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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6989387 No.6989387 [Reply] [Original]

Why is pig meat considered to be unholy by so many cultures?

>> No.6989394

Because it can give you evil spirits (sickness) if cooked improperly, which many ancient cultures couldn't consistently do.

>> No.6989395

> by so many cultures?

Only 2 cultures, both of which are an Abrahamic religion

>> No.6989397


fuck if I know more piggys for me, enjoy dat kosher chicken LOL

>> No.6989399

The explanation is complex.

Mostly, it is due to the habit of olde-tyme peoples keeping pigs in the cities, where they fed on filth and garbage. They certainly helped keep the trash down, but it didn't take much effort to associate them with disgusting, unhealthy filth, and your average shaman jumped on the chance to crucify something just to slake their bloodlust. Also, they had a nasty habit of eating young children, as pig give-a-fuck is non-existent.

There is quite a bit more to it, but that is the condensed version. People who lived where wild pigs roamed free never developed the loathing for the beastie, since wild boar would gut you as soon as look at you, nevermind even trying to get them settled into your cities.

>> No.6989408

Thank you for the nice response. I wouldn't mind if you expounded, but it's not necessary.

Thanks again. I really enjoyed this response. To everyone else ITT: fuck you

>> No.6989416
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They poop on their balls and just walk around all day.

>> No.6989445

Worms. Pigs will eat shit, their own and that of other animals, which meant parasites spread quickly. Europeans and east asians lived in climates that had colder nights throughout much of the year, which meant lower rates of infestation. Its probably why even african tribes never really became big fans of pork. This is also partially one of the reasons dogs are considered "unclean".

>> No.6989463

Pigs and deserts do not mix well.

>> No.6989464

It's called thrichinosis.

>> No.6989471

Absolutely correct.
Same explanation goes for rat meat.

>> No.6989473

So religion is ultimately a vessel for promotion of rational, science-based memes?

>> No.6989506

No, not really. Quite the opposite, in my opinion. But some guidelines, rules and laws in various religions have been shots in the dark that hit the bullseye, kind of.
People observed that some got ill or died after eating pork and rat, leading them to believe that those animals were unclean or "evil", thus banning them.
The same goes with things like making it mandatory to wash yourself or sacrificing animals.

>> No.6989514

Which other religious shots in the dark have hit the bullseye, do you think?

>> No.6989543

To be honest, I don't know that much about other religions besides the Abrahamic ones. But there is an interesting reason why cows are considered holy in Hinduism.
Because of Indias unique climate, with regular monsoons making the entire country into one big muddy shithole, it's very burdensome to farm without labour animals (machines are used now). Because of this, cattle was incredibly important for farming, so much that slaughtering them for food would be a net loss. Thus, societies in India refrained from killing cows to increase their farming capability, and food supply. This later grew into a cultural norm, and just like religion shape culture, culture can shape religion, and the cow was made holy.

>> No.6989548

That is very interesting.
And it is just like you say - culture can shape religion, something that is often forgotten. Religious ideas and beliefs sometimes do have some kind of seed, which is often based on the culture in which it grows.

>> No.6989556

It's dialectic materialism. Things rarely grow out of nothing, there must be a precondition for it to exist.

>> No.6989557

circumcision if you are a bronze-age desert-dweller without adequate access to hygiene. I think it is no longer so important, but I can't imagine how awful sand in between the foreskin and glans would be.
A few other things could be body purity or washing rituals, keeping the dead away from food and stuff.

>> No.6989560

Haha, yes. And that is something that is very distinct in food and cooking.

>> No.6989573


Related to this, pork is a potential vector for prions because the greedy fuckers will eat anything, including carrion.

>> No.6989584


But what about fish? they literally swim in their own piss and poo

>> No.6989591

Fish are indeed dirty, especially those on the ocean bottom, but there is no real implication on the human health if one eats it - at least not as comparable as eating pork.

>> No.6989594

An explanation that I still have to look into is that pork and humans are so close (my mother in law has a pork grafted valvule) that eating pork would almost be cannibalism.

>> No.6989649

PIGS are not native to the middle east like goats (I think)

>> No.6989652

>dialectic materialism on /ck/
are people starting to see the light?

>> No.6989661

Daily reminder that communism has never worked.

>> No.6989667
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More importantly, why does pork fat taste so good, while fat from nearly every other animal taste like shit?
People save bacon and ham drippings all the time, but i've yet to see a single recipe that calls for beef grease

>> No.6989668

calling the soviet union communist is about as close to reality as calling ISIS moderate secular muslims.

>> No.6989674
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long pig tastes closest to human meat?

>> No.6989675

My little theory is trichinosis or something similar.

>Don't eat pigs, it makes you sick
>Dunno, it just does.
>But my uncle ate pig all..

>> No.6989678

>long pig
long pig refers to human meat
but i would guess pig has to be the closest to human.
very similar genetics, very similar food

>> No.6989680

Good point, communism literally cannot even exist.

>> No.6989681

I think it must be a mis translation in the book or something.

>> No.6989683

I'd say the Kosher laws regarding non-consumption of shellfish and fish without scales hit the mark too. We now understand that shellfish and other non-fish sea creatures have to be cooked thoroughly to avoid parasites. The ancient Jews just deemed such foods non-kosher to be safe.

>> No.6989686

because they're cured, most likely. other pork fats from uncured meats taste similar to beef fat.

>> No.6989691

How would you get sand in your dick just through day to day life? Do you fuck holes in the sand?

>> No.6989719

m8 you tell me after twenty days travel on a camel. Sand down your dickhole is not the worst of your worries but it's up there.
Also I think Satan put the skin on the end of your cock.

>> No.6989768

>never knowing the wonder of beef tallow

>> No.6989799
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Actually most people who have a modicum of dignity will not eat pigs. It's shameful

>> No.6989809
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>dont eat dogs because they're cute!
>dont eat pigs because they're cute!
I will eat both.

>> No.6989832

After being with a friend who got a cosmetic branding (body modification, yes it's exactly what it sounds like), I think there may also be an element of the fact that burning human smells exactly, and I mean EXACTLY, like smoked gammon.

Any ancient religion who ever did human sacrifice may have got the idea that maybe eating pigs was cannibalism in some form.

>> No.6989894

I would probably eat both if they were yummy, but pigs are actually bred from wild boars, for human food, whereas dogs were bred from wolves for human help and companionship in hunting, sleds, and recently as pets.

>> No.6989919

I'm >>6989594 and I'm happy to read you.

>> No.6989940

Because pigs eat their own shit.

>> No.6989943

Is it for your mind possible to compare the size of an whole ocean to the bladder of a small fish?

>> No.6989954

that dog looks too smooth to be appetizing.. just unsettling really and i'm not even opposed to eating dog. I hate pork but at least that crispy skin looks delicious.

>> No.6989967

>vegetarians still being delusional thinking they can convert meat eaters by pointing out how KYUUUT certain kinds of little shitty meatsacks are
Lady, we fucking eat lambs and bunnies. And they're fucking delicious.

>> No.6989969

Because these cultures started in the Middle East in a time with no refridgeration technology. The holy aspect was simply a cover to ensure the followers didn't get sick eating pork left to sit in the heat for too long.

It's also why those religions practised circumcision, surrounded by sand with no bathing facilities, any sand gets underneath your bellend and you are asking for trouble.

They were useful at the time, but in the modern world with the facilities available to us, both of those ancient practices are a relic of the stupid ages.

>> No.6989996

>Why is pig meat considered to be unholy by so many cultures?

Same reasons as sex and alcohol.

>> No.6990010

Eating meat from pigs can turn you Gay.

I think it's something to do with the hormones in a pig, they are very similar to those found in humans.

>> No.6990044

What third world shithole do you live in that doesn't use suet and tallow? Only goose fat beats tallow for fried potato dishes and you can't call yourself a baker if you don't love suet.

>> No.6990049

STDs before health care and dehydration in a desert with no logistical chain?

>> No.6990056

>i've yet to see a single recipe that calls for beef grease
Some of the best chip shops in Britain use beef dripping to fry chips.

>> No.6990076

Pigs eat shit and roll in shit. Shit is bad, so pig is bad. Pretty simple really.

>> No.6990086
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I've seen pigs do this and then another pig comes up from behind and eats the shit off the other pigs balls

>> No.6990361

>Implying they were surrounded by sand at that time

>> No.6990400

yes, but add trichinosis to the list

>> No.6990418
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human flesh is indistinguishable from pig meat when cooked

pigs are considered as smart as people

religious dietary laws are designed to keep people from enjoying delicious spare ribs

bacon is devil

>> No.6990422

Because it tastes like human meat

>> No.6990425

>i've yet to see a single recipe that calls for beef grease
If you consider dairy to be mostly beef fat that shit is everywhere.

>> No.6990524

Having an animal that could convert shit and garbage into meat was valuable, and highly prized by many cultures.

But the reality of eating an animal that was happy to feast on your shit was a little much for some folks. Especially when this animal could kill you in two ways: it would eat you given the chance, and its meat could make you sick if improperly cooked. That's more risk than some folks were willing to take.

Also don't forget that Judaism and Islam are both obsessed with what is and is not clean. This makes sense for people living in the desert with little in the way of medical knowledge, yet insisting on performing unnecessary surgery on every male child. You're gonna be fanatic about cleanliness, and it's nearly impossibly to make a case for a pig being a "clean" animal.

>> No.6990533

foreskinfag here, all it takes is a single grain, that shit is tender. If you go swimming and shit at beaches.

>> No.6990538
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>it's nearly impossibly to make a case for a pig being a "clean" animal.

clean is subjective (shellfish is filthy?)
cows are filthy
pigs are filthy
goats are filthy
sheep are filthy

>> No.6990539

>pigs are considered as smart as people

Do you hold this belief? Because if so, then it might be true.

>> No.6990565

>Do you hold this belief?

does your mother's bum hold my semen?

>> No.6990572

>by so many cultures?

beg questions much?

>> No.6990581

My mom doesnt own any homeless people

>> No.6990593


so your Dad and is the semen eater

>> No.6990647

>clean is subjective (shellfish is filthy?)
Raw shellfish is always a risk, and if you live in the desert it's hard to find a food that will go off faster than shellfish. And off shellfish can kill you.

The case for goats, cows and sheep is easier to make because unlike pigs they're not happy to eat human shit. Also they're useful beyond meat: they can be used for dairy and clothing (leather, wool).

>> No.6990648
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>> No.6990651

My dad is not a cannibal, why would he eat a human let alone a military service member. Do not disrespect the Navy like that

>> No.6990675

>Do not disrespect the Navy

>> No.6990685

Because it resembles human flesh too much.

>> No.6990715

dont eat what you fuck

>> No.6990721

My dad does not fuck over Navy Seamen
He pays his taxes just like every other regular Joe.

If you feel service members are being unfairly treated, take it up with our elected officials.

>> No.6990731

Well then they are even more retarded for mutilating their childrens dicks for no reason.

>> No.6990734

Cool. Takes the sport out of hunting, but cool.

>> No.6990735

some bodyparts from veal>>6990651
, cow, etc are not cosher ( the bottom and end parts are "dirty")

>> No.6990737

With something like wild boars, there is no "sport" when hunting them

You are out to cull them, they are an invasive species that are very dangerous to humans. Kill them all by any means necessary

>> No.6990738


>> No.6990741

But what about trillions of fish?

>> No.6990742

is somebody who swallow ( gay or woman) a canibal? or only half-canibal since its only the half paire of chromosomes?

>> No.6990745

No not a cannibal, but a sodomite.

>> No.6990865
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poor lil baby pig got crushed

>> No.6992222

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.6992274

A boar killed Robert Baratheon, they're no easy meat.

>> No.6992497


They literally have ham in their names. If they say they don't touch or eat it, they're just fucking liars and love to stuff that sweet, tender meat in their mouths.

>> No.6992508

but viets and other south eastern chinks can eat cow just fine

>> No.6992514


This demonstrates a cultural origin for food taboos among Semites who themselves belong to the wider Afroasiatic language family.

>> No.6992590
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>> No.6992647
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>> No.6992825

Because wild pigs are nasty disease ridden things filled tuberculosis and worms. Its only years of breeding and vaccinations that have made them as safe as they are today.

Cows were declared sacred in the Hindu faith to save peoples livelihoods. It is believed that they were declared sacred so that during a great famine people wouldn't end up eating the thing that lets them plant crops and gives them consistent food.

>> No.6992854

>implying I would ever do such things

>> No.6992864
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I was going to ask about this. Scaled fish also carry parasites so I don't think that this is a good argument. One point that I had read is that for most of the history of the Jews they did not live near any shellfish bearing waters and therefore did not eat shellfish. One way to differentiate Jews with 'outsiders' was those who did or did not eat shellfish and therefore in order to maintain identity, shellfish consumption was prohibited. Seems arbitrary but it's hard to argue with people dead for 4000 years

>> No.6992869
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islamic marriage #wifu material

>> No.6992881

Shellfish and scaleless fish are more likely to be poisonous/venomous.

>> No.6992889

You sound very cultured.

>> No.6992925
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Interesting point, but if the Israelites/Jews didn't have any regular dietary exposure to shellfish, whether toxic or non-toxic, they wouldn't have needed to included it in the Kosher/Kashrut definition. Not trying to argue; simply interested

Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paralytic_shellfish_poisoning

>> No.6992930
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Chinese eat pig like crazy.
gun powder
blast furnace

Checkmate, religious apologists.

>> No.6992963
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>so many cultures?

demand monopoly on death
demand monopoly on sex
just a nice touch, I suppose

>> No.6993018

Anon 100% right, can confirm

>> No.6993081


>> No.6993303

I was fully expecting "Allahu akbar!" after that explosion for some reason

>> No.6993485
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>> No.6993510

Most middle-eastern cultures could not afford to raise an animal that would eat all they had if it went feral and escaped. Pigs eat everything and do not stop.

That and the inability to cook properly.

>> No.6993636

>One way to differentiate Jews with 'outsiders' was those who did or did not eat shellfish and therefore in order to maintain identity, shellfish consumption was prohibited. Seems arbitrary but it's hard to argue with people dead for 4000 years
I have a couple friends who are very observant Jews, and I have discussed this with them. The kosher laws are very much a way to separate Jews from outsiders. Think about it: you're a people with a tribal identity and no homeland. Sticking with your own kind is the only way to insure your existence as a people. So what's a good way to keep your people from mingling too much with outsiders? Ruthless dietary laws, so that the observant can pretty much only eat at home, kosher restaurants and the homes of other equally observant people. At a certain level this gets down to keeping two sets of dishes and whether the knife used to cut something is kosher.

>> No.6993695

If cultured means being like obama sucking up to islamics then I'm pretty uncultured.

>> No.6994040

Aincent faggots could not into preserving. Pigs worms and shit. Also lay in waste. but we all know the nastier the animal the better it tastes. Also other than Muslims(worst food out of any state) who hates pork?

>> No.6994057

fuck you, beef and duck fat are amazing

>> No.6994067
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The Buddha on the other hand was an excellent guest. He only asked to you didn't slaughter something special for him.

Another cheeseburger, Lord Buddha?
Okay, but this is the last one.

pic unrelated

>> No.6994087
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Pigs built Stonehenge, so they are revered by some.

Pigs also invented fire, so they are eaten by many others. Pigs didn't see that fire (and barbecue sauce) would be their own

Stupid pigs.

>> No.6994109
File: 1.23 MB, 3072x2304, 1445372120309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that your own photo?
Not saying my editing is perfect, just a quick one, but yours is really bland.
Kick that shit up a notch, man.

>> No.6994127


They also thought that since rats were unclean animals, you could rub the innards from the opened belly of a dead rat on a wound and it would suck the plague out from you.

>> No.6994142

>and it would suck the plague out from you

surprisingly, this actually worked

>> No.6994182

I like the original more tbqh.
Yeah, it could be improved but yours is way too aggressive with the contrast

>> No.6994281

Not all of us have time to be autistic with out photos that we probably aren't going to show anyone else, and even if we did they couldn't care.

>> No.6994356

I have some Hawaiian Portuguese pork sausage I bought for cheap and I don't really know how to cook it.

Should I just stir fry it with some veggies and serve it over rice?