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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6997693 No.6997693 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, how can i lose weight ahead of the holidays?

What are some good tasty diet recipes that will melt away a lot of fat?

>> No.6997702

Imagine what his gooch smells like after not showering for months

>> No.6997704


>> No.6997706

How fat are ya?

>> No.6997710

You should try the "move more, eat less" diet. Really seein' those siqq losses.

>> No.6997715

I'm so fat that i sit around the house

>> No.6997716


>> No.6997779

I'd recommend eating less and exercising more.

>> No.6997793


>> No.6997794

Eat 0 carbs
Fill up on vegetables
Go for 30 minute jogs daily

>> No.6997795


>> No.6997813

Stop drinking any calories.
Only drink water or carbonated water

>> No.6997935

>0 carbs
>Fill up on vegetables
Are you having a giggle m8?

>> No.6997961

don't eat fat or sugar and you will lose weight.

>> No.6997968


To be perfectly honest what works best for me is just eating good homemade food, no sandwiches, no soft drinks, and most importantly no sweets. Just make homemade food with good ingredients and start adding up calories, just get motivated and eat smaller portions and eat slower (this really helps) drink lots of juice. And of course the worst part is that you have to exercise, even for 40 minutes a day, find a fun activity you can do daily to lose calories, I personally see jogging olny a viable option for women since I don't like being a twig so instead i go out to the basketball court and shoot hoops almost every night for 1-1.5 hours. I've found this to be the easiest method and the best part is that you start seeing results in about 7-10 days.

>> No.6997977

I eat big bowls of veggie chili I make myself. A big hot bowl of something will fill you up, even if it doesn't have many calories, like veggie chili.

>> No.6997984

The carbs in vegetables is ok

>> No.6997995

>These carbs are okay but those carbs aren't okay
>I'm eating zero carbs because I'm eating these carbs but not those carbs

My mind is full of fuck.

>> No.6998025

eat lots of protein foods, you can only absorb so much and it will fill you up faster then your gastank.

>> No.6998027

The carbs in vegetables don't hang around like sugar

>> No.6998029

you're retarded

>> No.6998046

Sure thing

>> No.6998049


So there is no sugar in vegetables?

>> No.6998073

>melt away a lot of fat

No food will never melt fat. You have to avoid carbs, no bread, no pasta, no rice, no nothing.

Eat more protein, I would buy some isolate whey and take 2 scoops a day.

And, the most important part, stop eating more than 1500kcal. You should feel weak, you should feel hungry at first then everything will feel normal. No cheat meal and count all your calories.

I know you can't do that because you are a fatfuck. So just go to BK and grab a double wooper, bro.

>> No.6998085

500cal deficit with a macro profile that suits your own body type. People here telling you to eat zero carbs are retarded. For a balanced diet 30% of calories coming from carbs is a-ok.

>> No.6998088


>no bread
>no pasta
>no rice
>instead eat whey protein

You /fit/ fags are retarded. OP is trying to lose weight no build muscle what the fuck is wrong with you? Eating whole wheat pasta or rice in moderation and exercising won't stop you from losing weight. Why do you guys always assume that you know everything there is to no about diet?

>> No.6998101
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>Eat 0 refined carbs
>Eat mad brotein
>Salad as every meal
>With lots of protons on top
>Tons of grilled vegetables
>Drink water only
>Cottage cheese as a snack
>Protein bar as a snack
>Seriously 8 glasses. Drink it.
>Read labels
>No more than 40g of carbs per day
>Make sure you eat at least but probably no more than 1'800 kcal

I lost 3lbs just this week. Stay the fuck away from /fit/ and their broscience bullshit. 99% of them don't know what they're talking about. I'm assuming you're fairly sedentary. If you're a little more active, tack on another 200-300kcal. You can probably lose 7lbs by thanksgiving, maybe 15 by Christmas.

Don't jump into a workout if you aren't used to them. A little walking would probably be a good start though.

>> No.6998150
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>With lots of protons on top
Yest, tovarishch komandir!

>> No.6998232
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Jesus Christ I don't know where she went wrong with her life but christ she fucked up

>> No.6998238

That doesn't mean shit. I sit around the house and never exercise too but I'm still underweight because I only eat one meal a day and no snacking.

>> No.6998247

That's a man, friendo. He lost hundreds of pounds and that's the leftover skin, which he has to get surgeries to remove. IIRC the weight of the skin alone is something like 80+ pounds.

>> No.6998281

the joke----> x
your head->

>> No.6998288

how the fuck does that even happen?

>> No.6998305

Strict keto + light cardio (4 - 8 miles of walking).


Most likely too many years being morbidly obese.

>> No.6998309

>no carbs

Nice autism shilling

>> No.6998313

This is horrible advice

>> No.6998317

oh i get it now

well joked

>> No.6998319

>lost 3 pounds this week
How fat are you that you were able to run a 10000kcal weekly deficit??

>> No.6998326


When will this meme die? People who have always been a normal, healthy weight never used highly restricted diets to not get fat so why do fatties think that cutting out an entire food group is the only way to be a healthy weight?

>> No.6998447
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Eat less and actually exercise.

>> No.6998494


How much weight do you want to lose? I lost 145 pounds (285 to 140) over a year. 100 of which between august and Christmas.

>> No.6998536

>what is water weight

>> No.6998782

180lbs, 4'000 burned through focused exercise(work out six days a week and burn 600plus) and I'm only eating at a 760 deficit to avoid muscle loss, that's and additional -5'320 a week

>> No.6998787

Exactly the fucking point, idiot. Ketosis isn't for people who are a normal weight. The idea is to drop weight quickly so they can get to a normal weight, then maintain it with a healthy balanced diet.

>> No.6998824

...I bet you say 'meem'

>> No.6999238

Nice. That's a hefty workout regimen and deficit. Congrats on your progress dude!

>> No.6999263

IIFYM you fucking disgusting pig

>> No.6999275

You can literally eat anything you want, just eat less of it. I'm currently eating 700 calories a day of whatever the fuck I want and it has worked for me.

>> No.6999304

Don't do this

There is no good diet in the world where you could possibly "eat whatever you want" and simultaneously starve yourself and maintain your well being

>> No.6999320
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I went vegetarian and my reflux went away within a week, I feel better and I've lost about 20 pounds

And I started working out

But when I ate meat the only meat I ate was like 20 cheeseburgers and fried chicken wings so......

It wasn't really the meats fault

>> No.6999329
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I've lost about 15kg since the beginning of the year. It's difficult to change fat cunt behaviour straight off the bat, and trying to do everything at once increases your chances of failure and falling back into fat cunt habits. What I recommend you do first is reduce your portion sizes before you try "healthy" recipes. Eat the same shit you currently eat, just eat less of it. Try half the amount, or if you find that difficult, 75% of it. If you want, you can buy a set of scales to help.

This is more effective than eating "healthy foods" because you have a solid reference (i.e. your current portion sizes) to work off to reduce your caloric intake; eating "healthy foods" won't help you lose weight if you're consuming the same amount of calories. This isn't to say that you shouldn't try to move away from your current fat cunt diet and towards fresh vegetables and lean proteins eventually, just start off slow and aim for achievable goals in the short-term. If you do this properly, you will lose weight. I have faith in you.

>> No.6999926

There is if you're not a fatty glutton who's "whatever I want" means 5L of coke and 20lbs of hamburger a day.

>> No.6999996

Take a dirty load and get HIV. No diet needed. Eat all you want and stay thin.

>> No.6999998

read /fit/ sticky

>> No.7000020

don't worry anon, you'll learn this high school chemistry or biology.

>> No.7000021

Thanks, it'll all be worth it to lose 50lbs by May and be looking sexy next summer

>> No.7000031

This anon speaks with a wisdom gained only from experience

Nice quints though

>> No.7000032

I hope to god you're trolling

>> No.7000034

stopped reading at "kg"

>> No.7000041


>> No.7000051

if only the last would have been a 9. I would have played the lottery. Sigh.

>> No.7000059
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>700 calories a day of whatever the fuck I want

>> No.7000064


>> No.7000115

I've been on a ketosis diet for four weeks. I've lost 20 pounds so far, I'm hoping to lose another 60-80 to get down to 200lbs

>> No.7000172


>don't eat food in small portions
>eat whey protein that doesn't make you feel full and has a lot of calories

Literally consider killing yourself, I'm not even joking.

>> No.7000208
File: 1.04 MB, 275x200, s1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tactic has been:

>No added sugar at all
>No refined carbs period, so everything wholegrain
>No artificial sweetners, shit keeps your pallete fucked

No sugar is the most important bit, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

Basically I end up eating a pretty normal balanced diet, I try to eat multiple fruits every day, I always have protein with a meal and I don't shy away from fats, eat that shit up, fuckin natural as far as my bro science goes.

I'm never hungry, I don't need to count calories because all my hunger responses are working properly and I know to wait a good amount of time after a meal before eating more. My shits are so much better.

Then I started running C25K to get myself in actual shape not just skinny. Should probably start lifting but hey this isn't /fit/ so whatever.

I lose about 2.5 pounds a week. Isn't really healthy to lose more than 3 a week so ignore anyone telling you to go down to 1200 calories a day or something stupid because it will just fucked you up, make you miserable, you will stop and put it all back on.

If you only take one thing from this whole thread then it should be DO NOT FUCKING DRINK YOUR CALORIES.

>> No.7000212

actually scratch that bullshit about over 3 pounds a week being unhealthy, I think it goes way up if you are a real fatty so no worries.

>> No.7000229
File: 726 KB, 3264x2448, Chicken Taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a list of things that I cook.

White bean chicken chili
I usually do a modified version of this. I hate avocados so I don't use it. The writer includes a salsa recipe that I toyed with too. Making salsa is totally worth it. I made some with hatch chiles.

Chicken Tacos
-Red bell peppers
-Broiled or grilled chicken

Brine the chicken in a mix that suits you. I personally enjoy brown sugar and lime.

For tortillas, get the corn and wheat mixture. They usually have 0 Sat Fat.

NO CHEESE FOR YOU. Everything should have a strong enough flavor that you don't need cheese.

Pot Roast
Just simple meat and veggies. Look up recipes for it.

Kebabs are a great option too. If you don't have a grill, just use your broiler instead.

>> No.7000561

I'm currently 194 and trying to get down to the low 180's and eventually 170's by Christmas time.

Currently my diet is two eggs over easy with a slice of toast and a half-glass of prune juice in the morning. No lunch. And then stir fry for dinner, which is at least a half cup of rice and any type of meats or vegetables and sauces that I feel like doing, but it's mostly chicken with cabbage, bok choy, and leek.

The exercise is the real annoying part. But I've set up my bicycle to act as a indoor stationary cycle machine and I watch an episode or two of an anime on Netflix with my tablet while I ride.

My main obstacle is that other people in this house usually buy something sweet for the weekend, it's really hard for me to abstain when it's sitting there on the counter.

>> No.7000575

When I went on a diet I gained weight. Mostly because I lost all fat and was on steroids and put on about 20 pounds of muscle over a year. My diet consisted of lean proteins and vegetables and a shit ton of them. Also, oats. Eat like a horse, be built like a horse.

>> No.7000591

Good lord it looks like one of the things from Amnesia.

>> No.7000594

Just go to /r/keto and you'll get a lot of good advice there.

I lost 25 pounds pretty quickly and I eat some really awesome food. Yesterday ate chicken and sausage in a pesto sauce for dinner. My family ate it with pasta, I ate it without.

>> No.7000609

>how can i lose weight ahead of the holidays
exercise and eat less

>> No.7000611

>if you eat meat only chicken/turkey or very lean cuts of beef
>loads of veg
>bowl of oat meal with some fruit in the morning
>crush waters when ever you feel hungry between meals

Get carrot sticks or some of those faggy celery sticks with peanut butter in them. This diet plus thirty minutes to an hour of cardio every day should help you lose weight. How hard you need to go into it depends on how much weight you're looking to lose. This isn't really a "diet plan" it's just a general idea of what to do, doing it probably won't net you as much of a loss as sticking to a single diet, but I can never stick to diets so this is what I do to maintain weight. I can get boring as fuck sometimes so I tend to hop on and off it every few months.

Also stay away from carbs, and cut out any booze or soda you drink completely.

>> No.7000625

>good tasty diet recipes that will melt away a lot of fat?
>melt away a lot of fat?

stop being ignorant
inform yourself

there are lots of ways, but CICO is the base

>> No.7000633

>You have to avoid carbs, no bread, no pasta, no rice, no nothing.
fucking broscience
>isolate whey and take 2 scoops a day.
protein is good, but isolat whey if you are not actually using the anabolic phase is useless. at least go for a slow working multicomplex protein subsitute
>stop eating more than 1500kcal.
you can't know his BMR. for a fat fuck that he likely is, 2k would still be at a huge deficit and easier to uphold
>I know you can't do that because you are a fatfuck. So just go to BK and grab a double wooper, bro.
only correct thing about your post

>> No.7000634

Okay, your goal is completely unrealistic with the way you're eating and you'll pack it all back on in the first month of the new year. Ditch the toast, rice, and prune juice, drink water with metamucil or benefibre. Eat some fucking lunch. Seriously, keto diet is the only way to go, and eat your maintenance calories. Make a smoothie with plain yogurt, berries, milk, stevia, and vanilla protein powder if you want something sweet.

>> No.7000664

Thats usually what whatever you want means especially if youre trying to fucking survive on 700 calories

>> No.7000683


>> No.7001204

>never having heard of this nigga

>> No.7001287

>Keto is the only way to go
No, it is a way to go, but it isn't the only way. Japanese high carb low fat diet works just as well for losing weight as keto's low carb approach. The main point is they both cut out sugar and make you count calories.

>> No.7001395

>tfw fat as fuck
>moved to colo
>bike to work everyday
>smoke so much fire ass kush
>get pretty skinny just above normal body fat percentage
>moved back home

im so scared im gonna get fat again. apparently weed raises your metabolism or some shit so im kinda banking on that.. i honestly cannot tell i look at myself in the mirror alll the time looking for differences and i simply cant tell. i need to get a new bike and start biking miles again :^(

>> No.7001501

Fuck off with your circumstantial weebscience. For OP's objective, the keto diet is ideal.

>> No.7001530

>weed speeds up metabolism
>not kickstarting your metabolism from munchies and biking to work every day

>> No.7001560
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dat ass

>> No.7001637

Take what you currently eat, and eat half as much. OH WOW SHIT.

>>Make sure you eat at least but probably no more than 1'800 kcal

ch-check your high bmi privilege. I have to cut at 1200 or less.


Nothing wrong with cheese. Just not that tasteless kraft cheez product garbage you need a gallon of to taste. A pinch of cheese in a dish can be satisfying if it is real cheese.


>stationary cycle

Why the fuck. Are you a guinea pig? Get a real bike and make it fun. I bike 1-2 miles a day to commute and more for fun or errands. I love my bike--it's my best friend. Just being on my bike makes me smile.

>> No.7001659

>im so scared im gonna get fat again.
don't eat fat and sugar.

>> No.7001664

Paleo diet fam. It's the only way tbh

>> No.7001670

>fatties spotted
I bet you think you're just "big boned", don't you?

>> No.7001678

No, it's all about keto.

Paleo is just keto without the science backing it.

I'm not trying to meme at you either, I've lost about 80 lbs. this year compared to nothing on paleo.

>> No.7001693
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I wouldn't recommend it, but alcoholism has worked for me.

>> No.7001775

Eat 1000 calories a day
1 hour of cardio a day

should lose a couple pounds of fat a week

>> No.7001791
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This is what I did to lose 30 lbs so far, no exercise at all:

>cut all liquids except water and black coffee
>Buy a whole turkey and cook it
>cook beans in crock pot
>portion out beans, frozen veggies, and turkey in ziplock bags and put them in freezer
>will last 2 weeks lunch and dinner
>$20 total cost ($1.40/day)
>only have black coffee for breakfast

>> No.7001796

Just fast OP. I naturally eat like a monster and I discovered in adolescence when my parents forced me to fast on ramadan, I would never over eat or compensate for for feeling hunger the entire day. Basically do it like this

>water and black coffee is allowed so as not to go insane throughout the day
>break your fast at 7pm every evening, and after 3am resume fasting

I used to be morbidly obese as a child and teen and now I'm at a normal weight. Been fasting like this for 8 years.

>> No.7001812
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Hello my muslim brother. I am finally looking to marry and settle down after becoming a doctor.
Do you have any attractive female family memebers that are good muslims you can refer me to?

With all praise to the Great Allah be upon you.
With great reagards I await your respinse,

t. Muhammad-abdullah Hussein

>> No.7001828

I like this. Thanks bruv.

>> No.7001840
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It is called intermittent fasting, for the secular.

>> No.7001845

I forgot to say you should drink minimum 1 gallon of water a day. Whenever you get hungry drink a liter of water, or some black coffee (coffee is really good for suppressing hunger)

>> No.7001861

you must be Indian, never have I encountered a more desperate breed of muslim

>> No.7001872

Fucking ignorant.

>> No.7001882

fuck you faggot, I'm here tryin to get my dick wet, and here you are complaining about your small dick

>> No.7001946
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come back when you sit all over the house cause youre so fat.