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7032555 No.7032555 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of my Wendy's order, /ck/?

>> No.7032560
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nice trips

>> No.7032564

>not getting fries to dip in the chili

0/10 would go to Burger King

>> No.7032579

Looks bretty gud. I won't move anywhere that doesn't have a good Wendy's nearby. They're the perfect model for what fast food can and should be.

They were fast casual before fast casual was fast casual.

>> No.7032607


literally why

>> No.7032741

>getting a sandwich AND chili
>drenching salad in dressing
>not one but TWO packets of hot sauce

Just how obese are you, OP?

>> No.7032750
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ur gonna make it to 90 bro I can tell
as long as you continue to keep that hot sauce intake down

>> No.7032751

THat salad looks useless

>> No.7032757
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>> No.7032773


swap out the sandwich for a baked potato and I'm with you

also nice trips

>> No.7032788

I like Wendy salads desu.

Sometimes I just want a salad with my burger instead of fries.

>> No.7032891

>two packets of hot sauce

Hot sauce has like 5 kcals a tablespoon, you're a dumbass

>> No.7033115

I always wonder what the other patrons at fast food places think when they see someone taking a photograph of their fucking fast food meal.

>> No.7033325

Overpriced salad and no fries to dip in chili or frosty, fuck off

>> No.7033377

this... fucking girls all of em

>> No.7033417

at least he got italian dressing not ranch.

>> No.7033472


Eeew is that semen?

>> No.7033480

I refuse to go back to Wendy's until they bring back a salad bar

Good trips op

>> No.7033508

i just had the same thing yesterday

it was delicious

>> No.7033511

not spicy chicken/10

>> No.7033618

I want that bleu cheese brioche burger they do sometimes. It's my favorite fast food burger, bar none.

>> No.7033633

need crackers for the chili and replace chicken sand with a jr bacon and you got yourself a winner.

wendys is pretty damn delicious

>> No.7033636

Bretty gud, bro. Freals

>> No.7033643

no baconator/10

>> No.7033647

needs to be a spicy chicken sandwich

>> No.7035610

Ewww, Wendy's.

>> No.7035626

how much was that whole thing?

>> No.7035636

Well that's fine, but it seems a bit silly to get all that and get a salad on top of that.

>> No.7035654

>Unironically getting the cheap, shitty chicken sandwich rather than the homestyle fillet.
This is why America can't have nice things.

I recently had someone try to justify that HFCS colored to look like maple syrup was a better buy than the real thing. I am still having trouble getting over that. This thread is almost as bad.

>> No.7035676


OP here. $4.50 or so.

>> No.7035719
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The nice chicken sandwich would have been worth the price of all 3 items, you must be in greece because you seem to struggle with the concept of a budget .

>> No.7035779

No, I am just not poor. My usual is two homestyle fillets. I await your snide, pearl clutching response.

>> No.7035781

Why is it a chicken sandwich AND chili? Seems heavy.

>> No.7035785

Might as well have gone for the 4 for $4 meal.

>> No.7035789


>> No.7035800

No one is going to get tubby from two chicken sandwiches.

>> No.7035804

tell that to my dad

>> No.7035821

>Thinks meat gets stored as fat
>My sides

>> No.7035831

>fried chicken
>white bread

okay dr oz

>> No.7035833
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>> No.7035860

You do realize it only has two small pieces of bread right and a little mayo. Sure it is fried but that isn't going to kill you. Having it once a week to every two weeks will not make a difference in your health except you might be a little happier.

>> No.7035874

the only place I've ever got food poisoning from was a Wendy's

it was the only thing I ate that day (skipped breakfast and too sick for dinner), got a jr. bacon and a chili. chili was served lukewarm. I didn't think anything about it till I started sweating and I was screaming on the toilet for 24 full hours

I love the chili but the thought of it makes me sick now

>> No.7035885
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>Wendy's HOT Chili Seasoning
Not even called hot sauce
>Ingredients: Water, Corn Syrup

>> No.7035961

Whats in the cup? Some kind of stew?

>> No.7035975

You aren't from around these parts are you? That's chili. Basically a stew.

>> No.7036316


That chicken sandwich is really thin and small, so it's more like a snack.

>> No.7036341

I'm going to go autistic and talk about how you just have your chicken sandwich sitting right on the dirty tray and liner

>> No.7036557

what are you, immunodeficient? Don't be such a fuckboy, germs make you strong.

>> No.7036588

Write faggot on your forehead with a sharpie
Include your email in the picture
And ill send the card

>> No.7036797

Every time i eat there it isnt by choice. Somebody just wants to go there with me. Then ifeel like shit after i eat that garbage. Just go to chik fil a.

>> No.7036914
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Their salads are way overpriced. The chili is the best priced thing on the menu if you are purely looking to get full

>> No.7036925

>actually consuming fast-food mystery chili

>> No.7036936

It has the most grams per dollar of anything on their menu why would you not get it.

>> No.7036955

not enough food tbchwy senpai

>> No.7037072

>go to Wendy's
>Get number 1 w/ bacon
>replace fries with chili
>dump chili on bacon cheese burger
>make bacon chili cheese burger
it's da best

>> No.7037081

>It has the most grams per dollar of anything on their menu
this is because of reasons and the reasons aren't happy reasons.

>> No.7037098

It's made of the unused beef from the day before, I'll take it that at a discount any day of the week.

>> No.7037105
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Looks cheap.

>> No.7037124
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>comparing one formula food to another
>superiority in food additives


>> No.7037133


I've never understood why using leftover hamburger meat in chili sounds gross to people. To me it sounds fucking delicious.

>> No.7037147

>op's food was cheaper, healthier, and tasted better

panera is ass

>> No.7037171

omg baked potato and chili is one of my favorite things to order from Wendy's.

>tffw the only Wendy's nearby is too close to the interstate, making it nearly impossible to get back home because of the backed up traffic

I guess eventually I'll find a way. I fucking miss Wendy's.

>> No.7037184

You have any idea how tiny their dollar menu sandwiches are? Fuck off, grill.

>> No.7037189

>bag of chips

Fucking trashed. Fuck Panera. Fuck McAlister's. Fuck Quizno's. Subway is filling enough without chips so it's fine. I wish I didn't love Streetbreads who also has bags of chips, but they're fucking delicious.

>> No.7037232
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>getting a salad at a fast food joint


>> No.7037255

gave me a sickness once

>> No.7037944

Of course it does since it has cheap filler beans. Let me guess. You are one of those rice&beaners who thinks his gayass lifestyle choice is acceptable and should be tolerated.

>> No.7037951

That's nearly my exact order when I go to Wendy's, except I get the spicy chicken sandwich. Other than that, it's exactly what I order.

>> No.7037976

Wendys actually has some decent salads

>> No.7037979


I love getting salads at zaxbys, and its probably unhealthy enough that it deserves to be fast food so fuck you.

>> No.7037986
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>go to wendys 10 mins ago
>splurge, get a baconator and 6 pieces spicy nugget, $12 total
>get baconator and fries, no nuggets
>try to get servers attention, she walks away
>car is behind me
>drive away embarrassed
>baconator was dry, fries were shitty, dr pepper is watered down
>no nuggets
fuck wendys

>> No.7038004


Did you know Wendy's used to have salad bars? It used to be one of their main attractions.

>> No.7038015

An open air salad bar. Just what you would want at a fastfood.

>> No.7038017

Can't blame Wendy's for your fucking autism

>> No.7038027

They haven't had good burgers for years. Their fries are almost always limp and soggy. I never bother with soft drinks when I have them at home.

The only things Wendy's still does right is their homestyle chicken fillet and chocolate frosties.

Also you need to grow a backbone.