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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6989355 No.6989355 [Reply] [Original]

One day, you wake up, and find yourself in total command of a food truck. What do you serve?

>> No.6989358

Big macs

>> No.6989362

Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese

>> No.6989364

Fusion street food, and chili without any beans.

(I'm not fucking kidding )

>> No.6989400

It obviously depends on the demographics your are limited to.

I'd probably do crepes (sweet and savory) or, depending on what kind of local bread vendors I could get, some kind of from scratch regional sandwich type thing.

>a fucking banh mi truck kills everywhere if done halfway decent and parks in the right place

>> No.6989429

Well done steaks with A1 sauce on the side. Not even memeing,

>> No.6989442

Well, I can picture the cheese.

>> No.6989444

Stir fry

>tfw all you know about cooking is throwing veggies, meat and rice/noodles into a wok

>> No.6989449

Fried dough. Accompanied by a plethora of toppings, both savory and sweet.

The dough would be similar to a yeast roll, with a slight fermentation to give it a little bite. Each one would be oblong, about six inches long and four inches across, just big enough to be able to sit in a paper basket, but large enough to feel like you're getting a substantial meal.

On top would be your choice of one of several toppings, either cold or hot. The original would be a spicy, meaty tomato based topping, with chunks of Italian sausage and flecks of pepperoni and red pepper, and topped with shredded provolone and Cheddar cheese. There would also be pulled pork barbecue with slaw, curried chicken, grilled chicken in a General Tso's sauce, and cheese steak. The sweet toppings would include buttercream frosting with a caramel drizzle, powdered sugar, and chocolate ganache. There would be room for expansion to the toppings menu depending on demand or for whatever new toppings take my fancy. I would make them to order and sell them as a single or a combo with one entree and one dessert.

It would appeal both to foodie types for the eclectic toppings, and to people nostalgic for carnival style treats. They'd all sell for one price, except for an extra plain one in case you finished your first and had extra topping left over. The combo, of course, would be a savings. Drinks would be bottles or cans.

Preferably I'd set up near an area that had outdoor seating and good garbage collection. For take away service, I'd put them in Styrofoam clamshells, otherwise they'd be served in the aforementioned paper baskets. Napkins aplenty; these get messy when you eat them. And yes, this is something I've made before. It comes from an old recipe my grandmother used to make for parties and functions.

>> No.6989452
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So basically a different take on the Beaver Tail

>> No.6989461

Beaver tails are similar, but different. Because it's a yeast risen dough, they puff up like fat brown clouds of fried deliciousness.

>> No.6989481

I would do easy simple sandwiches (turkey, roast beef etc.) With nice cheeses on them and the usual veggies on it. think subway except it would be on regular sandwich bread but heres the kicker. On each sandwich you would choose what kind of chips you want and we'd put a good portion (2-3oz of chips) directly on your sandwich, wrap it up, slice it diagonally and re-wrap it so you have a nice portable sandwich with the awesome crunch of your favorite chips in it. Its so sime and if you sourced your ingredients well enough you could easily serve it for $4 a sandwich. Id probably give it some upbeat catchy hipster name and I could park it at the college in the metro part of the city during the afternoons for the college kid lunch rush and in the evenings I could park it at the waterfront to catch the leisure walkers/dog walkers

>> No.6989505

$4 pieces of toast.

>> No.6989519

Me, I'd serve crab legs.

>> No.6989523

Install a wood-fired oven. Serve wood-fired pizzas.

Also beer and brownies.

And it would be called Pizza, Beer, and Brownies.

>> No.6989525

Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, bacon, canadian bacon, sausage, pancakes, and coffee.

>> No.6989532

Alcohol, I would park by bars and clubs and sell my alcohol at a real cheap price. So people looking to get drunk can get that little cheap boost from me, then head on into the club to sit around with one really expensive drink for the whole night.
I guess i would also sell munchies and drugs to make up a better portion of the profits.

>> No.6989534

probably authentic cubanos, my son and my spic coworker are always talking about it

>> No.6989535

Bagels and grilled cheese

I will OWN downtown in short order.

>> No.6989537

>motor vehicle full of alcohol and drugs run by degenerate
What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.6989538

Kung Fu
Roast Beef Po'Boy
Arepas with carnita
Dank hot dogs
Freedom Fries
Bagel and cream cheese

Is that eclectic enough?

>> No.6989539

The teachers come out of the school and shout at me for selling alcohol to underage children. Thats the beauty of it being on wheels, I can just drive away and serve another part of town.

>> No.6989542

What's the point of a food truck? Surely if there's enough foot traffic for you to make money from it, there will also be actual food places all around. The only ones I've seen are ice cream trucks and the last one I remember was about 3 years ago.

>> No.6989544

Cheaper way for normal people to open a business without risking too much of their money on something that may not work.

>> No.6989546


>park by a street with bars


>> No.6989550



>> No.6989551

probably do portuguese inspired street food since its one of the few things not done on taco trucks around here. bifana sandwiches, linguica sandwiches, and ummm...well i guess id throw in some brazilian stuff too, like coxinhas

>> No.6989554

Are you referencing the film I was coming here specifically to reference?

>> No.6989555

>not serving Kung Fu
Enjoy selling me your truck for half its worth.

>> No.6989582

in cold time of year, 3 different kinds of soup, a few different kinds of bread, some toppings for soup maybe like toasted bread or something? idk probably not toppings

all soups would be same price as would bread

>> No.6989648
File: 191 KB, 960x638, poutine-chez-ashton-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. Poutine.

>Freshly cut fries
>gravy made from scratch
>fresh curds, never refrigerated (more squeak)

Anyone who makes a quality poutine will make money anywhere in Canada. Most poutines are only ok tasting.

Captcha: Select the french fries

>> No.6989665

There is a truck jist like that parked about 2 miles from me that sells $1 tacos. Place is busy as fuck. Lot of Hispanics and broke black people go there (pretty shitty neighborhood). Been ther for like forever, I guess they make a goof profit.

>> No.6989670

Gravy on chips is a sin.

>muh soggy chips

Dipping your chips in gravy is fine, but you don't want to soak them in it!

>> No.6989684

>not putting beans in your chili like the rest of the world
you cheap fuck

>> No.6989689

boogers and cum.

>> No.6989721

Get out, you disgusting pig.

>> No.6989733

make me, you fake whore

>> No.6989736

Various meals (think soups/stews with the consistency of curry, salad with a thickened dressing, rice and beans with veggies and a thick pork stock based sauce, etc) wrapped in a large tortilla.

So just a bunch of cheap shit wrapped in a tortilla that you can grab, eat, and leave with out having to sit down our worry too much about spilling.

>> No.6989737

Probably burgers, honestly. Where I live, it's hard to find a good burger and harder to find one for take-out.

>> No.6989738

I'd drive it straight to Detroit and sell fried chikken

>> No.6989739

I'll have you know I'm a REAL whore, thanks very much, there's nothing fake about it. Now get the fuck out, you slimy bean eating shitbox.

>> No.6989746

Sell the truck, build a wooden stand on the beach and sell takoyaki with grilled fish.

>> No.6989752

You're meeming me.

>> No.6989761

Mini Pizzas.

>> No.6989778

>cheap for not using beans

what? arnt beans the cheapest food on the planet and used as filler

>> No.6989783
File: 582 KB, 1717x2233, ATX-food-truck-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted a food truck. I would make a food that doesnt require a stove and is easy to prepare so I can spend most of the time browsing the internet and jacking it to anime.

>> No.6989798
File: 718 KB, 1400x1050, yatai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would much rather one of those noodle stands that pack up into a trailer, so much more comfy.
Pruss I courd shout YOU BRADE RUNNER at all the drunk customers.

>> No.6989811

fuck that looks comfy

>> No.6989833
File: 10 KB, 275x183, poutaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


drunk food like poutine, philly cheese steaks (with Whiz), greasy hamburgers, etc., natch

>> No.6989852
File: 208 KB, 567x850, DSCF5360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you say is true but I don't see what that has to do with poutine.

>> No.6989864

Wings and burgers. Boring, but that's what everyone 'round these parts likes so it wouldn't be too bad.

There's a bar I go to every weekend, and this guy always parks his food truck in the parking lot, goes in and takes EVERYONE'S orders, charges them on a card swiper, and then brings the food to them. He makes tons of money.

That's a great investment actually..

>> No.6989868

Just put cheesy bread in like you would french onion soup son

>> No.6989888

Grilled cheese and tomato soup

>> No.6989985

Breakfast cereal

>> No.6989998

Handheld clean foods.
a variety of meat/veggie steamed buns
a couple types of soup

>> No.6989999

Gourmet sorbet and popsicles in the summer, a variety of hot chocolatey drinks in the winter.

>> No.6990005

I've been to Cool Haus actually. I would never have thought to open an architecture-themed ice cream shop, but it seems to be working out well for them.

>> No.6990006

chowder and clam fritters

>> No.6990013

vegan christmas food all year long

>> No.6990034
File: 296 KB, 1280x853, truck3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep-fried disabled veterans

>> No.6990035

Being British, I would have to suit the climate so hotdogs in the summer and soup in the winter.

Thick hot steaming soup!

>> No.6990036
File: 241 KB, 1280x960, beaver poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6990040

>hot dog soup

Britain pls.

>> No.6990045 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 600x337, Fazolis_BreadstickExpress_cap[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6990047

>hot dog soup
I'm sure that could be done . . .you have given me an idea . . .make way for my molecular gastronomy!

>> No.6990057

Artisan peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and free range marmite sandwiches. That's it.

>> No.6990091
File: 1.58 MB, 320x240, whatever queer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never been to canada eh faggot

>> No.6990111

yep, they were used when you couldn't afford to make chili properly because too poor to buy meat

>> No.6990118

we drink that shit like its maple syrup up here.

>> No.6990125

England was putting Gravy and cheese on chips long before Canada copied it.

>> No.6990136

Ice cream sandwiches. I call them "Witch's Tits".

Our slogan: "Nothing Colder Than Witch's Tits!"

We will corner the market and have awesome merchandise to increase cash flow.

You can pick your flavor of tits: vanilla, chocolate, mullatto, whatever.


>> No.6990138


Bong, pls.

>> No.6990147

Not really a big difference . .. . but everybody knows nobody makes cheese in the New World!
>inb4 some someone mentions Winsconsin!

>> No.6990150

He means you get shot and raped by niggers while they scream worrlllstarrrr and take selfie with your corpse

>> No.6990155

>no difference between cheese and curd

Bong, pls.

>> No.6990163

Every single one of you fucked up. OP didn't say you had licenses and permits to sell all this fancy shit you're posting about. Great job ruining the thread, assholes.

>> No.6990165

I didn't say NO difference! . . .stop being so butt-hurt.

>> No.6990172

Please learn how to use an ellipsis.

>> No.6990187

Frozen chips > freshly cut. Easier to get the perfect twice-fried texture. Especially important for a food truck

>> No.6990189

>Please learn how to use an ellipsis.
You got BTFO of your stupid argument, so you resort to criticizing my writing style . . .typical!

>> No.6990194

Can I order ketchup instead of A1?

>> No.6990196

>free range marmite

Made me snort on public transport/10

>> No.6990199


You still don't know the difference between cheese and curd, how am I BTFO?

That's still not how an ellipsis works.

>> No.6990203

Give it a break kid . . . your butt-hurt is ruining the thread!

>> No.6990208

This is what an ellipsis is: …
It is not . . . .. .... .. ..
I'd show you what curds are but Britain is supposed to be a cheese making nation so you damned well ought to know.

>> No.6990216

My dick to sluts

>> No.6990250

It's funny but I mentioned soup earlier on >>6990035
But thinking about it and seeing some of the thread, I and wondering about Burritos?

Most Brits (like myself) enjoy Mexican food but for some reason, it has never really taken off here . .. . perhaps it's because we have lots of other stuff available or maybe it's a gap in the market . .. . I'm not sure!

I don't know if other Bongs could enlighten me here?

>> No.6990323
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>banh mi kills everywhere
>as long as youre in the right place

>> No.6990324

crab legs.

this anon gets it

>> No.6990579

Like Chipotle but with Korean ingredients

>> No.6990603

Who is this jizz wiz?

>> No.6990605

dead rats

>> No.6990608

you must be 12 years old to not know

>> No.6990684

Thought about this a lot. If ever in the situation to own a food truck I would mix it up every once in a while so not to be serving the same shit all the time. But the overall menu would be like so

pulled pork sandwiches w/ or w/o slaw
soups and sandwiches
hot dogs
meatball subs
funnel cakes
coffee, slushies, lemonade, pop, water
don't know what else

>> No.6990711


Food trucks need to go where there are people...

>> No.6990753


>> No.6990761

Vegetarian Punjabi style food.

>> No.6990920

not the responder, but I posted it and i dont even know lol

>> No.6990980

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6990984

I've never seen this before, but I want it.

>> No.6992698
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>> No.6992712

They are pretty fukken delicious. The places that make them will put any kind of sugar-loaded shit onto them for you, with extra butter.

Its a good way to die happy.

>> No.6992717


ass whuupens

>> No.6992718
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>> No.6992724

i don't know where you live, but licensing would likely be an issue

>> No.6992725

>What do you serve?
Whites only.

>> No.6992740

coq au vin made to order

>> No.6992759

this guy in my town (pensacola) has a pretty sweet set up in the middle of nig-nogville. he sells rawfood at jacked up prices for food stamps and half assed grills it for free. its mostly chicken livers, cheapest burger patties, hot dogsand all drinks are cans and bottles that he charges 10trash people bucks for actually never more than 3 dollars worth of food. so yeah i think i would buy a mobile firetrap and hire a tyrone to man that shit on the other end of the ghetto. use that money to realize my dream of a liquor store, planned parenthood, and bailbonds strip mall and retire to a medium farm where i could grow cotton and have migrant workers pick that shit as i pick and choose which one of their ugly women i invite into the house to cook clean and pleasure me for twice what i pay one of the dirty immigrants or nignogs that do the hard work for me.

>> No.6992766
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>> No.6992882

sausage and corn dogs

>> No.6992928
File: 941 KB, 2666x1561, second-crop-for-blog-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea and coffee, sweet breads and light sandwiches.

>> No.6993031
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>> No.6993053

tex mex shit like the rest
gotta blend in with my new brethren and rise from within

>> No.6993055

plus its an excuse to wear my poncho/sombrero and speak spanish all day

>> No.6993173
File: 89 KB, 670x503, crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me? I'd serve crab legs.