asked to be wrapped up to take home
>i hand them back to him with a wink and tell him he really deserves this tip and to enjoy
>his face is expresionless as he can't find the words to thank me
>literally just saved this guy from having to make a trip to the supermarket with cash to buy food he struggles to afford
>now he can enjoy restaurant quality food ready cooked for him

>> No.7038251

>boats can tip. so can you
seems kind of obnoxious. if they say all tips are appreciated or thanks for the tip, then i would be happy to tip. but that is one douchey way to ask for more money.

>> No.7038254
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>> No.7038258


non-tippers never announce beforehand that they will not tip. they are poor and cowards

>> No.7038260
File: 455 KB, 595x622, neckbeard-teenager[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always tip

>> No.7038266

Definetly misread part of the ending and thought you asked to be wrapped up to take home

>> No.7038267

Yeah next time i perform surgery on you be sure to let me know you won't tip me for doing my job, so i can carve a fucking penis into your lungs for being so cruel, i'm just a doctor, i can't buy my son the sports car he wants because jackasses like you think it's okay to just not give me money.

>> No.7038270


> im a doctor


>> No.7038271

I tip according to service, but I've only ever had one dining experience where it was so bad I couldn't be fucked to leave anything.

It was at a waffle house, and me and my bros were made to wait 30 minutes to finally be given an undercooked, doughy waffle. I sent it back, and fifteen minutes later they gave me a waffle shaped piece of charcoal. I ended up wasting an hour of my life without getting so much as a bite. To be honest, I was more embarrassed for the people that worked there than I was angry at them.

>expecting good service at the awful waffle
I know I know, but it was the single worst time I've ever had eating out and it was the only time I've ever just not left a tip at all.

>> No.7038272

Yeah but from my understanding you're not supposed to tip a percentage at bars, just a few bucks for a mixed drink or a buck for something that was just poured.

Dunno, actually. I moved away from the States not long after I turned 21 so I don't really remember.

>> No.7038275

>receive service
>don't fully pay for the service (because it's technically legal to do so in this particular circumstance)
>expect the person that provided the service to be happy with that

The whole concept of tipping is stupid, but as long as you have to do it, you have to do it correctly or you're essentially taking money from someone else.

>> No.7038285

>no tipping system
>service is jack shit
>don't have to tip but meal costs 15% more than it used to
>service sucks and I paid more money
>complain to the manager
>it's that server's nth complaint
>server is fired
>restaurant hires a good employee
>like every other business

>grocery tipping system
>cashier doesn't ring me up quickly
>don't tip
>service is slow but I saved 15% off my groceries

>no grocery tipping system
>cashier doesn't ring me up quickly
>don't have to tip but groceries cost 15% more than it used to
>service is slow and I paid more money

>> No.7038356
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit, I'm working at a company that manufactures crossing lights systems.

Should we install coin slots by the pedestrian pushbuttons? You'd be getting a green light faster if you drop a coin in.

>> No.7038384

That would be brilliant.

>> No.7038394

Yeah, and the company should pay for that, not us. The price of labor should be included in the product

>> No.7038397

I'm in Japan now and treat the clients well and give good service is part of their job here, not something special that should be rewarded.

>> No.7038432

nope, thankfully i don't live in a third world country that expects the customers to pay for the salaries of the workers

>> No.7038473

Work at a pizza place as a driver:

the delivery fee is economic deterrence. That $2.50 is a LOT in getting people to come pick it up and if there was no difference in price between pick up and delivery (maybe a tip or whatever) they would ALWAYS pick delivery.

This would kill the business because drivers can be on the road anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes round trip, especially if on a triple delivery, so they would have to schedule more drivers to meet the demand for delivery without really having an increase in orders because around the same amount of people would be ordering, it just would be all delivery.

OR what I say to people on the phone:

Pays for the company's insurance to have drivers (which it does kind of, unfortunately it just covers the store from us fucking up).

>> No.7038498

I love leaving waiters and waitresses any spare change and trash I've been carrying around in my pockets all day.

I once tipped 17 cents, a gum wrapper and a crumpled up receipt for gas.

>> No.7038550

Oh man, if you came to my table with that attitude, you would easily get a 0% with me waiting to see your reaction.

>> No.7038766
File: 112 KB, 1300x958, 1442030994769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tip $2-3.

If it's a girl, I give her the money like this.

>> No.7038829

You'd never know until it came time to leave a tip.

>> No.7038835

>Why go to bar A if bar B has better prices, and its probably right next door

See, that's what I don't get. If price was on the mind of most customers then why on earth would they be in a bar in the first place instead of drinking at home where the same drinks are MUCH cheaper.

I get the impression that people are paying that much markup for the ambiance and atmosphere of their favorite bar.

>> No.7038837

the system is stupid, but you're focusing on the wrong part of the equation. It's easier to go after the little guys (the servers), than to actually try to make a difference or help get the system changed. Basically, anyone who doesnt tip, or tips in change, (unless the service was really bad), are fucking idiots who can't think past the path of least resistance.

>> No.7038860
File: 14 KB, 231x243, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always tip at lady, m8

>> No.7038863

If you want to do it the right way (not easy way), then why don't you ask your boss for a raise instead of demanding the customers who are only out for a simple meal do it for you?

>> No.7038891

this is true in theory but in practice never ever happens, because nobody ever reports their tips.
this leaves servers in a vulnerable position

"hey mgmt i didn't make enough this week to cover min/wage, throw me a bone?"
"but anon you never report tips, how do I know you're not just lying? I think i'll report you to the IRS instead of having to actually take care of my employees" (based on a real conversation)

>> No.7038894

Then don't take the fucking job.

>> No.7038921

No! WE are going to report you!

Problem solved. But you were lying anyway.

>> No.7038922

As a pizza shop manager manager, I personally pay my drivers $5 per delivery plus their tips. I charge customers anywhere from $2 to $6 depending on how they're paying and if they live in an adjoining town to offset what I'm paying said drivers. That being said, they don't technically work for me, but are contracted drivers that work with the business, so they don't get an hourly wage.

>> No.7038927

>but anon you never report tips

How would your employer know this? You report tips to the IRS, not your employer. Why would you let your employer see your tax return?

It's pretty simple bro:
If you make shitty tips then you report what you make so you have documentation to back up your need for extra wages from your boss.

If you make good tips then you under-report them in order to save taxes.

>> No.7038938

>things should be different!
but they're not. kindly live in reality, you autistic turbosperg

>> No.7038939

I've never tipped in my life.

>> No.7038945

at the end of the shift when you clock out a little window pops up asking you to report your tips for the day. Everyone puts in 0.00.

no lie bruh- you think this is a game?

>> No.7038949


Well, then you're doing it wrong. Report a low amount instead of zero.

>> No.7038990

I never tip female waitstaff

they get large tips from beta keks
Always tip male waitstaff.

>> No.7039000

This. Never report zero, that's a huge red flag for the IRS. Dont be an idiot.

>> No.7039008

Are you a moron? Restaurant owners will NEVER raise wages unless they're forced to. They're making too much money by dicking the waitstaff. Why do you think restaurant owners are fighting this issue so hard? Goddammit, people are dense.

>> No.7039012 [DELETED] 

Your wage is between you and your boss and you and the customers. You can always try McDonalds. They actually pay minimum wage.

>> No.7039016

Your wage is between you and your boss and you and the customers. You can always try McDonalds. They actually pay minimum wage. Isn't it your fault for choosing a job with low wages?

>> No.7039021

Well, it's probably mostly because you're gay.

>> No.7039022

Not you and the customers, I mean.

>> No.7039023

>take job as server, get shit on
>don't take job as server, have to beg in the street, get shit on
>don't do either, get government assistance, get shit on

It's a lose/lose situation, then isn't it? Your opinion is flawed and stupid.

>> No.7039024


It's not just the owners, it's the waitstaff too.

I prefer the tip system since it makes it easy to under-report my income and therefore save a ton of money in taxes.

>> No.7039027


>> No.7039030

And this is why you're waitstaff. Other people have non-restaurant jobs.

>> No.7039032

The issue is between you, the customer, and the restaurant owners, not the waitstaff. They are just employees doing their job, as prescribed, which includes working for tips.

>> No.7039038

Their wage is the employer's problem not the customer.

>> No.7039042

I'm not waitstaff, spergy, I'm just not obtuse and blind to what's happening around me.

>> No.7039045

Then how is getting a better paying job if you don't like how you're getting paid a flawed argument?

>> No.7039047


No, but I don't live in some shithole where waiters depend financially on charity, neither one where charity is mandatory.

>> No.7039051

The tipping issue is between you and the employer. When you go to a full service restaurant, you are expected to tip, it's part of the service agreement. Don't want to tip, don't go anywhere but fast food places.

>> No.7039055

Ask someone that has never tipped for anything, anything.

>> No.7039056

A tip is optional. That is why I can give you absolutely 0 if your service is subpar. You are not guaranteed a tip. You don't deserve to be paid better than the cooks that actually make the food. I can't wait for restaurant kiosks to be a thing.

>> No.7039059

Because there's millions of people out there who don't have the education to get a better job than that, or who live in a job desert. OR you can always just support them with your tax dollars instead while they sit on their asses at home. Would that be better?

>> No.7039063

So they can't learn to be responsible for themselves because...?

>> No.7039071

>I can't wait for restaurant kiosks to be a thing.

Gonna be comfy as fuck.

>> No.7039075

Tipping is expected, but of course you have the option of not tipping for sub par service. That is justified because you didn't receive the service you were expecting as part of the service agreement of a full service restaurant. However, not tipping even when you recieve goid service makes you an asshole. It just does. That's it.
It's funny, because the people who holler the most about how they hate tipping are people who can't stand the thought that they are looked at as a shithead.

>> No.7039078

Yep. Once, terrible service, terrible manners, and the food was dry. She then had the gall to come up to me and tell me there's no tip. Told yeah, that's correct no tip, you took 10 minutes to even recognize us as customers even though your greeter seated us. Then another 10 minutes to bring water than asked if we were here for buffet (we were not), then ignore us when we were trying to wave her down for refills. So no, no tip.

Just because they're there being a server doesn't mean they deserve a tip. 15% for good service. 0 for anything else.

>> No.7039080

How is taking a job, any job, including as a server, not taking responsibility for yourself?

>> No.7039085

Not when you're complain about wages but won't do anything about it.

>> No.7039090

If I was going to tip anybody, I rather tip the cooks. They do more work.

>> No.7039098

>what is the job market
>what is "right to work" states
>what is non-negotiable wages

You're an idiot.

>> No.7039101


>> No.7039106

It doesn't matter what you'd rather do. You're not in charge of how the businesses you frequent are run. I'd rather pay my maid directly instead of paying the service company, but that's not how their business model works. How hard is this concept for you to understand?

>> No.7039110

Cry more, would you?

>> No.7039111

I'm in charge of my money. I will tip you 0. You mad?

>> No.7039116

It's the waitstaff that is crying. Crying at their poor choices and lack of education.

>> No.7039119

No, because I'm not a server.
However, if I were, you'd be getting sneezers.

>> No.7039125

Also I've always tipped from the heart, none of this percentage crap.

>> No.7039126

>this poor bait
You're not smart, are you?

>> No.7039127

I expect nothing less from glorified beggers.

>> No.7039141

Smarter than waitstaff that make $2/hr.

>> No.7039149

Then why would you go out to restaurants?

>> No.7039156

I seriously doubt that.

>> No.7039157

I go to buffets and take my own food. :^)

>> No.7039163

Hint: There's a reason why they are easily replaceable. It's because anybody can do their job.

>> No.7039179

Good on you.

Found the waitress! top kek

>> No.7039181

Have you ever done their job?

>> No.7039186

Everyone is easily replaceable in today's job market.

>> No.7039212


Not the person you quoted, but yes, I worked in numerous eateries and bars during my University days. Then, once I'd graduated, I moved onto a real job that pays a real salary.

>> No.7039224

Tipping is a social norm, I'm not sure what the problem here is. I never even think about it when I do it, I just instinctively do it. Its part of our culture, and I don't miss a few dollars. Christ you guys are spergs.

>> No.7039249

Which is exactly what most servers do.
Very rarely do you see older people waiting tables.

>> No.7039339

Not picking your boogers is also a social norm, but I'm sure you do that.

And if you don't you should really get that "society is always right" stick out of your ass. Plus I wouldn't believe you if you said you didn't own your own nose mining company.

>> No.7039424

I can't remember the last time I've eaten out.
Was it 2 years ago? 3?

>> No.7039430


Because Americans are keks. We will never develop cafe culture because all the waiters are hurrying you off the table so they can get another tipping customer on there.

>> No.7039435

In what country?