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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 500x500, Mountain Dew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7007405 No.7007405 [Reply] [Original]

My wife's son basically refuses to eat anything other than canned garbage and TV dinners. How do I convince him (and what do I make) to eat normal, healthy food?

>> No.7007414

Only buy good food. He can eat it or starve.

>> No.7007420





>> No.7007455

>Wife's son

You fucked up.

>> No.7007457 [DELETED] 

give him trichinosis

>> No.7007473 [DELETED] 

>you cucked up

>> No.7007482


>> No.7007530 [DELETED] 

You don't buy the microwave and canned shit and tell him to eat what you make or go hungry.

Also, cuck.

>> No.7007539

Why is this board so easy to b8?

>> No.7007549 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 440x330, Bukowski-VW-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a cuck. what a loser. this has to be bate.

>> No.7007582

yeah thats the point

its a bait thread

>> No.7007659 [DELETED] 

>My wife's son


>> No.7007668 [DELETED] 

ITT: People who don't know what cuck means.

>> No.7007679 [DELETED] 

But the particular case of OP is actual cuckoldry my fella

>> No.7007683

isnt your wifes son your step-son? why not just call him that?

>> No.7007687 [DELETED] 

No, cuckolds enjoy watching their SO having sex with other people. OP just married into a relationship where the woman already had a kid. Remarrying and having step kids is not cuckoldry.

>> No.7007688 [DELETED] 

let him drink only melted butter when he is thirsty. it's not very effective though, thats why he needs a lot.

>> No.7007713


I'm pretty sure it's a /v/ meme. I see that shit over there pretty often anyway.

>> No.7007874

>itt: people overreacting to someone having a step-son

Jesus Christ

>> No.7008068 [DELETED] 

I'm not the guy your responding to, but you're wrong. A cuckold is a guy who's married to a women who has committed adultery. Few cuckolds actually have a fetish where they enjoy seeing their partner being fucked by other guys.

>> No.7008108

it's your fault youre raising a fatso in the making.

teach him to appreciate fruits and vegetables or raise a /ck/ "tendies" poster.

>> No.7008130

Tell the fussy, fat shit if he doesn't like what you're cooking he can make his own dinner.

>> No.7008131

regardless either definition doesn't apply to OP

typical how the board full of fatsos and permavirgins can't even comprehend the simple concept of dating a woman with a kid, likely because they cannot comprehend the concept of dating into itself

>> No.7008135
File: 79 KB, 203x203, oh god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7008175 [DELETED] 

It does apply to OP if you go by the bible's definition of adultery.

“Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery." Luke 16:18

I'm not a Christian, and I personally don't go by that definition. I just felt like pointing that out.

>> No.7008248 [DELETED] 

You fucking beta cuck. Do you watch her ex fuck her with his BBC?

>> No.7008278

so in other words the people involved in making these claims are grappled by the worst parts of their human instincts.

>> No.7008283

Hilarious that these threads always work at least a few people.

>Stacy tries to shame guys who don't want used goods

>> No.7008284

>>In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.[1]

>> No.7008317 [DELETED] 



Pretty sure he's doing it wittingly retard.

Ck is cuck obsessed board, even for cuckchan.

>> No.7008361 [DELETED] 

whose deleting >>7007457 >>7007530 >>7007688
Are we not allowed to make jokes on /ck/?

I kind of understand why you're deleting the comments that are some variation of "OP is a cuck," but don't delete >>7007679 >>7007687 >>7008068 when there's an actual conversation going on. Yeah, the conversation isn't cooking related, but it IS relevant to this thread.

>> No.7008366

no, it isn't. its not about how op should deal with the kid eating only food delivered by corporation's anus.

>> No.7008388 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 425x450, No fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well we should allow jokes and discussions on /ck/. This board is meant to be educational. Some people think OP is a cuck and other disagree. A discussion ensued and nobody should have the ability to stop it. OP shouldn't have given that much information if he wanted to avoid the controversy.

>> No.7008405

>>durr this is educational board, so we should have the right to make it so op cant learn if we don't like the fact that hes raising someone elses kid
you are retarded and I hope you get banned for being a no fun allowed dipshit.
not everybody thinks shit posting is fun.

>> No.7008421 [DELETED] 

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA did I trigger you cuckboy? Did those joke about giving "your" child trichinosis or having him drink butter make you cry? Seriously, you're pathetic.

>> No.7008430

I guess you should be happy that this board has any moderators/janitors at all.

>> No.7008439

he wont be happy because he wants to shit post on /ck/ and the mods getting in the way.

>> No.7008440 [DELETED] 

Huh, so does that means OP is doing this?

>> No.7008444 [DELETED] 

>doesn't know what shitposting is
cuckfag is also a newfag. Who knew!

>> No.7008451

play with fire. teach im how to grill outdoors. make it a fun 'adventure' or whatever.

>> No.7008573

Goofy time? Other wise, show him some vids of giant fat porn. That should make him consider not becoming obese.

>> No.7008586
File: 20 KB, 306x306, dfgdfnhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop buying it
>make your wife stop buying it
>if he buys it throw it away and/or burn it in your yard

>> No.7008586,1 [INTERNAL] 

top kuk

>> No.7008698

stop buying canned garbage and tv dinners and only offer real food; he eats it or starves. problem solved. doing anything else is enabling a retard
even better is just sitting back and forcing him to cook for all with a given set of ingredients

>> No.7008720 [DELETED] 

moot's last troll on pol is now a rally cry for the hipster nerdario faggots that sperg out without a hint of irony.

That being said, caramelize them veggies so they taste like candy, carrots are probably the easiest.

>> No.7008771

I have a feeling your wife can't cook for shit considering a lot of women in the muh equal rights fight forgot how to the basic things like cook and clean.

So make eating out, candy &soda a rare thing it should be a treat not a normal part of a child's diet. Have family dinners cook healthy food. Teach your kids how to cook and care for themselfs so junk shit I sent the only option.

>> No.7008786

>shitposts loudly