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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 148 KB, 1066x663, united_fats_of_murka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7027567 No.7027567 [Reply] [Original]

What can we do about this, /ck/?

>> No.7027571

I bet the majority of the fatsos are Mexicans and Blacks.

>> No.7027582

Those who are obese should pay at least 5% - 10% more for health insurance for a start.

>> No.7027590

the weird part is that people were already alarmed in the mid 90's.

>> No.7027598
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Gee, I wonder why...

>> No.7027602
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that's not fair, muh genetics

>> No.7027610

I keep seeing her face but who exactly is that? Maybe there's a funny story there.

>> No.7027615

Stop eating shit and walk around the block a little bit more.

Start with avoiding this shit.

>> No.7027635

The problem will solve itself. It's called "natural selection"

>> No.7027646

May I suggest that we just redefine what is required to be healthy? Then, we can all be healthy!

>> No.7027652

Not really. You see, they have healthcare now. So while they won't listen to the doctor about their diet and exercise, they'll have no problems taking up space in the hospitals to deal with their cardiovascular diseases.

>> No.7027656

The problem will NOT solve itself because humans have been outside of natural selection for a long time.

>> No.7027658

Make soda a controlled substance. I lost over 50 pounds and when I got out of high school, because I was no longer within arms reach of a vending machine for 8 hours a day.

>> No.7027752

We probably shouldn't have vending machines with soda and shit in public schools anyway. If kids can't be trusted with alcohol or cigarettes then they shouldn't be trusted with food with such high sugar content either.

>> No.7027790


food is delicious, deal with it fam

>> No.7027799

Correlation is not causation. While I bet corn syrup is definitely contributing to the problem, it's not the sole problem, nor the biggest, it's just one of manymany.

>> No.7027805

stop drinking soda
i've transitioned to drinking water only and i feel so much better because of it

>> No.7027812

Or you could have some self control and not ruin things for everybody because you're a failure of a person who can't accept responsibility for their actions

>> No.7027831
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I was going to "inb4 it's black people" but I see I was too late

I used to live in flyover land. Large, pink ham planets of presumably european descent abound. Being a normal weight is "how do you stay so skinny" territory. Clothes don't come in any size smaller than XL.


>> No.7027838

Long story short she blabbed on about how she had PTSD from being pick on for being a fat fuck on twitter

>> No.7027915

what about smokers?
or type 2 diabetes?

>> No.7027933

Most smokers and diabetics already pay more for insurance. At least in my experience smokers don't qualify for any types of price reductions.

>> No.7027977
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stay mad


>> No.7027991
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You tell me.

>> No.7027995
File: 63 KB, 638x493, FLYOVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What reason would I have to be mad? I've got the bar with the lowest obesity rating.

Sorry you are pink and ugly and in horrible shape :(

>> No.7028011

>Or you could have some self control
Not him, but the issue (at my high school at least) was that the food was complete garbage and all that was available to drink was sodas from the vending machine.
The school district had a contract with Coca-Cola for them to have exclusive distribution rights in all of the schools, and all of the food was from a contract service that heated up frozen pizza, fried chicken tenders, and french fries. I'm not exaggerating one bit.

After I got out of high school, I lost over 50 pounds because I wasn't eating garbage and drinking a Coke every day.

>> No.7028047

A third of whites being obese is nothing to be proud of.

Also poverty exacerbates obesity in first world countries. So the fact that America has an overlap in race and poverty doesn't absolve the problem.

The only viable excuse is America is a land of plenty and along with subsidies being fat is cheaper than almost any other country.

>> No.7028052

>A third of whites being obese is nothing to be proud of.
But at least we're not black. At least we're not the south.


White people

>> No.7028057

I was waiting for someone to break this down by race

we all know what the problem is here

>> No.7028062

Indeed. All races other than Asian should be exterminated immediately.

>> No.7028072 [DELETED] 

Ah, so the flyover shitposter is a chink making up for his lack of masculinity. Got it.

>> No.7028075

>I'm not fat I'm big boned
cultural relativist please go back to tumblr

>> No.7028103
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A big part of the problem is that parents don't let kids play outside or walk to school nearly as much as in the past. Now pair that with >>7027598
and you get lots of fat kids who turn into fat adults.


>> No.7028119
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And those fat adults? They stay fat because unless they make an effort to go to the gym, chances are they'll be working sedentary jobs, and using sedentary modes of transport.

>> No.7028130

So to follow up on >>7028103 and >>7028119

>What can we do about this, /ck/?
Encourage people to consume less calories AND be more active.

>> No.7028139

Speaking as a foreigner, I'd say that there could be some sort of PSA talking about nutrition or how to actually cook using healthy ingredients.
Say "Hey, try this this and this, don't slather it with butter, don't use margarine, try and cut back on soda", but I guess it would get shutdown by corporations.
I think that the real issue, instead of banning stuff, would be to inform the populace. You can teach a man to fish, but if he doesn't know what to do with it, he might become Japanese, or something along those lines.

>> No.7028147

lower the daily suggested values for people who sit on the computer all day and focus more on nutrition

start at 1500 for men and 1300 for women and go lower the more neckbeard you are

>> No.7028153

There is nothing wrong with butter. The body needs fat. I go through blocks of butter like some ham planets go through diet coca cola, and I'm in great shape. My HDL levels are crazy high. I don't know if that's from the butter or from my lifestyle. My doctor said whatever I'm doing just keep doing it.

Of course, I also bike to work and lift weights several times a week. And drink a little wine every night. By "a little" I mean like half a bottle.

>> No.7028172

A better understanding of calories and how many calories you actually need.

>> No.7028186

I might have used the wrong word, I am sorry. I meant not to go too hard on it, as with everything, but somehow I felt like it was worth mentioning.

>> No.7028192

This is the sort of shit that absolutely needs to stop. Schools shouldn't be partnered with companies that want to sell junk food to kids in schools, fuck them. They can buy that shit elsewhere if they want it but not in the school itself.

>> No.7028215

You're both wrong because that's not how natural selection works. So long as you live long enough to fuck someone and pump out more than two children, you are winning at natural selection. Fatties routinely live to forty or more, more than enough time to squirt out half a dozen obese brats.

>> No.7028229

But you also have to consider that these fatties are predisposing their kids to obesity or sometimes they're obese right out of the gate. That will reduce the likelihood that they will reproduce again for a number of reasons. They may not be fucked right now but they're setting their descendents up for failure.

>> No.7028242

Well no, because even being fat as fuck as a kid doesn't reduce your lifespan enough to stop you from reproducing.

>> No.7028299

It will eventually, if you are diabetic as an infant you may not make it to puberty.

>> No.7028387

meh the differences between mexican and whites isnt that large espeically if you take in income difference

like crime is largely an age affected statistic (blacks and latinos are about ~ 10-15 years younger than the average white person) obesity is largely affected by poverty. also for asains theres a genetic component, japanese women for example have the thinnest waistlines on earth and its largely due to genetics. and also i would imagine stress levels playing a big roll too for any group

poor people eat less healthy because food is usually only 2 of the following: cheap, good, healthy. being that humans have biological imperatives to seek out high fat and sugar foods and its literally like a drug to us, its no wonder why they would go for the cheap, and good food as opposed to something expensive and healthy and good.

cheap good food is possible but usually takes time to make which makes it not conveinent. who wants to spend an hour cooking after working all day at a minimum wage manual labor job?

to answer >>7027567 ops question, i think the solution in here. making cheap good food conveinant and healthy, hitting all the points that people want (or even not know they want as in they eat it because its good and cheap not because its healthy formost). the 20th century in ways was a race to the bottom who could make a the cheapest food that tasted good (mcdonalds using cheap condiments to mask cheap food, taking out all the vegetables). the 21st century youre seeing more of the fast casual approach (modeled after panda express originally? and seen in places like chipotle) this food is pretty good (near restaurant level) and conveinant, but not as cheap as fast food and not as healthy as healthy food. in order to make this work, it will have to be the best in almost every category, firing on all cylinders, it is possible but very hard


>> No.7028391

the other part of it is manufactured food, which to my contention getting rid of it isnt feasable in our life time and isnt necessary. whats needed is to keep pushing the healthier agenda in america thats already going on and the manufactures adjust due to supply and demand via the free market. youve seen this already going on with chips being baked, yogplait switching from high corn syrup to regular sugar (not to note whether HFCS is healthy or not, more so to show that the market is receptive to consumer demands/ concerns), smaller sizes (though this could be to economic gain, but when the numbers match (youre not being ripped off) it could be for health reasons), and popularized meme foods to the normie media market thats actually healthier for you (greek yogurt, avocados, oatmeal, coconut oil, etc) that slowly gets people to change diet through social popularity. the manufactures willl respond to this and keep on hammering it out until you get a market where the maority of the things are healthy (or healthier than before) and still taste good so people are eating better with 0 effort. price per oz or unit is usually the week point of manufactured food and probably wont go down because of profit margins, and they (the alrgest prodicers) can just charge what they want because of lack of viable competetion due to market domination, and economy of scale for smaller producers (lack of for smaller operations being able to produce within the same economy of scale as large producers)

etc etc etc so on i got to go bye


>> No.7028428

Make sugar and corn more expensive.

>> No.7028431

get rid of the processed sweeteners in everything that is mass produced

>> No.7028443


If you actually limit the amount of added sweetner to products to be restricted to a % of calories in specific markets you could stem it significantly.

A lot of food produced and sold tastes like barely anything, but is only edible due to the amount of sugar they cut it with.

Additionally, put more land in the dakotas/etc under farming for goats for wool and other meat! Because fuck, I don't want to pay 8$ for a welsh onahole

>> No.7028445

>making corn more expensive
but muh farmers

>> No.7028459

I'm surprised they don't
Stupid fat fucks are driving the costs up for everyone then

>> No.7028461


I only drink 1 soda a day, and that's with my dinner for the salty, sugary, limey etc taste. If I drink anymore I end up hating it because all the syrup.

If I had access/skill to make a decent fruit tea I would just have that instead.

>> No.7028472
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Why do fatties get so mad when you try to help them?

>> No.7028476
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>> No.7028491
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Do they expect anyone to actually believe this bullshit?

>> No.7028494

farm something else. If they still can on their chemically sterilized land.

>> No.7028497
File: 84 KB, 562x450, 1431018710201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best delusion

>> No.7028510

less than 10% of the corn grown in the us goes towards things like corn based cereals, corn starch and corn syrup.

30% of it is turned into ethanol to add to gasoline and 35% of it is for animal feed

we do add hfcs to fucking everything, but it's not the driving force behind all the corn we grow.

>> No.7028516

>"I thought they smelled bad on the outside"

>> No.7028520
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>I thought they smelled bad on the outside

>> No.7028553

So stop fucking fat chicks. That will solve it. Plus if this trend keeps going they'll be too fat get in it the right hole.

>> No.7028557
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>let's carve this ham

>> No.7028572
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>let's carve this ham

my sides

>> No.7028578


thats just because the u.s produces a lot of fucking corn

would be nice if the rest of the u.s would produce stuff other then california for us to eat what with california going through a dry phase.

consumer products are soaring, but everywhere that would grow it otherwise it sucked onto the cornpipe.

>> No.7028587


It doesn't have to stop you from reproducing, it just has to slow the rate, or lower the chances that the obese would be able to reproduce, which it surely does. The question is how much the rate is reduced. If the forces which create obese people outpace the reduction in their number from a decline in their reproduction then natural selection is not a solution to the problem.

>> No.7028693
File: 80 KB, 406x722, Screenshot_2015-10-30-14-44-28-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.]Put labels like pic (lay's original potato chips) related on snacks.

2.]Teach kids in middle school that if you eat more calories than you burn you will become a fat fuck. Also teach kids what BMR is and how activity level affects how many calories you need daily to lose weight.

>> No.7028698

make corn more expensive. meat and dairy prices go up. processed food prices go up. soda and candy prices go up.

everyone has to eat less crap and more plants.

>> No.7028755

There may or may not be anything wrong with butter although the saturated fat content is a contentious issue. But butter and fat in general is the easiest way to add calories to foo without noticing it. A little fat is required but when half a cup of fat amounts to 1000 calories advise to be wary isn't unfounded. A spoon could easily put you over.

The problem is a lot of people think their food consumption should drive their activity. That's always unsustainable in the long run. It's easier to skip exercise than skip a meal on a day they don't exercise. Your daily activity should drive your calorie consumption.

Exercise should be for fun not a chore you need to do to allow you to eat Oreos.

>> No.7029727
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Doubt anything will alter the obesity trend, desu

>> No.7029734

>tfw florida is a bastion of somewhat good health in the fatass south

>> No.7029741
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>> No.7029747


>cali subsidizes the shit out of health food
>people in colorado go hiking all the fucking time
>hawaii doesn't have easy access to cheap shit junk food, best/cheapest option is fish

>the south is overwhelmingly poor, as are ohio and indiana
>arkansas, mississippi, and west virginia are 3 of the poorest states in the union
>wisconsinites consume a shitload of beer and cheese

see a pattern yet

>> No.7029755

Jail parents who abuse their children through poor nutrition. We have tried the carrot for decades and the problem only gets worse.

We need the stick because only something drastic is going to reverse the problem.

>> No.7029769

No this is going to cause more problems than it would solve mein fuhrer. We simply have to educate the public about how many calories there are in foods and how many you have to eat to lose weight. There are literally millions of Amerifats that actually believe exercise is the solution to weight loss.

2 liter sodas should have a 1,000 calorie warning label, sandwiches should have a label telling people how many calories are in the entire sandwich. We also need to enforce education in middle school and high schools about "calories in, calories out" thing.

>> No.7029774


Never been to America but by my understanding the school lunch seems to usually be utterly unhealthy trash like tater tots and nuggets, with no veggies or fruits. If kids bring their own lunches it seems to be some premade snacks with a cup of some sugar water that they call juice.

It should start from kid onward, not letting them grow on shit until they're old enough to decide on their own meals, and then wondering why they make bad decisions

>> No.7029792

>It should start from kid onward, not letting them grow on shit until they're old enough to decide on their own meals, and then wondering why they make bad decisions
This is why I said the public should be educated more, parents need to stop feeding their kids 1,500 calorie dinners to their kids. They should be taught that dinners need to stay around 1,000 calories. Chucking them in jail won't help them learn what they're doing is wrong.

School lunches at least in most schools are actually pretty decent. Lunches are around 800 calories and breakfasts are around 500 calories which is the optimal balance of calories until they eat their dinner at home. The problem is they introduced vending machines in high schools which have made kids fatter because of the easy access to 400 calorie dorito bags and 300 calorie soda bottles.

>> No.7029796

In America giving kids vegetables is basically communist indoctrination. The GOP (pizza is a vegetable) would never stand for it.

>> No.7029801
File: 31 KB, 512x288, Calorie food warning label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how it is in America but all food is clearly labelled with the calories, salt, fat, carbs, protein etc in large print on the front of all food packaging with traffic light colour coding to display if it is high or low in something, how much of that meets your daily allowance of that thing and for each portion.

This does nothing and you are being very naive. People are educated, people have been educated in proper nutrition for decades. It is a waste of time. People don't care because they are lazy and apathetic.

I thank Christ that social services get involved here if a child is too fat and look after the well-being of the child and removing them from unfit scumbags.

What do you know, it actually works too. So you keep feeding your children shit and watch them die of heart disease before you because of muh freedumbs.

>> No.7029820

if we're actually fixing the obesity issue obviously we must accept that nobody can control his or her self.

>> No.7029828

When I was in school, health class was taught by the gym teacher. I can't imagine that has changed since then. Schools need to hire someone qualified to teach nutrition. I was in school back in the 90s and the nutrition portion of health class could be summed up as "Don't eat a steak, have a giant bowl of refined flour pasta instead." The sex ed portion focused entirely on the horrors of STIs and pregnancy, but that's besides the point.

The problem is that schools contract with the cheapest providers of food available. We love to get something for cheap even if costs us more in the long run. A lot of poor children are dependent on school lunches. Schools in poor areas already have financial trouble and can barely afford to provide books for students, much less healthy meals.

>> No.7029837 [DELETED] 

>yuropoors so stupid they need color coding to make decisions about what they put into their own body
>yuropoors choking on the sweet air of freedom

>> No.7029838

>each 40g serving
This is the problem in burgerland. Companies will divide the package into small serving sizes in hope that the fattie won't realize that big ass bag of chips has 2,500 fucking calories >>7028693

If you explicitly label the whole package/soda fatties will know right off the bat that they shut keep their black holes know as mouths shut unless they want to die of a heart attack in their 30's.

>> No.7029866 [DELETED] 

>Talk about education
>Get proven wrong
>Starts shitposting

Yep, you're an American.

>> No.7029874

Is that a fucking funnel?

>> No.7029920

I bet the cashier just gave her a strange look. I do that shit all the time when really fat people come in I'm like "yeah fatty of course your gonna get the large drink"
Again bet the waitress just fucked up and fixed the drink first time she asked. But because she's fat and it was a diet soda it became and oh lawdy life as a fat ass is so hard.

>> No.7029923

Forgot to include I don't actually say that I just think it a smile

>> No.7029952

i liked your analysis

>> No.7029965

They are clearly labeled but companies will often make the serving size smaller than the actually item you've bought.

For example a bottle of soda is usually 2 servings but the average person would think it's one bottle it's one serving

>> No.7029981

I don't think it even matters. Most people don't read the labels. If they were reading the label they'd read it a little harder.

>> No.7030219
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>> No.7030236
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ewww that thing doesn't even look human anymore. Looks like some ancient failed experiment of evolution. It amazes me how these land whales can say they're fat while being smug. They're not even fat anymore, more like super morbidly obese.

>> No.7030239

Why does everyone want to fix this obesity problem so much?

More jobs for healthcare providers.

Also, Just dont be obese yourself.

>> No.7030246

So people are more productive, so fewer people have to deal with obese fucks in hospitals, so fewer nurses break their backs (number one cause of nurse injuries, btw) moving fat fucks, so we can stop wasting time treating diabetes, so we can finally shut down tumblr for inactivity

>> No.7030250

She'll only reach super land whale status when she's unable to position herself upright due to her corpulence.

>> No.7030254

>so fewer people have to deal with obese fucks in hospitals
Why is this a bad thing? This is a good thing for healthcare providers like doctors and nurses. This is employment.

>> No.7030255

Because of fat feminists and SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS telling people it's okay to be a 500 pound morbidly obese smelly fuck who's going to die in their 30's.

Kids are growing up thinking it's okay to to be morbidly obese and a fucking pansy. Fat acceptance is fucking ruining the entire country. All that needs to come to an end asap.

>> No.7030259


just kek my shit up senpai

>> No.7030267

Dude, just make sure your immediate family is educated on it. Thats it. If they dont have anyone in their family smart or aware enough to warn them, fuck em. Let them fuel the economy.

>> No.7030270


lol nice wordfilter kek

>> No.7030283


>> No.7030295
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>all employment is good maymay
Because these fat fucks need special equipment and farm animal grade machines to move them. You can't just let your aunt take care of them, it takes multiple men or a crane to move a 500 lb person. And you have to move them around to clean them, deal with waste, perform diagnostics, etc.

It's not work anyone should be doing so frequently.

>> No.7030301

spooky scary skeletons are so annoying desu senpai, i bet they're a bunch of keks who suck bbc

Stop trying so hard, your point isnt going anywhere. Bottom line, if you aren't a blue pilled vagina, unhealthy people create demand for healthcare providers

>> No.7030304

I'm scared to agree with what you said. I mean yeah more fat fucks = more medical jobs but then everyone around you would be dying in their 30's. It would be really weird to say the least.

>> No.7030314

You don't have a point, just employing people to tend to fatties is ridiculous. It's not in any way a sustainable or even desirable outcome. Point out a single society that thrives because over 30% of their population is bedridden and require constant medical attention.

>> No.7030326

This is a new issue, I cant point to examples. When has such a surplus ever been a fucking problem?

Obesity creates jobs. If you're so anti-fat, educate your family. I really don't feel like pouring a bunch of words into a cup with a cover on it.

>> No.7030342

>I'm too assblasted to defend my weak assertions

Alright then. There is sufficient demand for healthcare providers without preventable problems like obesity even entering the equation. You've obviously never worked in this field before and I'm sure you don't now. Go ask any doctor, health insurance provider, or health policy expert if increasing obesity for economic reasons is valid or even sane.

>> No.7030344

Alright. Good conversation mate.

>> No.7030346

Smellody claimed she got PTSD for being called Smellody online.

>> No.7030371

Yeah cuz a nation of 100% healthy people employs more doctors :^)

>> No.7030378

>what are hereditary illnesses like glaucoma and diabetes

>> No.7030383

>diseases that a simple prescription and bi-yearly could solve

>> No.7030388


>> No.7030403

You can't cure those diseases. There are also psychiatric hospitals to consider, those will never run out of batshit insane people to treat no matter how fit a country is.

Hospitals will always need to treat those injured, pregnant woman, terminally ill patients, etc.

Point is if the united states got healthy in a year it would only lower the need for medical professions by like 10%, maybe.

>> No.7030406

I've lost 40lbs in the last year. I'm doing my part (220 to 180)

>> No.7030409

>it would only lower the need for medical professions by like 10%, maybe.
I dont want that

>> No.7030425

Thank you anon. It makes me want to hurl when people advocate that being a fat fuck is okay. I used to be 300 lbs and I wanted to kill myself 24/7. I'm 200 lbs now but I literally feel so much better just because I lost all that weight. You better keep grinding hard senpai, I'm only 20 lbs away from you and I've started going to the gym while only eating my bmr.

>> No.7030603

Pasta is healthier than steak as a general rule though. To get the same amount of calories from pasta as from steak you'd have to eat an insane amount of pasta. And pasta is decently low gi too.

Stuff like chicken Alfredo and meatballs are what make pasta calorie dense. Pasta with tomatoes and veggies is remarkably healthy.

>> No.7030621

Your suggestion is akin to building shitty houses so they need more repairs. Or cars that break down a lot. More jobs for laborers and mechanics. I don't know if this is an indictment of your stupidity or capitalism that this seems like a viable way to go about things.

>> No.7030794
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Holy shit I can't breathe

>> No.7031205
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enjoy your food anons

>> No.7031836

You know what costs insurance companies the most? Old people.

Fat guy here. I weigh 290lbs at 5'10'' and I only go to the doctor once a year. I'm 43 and I'm alone 95% of the time so in all likelihood I'll collapse from a heart attack or stroke and die without bothering anyone. Cost to insurance companies = 0.

>> No.7031858

please don't reply to the tripfag.
thanks friend

>> No.7031879

obesity comes from consuming more of everything. You can probably trace the same with carbs, fat or even unrelated stuff like eggs or fiber.The problem is eating too much, too often.

>> No.7031881

>It's called "natural selection"
No.natural selection works for things that would hurt you before you get kids. Fat people have kids no problem, since their problems only really start around 30 or 40.

>> No.7031884

the data starting at 20% is pretty baffling. in most countries that'd be the upper limit.

>> No.7032244

>akin to building shitty houses so they need more repairs.
No, it's watching people build shitty houses, and not telling them. And using this advantage to come in and give repairs for profit.

>> No.7032268

Its a combination of eating too much and exercising too little, not that long ago a lot of Americans had labor intensive jobs where they burned lots of calories, now almost no one does

>> No.7032291

>that shitty feel when living overseas for a few years but moving back knowing that 50% of the female population is going to be absolutely unattractive and undateable because 50% are overweight

>> No.7032313
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> 50% of the female population is going to be absolutely unattractive and undateable because 50% are overweight

>> No.7032330

I live in Asia and am totally uninterested in Europe

>> No.7032352

>I live in Asia
omg I'm so sorry anon

>> No.7032357
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Are we doing this?

>> No.7032361
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They are low test beta males and all the women look like little boys

If I wanted to have sex with little boys, I'd move to asia

REAL women have curves and high test men like some meat on those bones. Do I look gay to you bro? Do I? I'm not gay.

>> No.7032364

>Living in one of the safest cleanest country in the world, where all the girls are middle class, skinny, and put tons of work into their appearance is a bad thing

>> No.7032365

>liberals tell me we are stupid and fat worthless shits; a plague on mother earth

>these same liberals cry about people not having enough to eat

>> No.7032377

>not being fat is anti-American
Kill yourself

>> No.7032383

>literally just described namibia or gambia
>implying that I would ever want to live in such a place

>> No.7032396


No I didn't

>> No.7032405

Well which Asian country? There not all super safe.
Also honestly most Asian girls are skinny cylinders with no ass or tits.
They defiantly are hotter than a fat chick but they aren't that much better

>> No.7032410

Japan. After living here for a while I'd take a skinny girl with B cups over a fat girl with d cups.

>> No.7032419

Stop bitching faggot. Water fountains are things that exist and packing a lunch isn't hard.
Inb4 what about poor people

>> No.7032425

I feel like is more like a skinny girl with sub a cups and hips far narrower than yours.
But yes defiantly better than fat chicks

>> No.7032454
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Can't we just let the fatties fat and kill themselves? Most hospitals can't deal with someone over 500 lbs anyway.

>> No.7033186
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>> No.7033517
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>> No.7033529

but Namibia IS actually one of the safest countries

>> No.7033539

Where the girls are all skinny, middle class, and mostly attractive?

>> No.7033562
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In Windhoek. Native peoples don't count.

>implying you wouldn't

>> No.7033563

>that fedora
>that neckbeard
>that obesity

I bow down to the neckbeard king

>> No.7033566


the fuck is the point of including the first three color points in the key?

>> No.7033574

wow, get out of here with your fat shaming, classist and racist standards of beauty

>> No.7033575

>kids aren't taught about caloric intake and how to read calorie labels

protip: gym teachers are not suitable instructors for teaching nutrition, and because of this there parents most likely dont know it either

>poors are uneducated, and don't consider the benefits of healthy eating both in their pockets and body

poors have terrible lives, they'd rather have short term pleasure from eating then really consider anything else related to food

>cooking is no longer a skill being taught

seriously, how many people on this board have just moved out recently, recently meaning within the last 5 years, and just have no idea how to sustain themselves by cooking

i used to be obscenely obese and turned my life around due to a traumatic event, ive recognized my poor upbringing and education as being the primary causes, as i listed out above

>> No.7033584

If you choose previous years the early data points use the lower end of the colors on the key. I suppose they could remove them but I think it's funny.

>> No.7033595

>i used to be obscenely obese and turned my life around

Oh no wonder. Ex-fatties are like ex-alcoholics. Insufferable and always assuming everyone else is as dysfunctional as they once were.

>> No.7033609

what are you trying to imply? passive aggressive bitch just be straight

>> No.7033626 [DELETED] 

Unless you create the universe from scratch every weekday night for 26 hours of labor for every meal, you hate cooking and should just go to MacDonalds
>2,943 days since processed garbage dot png
You're that guy, aren't you

>> No.7033632

with the numbers we have now, it looks like most of America IS as dysfunctional as ex-fatties

>> No.7033638

are you retarded? i like a good fast food meal here and there, im not completely averse to those foods, what a shitty assumption to have based on one post

>> No.7033668

some places have health incentives, if you pass your checkup or try to work on it by losing weight/walking more/quit smoking your insurance costs less.

>> No.7033686
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>mfw work for a provider and around 60% of the employees are fat women.
It's disgusting. Literally a 3 story building and they line up for the elevator.

Cigna never asked if I smoke, though. Also, Colorado mustard race except for my office.

>> No.7033705

teach better nutrition in schools, cut out the "yay candy and junk food / boo broccoli" attitude in cartoons and tv, maybe build an economy not built entirely on sugar and fat? because a lot of the problem is capitalisms emphasis on branded snack foods in my opinion

>> No.7033752

Litteraly evolution...

>> No.7033759

Round them up, burn them alive, use the resulting grease as an alternative energy source

Solve two crises at once

>> No.7033767

Reminder that your body is an extension of your mind. If you cannot resist the temptation of gorging yourself on food, if you do not have the discipline to do anything physically active every day, what does that say about the rest of you as a person?

>> No.7033788

>capitalisms emphasis
They're only popular because people like them and keep buying them. It's like McDonald's. I stopped eating there for a couple months and now I can't eat there without pissing out my ass. The problem is parents who don't serve their kids a variety of foods. The problem is parents who don't make their kids taste foods that they initially refuse. The problem is parents who let their kids eat "branded snack foods" all day instead of telling them how to make a sandwhich. The problem is parents who let their kids drink soda all day instead of limiting them to 1 serving a day when they need to be drinking milk, juice, water, etc. The problem is parents who eat a diet filled with refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup (which is a cheap alternative to the US's globally high sugar prices thanks to our agricultural subsidies) and raise their kids this way. The problem is parents not cooking food and teaching their kids how to do it. What you suggest is that "we" (government) should regulate businesses/media that caters these snacks to people who want them. Do you know what happened when they took junk food out of school vending machines? Look it up.

Parents are the problem: how will regulating businesses to change that?

>> No.7033795

>use massive amounts of energy dense fuels to commit genocide and produce marginal amounts of less energy dense fuel that must first be processed using more energy dense fuel
I'm a realist

>> No.7033809
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Don't waste this golden opportunity!

>> No.7033823

>thinks asia and europe are countries

>> No.7034296
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>> No.7034351
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Good lord have mercy

>> No.7034356

We tried this, Bloomberg was attacked by ham planets for stealing their freedom.

White people are dumb, more at 11

>> No.7034361
File: 157 KB, 1158x721, snek pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's carve this ham
>I thought they smelled bad on the outside
top fuckin kek

>> No.7034363

I'd totally hit dat

>> No.7034405 [DELETED] 

>wanting government to cup your balls and make decisions for you
Keep crying Yurotrash.

>> No.7034410

Listen broh I just want the fatties gone broh

>> No.7034412

With what?

Personally I'd do it with an axe.

>> No.7034431
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>tfw you start looking at the nutrition info on coffee shop and restaurant websites before deciding on eating or drinking certain items

>> No.7034710


>tfw you walk through the grocery story looking at nutritional guides on the packaging, get disgusted and leave buying on the bare essentials.

Fuck my weight loss and the loss of my food for pleasure mentality. It's left me paranoid as fuck, even if I'm now skeleton sized.

>> No.7034719
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>tfw you gain calories when browsing 4chan

>> No.7034760


It's almost as if somehow the cheapest foods were also the most calorie dense


A novel solution aside from the fact that civilized countries have free health care and even in America low income get free treatment

>> No.7034780

>even in America low income get free treatment
Are you talking about Medicaid? That only applies to people that are disabled, children, and the elderly generally. There is no "free" option if you're just poor, usually you have to pay some amount of money and often they don't cover anything except basic, minor treatments and doctor visits.

>> No.7035009

I kinda belive this one is real. Doctors and surgeons use gallows humor in buckets.

>> No.7035020

Can't stress cutting way down on sugar enough to people. Used to get way too much sugar, which primarily came from soda. It's really as simple is getting down to a level that your body can take because for the most part a lot of people are taking in so much sugar in a day it's many times higher than recommended. Stop putting so much emphasis on fat and low fat things guys, although you should certainly keep saturated low and trans completely out of your diet. Damn sugar, mainly sugary drinks, is what's making so many people obese

>> No.7035034

I feel you. I've lost a lot of weight, but due to my high-carb diet, I still stepped in to the diabetes danger zone or whatever the fuck. Since carbohydrates are the thing you're meant to stay away from most of all, most of the stuff I see everywhere holds no interest. This has also made me critically examine everything's nutrition and see how much sugar they dump in this shit.

On the other hand, there's no doubt this has helped my weight loss even more.

>> No.7035050

Why are you asking /ck/ this? Nobody here is fat.

>> No.7035099

That and sedentary lifestyle. Since I came to Japan I have been eating more rice, no soda, yes chocolates and still lost 5kg in two months because here I can ride a bicycle everywhere without having it stolen or hit by a car. And I'm not even trying to lose weight, I ate 2 liters of vanilla ice cream with coffee jelly in 3 days. But I also like to check different supermarkets just to compare prices and I would make most of my shopping on one supermarket and them ride to another one just to buy milk because it is cheaper there so I ride my bicycle a lot.

>> No.7035104

Bicycles are a child's toy designed to steal your freedom. Next thing you know you'll be using trains and supporting education and birth control.
Fat fuck Americlaps

>> No.7035108

Do you really think eating tons of fiber can get you fat? You really have no idea on physiology or even on what fiber means at all.

>> No.7035140
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>> No.7035363

What is up with Montana? You would think being filled with Caucasians and being surrounded by nature would make them one of the fittest, healthiest, and richest states.

>> No.7035535

>Nobody here is fat.

Heartily kek'd, well jested my euphoric laddie

>> No.7036370

Looks like I need to move to CO, what's the best city to find hot sluts?

>> No.7037258

all the states filled with niggers have high obesity rates?

>> No.7037305

Instead of all you faggots blaming niggers and fat acceptance bloggers, stop for a minute and think about why people eat junk food.

To get the required amount of calories in a day is a lot cheaper if you buy big macs as opposed to carrots and beans. Because there's been a class war for 40 years, there are now more people living paycheck to paycheck than ever. Of course they will go after the cheap filler because that sweet rush of sugar and fat will keep them alive for another day and is the closest they'll ever get to a vacation.

Now if the retarded government stopped being the bottom of the corn and soy lobby and actually subsidized food based on value, something amazing will happen. Junk food will be more expensive than healthy food. Therefore healthy alternatives will be sold in more places. Therefore the average person has a greater chance of surviving on healthy foods than unhealthy foods. It's not a perfect solution but it's the best "free-market" one we have.

The time it takes to prepare food properly could be another issue but making a salad is fast.

>> No.7037325

Maybe if dumb niggers ate less they wouldn't live paycheck to paycheck
its not healthy vs unhealthy
its 2 servings vs 1

>> No.7037477

Nah, fastfood is expensive in Brazil, our minimum wage is a fraction of yours and our obesity rates won't stop rising. Now I'm in Japan and a big mac is actually a cheap meal but their obesity rates are much lower than in Brazil. All that soda and sedentarism is what makes you guys fat. I still eat a lot but I'm getting healthier here in Japan. Also the food in my university in Brazil was shit and there weren't many options available nearby.

>> No.7037521

No, not medicaid. If you go to a hospital/clinic associated with a college you can get free healthcare if you're poor. There's a university/charity hospital near my hometown that I went to for over a year for free, and the care was incredible - better than private doctors I paid for (savings, which ended up being a waste obviously). I had to wait a long time, but I had nothing to do and couldn't work so it was alright. The point is, I was taken care of. It could've been better with money (doubt it), but it was perfectly fine without money.

>> No.7037531

>sweet rush of sugar and fat
and also salt
keeps em comin back again and again

but really bulk beans and rice will beat fast food price wise, it's just (comparatively) a pain to prepare

>> No.7037561 [DELETED] 
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Kinda reminds me of popcorn

>> No.7037568
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>> No.7037582

>unhealthy people create demand for healthcare providers

literally the broken window fallacy

look it up bud

>> No.7037644
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>> No.7037673

Friendly reminder: Lean meat is worth more

>> No.7037692

Seems like a unique case, most people cannot do what you did. Many people are turned away or faced with thousands of dollars in bills.

>> No.7037825

nah most colleges have a health center where you can pay less since you are getting doctors in training

my mother used to do it to get her shitty teeth removed

>> No.7038037

I live near a big public university and I can't do that, I tried it before. I can go to the clinics they have but I get charged, and I can't go to the main building for anything because I'm not s student.

>> No.7038040

I was talking about the clinics
it should be cheaper than regular care if not free

>> No.7038094


Maybe you should learn how to control yourself then. Instead of ruining what I enjoy. I'm not even fat. How do you get so fat just from drinking soda? Do you drink like 20 gallons of it? I drink like 2 cans a day. That's not a large amount of calories. Maybe you should look at your food intake too.

>> No.7038105

dude thats fucking depressing desu senpai

>> No.7038282

Well, eating less and exercising more is a start.

>> No.7038288

Try eating getting fat eating vegetables and beans you fucking idiot.

>> No.7038293

Potato chips, soda, and other unhealthy snacks are no longer covered by SNAP and other food assistance programs.

>> No.7038296

I wanna pick at it so bad

>> No.7040205
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>> No.7040273

smokers get taxed out the ass when they buy cigarettes. in many places they put more money into the healthcare system than they use on average

>> No.7040496

Most super fats are also type 2 diabetics

>> No.7040970


God fucking damn it.

>> No.7041648
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I was looking for a video of this character making orgasm sounds while eating but apparently it is no longer online...

>> No.7041668
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I have a fat fetish so I don't really mind it.

>> No.7041672

I like curvy chub and even plump but your picture is where I draw the line. If you are gonna be big you have to be smooth for my tastes.

That said I also like skinny girls, I guess I just like smoothness.

>> No.7041695

She's a big girl.

>> No.7042489


What business does a food product company have making donations to high-ranking politicians, and what business do the politicians have accepting these donations?

>> No.7042497

White fat fuck detected

>> No.7043113

Fat fuck concentration camps, except we actually just force them to lose weight and adopt healthier eating habits. And if they don't shape up then we can just send them to North Korea.

>> No.7044072
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>mfw seeing these charts

It's a good time to be a fatty admirer.