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6986639 No.6986639 [Reply] [Original]

What's the verdict on these? Any good?

>> No.6986942
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, kefir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good.
You can make your own with the "grains" bought off ebay for a couple bucks, but I know some people would be lazy to do that..
(If you get plain/make it yourself mix with fennel, dandelion greens, cinnamon, beets, berries, orange peels, etc.)

>> No.6986977

The strawberry one was very sweet, too sweet.

>> No.6988264

blue berry sucked
peach was alright
strawberry was good

i'd rather have this than milk or yogurt usually

>> No.6988271

I bought the box of individual bottles from Costco.

Came with strawberry and blueberry.
I really fucking like it. The worst thing about them is the awful shelf life, and they get warm within like 5 minutes of being out of the fridge.

Warm kefir kinda pops in your mouth like a carbonated drink with a bitter taste. Its not super pleasant.

>> No.6988278

Love the stuff. Pour it over my granola all the time

>> No.6988291

They're actually not too bad. I tried one, can't remember which flavor it was. I really enjoyed it, other than the fact that the artificial flavor and coloring sent me to the hospital after drinking. I was at the hospital for about 4 weeks, my grandmother was very spooked. My family didn't even bother suing, but I did not care about that. I was at critical status during my check, but other than that, pretty good!

>> No.6988316
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Are you saying that you have a severe allergy to coloring and flavorings, but decided to just drink something new without checking the nutritional facts?

You must love living dangerously!

>> No.6988349

its pretty good. i like the lifeway protein kefir more, though. it has 40 grams of brotein per bottle.

>> No.6988517

I love kefir, I just wish it were cheaper.

>> No.6988772
File: 41 KB, 309x629, IMG_3115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much sugar imo

>> No.6988779

Much preferred over yogurt drinks.

>> No.6988783

>The strawberry one was very sweet, too sweet.
This. The plain is alright, but the flavors are highly sweet. They are very drinkable, smoothie consistently. I kind of drink it down fast, or else pour it over some mueslix the night beforehand.

There's a new one in my Publix, Greek Gods which has a thicker and more delicious consistency, and lighter flavors like basic honey. But, it has a very narrow top for such a thick viscous nature, and I think 25% stays in the bottle, coating the sides. Sucks.

>> No.6989027

Plain with cucumber, dill, garlic, walnuts. Delicious tarator.

>> No.6989042

Last time I drank some I coughed so hard that it caused pain in my head (and a headache after) until I coughed up some kind of slime.
I mean I like it, and if anyone needs it for digestive purposes, its me. But that hurt.

>> No.6989086

Good for training lolis.

>> No.6989101

how do you even get to first if you can't manage to get around a banana

>> No.6989159
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, [Mori] Amagi Brilliant Park Specials - 03v2 [BD 720p][B6208C56].mkv_snapshot_01.21_[2015.07.03_12.46.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dislike how sweet it is.

Shit's nasty

>> No.6989178

ive actually heard you can get drunk from these
any truth?

>> No.6989272

It looks like some faggot bullshit that some friend of a boring nigger asshole from the NFL or NBA came up with and now wants to sell to other people as the next best thing.

>> No.6989438

Kefir from a store has to be pasturised. The whole point of drinking kefir is for the beneficial effects from the bacteria and yeast within. Homemade also tastes nothing like store bought.

>> No.6989685
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>> No.6989800

there's no alcohol in them. what retard told you that?

>> No.6989806

Storebought bacteria still has beneficial bacteria. It's just not as potent as homemade. It's better than nothing.

Homemade is also super easy to fuck up. If you aren't sterile, you can fuck yourself up really bad from bad bacteria getting in it.

>> No.6989808


>> No.6989822
File: 507 KB, 1020x2396, 2861754-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 0.6%.

>> No.6989825

There's a small amount like in Kombucha since the stuff is fermented. Getting drunk off the stuff would be pretty damn hard though

>> No.6989917

Coming from a country where dairy and milk products are 9000 times more advanced and better than anywhere in the west, it is truly humorous seeing brits and shit discovering that yogurth is not meant to be 0 fat and that sour cream, kefir and cheese besides cheddar exists.

Yes you can get drunk off real kefir, I don't know about this fake garbage, but real kefir is fermented milk pmuch.

Not uncommon to have people drink it, drive, get pulled over by po po and blow a nice number on the alcohol test.