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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6986097 No.6986097 [Reply] [Original]

I just got one of these things, how do I use it?

Also, preferred coffees, grinds, roasts etc.

Coffee general.

>> No.6986100


>> No.6986134

Thread is derailed shit

>> No.6986135

Not any more than any other thread.

>> No.6986136

Fucking Google

>> No.6986362

>find coffee
>grind course
>boil water
>add ground coffee and boiling water
>let stand
>press down

How fucking hard is it? Goddamn spoonfed generation.

>> No.6986366

So, why did you respond?

>> No.6986383
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over rated
went back to Black and Decker drip after first pot

>> No.6986398

>I did it wrong and gave up

>> No.6986401
File: 5 KB, 161x90, douchebag485_gs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no my wife and kid love this shit
over rated
you are douche like man in beer picture

>> No.6986404

He probably used maxwell house

>> No.6986407


another waiter chimes in

table 5 needs more bread sticks

>> No.6986411
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oh gawd, he's actually wearing a Fedora

>> No.6986412

>still buttblasted about the douchebag for ants
It's like a year later and you post this so much. I want to know more about you. Where do you live and what do you drink? Please, I have to know.

>> No.6986415

Actually, I was a delivery guy back in highschool. Now I manage billing for 10 hospitals and shit out enough money to fill up your mother's basement.

>> No.6986417

>I drink mud out of puddles and only eat week old fast food
>eating things that actually taste good is a little too fedora for me

>> No.6986425
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oh Fredo, you ARE smart

>> No.6986427

just to bitch and blow off steam

>> No.6986439
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drink this
it's anus flavored

>> No.6986445
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Just breaking your balls, m8

>> No.6986456

Fuck in the tea and or milled coffee of choice, fuck in some piping hot water.

Spoon the bitch.

Press the press.


>> No.6986460

whats the difference between this and a drip coffee maker? seems like unnecessary added work, where you have to boil water separately from the machine.

>> No.6986466
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Feels a need to validate himself on a Thai Bicycle Club Image Board.

Is there's a douchebag heaven, I think we're in it.

>> No.6986470

You forgot your meme arrow

>> No.6986526

The difference is drip machine makes muddy water where a press makes coffee.

>> No.6986540

s-should i invest in a french press and water heater then? is it really that much better?

>> No.6986555

Don't buy shit just because some anonymous dickwad like myself said to, ya dingus.
Go out and try coffee made by people who already have that shit, see which sort you like best and then try to emulate it.

>> No.6986695

Right now I'm on a Sumatra dark roast kick. Grind it up real coarse in my hand grinder and douse it with water just as it hits boiling

>> No.6986915

Where do you source your beans?

I'm also in need of a grinder, I've been looking on amazon but there's so many options.

>> No.6987253

It won't be here till Tuesday, so in the mean time, drip coffee :c

>> No.6987593

>boiling water
Am I being trolled? The water should be off the boil shouldn't it? I let my kettle sit for at least 10 seconds after boiling it for coffee.

It has to be boiling for tea but I always thought boiling water ruined coffee.

>> No.6987606

You are correct, it should not be boiling.

>> No.6987614
File: 10 KB, 256x355, Hario Medium Glass Hand Coffee Grinder with Ceramic Burrs, Clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone here said that pic related (listed on Amazon as "Hario Medium Glass Hand Coffee Grinder with Ceramic Burrs, Clear") is as good as you will ever need and it's relatively inexpensive.

>> No.6987702


real French press uses broiled water
a bit more work but well worth the effort
broiling makes all the difference

>> No.6988592

The thermal capacity of water 10 seconds makes literally no difference to average temp

>> No.6988613

>It has to be boiling for tea
Ew, not at all

>> No.6988661

Well, a fraction of a degree, but yeah you are right- ten seconds don't mean shit when we are talking coffee.

Green tea is a different matter, but beans don't give a fuck.

>> No.6988745

>whats the difference between this and a drip coffee maker? seems like unnecessary added work, where you have to boil water separately from the machine.
When you dont use a paper filter, you leave some of the natural beans oils/fats in the coffee. That's part of the flavor compounds, and adds to the froth.

A french press should a slightly coarser grind than espresso or drip. So, you'll want to get it ground right, or grind your own. Buying preground will result in a lot of grounds missed by the filter. Gives you more like a greek or turkish espresso coffee experience.

When you have a really rare nice and delicious coffee to brew, I'd absolutely suggest getting out the french press.

If you are a lazy daily brewer, buy a press that is more squat and shower than tall and skinny. Also buy one that you can remove the glass beaker from the metal sleeve, or buy the ones with a plastic sleeve, and you can microwave your water right in the beaker. With like <4 cups of water, you'll probably get to boiling in 3 minutes, but for a 12 cup, you'd do better to heat water in a kettle for speed.>>6986540

>> No.6988780

The other issue is I'm in the Navy and in the barracks for a few more months, so I figure I should be good microwaving water to reach the optimal temperature? Or am I mistaken?

>> No.6988827

>microwaving water


>> No.6988836

Put a bamboo skewer in there

>> No.6988845

Oolong, green teas and white teas are more delicate and do better at lower temperatures but black teas and herbal teas brew best at full boil temperatures.

Unless specified, "tea" generally refers to black tea for most people in the west and that's what I was referring to.

>> No.6989194

>good as you will ever need

Not hardly. The Baratza Encore is considered an entry level grinder. If you want a manual grinder get a Ludo.

>> No.6989256


>Use a 16:1 water to coffee ratio

>Get water going; preheat your cup and your french press with hot water

>Grind your beans to a medium coarse grind

>Pour beans into bottom of press

>add a small amount of water to saturate the grounds. Wait 30s and stir. This is called blooming.

>Slowly pour in the rest of your water

>Put the lid on

>Wait four minutes (this will vary based on your bean type, roast, and grind size but its a good place to start and then adjust according)

>Slowly depress the plunger

>pour into mug and enjoy

>> No.6989303

How the fuck do you people drink this stuff?

I need a source of caffeine to stay awake, but every time I get coffee from somewhere/someone it either tastes like strong dirt water, sweet dirt water, or creamy dirt water.

They tell me it's an acquired taste, but how do you acquire it in the first place? Why not just drink water?

>> No.6989324

Aeropress >>>> French Press

>> No.6989326


That's how I felt the first real cup of coffee I had, by the third it was like drinking angel piss.

>> No.6989344

>It has to be boiling for tea
What kind of shit tea are you drinking?

>> No.6989663

>how do you acquire it in the first place?
The same way you acquire a taste for anything. Consume a lot of it.

>> No.6989711

16:1 by weight? Or volume

>> No.6989731


>> No.6989918

Weight. A lot of coffee geeks use gram scales.

>> No.6989987

Hmmm, I see

>> No.6991333

How many grams per liter of coffee do places like starbucks use? Their portafilters look absolutely massive and I'm using a dinky 15g per 250ml americano

>> No.6992961
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At least you're honest about it
Cheers to ya m8