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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 952 KB, 1337x2038, Wedding_cake_with_pillar_supports,_2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6998778 No.6998778 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ I'm getting married (yay!) and my fiancée's kids decided they wanted to make a cake for the special day, I have to supervise them but have never cooked one before, any hints or tips would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.6998795
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>raising another man's offspring

>> No.6998798 [DELETED] 

>raising kids that aren't yours

Hahahaha I was gonna say your life will spiral down after the "big day" but it seems like your already getting cucked, faggot

>> No.6998800

make a plan, all that structural shit is done with cake holder upper shit you don't just pile cake up to desired height it needs help

decide how shitty you will tolerate the decorating

use a mix

buttercream frosting is versatile and way less trouble than fondant

how old are they?

>> No.6998805

>cooking a cake

It's called baking, my man. That sucks you have to raise little devils that aren't yours. Almost sucks as bad as being with one cheating vagina for the rest of your life.

>> No.6998806

You forgot to comment on raising cum that's not his.

>> No.6998809

>how old are they?
3 & 5, honestly I was just thinking of using several cake mixes and stacking them on top of each other?

Obviously I'll be doing the majority of the work but I don't mind.

>> No.6998815

But the kids aren't yours. The recipe won't work, friendo

>> No.6998830

>raising another man's kids
>raising them for the next 15 years

Your beta ass fucked up big time

>> No.6998832

>raising another mans offspring
>they will fuck up your life for the next 30 years


>> No.6998834


that can work, make a shit ton of different cakes in 9x13 pans, like twice as many as you think you need, and then cut the cooled cake to the shapes you need. don't be afraid to separate the layers with a bit of cardboard in the middle just don't forget about it.

at those ages they can help you mix, pour, bake, and frost but you should do the final decorating while they're out of the room or something.

IME three layers of 2" cakes is about the limit with no support, but you can make that as wide as you want

go here if you want to get the real deal stuff and make a tall cake:


I think it's a great idea, and it will taste so much better than a bakery cake and everyone will go ape over the kinds making it with you. nice fam, hon :)

>> No.6998838


>Getting Married
>Getting Married to someone that already has kids


>> No.6998842

Abort mission friend, getting married isnt worth it and it definitely isnt worth it if you have a shitty used goods wife with 2 kids.

>> No.6998899


Also, my fiance made a Mario World cake this way that was about 3ft by4ft across and 8" high with blocks and pipes and etc for my 8 year old, you can definitely pull off a wedding cake

>> No.6998974 [DELETED] 

>fiancée's kids
if not b8 then kek, enjoy being a cuck, you'll never be a real father to them, your "wife" won't want you to give her any more kids and in case you do, favoritism will make family life a hell

>> No.6998986

Thanks for the advice!

We have 2 months so I'll make some practice cakes with the scamps

>> No.6999009

>marrying someone with kids
unless you have baggage yourself I HIGHLY suggest you call it quits on her while you can

trust me man, I mean no ill will to you now, you may seem happy now but believe me it will only get worse

she probably doesn't even want more kids, you'll never be a real father or even seen as a father figure no matter how much the kids love you right now, blood runs thicker than social bond made of obligation after all

not to mention your future wife is used goods, she's already experienced all the intimate parts of a relationship with other men (probably before her previous marriage as well) and even the unique relationship matters that marriage and pregnancy bring while you are going into the matter essentially blind

in addition, ask yourself this, is she settling for you because she sees you as a beta male provider? just free your mind and think of it from your own perspective for a while and then think of it from an outside perspective

I hope things work out for you

>> No.6999020



grow up, fedos

>> No.6999025

they're beta fucks who would shit themselves at the thought of even marrying, they'd settle for 3/10s with 10 children from jamal if they had the opportunity to do so

>> No.6999547

You're an idiot, /r9k/ will not settle for anything less than their 7/10 female friend that once treated them right but started dating Chads

>> No.6999549

jesus this board is way too easy to bait

>> No.6999551


>beta male provider
In what shithole do you live where women don't work?

>> No.6999564

>tfw sister and I did this for one parent's wedding
>tfw I fucked up twice

>> No.6999597

I'm pretty sure women can get away with not working in most first world countries if they wanted to

>> No.6999604 [DELETED] 

Well mine is not a first world country, but it's expected for middle class women and higher to have a job(free college education) . Man who's working his ass off and then his wife spends the money is more of a cuck than a man married to a working woman with kids imgo. But that's off topic.

OP just buy a frozen cake


>> No.7000753

I'm a bastard child and I can confidently say that having my (step) dad in my life is the thing I'm most thankful for.

He's still insecure about it, but that's because my brother's a twat who calls him by his given name instead of Dad despite having been there for us since we were born.

>> No.7000788

R u a gril

Pls respond

>> No.7000825
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>my fiancée's kids

>> No.7000860

underrated post.

>> No.7000912 [DELETED] 

>my fiancée's kids
Top cuck

>> No.7000922
File: 284 KB, 600x600, the_time_traveler_by_xetobyte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thread derailed on a 1st post.

>> No.7001188 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 453x332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so mad he doesn't Reply to 2/3 of the thread calling him out for being a Cuck and only answers 2 or 3 answering his question

>> No.7001482

This, OP is a real man stepping up to the plate

>> No.7001486

Why do people fall for bait?

>> No.7001490

because it's easier than posting actual content

>> No.7001495 [DELETED] 

>being a cuck
>like honestly, actually, thinking what OP is doing isn't the most beta thing a person can do

I don't even use the word "cuck" often on here, this is like my 5 or so time since it blew up. But fucking Christ man.

>> No.7001508

>le get with the times


>> No.7001794

Maximum cu/ck/
this tbh

>> No.7001986

Or he ignores all the trolls and thanks those for their honest replies

>> No.7002000


So much this, OP spent 30 minutes on 4chan, got a genuinely helpful couple of replies, exchanged civil niceties amd went on their way, ignoring dozens of spergbabies that took the b8 without a second's thought and made themselves look like complete mongs/r9kers
>but I repeat myself

if you stripped out the fedos, this is a pretty typical small /ck/ thread and one of the reason I really enjoy this board, you can get a real answer from a nice person pretty often.

>tl:dr master b8rs BTFO

>> No.7002001


What is it with /ck/ users and settling with dried up women and children they didn't breed.

>> No.7003060

Seconding this. I call him by the name tho, but he took better care of me than my father ever did. MVP. Fucking r9k mentality

>> No.7003067

Ever notice that "fiance" and "finance" are only one letter apart? Fishy.

>> No.7003073

fucking normies off my board, reeeee etc., etc.

>> No.7003088

What's with the mods deleting the first post ITT?

It wasn't offensive in any way, shape or form.

Must be a man raising some skeezers kids, or a skeezers with a puppy-man raising her litter.

Either way, censorship is ridiculous on this board.

>> No.7003110


Are you fucking retarded? Now one's been biting you lame ass bait for over a day now and you keep trying more of the same shit? Are you the worst wannabe troll ever? Fuck off moron.

>> No.7003179
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>fiancée's kids

>> No.7003193

>my fiancée's kids
subtle troll

>> No.7003221

I was going to ask for the story, but then I noticed you said up not her.

>> No.7003262

The only way it could have been less subtle would be if he had said my fiancée's big black bull