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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6995443 No.6995443 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: normal meals that induce your gag reflexes

pic very related

>> No.6995455

That doesn't look like a "normal" meal to me, OP. That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.6995458

that looks like something jack would make

>> No.6995463

well it's got normal ingredients anyway

>> No.6995466

I'd eat it, but could use a lil more veg like peppers, carrots, n' peas. Would be some god-tier human chow.

>> No.6995478

gross, even the korn has to go. perfect with just beef and onion

>> No.6995479



To who?

>> No.6995482

People from the Midwest

>> No.6995484


>> No.6995491
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Gross. That's poormans food even to a poor man.


>> No.6995492

That ain't a meal. I don't even think it's a dish. All I can think of is maybe filling for stuffed peppers, or something like that...

>> No.6995506

I love this board

>> No.6995507

That looks fucking delicious I would eat that whole thing yes I am fat fuck you.

>> No.6995527

Is that some kind of vapor or a semen bag?

>> No.6995533

1lb Ground Beef
1 Beef Rice a Roni package
1 Can corn, drained.
1 Onion diced
1 Sour Cream, med size container

Brown Beef and onions, cook rice according to package, add beef and onions, corn, and finally sour cream

shits mad cash fam

>> No.6995534

It's lettuce, can't you read?

>> No.6995536
File: 23 KB, 300x300, sweet-ambrosia-salad-gb-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ambrosia fucking salad. I don't understand it.

>> No.6995712

the horror

>> No.6995723

eh add some cheese, wrap some up in a tortilla, and you've got something decent.

>> No.6995745

why is it so wet
this isn't fried rice is it

>> No.6995763

I dont see the issue with anything other than the beef looking kind of weird

Youre just a picky flyover or pompous teenager if you wouldnt eat that

>> No.6995766


It's just a few ingredients away from chili and rice.

>> No.6996237

You people seriously have never mixed ground beef and rice with some salt/pepper/garlic/whatever?
Cook up some ground beef, add taco seasoning to it and leave all the grease in it. Mix in a bunch of tender cooked rice and add some spicy to it while you mix it all up. Some corn or beans maybe also. Stuff it in some kind of tortilla with pico de gecko or whatever and roll it up and cover with salsa. Some great white north american cuisine.

>> No.6996294
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>> No.6996379
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>mfw this is all my roomate ever eats

he seriously needs to learn to cook better, all he ever makes is rice/corn/beef and just eats it with no spices. or a raw chicken breast put into the oven with rice.

every fucking day.

>> No.6996434

How does he make the raw chicken/rice combo? Does he cook the rice first then put it into a pan and add the raw chicken so it dries it all out horribly? Or does he mix dry rice with raw chicken and it some how cooks? This could be interesting to study your room mate

>> No.6996556

that is the part where you're meant to add the sauce you know

>> No.6996594

Ground beef + rice is a normal meal. Take the stick out of your ass.

>> No.6996609


>normal meal

To who?

Dirty rice is PART of a plate, not the entire dish...that's just a Louisiana thing I suppose.

>> No.6996634

If you cut up the meat and add it in to the rice, it makes it a main dish most of the time. If the meat is on the side and it's just the rice, it's a side dish most of the time. None are wrong in any way and it is totally up to the person (you) how you want it, really.

>> No.6996651

Have you tried teaching him some more recipes?

>> No.6996662

This tbh.

>> No.6996663
File: 336 KB, 1200x900, bwnfLNd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6996676
File: 10 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTQzMjM4NjIxMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDg0NzM0MjE@._V1_SY317_CR104,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fucking good

>> No.6997174

Oh my fucking God! I had this as a kid. Was poor. It's fucking terrible.

>> No.6997226

Anything with too much mayo, like potato salad, mac salad, etc. Every fucking party or bbq people serve this shit and it's disgusting. It looks, smells, and tastes disgusting. It's not even good for you, if you're gonna suffer that much to eat something it should at least cure cancer or clean your bowels to a shine.

Also, anyone who uses bottled bbq sauce or italian dressing on grilled meat.


>white trash a la shit

I would maybe feed it to my dog.


No, fuck you that shit is divine. Haven't had it in years. Oh god.

>> No.6997238

honestly that looks delicious to me
then again I'm not a pretentious neckbeard on /ck/

>> No.6997246

I second everything.

>> No.6997393
File: 175 KB, 1308x1368, bowlofstuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I eat like that most of the time.

>> No.6997406

Mac & Cheese
Thick cuts of meat like steak

It sucks because I really want to be able to enjoy these foods but my body/mind won't let me.

>> No.6997494

Are you a woman?

>> No.6997512
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Orthodox fags will know

>> No.6997517

this looks a lot better than the OP

>> No.6997530
File: 96 KB, 800x600, alivanca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this stuff.
It's basically some sort of sponge cake made out of corn flour, with cream, vanilla extract, eggs, butter, sugar and salt. Doesn't sound bad but it triggers my gag reflex like nothing I've ever eaten before.

When we were kids, my mum made a lot of it once and fed it to us, told us that we're not allowed to leave the table until it was finished. It was a lot of it, like pic related, and we were 3 kids. My brother and I fed as much of it as we could to our sister, who kinda liked it. Then she started feeling sick, so we had to get creative. So what we did was fill our mouths with as much as possible and then pretend we have to use the toilet, then spit it all out. We did this several times before mum figured out what was happening.
Ended up spending 3 hours at the table until it was finally bed time. We never finished it.

>> No.6997544

I am not

>> No.6997559

for a second I thought it was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl5T5sw0238

>> No.6997878

nigga that is cornbread

>> No.6997918

vanilla cornbread?

>> No.6997943

vanilla cornbread

>> No.6997964
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>> No.6997988
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I hate

>> No.6997990

I ate at my girlfriend's parents' house a few days ago and her mom made cornbread that was as sweet as cake. I've had my fair share of Northern cornbread before but nothing like this.

I'm a New Englander but the Southern-style is so much better. I don't know why anyone would want cornbread that is dry and overly sweet.

>> No.6998336

>filename is clearly not in English
>anyone with basic Google skills can tell it's not cornbread
I don't care what you call it in America and for all I know it's probably not even the same thing. Stop assuming that everyone on this board and in the rest of the world is American, you're not doing yourselves any favours.

>> No.6998350

To be fair, it does sound pretty close to cornbread. I still agree with you though that the retards calling it cornbread should fuck off

>> No.6998394


>> No.6998403


To whom.

>> No.6998404

This is one if those things that I like but am ashamed of liking. Everything about it is wrong but I can't help but look forward to it during the holidays.

>> No.6998405

you a straight busta

>> No.6998416

>mfw Americans call corn "vegetable"

>> No.6998431


What do you call it? A fruit?

>> No.6998552

That's dog food.

>> No.6998609

ebin maymay broheim

>> No.6998618


They call it a grain, because it's a grain.

>> No.6998623

I laugh when people tout "grass fed beef".

Corn is a grass.

>> No.6998632

I've had this concoction somewhere and I can't remember where. Maybe my brother used to make it, he was a real lazy guy when it came to food and just mixed everything.

>> No.6998706
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better over than into

>> No.6998711
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2young2remember, shiggy.



>mfw babbys fewst twolll

>> No.6998783

Oh fuck you anon this looks amazing, now I'm really hungry

>> No.6998786

who cares? I'd fuckin' eat that every day too, it looks awesome

>> No.6998844

a grain

>> No.6998854

>his point is that a very important building existed in "flyover" states and was bombed
>very important building in "flyover" states
better over than into

>> No.6998870


>Oklahoma isn't a flyover state

Shiggiest of shigs.

>> No.6998875
File: 180 KB, 1024x682, IMG_6318-e1333349393151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only do I despise avocado, the fucking gross pollock they use in 90% of these just tastes like nothing and is way worse than any other nice raw fish you can get at a japanese place, also, fucking mayo, fuck this roll being forced on me in every combo, I won't eat one bite of it

>> No.6998878

is he fit?

>> No.6998886

looks like a poor mans dirty rice, nothing wrong there fam

>> No.6998896
File: 104 KB, 300x136, 1387855678043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>adding sweet corn to anything instead of enjoying its sweet goodness by itself


>> No.6998924

Can you really be this dumb?? Looks like the bantz flew right over your head.
>shiggier than thou