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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7019968 No.7019968 [Reply] [Original]

Traditional Finnish cooking thread.


>> No.7019979



>> No.7020014

best thing tbh


>> No.7020027


>> No.7020030

What the shit is up with Finland? I'm a complete pig and my kitchen looks better than that.

>> No.7020035
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>> No.7020041
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>> No.7020067

is this a cooking video or a review of computer parts?

>> No.7020094

Clean that nasty assed stove before you catch your death from the funk and shot on it.


>> No.7020916


Bumping with more Finnish cusine

>> No.7020936

>implying finnish cuisine is anything more than a few bottles of liquor in a soup pot

>> No.7021476
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>chopping that onion

>> No.7021503

Suomi mainittu!

torilla tavataan

>> No.7021825


>> No.7023868

I'm sorry we settled a wasteland of wetlands and snow and were constantly raped by swedes and russkies far away from all major trade routes and interesting cultures in a climate where nothing fucking grows just so we could force our shitty cuisine on you some time in the far future.

t:a finn

>> No.7024347

I've been trying to make Limppu bread for weeks now but it never turns out ok. Ive tried 2 recipes that were more or less the same that called for only rye flour, water, and salt. Both of them said to make a starter using rye flour and water, which i did and it smells like beer, which seems right. The it said to mix the starter (100g) with rye four (500g) and water (750g) and let it sit overnight. The i add another 500g flour and 20g salt and let it rise, but it just becomes a dense, heavy mass that doesnt rise at all. Neither recipe called for adding yeast. Im using 100% whole grain dark rye flour. Am I doing something wrong? I cant find any good recipes for traditional Finnish bread, and i don't speak Finnish.

>> No.7024411
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What you're trying to do is to make a sourdough starter, rye flour is the right choice for that, but it sounds like the recipes aren't giving you enough time to get the starter really kicking.

Follow this procedure, minus the shift to wheat flour, and you should be good: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/making-a-sourdough-starter-levain-from-scratch-351330

>> No.7024463

>bagged kebab meat

is that good??

>> No.7024468

>Northern European "food"

>> No.7024723

God Finns are disgusting. Northern Europe is where food goes to die.