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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 640x385, best tweetr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7026072 No.7026072 [Reply] [Original]

>eurocucks will defend this
What's it like to be the laughing stock of the culinary world?

>> No.7026076

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.7026080

I'm from Europe and I don't give a toss what some American Tranny says!

>> No.7026083
File: 22 KB, 400x400, pzYArdny_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ this kid's sad. All for this being the new face of /ck/?

>> No.7026102

Wait, is she saying that Europeans didn't each fruits and veg?
What a fucking idiot.

>> No.7026104

I don't understand niggertalk.

>> No.7026119

>lol food only grow in some places of the world
How come they haven't been diagnosed with mental illness and thrown into an asylum already?

>> No.7026123

Yes you do. Search your feelings.

>> No.7026128

Yes, we only ate meat, since animals grow without food. smh

>> No.7026129


>> No.7026131

>being transphobic

>> No.7026133

you'll never be a woman, sorry frankencuck.

>> No.7026135


>> No.7026136

It's a male trying to pretend they are a female
Just like that guy who pretended he was a cat (even had surgery) he is still a man!

>> No.7026138

Possibly the most retarded post ever....

>> No.7026140

Found it

>> No.7026152

'phobia' implies fear

some people just don't want to normalize mental illness

it's really that simple

>> No.7026157

>one hour
>heaps of transphobia
>no one's proved it wrong yet

>> No.7026162


isn't real
it's just a buzzword

>> No.7026166

>no one's proved it wrong yet
Nobody cares . . .nobody has to prove anything, this abomination posts all sorts of rubbish, have you looked at his twitter?
I think it's sad that you think an argument is worth anything!

>> No.7026169
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Thank you for that informed political weigh-in

>> No.7026172

prove it wrong

>> No.7026179

memes aren't real
it's just a buzzword

>> No.7026188


1 out of every 2 trans people experience physical assault, and you can't even do an X out of Y scenario for them experiencing verbal abuse because they all fucking do

>> No.7026190
File: 1.15 MB, 1750x2500, CIS Princess 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
>Daddy says she is a Princess
>Mummy says she is a Princess
>She is not really a Princess

This transgender thing is just mentally ill tripe, it does not belong on /ck/ . . .go here:
and complain about your special snowflake angst to somebody who cares!

>> No.7026205

did you know 5 out of 12 men also rape over 26 women a year? no, I mean 37 women

wait, it was actually 5 of 5 men

>> No.7026206

If I glue a horn to my head can I be a unicorn?

>> No.7026209


pretty sure it'll be of more use to everyone if she attempts to prove it right

>> No.7026211
File: 100 KB, 810x298, Unicorn-Pretend-Time[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7026212


>> No.7026224

>ITT good little tools of the system think they are somehow telling it like it is by regurgitating the same shit mainstream society has been force feeding them their wholes lives

What's it like having the political opinions of 80 year old crotchety men

>> No.7026228

I'm an atheistic liberal and anything "trans" related isn't scientific. Sorry.

>> No.7026229


what a fucking teenage edgy shitty comic holy shit

>> No.7026239

Edgy literally doesn't mean anything anymore.

>> No.7026241


Unsurprising, I'm an atheist and yet I'm still always surprised by how there's this unyielding brand of White "Logical" Atheism that is just as rigid and hateful as hardline conservative christians but with different labels for their beliefs

>> No.7026242

>What's it like having the political opinions of 80 year old crotchety men

Do you think truth has an expiration date?

If you want to cut off your dick, you're mentally ill. I can't stop you from wanting to cut your own dick off, but I can protest you trying to normalize it in society.

You think you're fighting "the system", "the establishment" or whatever when the reality is that neo-liberalism is the default position pushed by the media.

neither does literally

>> No.7026247

>neither does literally
Okay, but my argument doesn't fall apart if I remove the word "literally".

>> No.7026248

This is /ck/ . .. . nobody cares about your mental illness . . . .go back to tumblr

>> No.7026249

SJWs and other assorted cretins are destroying out party from the inside. Ruining free thinker evens with false rape claims for the soul purpose of garnering attention. Hating people just because they're white, even if they don't have a bigoted bone in their body. Sissybitch men being literal cuckolds and feeling the need to be in "open" relationships with dom feminist women. The scientific idea of gender being removed from the public conscience, or at the very least made out to be flexible. You fucking neo-libcucks are just as bad as the Ken Ham-type Christian fundies.

>> No.7026253


it means the same thing it always meant - provocative and dark behaviour meant to come off as brave and incisive. it came to be used in a derogatory way because every teenager on the internet tries to be edgy and fails miserably.

>> No.7026264

> Do you think truth has an expiration date

So the world is the centre of the universe? The black plague comes from bad air? The contents of the human body is made up of the four humors?

The whole point of science is that the "truth" is something that changes and gets reevaluated constantly.

You think you are being "logical" but you are just sticking your fingers in your ears and ignoring new, and very old, information instead of being open to dialog, like every other conservative status quo fanatic.

>> No.7026268

>So the world is the centre of the universe?
Do you know what the word "world" means?

>numerous points proven to be false
He said truth, those were proven to not be truth.
Learn to argue properly, please. Or at least adopt a trip so that we may filter you.

>> No.7026274

> free thinking
>spewing a different flavour of the same shit fundamentalists believe
>don't have a bigoted bone in their body
>giant sweeping bigoted statements

How convoluted does your thought process have to be to shield your world-view like this

>> No.7026278

>people are bad if they have a certain skin colour
Please end yourself.

>> No.7026281

What you're saying is irrelevant. I'm not anti-science. I'm pro-truth. I'm not the one trying to censor scientific research, mostly because I'm not afraid of the result one way or the other.

You can't do any research on controversial topics because you just won't be granted funding. Period.

Which reminds me. I remember hearing about some weird occurrence of male penguins expressing homosexual behavior a few years ago. Then some time later they stopped and a bunch of braindead liberals were up in arms about it, demanding the female penguins be removed.

I'm done arguing, though. Enjoy supporting whatever you think you're supporting.

>> No.7026284

Trannies are mentally ill and have a higher suicide rate because it is a mental illness.

>> No.7026291


>he said truth, those we're proven to not be truth
>learn to argue properly
> using a logical fallacy they teach highschool students is incorrect

Human beings are subjective creatures, the truth is not some almighty thing that exists outside of the human continuum. Those things were held as truth when the information they had at the time said so, and then changed when new information arose. That's ... that's literally how information works.

>> No.7026296

>the truth is not some almighty thing that exists
"the truth" is that which can be proven. Either prove your "truths" or stop telling them.

>> No.7026302

>free thinking

Yes, events made for people who have no religious ties. I'm sure you know what this means.

>spewing a different flavour of the same shit fundamentalists believe

I believe things that are demonstrably provable. "transgenderism" isn't in that category. It never has been. Gayness, on the other hand, is. Truth be told I respect trannies about as much as I respect people who have pooping or animal fetishes.

>don't have a bigoted bone in their body

Yes, people in this day and age get instantly filtered in to categories like being privileged and "cis". People on the far left freely admit they disregard everything these people say instantly just due to the aforementioned attributes.

>giant sweeping bigoted statements

I'm going off of experience.

>> No.7026318


isn't real
It's busy a buzzword

>> No.7026319

Saying someone hates you due to a physical trait is a lot easier to justify than saying they hate you because of something only you can see and can't prove.

>> No.7026321

you're not wrong

>> No.7026551

>feudal serfs farmed carrots, onions, lettuce, potatoes, and other veggies
>no one thought to eat these until glorious PoC showed Yurop the error of our ways centuries later

>> No.7026561

I understand that "truth is subjective" is a core part of your incredibly convoluted dogma, but get this: Those things were never the truth. Not even when people believed them!

>> No.7026572

>Which reminds me. I remember hearing about some weird occurrence of male penguins expressing homosexual behavior a few years ago. Then some time later they stopped and a bunch of braindead liberals were up in arms about it, demanding the female penguins be removed.

wow what a detailed and explicit anecdote that offers undeniable proof that liberals are bad or something.

>> No.7026597

>liberals are bad
No body's arguing that. The idiots that give liberals a bad name are bad.
No need to get so offended.

>> No.7026599 [DELETED] 

I want tumblr and reddit to leave immediately

Fuck you and fuck mentally ill people trying to normalize mental illness


>> No.7026607


i'm not offended i'm just disdainful of this kind of lazy smeary bollocks.

>> No.7026614


>> No.7026618
File: 21 KB, 500x500, 1445005498508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 out of every 2 trans people experience physical assault


>> No.7026653

Trannies are beaten for the same reason women are: they tried to cheat a john, or they wouldn't put out for their boyfriend. Trannies should be grateful this violence happens to them, as it is a sign they are passing successfully.

But back on-topic: Europe did have its share of local fruits and vegetables, including apples, raspberries, dandelion greens, asparagus and beets.

>> No.7026657

Please leave 4chan

>> No.7026721


>> No.7026724

Define edgy.

>> No.7026727

edgy is when people post this:
>Trannies are beaten for the same reason women are: they tried to cheat a john, or they wouldn't put out for their boyfriend. Trannies should be grateful this violence happens to them, as it is a sign they are passing successfully.

>> No.7026730

Good to know you don't know what it means.

>> No.7026773

>1 out of every 2 trans people experience physical assault

[citation needed]

>> No.7026777

>But back on-topic: Europe did have its share of local fruits and vegetables, including apples, raspberries, dandelion greens, asparagus and beets

Yes, this is true. Why are we debating about what some nutcase is yammering about on Twitter? They don't even know what sex they want to be, why would I trust them with historical knowledge?

>> No.7026782

I believe the anon was talking about sexual assault


>> No.7026799

edy is when people post this:
>But back on-topic: Europe did have its share of local fruits and vegetables, including apples, raspberries, dandelion greens, asparagus and beets.

>> No.7026970

I just don't think it's a big deal if people don't like other people for reasons you disapprove of. I don't think it's any less defensible than any of the reasons you have for who you like to hang out with.

>> No.7026989

I'm not gonna get into this retarded argument because this is supposed to be the food and cooking board, but phobia doesn't imply fear and whenever you see someone say it does, you can write that person off as an idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about.

Phobia means 'aversion to' not 'fear of'. As a couple of examples, I have an eye condition called photophobia. This doesn't mean that I am scared of anything, it just means that my eyes are overly sensitive to light. Also, it would be insane to suggest that hydrophobic substances are afraid of water.

tl;dr, you're wrong.

>> No.7026997

Potatoes are native to America. Europe couldn't have had them before colonisation.

>> No.7027003

South America specifically, and brought to Europe by Spanish colonization.

>> No.7027022

>Phobia means 'aversion to' not 'fear of'

So it's still bullshit, then. Trannies can hang around me, whatever. I'm just not going to play along with their pretend game.

>> No.7027029

If your whole argument is arguing semantic technicalities counter to how everyone else in the world understands how the words work, then you're just wasting time, mate.

>> No.7027039

When since did /ck/ become flooded with redpilling /pol/sters?

>> No.7027041

What is it with mentally ill people spewing stupid things on the internet?

>> No.7027042

Thanks for the link, none of the numbers reported in there are even close to 1 in 4, much less 1 in 2 like that anon originally claimed. Should've known it was bait.

>> No.7027045

>1 out of every 2 trans people experience physical assault
Of course they are. Social norms are reinforced by shame, threats, violence and even the criminal justice system. Challenge them and that's what you get.

Same thing happens with food. Go to Italy and cook an Italian American dish, then gauge the reaction of the people you serve it to. Go to any American backwater and suggest a vegetarian meal, then look at the reaction you get.

Extend that to something as basic as your gender, which has always been a defining factor in social norms and interactions and there will be pushback. Hell, we're only just figuring out how to handle homosexuals in our society, and they've been around forever.

The trans is a product of recent technology. It's people changing one of the most fundamental aspects of their identity, then expecting everybody else to just play along with it.

Not everyone is going to be graceful about that. Some will react violently to it, because it's very far on the edge of social acceptability, and they feel the need to enforce the current norms.

>> No.7027046

We've been here for years. /ck/ is now being infested with blue pilling retard leftists.

>> No.7027050

Have you considered suicide transfag? Quite a few of them take the final plunge.

This retard has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.7027051

>/ck/ is now being infested with blue pilling retard leftists.
Or perhaps your ideas are increasingly out of step with the zeitgeist.

>> No.7027053

>The trans is a product of recent technology

Do you mean people getting surgery to change their gender? That's only been around since the 1930s or so. But people who are 'in between' or 'trans' have been around for much longer; I'd say about as long as humans have been.

Good post though

>> No.7027057

>Since when did /ck/ become flooded with bluepilled tumblrite make-believe mentally impaired softies?


>> No.7027062

>underage and ban

>> No.7027064

>Have you considered suicide transfag?
Straight white male enjoying my privilege here. I just have no horse in the race. I'm not in the position where I have to give a flying fuck about gay, trans, race, gender, religious, political or cultural issues. I'm already set. Got my piece of the pie. So I can just sit back and observe how things play out for everybody else. I don't feel compelled to form opinions about any of it.

>> No.7027070
File: 12 KB, 480x360, fatso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got my piece of the pie

>> No.7027094

I'm glad you notice that this is really nothing more than people having opinions.

You don't think this is a big social problem, right? That Italians need to pretend to like Italian-American food just as much as Italian food? That people need to be totally willing to date a trans person and if they don't want to then they're doing something wrong? That 'social norm' is synonymous with 'wrong', and the ultimate aim of society is to make everyone stop disliking everything they dislike, such that everyone likes everything equally?

If we're talking about stopping being rude to people then I'm with you. If we're talking about stopping assaulting people then I'm absolutely definitely with you. But I find disturbing the idea, which seems to undercut so much of this kind of discussion, that it is not just wrong to be mean to people because of them having characteristics you don't like, but that it's wrong to dislike anything and that you ought to treat everyone the same.

I just don't think you do. I think there are good ways and bad ways to treat people differently. Broadly speaking, doing something at someone, whether insulting them or hitting them, is wrong. But if you just want to isolate yourself from them, selecting who you do and don't want to do stuff with, I honestly cannot see anything wrong with that. Even if you do so based on forbidden characteristics such as gender or sexuality - because I think the logic that finds it impermissible to treat anyone differently based on those characteristics can also apply to pretty much everything.

>> No.7027118

>"the truth" is that which can be proven
opinion dropped

>> No.7027130

Personally I don't believe in right and wrong. It's all just a matter of what the group decided will and will not tolerate. And that's always a work in progress.

I'll use a food analogy. For a the last 50 years the burger and fries was considered a great American meal. Yet increasingly restaurants are offering vegetarian and vegan options, because more and more people are eating diets today that would have seemed pretty fringe back in the 1960's. Because the norms change.

And you can pretty much tell whether someone has a worldview that idealizes the past or is excited for the future by what they choose to eat. Some prefer to eat a diet similar to that of their grandfathers, whereas others are always interested in what's new.

I see myself as more of a spectator. I don't care what other people think beyond finding it interesting in an academic sense.

>> No.7027135

>I don't care what other people think
Why do you argue then?

>> No.7027138

or maybe they have a higher suicide rate because people are intolerant dicks

>> No.7027149

Because I love the sound of my own voice.

>> No.7027179

>People on the far left freely admit they disregard everything these people say instantly just due to the aforementioned attributes.
literally only tumblrinas, no liberals in the real world are like this
guess what, Donald Trump doesn't represent all of America
Elliot Rodgers doesn't represent all youth
a vocal/seen minority =/= the whole

>> No.7027183

you have to really try hard to assume that those people were wrong, and we were right, and in the future nothing contradicting current knowledge will be shown to be wrong

as in, really strong faith

>> No.7027202

>maybe they have a higher suicide rate because people are intolerant dicks
That's probably one of a number of factors. Imagine the stress of thinking your identity does not match your physical being and the way everybody else sees you. That's got to be fucked up. It doesn't matter whether or not it's a form of mental illness or something else, it's still a fucked up position to find yourself in.

I only know one trans person, a pre-op FTM on hormones. Basically a dude in thinking because of the hormones, but with tits and a pussy.

I'm sure going through that is even more fucked than getting people to accept it. Makes me count my blessings that I was born a straight white male.

>> No.7027255

100% of suicides are because people are intolerant dicks. I maintain that there is not a single suicide that you couldn't stop by pouring enough money into satisfying the suicidal person's every whim.

>> No.7027316

>why are you saying I'm afraid of trannies? I'm not afraid
>but I'm not averse, either, you can chill with me in your dress and wig if you want

There's just no winning with these people. It doesn't matter how nice you are. It doesn't matter if you fight to the bloody knuckle for their rights, even "rights" civilized society denies to everyone else (such as mutilating perfectly healthy genitals, or lying to obtain drugs that are dangerous even under supervision). It doesn't even matter if you DO play along with them, using their fairytale pronouns just for civility's sake. If they suspect you don't believe in their womanhood with all your heart and soul, you are their enemy. Forever.

>> No.7029601

>If they suspect you don't believe in their womanhood with all your heart and soul, you are their enemy. Forever.

I can live with that

>> No.7031289


>First european culture of note the Greeks
>Deified the guy who introduced Grapes to the region
>Literally bathed in the run off of crushed olives

I mean but seriously. Even the non agricultural cultures like all the horse nomads ate fruits and vegetables. Why do people just make stuff up like this and post it publicly?

I can understand making up lies and shit on 4chan what with anonyminity and stuff but twitter?

>> No.7031314

There, I just listed the two best countries for food, guess where they are.

>> No.7031316

Carrots, onions, pretty sure beets, cabbage, apples, oranges, lemons, limes, grapes, figs, heaps of other shit.
I know full well its a troll, but just so it'll be there in the thread.

>> No.7031327

'non agrarian' includes hunter gatherers, who youd expect to eat *mostly* that, unless they were the kind of huntergatherers who were actually more like weird salmon farmers.
Yeah though, fuckin horse nomads and herders ate fruits and vegetables.

>> No.7031349

From what ive heard suicide rates dont go down very much after successful transitions.
This obviously doesnt suggest, on its own, that transitioning is not useful and shouldnt be done. It only suggests that at the least, its not useful on its own, without some other kinds of treatment or help. Maybe that goes to the point where it may as well not even be done, maybe not, youd have to do studies.

>> No.7031360

Looking more at this persons twitter
Man. They're entirely bitter, angry and miserable. Fucking teenagers, I guess.

>> No.7031377

>From what ive heard suicide rates dont go down very much after successful transitions.

Its because gender dysphoria isn't being uncomfortable in your body because you think you're supposed to be the other sex, its just chemical imbalances causing you to feel uncomfortable as your sex, period. It wouldn't matter if they were born as 'their proper' sex, they'd want to transition all the same.

>> No.7031389

have a source for that?

>> No.7031409

What are the other 2 food groups?

>> No.7031411


Can't give you a proper citation but I distinctly remember reading about it in DSM 5.

DSM is the manual for the APA though so I doubt it addresses the genetic theory in a very satisfactory manner.

>> No.7031459

Ironically a lot of people fall into depression if they unexpectedly get large amounts of money because they no longer have a motivation to do anything in life. A recent notorious example would be the minecraft dev. There's no need to be so cynical, sometimes people do want something else than money out of their lives.

>> No.7031474

Oh no, he doesn't take part in the edgy counter-culture 4chan hive mind, you gotta leave the site

You leave, tryhard

>> No.7031482

You post stats like this about gays and trans every once and a while on this board. Why do you keep trying?

>> No.7031526

>if you're not a genderqueer nu-male whole lets his wife kek him you're a fundamentalist with outdated world views






>> No.7031593

Wait, did the Indian invent wine or something? So moron Jesus is correct. He did visit the Americas.
>Mormomism: 1
>Episcopalians: -999

>> No.7032271

kek, europeans invented cooking as we know it.

>> No.7032289

>Google the name
>It's a tranny freak with massive racism against whites and sexism against men

Not really surprising desu.

>> No.7032316


>> No.7032325

>Sexual assault

You can tell they are lies because normal person wants anything to do with those mentally ill freaks. It's like those tumblr landwhales who say they were raped.

>> No.7032344

Don't apply logic to a trannies ramblings.

>> No.7032366

You mean turnip, swede, beetroot and parsnip.

>> No.7032373

Just say beet, retard
And while you're at it, "courgette" is not a word in English, nor is "butty" [sic]. And "pudding" doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.7032379

B..b..ut muh aubergines!

>> No.7032381

Dumb down my language because it was bastardised by some rebels that live half way around the world? No thanks.

>> No.7032391

Sometimes I think people pretend to be Americans in order to make us look bad.

>> No.7032398

>letting your language be raped by the savage bong
you can't spell c.u-c.k without UK

>> No.7032400

>being this fucking stupid

>> No.7032401

>making up things that don't exist

Clearly a man trying to pass as a woman because he failed as a man

>> No.7032417

Here you go fagort.

And sources to attribute the information citied on the website.

>"The main items in the Vikings' diet were wholemeal bread made from rye and oats, porridge containing oatmeal and barley, eggs, milk, cream, butter and cheese. They ate mutton, goats' flesh, horseflesh, beef and pork; in the far north, the meat of reindeer, polar bears, whales and seals could be obtained. Herring, haddock, cod and eels were favourite delicacies. The most commonly eaten vegetables were cabbages, wild greens, and onions. For fruit they had apples and all kinds of berries and nuts. They drank great quantities of milk, buttermilk and whey, as well as a weak beer brewed from barley and a much stronger mead made from fermented hone and water. Many kinds of wine were imported from Europe and faraway Byzantium. The food was cooked over the open fire in the middle of the hall. Meats were either roasted on the spit, boiled in great cauldrons or fried in deep pans. Bread the oatcakes were baked on flat stones laid across the firepit..."
---The Vikings, Michael Gibson [Wayland Publishers:London] 1972 (p. 29-33)

>> No.7032421

I hope you enjoy living in crazyville.

>> No.7032426

>1 out of every 2 trans people experience physical assault,

What is, "Something that doesn't happen enough", Alex?

>> No.7032442

wow 4chan...do you people not even know where you are? A cute tranny is not something to be angrily insulted...we should be joining together to look for any pictures of the girl and sharing them with each other...thats the 4chan way

so, does she have any nudes?

>> No.7032453

Honestly i bet they do cause they probably pick up a guy at a bar and he later finds out that she has a dick and the drunk guy gets violent

>> No.7032458

Fucks sake where did all these redditors come from

>> No.7032482

I consider myself a far leftist, I don't buy into the white cis privilege shtick though. You shouldn't generalize like that bb

>> No.7032532

Will you all just bloody talk about the subject instead of fretting over what may or may not be between a total stranger's legs?

>> No.7032589

Because trannies aren't human so when they say something, what they say is nowhere near as interesting as the fact that they are speaking at all.

like if a dog somehow tweeted about corsican separatism; sure he may have something interesting to say on the topic, but mostly you'd just be fascinated because animals arent supposed to do people things

>> No.7032614

I mean, ignoring the fact that trade with Asia existed, there are plenty of fruits and vegetables that were grown indigenously in Europe. This person is a retard.