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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6985825 No.6985825 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, what's next,
"Zimbabwe's best skiing spots"
"Driving lessons in Sicily"?

>> No.6985827

And, sorry, forgot to add
"How to greet tourists: welcome to France "

>> No.6985854
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another shitposting thread in /ck/. what a world turning revelation.

>> No.6985858

Still better than "American" cuisine.

>> No.6985883

It's just the Americans earning their title of the worst posters.

>> No.6985887

>he's never been to afriski
How disgustingly poverty stricken must you be to not go on international skiing holidays?

And yes: I know Afriski isn't in Zimbabwe, but it might as well be. It's in Lesotho, on the border with SA.

Are you the same idiot who thought ostriches were native to Australia and that Aussieland doesn't have winter or snow?

>> No.6985891
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I am an american you shit posting hypocrite.

>> No.6986331

How does that contradict anything, you globule of shit?

>> No.6986349

Americans are a distant second to Australians

RIP in peace night-time 4chan.

>> No.6986364

Australians are funny when they shitpost, Americans are just like that autistic kid who screams at everyone who walks past him.

>> No.6986385

I know snow exists in Africa but not in Australia. those little kangaroos in snow makes my heart melt.

>> No.6986391

>Australians are funny when they shitpost
Maybe only on 4chan but they're almost the worst internet users next to scamming 3rd-worlders