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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6995793 No.6995793 [Reply] [Original]

Non-American here

Can someone explain the flyover meme to me? Do they really have an incredibly dismal cuisine or is it just trolling?

>> No.6995803

It isn't that bad and the worst examples get posted here. It's just mostly unhealthy comfort food, some of it looks bland. I've never been to the midwest though so I'm not sure, as far as I can tell though it's run of the mill stuff that tastes good, fills you up, is cheap, and isn't fancy.

>> No.6995807

those people are just faggy leftist multiculturalists who need exotic brown people food.

they feel uncomfortable whenever they enter a majority-white city.

>> No.6995815
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>> No.6995844

The thing is with flyover states is in the very name i.e its a state people fly over, not go to. This has has effect on the food that people have access to and the food they can afford. Think of it this way, you can probably find dozens of different decent restaurants or markets in coastal and/or well populated city. But where does one get decent thai food in Nebraska?

>> No.6995861

>Can someone explain the flyover meme to me?
Take all the cliches about industrially processed bland, fatty, starchy food loaded with cheese that America gets lampooned for, and almost nothing else.

>> No.6995862
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So the interior states in the richest country in the world are incapable of transporting in some pak choi or prawns? Aren't most foodstuffs, even seafood, globally sourced nowadays anyway?

>> No.6995901
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Yes, it is. However, because items like those (also vegetables, fruits and nuts) have to be transported they just aren't as fresh or affordable for every middle state.

>> No.6995909

It isn't that bad but it does suffer from some problems. For example there tend to be fewer recent immigrants so there are fewer people able to make and sell authentic or decent food from various other cultures. The Mexican food, Chinese food, Japanese dos and stuff like that isn't that great. Greek food, Indian food, and Thai is flat out rare to come by at all and sad when you do run across it. What few establishments offer these foods end up having to appeal to the lowest common denominator because no one has been exposed to that food much and has any idea how to appreciate so it is dull, bland, and safe and often just bad because whoever makes is soul crushed by all of this. And then even worse imported and ethnic foods and ingredients are hard to find and expensive. For example we have no oriental market, I have to order miso and etc online for quite a bit of money. So people just don't get exposed to a lot and when they do its kind of bad.

You have to recall that America is actually pretty big and so outside of urban centers it can be kind of a lot more sprawling and isolated from other areas than parts of Europe, for example.

But it's not really that terrible. There is good food to be had and you can get the ingredients you need. People on here just get huffy and imperious about it because they're faggots.

>> No.6995936

It is mostly a meme. Perpetuated mostly by Californians and New Yorkers that think their cities are the beginning and ending of the country. Pretty much any major city is going to have great examples of every cuisine. The southwest has much better mexican food that California, despite what Californians say. And many areas of "flyover country" have their own regional cuisine. Chicago has it's own version of Greek in Greektown that might be the best in the country. KC is a BBQ paradise. There is a ton of great arabic food in St. Paul. Minnesota is heavy on the nordic/scandinavian foods. Creole down in the south.

But as another poster implied, the farther from the big cities you get, the more basic the food gets. Which isnt surprising, and happens in most places in the world. And it isnt saying the food there is bad either.

>> No.6995940
File: 38 KB, 768x326, Osborn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post reeks with the ignorance of a costal state

Flyover means one thing: don't come here.

Most of our produce comes from either Mexico or, let's see, the bread basket and farmland of the entire country

The reason the Midwest has a reputation for bad food is a long one, and I will agree that we have less of a variety than maybe new York or Los Angeles

But typical Midwesterners enjoy a friendly atmosphere, large portions, and simple ingredients and humble flavors. Whether this is better or worse than being able to eat shitty sushi 24 hours a day in Manhattan made by a dyke working on her gender studies degree is subjective I think

So if you're not interested in concepts like being a good neighbor, a sense of community, hard work, kindness and civic pride, keep flying over us, we don't need you here

>> No.6995946

Notice that every example this poster refers to is heavy on meat and lard.

>> No.6995957

it's mostly a meme because people don't bother to travel to any place outside of the coasts. There's some real shit food and culture and you can expect from any rural area but in middle america's cities you can find some great stuff, too. Rural america is probably about as weird as you think it is.

>> No.6995962

Lol I like how you say I'm ignorant first and then spend a few paragraphs reinforcing my sentence long post

Sincerely, Los Angeles

>> No.6995966

Does that all apply if you're brown and/or not Christian?

>> No.6995978

No, but nice dubs anyway

>> No.6995987



t. Real Illinois

>> No.6995988

>shitty sushi 24 hours a day in Manhattan made by a dyke working on her gender studies degree is subjective I think
>He believes this is a real scenario

>> No.6995989
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>access to vegetables, fruits and nuts is a reason why there isn't any variety in Midwestern cuisine
>Vegetables fruits and nuts need to be transported
>From the Midwest
>To the Midwest

Alright I've seen it all

>> No.6995991

Seriously though put some chili and cheese in a bag of Fritos it's bomb. Add olives lettuce sour cream and wha-la!

>> No.6995995

Not all shocked, really. (About the 'no'.)

>> No.6995997

the midwest was settled mainly by people with central and northern yuropean heritage, ie people who think sausage and boiled potato is the height of eating. all the immigrants who could cook ended up on the coast, and the blacks with their soul food are in the south.

>tfw I finally convinced my minnesotan friends that their barbecue was shit
>had to take them to tennessee to do it

>> No.6995999

The general concept with 'flyover' in terms of food refers to states which don't really have any pronounced cuisine that are native to the region due to a lack of need to innovate.

It can be good as with BBQ or it can be dismal such as their takes on 'Italian' etc.

The general idea is that you can't really name anything produced in terms of a dish that's popular in other regions as well.

For instance New York is known for its pizzas, and various other dishes, Maine has lobster, New Jersey has Italian influences, Louisiana has cajun foods, etc.

Because of that you see, well, weird shit happen. Innovation in a vacuum can lead to strange consequences. (again, which aren't always necessarily bad, but often so)

>> No.6996035

Well, you've got to consider the ethnicities of people that settled in the Midwest. As others have said, it was primarily Northern Europeans with a starchy diet and a limited use of spices.

As a Midwesterner, essentially the only thing that I truly miss out on is fresh ocean fish. Basically the only thing that I can get fresh is catfish, which I'm not very partial to.

My city is known for its Italian food and heritage, so at least we have that.

>> No.6996075

>alright I've seen it all
I saw someone saying that happiness is a poor benchmark for the validity of an endeavor. As in if it makes you happy or not is irrelevant. We're definitely nearing the HAPPENING times.

>> No.6996085

I don't equate happiness with the people's Republic of commiefornia

>> No.6996102
File: 45 KB, 420x420, 1445307249255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad, I didn't realise this was /fra/- Friendly Atmosphere, I thought it was /ck/! my mistake

>> No.6996108

stay triggered, flyoverfag

>> No.6996116


Probably wont be believed but I don't care.

I made it a meme really, there was the occasional shitflinging against midwesterners and I found it hilarious. No concentrated efforts or anything though, just a few mentions.

So I went later and forced the fuck out of it, not just me but I am in a skype group with many 4chan users and they backed me up in the efforts and continue to make anti flyover shitposts.

Idk, thought it was funny and it still is, the middle of the country seems to get triggered. funnily enough all the people who followed my lead in the mentioned skype group are not even americans.

So yeah it is a meme, but then again, the casseroles and "hot dishes" and other bullshit seems terrible, and often not a wide variety of cuisine or high quality food in most of the area, so its both.

>> No.6996126

nice work, if true
it's spread to /int/ too

>> No.6996134

I wish you the worst.

Not even from the midwest, it's just a shitty "othering" meme that makes people look down on other people more, further mucking up the previously more-pleasant vibes of this board.

/ck/ used to be nicer.

>> No.6996140

It is true, and /int/ was my "homeboard' at the time is why the skype group was all foreigners that helped me, so not surprised it went there, i think I tried before ck to make it a meme there and then just abandoned the board as I no longer found it fun.

lol cool

>> No.6996152

I started forcing the fuck out of chili/beans autism a few years ago before it was a thing, I just read a chili book that said Texans won't use beans and thought it was funny. I don't really participate anymore in chili threads, I still can't tell if you guys are serious or not. I was just trolling.

>> No.6996165

It's not a meme.

t. Anonymous internet user

>> No.6996167

its how i feel about the flyover thing at this point

I forced it for some laughs and it became a thing, but I see some really vile hate filled things concerning the viewpoint sometimes, not sure if its serious or people are just that hate filled.

Oh well.

>> No.6996169


>bragging about forcing memes
>lol I'm an originator

4chan isn't kill, its corpse has been dug up and raped. Kill myself.

>> No.6996171

Except that due to the economic advantage of cooperatives all-inning on a single cash crop there is literally no variety.

>> No.6996178

>the regrets of the creator

I know that feel tbh, I pretty much single-handedly escalated the >argentina >white meme back in 2011/2012, and created a few of the well-known troll images including the classic 'hello my white friend' picture

It was funny at first but I stopped forcing it soon after as the threads got really heated and unpleasant for a while. I think it's pretty much died down now though

>> No.6996182

sounds like were in a similar position. how do you feel when you see all these flyover threads and comments? For a long time now I've just ignored chili threads because its all bean shitposting and I got tired of that game a long time ago. I'm really indifferent to it being a shitpost meme because I don't think it's a good or funny meme, but I'm sort of comforted that others took that torch and still fight endlessly about the matter.

>> No.6996265

There's no demand for it because most of the sparse population chooses a simple life, with simple work, simple pleasures, and simple food. Thus their reason for being somewhere isolated and rural.

I swear some of you are fucking idiots.

>> No.6996559

The term is mostly used to upset people, honestly.

>> No.6996582

Soye, corn and wheat. None of those are vegetables.

>> No.6996583 [DELETED] 
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>I pretty much created the Argentina meme back in 2012
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Whatever you say faggot, it must be awful being that delusional
>lying on 4chan to boost your ego
top fucking cuck

>> No.6996592

>a simple life
>simple work
>simple pleasures
dude you sound like a grade a asshat. People living in the Midwest and shit aren't all Amish. If you go to a reasonably sized city it's not hard at all to find an authentic Thai place run by gooks or even a Russian restaurant or something. And people are excited about trying new things. Literally the only thing you can lord over us is that you have more of these establishments and fresher seafood, that's about it. And not everyone out here is fucking farmers either lmfao you fucking retard.

Nearly every American town, no matter where it's located, is the exact same. The only difference is to what degree its inhabitants are cunts. You're near the top of the list kiddo

>> No.6997037

Did I say created? Read my post again

>> No.6997050

There are some good things that come from there. Chicago deep dish. Cajun. Besides, they have all the good "traditional american" available elsewhere, e.g. steaks. But the choice is more limited and "generic placeholders" are more common than elsewhere.

>> No.6997068

>But typical Midwesterners enjoy a friendly atmosphere, large portions, and simple ingredients and humble flavors. Whether this is better or worse than being able to eat shitty sushi 24 hours a day in Manhattan made by a dyke working on her gender studies degree is subjective I think


Jesus, you flyovers go through some amazing hoops to justify your ignorance, amazing. You'd think with all this wasted brainpower the Midwest wouldn't be such a shithole, but waddaya know.

Flyovers are the /r9k/ of America

>> No.6997070

>Not even from the midwest, it's just a shitty "othering" meme that makes people look down on other people more

But flyovers deserve to be looked down upon, not just because of their food.

>> No.6997073

>Tennessee BBQ
>Not glorious Carolina Mustard Base

>> No.6997127
File: 246 KB, 494x660, 20_percent_mandatory_tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to post copypasta about having spent time in the US and being bewildered by the fact that in some American state, people had to throw toilet paper in a bin next to the toilet and also scoop out the biggest turds and put them in a separate bin.

It used to work fine. I don't have the copypasta anymore, otherwise I'd post it occassionally, especially when there are /ck/ tough guys around :D

Sometimes, it's nice to talk shit about tipping, too. Or the beans in chili thing. Ah, what the heck, I'll make fun of midwesterners, too.

>> No.6997150
File: 71 KB, 600x600, 1445347175925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to post copypasta about having spent time in the US and being bewildered by the fact that in some American state, people had to throw toilet paper in a bin next to the toilet and also scoop out the biggest turds and put them in a separate bin.

My sides. I used to see this on /int/ all the time. Are you the same Swedish anon who used to post it?

>> No.6997161

>people had to throw toilet paper in a bin

that's not too bad, many third worlders do this too

>and also scoop out the biggest turds and put them in a separate bin

what the fuck

>> No.6997177
File: 36 KB, 249x212, 1401040360187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not swedish, but I used to post it there, too, every now and then.

There was also a pasta about an American family eating from a shared trough and only offering soda to go with the trough food.

Also one about American policemen acting like assholes about a guy buying beer and conducting a car and body search for no reason.

>> No.6997190

ITT wankers

>> No.6997208

This triggers me. AZ is like 50% Hispanic and even though most Mexican food here is actually kind of shitty Phoenix is the 6th biggest city in the country and overloaded with Indian, Thai, Chinese, Persian, you fucking name it and I've had so much amazing Asian food here.

>> No.6997216

>a butthurt flyover

Color me surprised.

>> No.6997281
File: 98 KB, 1276x970, average american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I remember all of them. Some good keks

The Swedish guy made pictures to go with all the pastas, this one was for a pasta about walking supports for fatties

>> No.6997317
File: 550 KB, 1260x2214, Average European.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6997333

You start out calling him ignorant, then make retarded claims like "Whether this is better or worse than being able to eat shitty sushi 24 hours a day in Manhattan made by a dyke working on her gender studies degree is subjective I think" - clearly showing your ignorance and frustration.

I've got nothing against the Midwest or its food but you really are shooting yourself in the foot here.

>> No.6997342

Found the flyover. Hows it feel living in a cultural desert? Don't forget to take your curds out off your mouth before you answer!

>> No.6997346

i always thought those were french fries.

>> No.6997362

It's the midwestern version of mac and cheese.