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File: 2.00 MB, 396x358, coffee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6985678 No.6985678 [Reply] [Original]

what are your thoughts on this coffee pot

>> No.6985687

One coffee joint in my area has been using those since they first opened (if the décor is any indication), in the 80s. One other place started doing it a few years ago, too. The newer place is more popular and well-known because it's in a hip-and-with-it area and the curly moustaches talk it up on social media saying it's the first around here to offer siphon coffee, completely ignorant that a place with better coffee and better understanding of how to brew it existed already.
It's good, but other than that, I don't think much of it, having never used one myself.

>> No.6985688

dont really want to wait an hour every time i brew a new cup

>> No.6985690

It looks hard to clean and I like to have more than one cup made at a time.

>> No.6985692

You're coffee pot a shit

>> No.6985696

that thing makes 32 ounces, thats like at least 5 cps

>> No.6985699

Takes five minutes.

>hard to clean
Doesn't seem it to me. As I said above, I've never used one, but I see that they come apart for easy cleaning.

>one cup at a time
Legitimate complaint. I don't know if they make multi-cup ones, but both of the two cafés near me that I know of who offer siphon coffee have small ones brewing one cup at a time.

Oh, you.

>> No.6985700


>> No.6985701



>> No.6985702

The one in the OP gif looks like the same size as the ones used in my area. If that's the case, it holds 16 oz and brews only 12oz cups at a time.

>> No.6985706

>32oz is 5 cups of coffee
No café in America sells 6oz cups. The smallest is 8oz, but that's rare. They usually start at 12oz, going up in size from 12oz to 16oz to 20oz.
Some places only have two sizes, ffs.

>> No.6985707
File: 481 KB, 499x315, 1444365382973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so does this actually taste better than a french press, drip machine, espresso machine, or even instant coffee?

>> No.6985739

Why is that old guy in the background not wearing a shirt?

>> No.6985743

>so does this actually taste better than a french press, drip machine, espresso machine
Depends on your preferences. For example, I hate pressed coffee but other people swear by it. It's all a matter of personal taste.

>or even instant coffee?
Two different animals for me. I drink brewed coffee but use instant for cooking/baking.

>> No.6985816

Pretensions nonsense aimed at hipsters and snobs

>> No.6986038
File: 644 KB, 1024x768, Aviary Rooibos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the rooibos cocktail at the Aviary. They use a contraption like this to make an infused gin cocktail.

>> No.6986169

Looks like the most unnecessarily long way to make coffee

>> No.6986202
File: 36 KB, 623x630, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6987441

Dunno if its worth the effort, but I've seen halogen heaters so that isn't an issue.

I wonder how a pot of it tastes though. Would show off and serve coffee to friends with/10

>> No.6987460

Pretentious nonsense. I don't understand why hipsters flock to coffee. It seems like tea would be more up their alley. But I guess they couldn't find a way to make tea unnecessarily complex and pretentious so they turned to coffee instead

>> No.6987479


>> No.6987487


>> No.6987498

Coffee is chemically more complex than just about any beverage

>> No.6987515

Looks like something you'd find in a meth lab

>> No.6987559

Spotted the Starbucks employee. What degree are you working on? Gender studies? Communications?

Tea is just as "chemically complex" as coffee. Only tea actually has more flavors in it. You'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between a coffee with "fruity notes" and a coffee with "earthy notes". What is with you fags trying to turn every beverage into what wine has become? Sometimes a beer is just a beer. And coffee is coffee. Yes, you can have a more naturally sweet coffee, or a coffee that tastes leathery. But stop with this pretentious hipster horseshit

>> No.6987564

a percolator

>> No.6987566

I believe its an electric kettle.

>> No.6987926
File: 19 KB, 500x500, Percolator[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a very fancy percolator. They make terrible coffee. There's a reason why no one has them anymore. The drip method produces FAR superior coffee.

>> No.6987939

Siphon brewers can make a good cup. But they take much more effort and are more finicky than other brew methods that make as good or better cups more consistently. They also cost more. They also look really cool.

>> No.6987943

I want one
Percolators are for camping only

>> No.6987945

Wrong. That's a siphon brewer. Percolators brew coffee by repeatedly washing water and brewed coffee over the grounds. Generally resulting in a rough, burned, dull flavor. The image that you posted is of a stovetop espresso (I know it doesn't make espresso) maker or moka pot, which does not involve percolation either.

Siphon brewing is actually very close to pour over brewers such as the v60 or chemex.

>> No.6987949

I think it's neat. Nothing I'd go out of my way to get though. I like that people are trying new things.

>> No.6987963
File: 20 KB, 332x328, yee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of fatass drinks more than 8oz of coffee at a time? i usually only drink 6oz

>> No.6987975

It gets better, too. Americans will dump in half a cup of sugar and half a cup of half n half too.

>> No.6988147

How the hell do u take a perc camping?

>> No.6988154

Put it in a backpack.

>> No.6988162

It has nothing to do with being fat, and everything to do with caffeine dependence.

>> No.6988165
File: 774 KB, 1944x2592, 1445216013447-1844473194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it in the truck, take it out of the truck, fill it up, and set it on coals/propane stove