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File: 129 KB, 953x566, mr-brains-pork-faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6985697 No.6985697 [Reply] [Original]

Just exactly what is "Rich west country sauce"?

>> No.6985704


salisbury sauce


>> No.6985717

im from the west country and i don't have a fucking clue m8

>> No.6985722
File: 16 KB, 450x353, West country.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... This is the west country. But fuck knows what West country sauce is.

>> No.6985727

A version of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion_gravy though the wiki article seems to only describe the American version. Brit onion gravy is darker, thicker and lacks the additional herbs and spices typically used stateside.

It's easy to make: in a SS pan, cook a half cup each of oil and flour over high heat, stirring constantly, until about a hair lighter in colour than milk chocolate.
Add a cup of finely chopped onion and off the heat.
Keep stirring until the sizzling stops.
Re-up the heat and add a litre of stock, usually chicken though it used to be made with pork stock before chicken's popularisation on UK tables, and whisk to dissolve the flour-paste.
Bring to the boil then lower to maintain a gentle simmer and allow to reduce to desired thickness.
Season to taste with salt and pepper and, if desired, parsley.

Similar sauces exist in all Northern European cuisines and the cuisines of their daughter cultures, such as Australian, South African and USican, though with some added ingredients or used with different meats. Some versions of poronkäristys, sautéed reindeer, are prepared with an onion gravy to which some cream, fresh or soured, is added. Swedish meatballs are also made with a similar gravy, though with dill instead of or in addition to parsley as well as cream.

>> No.6985732

>salisbury sauce
More of the same. So what is it?

>> No.6985737


its fucking brown gravy maybe mushrooms usually beef. jesus christ you know what salisbury is everyone does.

>> No.6985741

That sounds like what they put on bangers and mash. Is it known as a "west country" item all over the UK or is that just some marketing slaver?

>> No.6985750

Not everyone. Maybe everyone in southwest England tho. We don't have anything called salisbury around here.

>> No.6985756

Yeah, it's the stuff eaten with sausages. Faggots are basically just round sausages made of heart, liver and streaky bacon, after all, using caul fat instead of collagen or intestines as the casings.

And I think it's just a marketing term. No one calls it 'west country sauce' other than Mr. Brain's. It's just gravy.

Also, there's a really good recipe from Tom Kerridge's Proper Pub Food for faggots and gravy. You can't really get more West Country than a geez from Salisbury like Tom Kerridge, so his recipe is spot on.

>> No.6985770


do you have brown gravy? there you fucking go

>> No.6985779

Whatever it is you know it's "rich and tasty" it says so on the box so you know it to be true.

>> No.6985805

It's obviously just some kind of pork/beef bouillon mixed with spices, starches, and whatever other chemicals, allowing it to turn into a salty sauce when mixed with the freezer burn heated in the microwave.

>> No.6985892

I grew up within 20 miles of Salisbury and have been there 100s of times.
Never heard of Salisbury sauce

>> No.6985901

I thought maybe there was a special ingredient that made it uniquely "West country". So it's just fried onions with flour. Another miracle of the Brittish culinary tradition.

>> No.6986185

A friend from Skelton says it's sperm.

>> No.6986889

You're missing the vital ingredient: lard.

Seriously. Lard. Check the ingredients list.

I'm not a fan. Normal gravy is better.

>> No.6987094

what, they don't slap meaningless prefixes on things in America? Like "Southern style X" or "California style Y"?

>> No.6987163

Just what exactly is a "firm family"?

>> No.6987171


they're not exactly meaningless. there's a definite distinction of influences in both southern style cooking and west coast cooking.

>> No.6987195
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>> No.6987219
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Lets see what mr brain has to say.

>> No.6987245
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>> No.6987262
File: 47 KB, 580x364, FaggotsNew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the name is a put off but at least they look appetizing...

>> No.6987281
File: 804 KB, 776x600, porkfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more pork

>> No.6987282


Holy fuck why are all you people so fucking precious about anything involving america

>> No.6987286

What does a faggot taste like? They're not something that you can find in my part of the world and I didn't try any when I visited England.

>> No.6987301

The US is literally almost 40x the size of the UK. you would be a medium sized state here. Southern and Californian food is the difference between UK and, say, Italian or Swedish food. Totally different.

>> No.6987330
File: 46 KB, 427x528, Unicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing gods work my son

>> No.6987341

it's just a big meatball

>> No.6987349

We should keep this thread bumped for an answer to anon's enquiry at >>6987219. I doubt anon will get an answer this late on a Sunday night.

>> No.6987437

I know you're just memeing but it's actually kind of sad when you see Americans actually think that.

>> No.6987444


European culture is dead. Literally any cuisine you people eat was invented a hundred years ago and before or it's been brought over with the recent influx of migrant with no fusion since there's a boner for assimilation there. All the new stuff is happening in the new world and Japan. It makes sense that Americans would be proud of their food, especially when comparing it to anything from the North of Europe.

>> No.6987451
File: 16 KB, 239x238, Seriously dawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6987458


I'm actually serious. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good moules frites or a fish and chips or even a penne arrabiata but it's really old, boring food. Leave innovation to the new countries. Europe had a good run, but it doesn't mean you're the only region that will ever do well again. To think so is nothing short of the exceptionalism you scoff at from across the Atlantic.

>> No.6987463


>> No.6987468
File: 159 KB, 750x918, 1375339125482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, a daring synthesis of Mayonnaise and spoon.

From sea to shining sea :''-/

>> No.6987469


I'm just going to chalk this up to your inability to effectively argue in English. Sorry about that. I'm sure you sound plenty intelligent in the meme language you grew up learning.

>> No.6987471

>cuisine brought over from migrants

Isn't that EXACTLY what American food is?

>there's a boner for assimilation there
Yeah, because of course foreigners and migrants are treated with great respect in America right? Oh wait

>> No.6987477


No European would ever have the gall to eat mayonnaise in public, let alone on a bus.

God Bless the United States of America. Even the Cherrypicking Memes.

>> No.6987488


You obviously haven't chained together all of the words that I used in that post. I would suggest gathering them all up in order to take meaning from them. In English we call it a "sentence".

And why are you strawmanning my assertion that you would like migrants to assimilate into mistreatment? Is that what assimilation is equal to in Europe? Are you ANTIFA?

>> No.6987495


You see in california, they put mushroom soup and fritos in their casserole, but in the south, they put chicken soup and cheetos.

>> No.6987500


So what sort of innovative and interesting foods do you enjoy?

>> No.6987502

>hundred years ago and before
>recent influx of migrant with

You can't take a pathetic "holier than thou" stance on reading comprehension when your post had grammar errors, fam.

>> No.6987504
File: 262 KB, 1600x1200, Cuisine of America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yummy, yummy American fusion food in my tummy.

>> No.6987505

>mfw Australians used to try and pretend this was British cuisine.

>> No.6987506


You aren't getting another reply out of me with your Americans are stupid memeing.

>> No.6987514


I'm perfectly happy with Southern American food that was influenced by Africans, French, Spanish and English. It's an amalgam of the aforementioned cultures that are nothing like the Europen """"""""culture""""""""" today but uniquely American.


If you're pointing out minor grammatical errors instead of putting forth compelling counter-arguments then you don't have much to go on, "fam".


Looks like a perfect interpretation of what English people eat today.

>> No.6987516

I see, it's like how in the north they cover their sketti and butter with American individually packaged yellow cheese like product and in the south they cover their sketti and butter with mayonnaise.

America is truly a beacon of culinary excellence.

>> No.6987520

>Actually giving him the attention he craves

>> No.6987527


Like an American needs to go on 4chan to get attention. You people can't help but watch what we do on every forum of humanity. Cuisine is among the least of the categories that you aspire to.

>> No.6987543


But what about is exciting compared to the boring european dishes you mentioned? What are some specific dishes you think are innovative?

>> No.6987555


The fact that American cuisine is more new makes it more exciting. Let's not forget the new interpretations of old dishes from Europe happening here right now and being normal in our cultural centers. It doesn't mean the old variations aren't good, it just means, as I've mentioned before, that they're old and boring.

>> No.6987612
File: 174 KB, 645x563, 1428277068067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you mean your shitty kimchi in everything fusion dishes, they can fuck off.


> Cultural Centres
> mfw

>> No.6987618


We literally have fusion everything here. This proves how narrow a mind can get when you think you've achieved the pinnacle of fusion cuisine.

Thank you chinese for the noodles, thank you Africans for the millet and rice. Without them Europeans are reduced to one-child households that teach them to hate what they are...oh, wait.

>> No.6987619

I told you bro, stop giving him the (you)s that he craves due to not getting enough attention from his parents growing up. He will say anything to get it, even so far as to claim America has edible food.

>> No.6987623


You sound like a Canadian.

>> No.6987647


You certainly are the perfect fusion of dick and ass

>> No.6987934
File: 67 KB, 540x723, pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6989729

Its exactly the same as Parliament Sauce.....full of bullshit...and the same colour:)

>> No.6989758

Worst attempt ever. You should be embarrassed.

>> No.6989772
File: 110 KB, 500x600, tmp_13736-96f1395c1e770826f0551d676aa8fbcab7c118a21b79efe187b44d12e2b5e4b8785002258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you bump this shitty thread after nearly 12 hours

>> No.6989810

Because I just finished bumping yer mum m80.

>> No.6989814


>> No.6990514

I am from Somerset, which is pretty much West Country and I have no idea what a 'West Country sauce' is!

Traditionally, in my region they do cook in a gravy rich with Cider but this is not the case here! .. . I have eaten Brains faggots and although they are Ok, they are not real faggots (think frankfurter as opposed to Bratwurst)

I wonder if the anon >>6987219
gets an answer to this before the thread dies?

>> No.6990526

>I wonder if the anon >>6987219 (You) #gets an answer to this before the thread dies?

The automated response said expect a reply within 3 days.

>> No.6990536

>expect a reply within 3 days.
Oh . . .I guess we will probably never know then . . .and consign this to the twilight zone?

>> No.6990561

You got p0wned nigger!

>> No.6992714

Bump so the tread don't dead

>> No.6994052

Just waiting on that reply.