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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6984707 No.6984707 [Reply] [Original]

So, I want to be fully immersed in every step of my coffee making. I already have a manual espresso machine. I grind my own beans at home using a burr grinder. And I usually buy fresh roasted beans from a local roaster

However, I would like to give a go at roasting my own beans at home. I don't want to buy an actual drum roaster. Apparently, in the old days, almost everybody would buy beans green and then roast them at home on a stovetop. You just put them in a skillet and keep turning them and heat them til you get the roast you want. I'm going to be doing this.

That said, should I use the same skillet that I use for cooking? I use stainless steel cookware, I was going to just use my skillet but now I'm thinking that the oils from the coffee beans will somehow permanently stain my skillet and give me a coffee taste in everything I cook from now on. Even if I use Barkeeper's Friend or something it just seems like it would be one of those stains you can't get rid of. So should I get a cheap skillet purely for roasting coffee or am I fine with my cooking skillet?
Will roasting coffee beans in a skillet leave a permanent layer of oils and shit on my skillet and taint the flavor of food I cook with it?

pic unrelated

>> No.6984719

And while we're on the subject: I know roasting coffee beans creates a lot of smoke. But just how much smoke are we talking here? If I roast them on the stovetop, can I just turn on a couple fans and open a window and door and be fine? I live in an apartment complex so I don't want to set off the smoke alarm

>> No.6984726

Forcefeed the raw beans to an endangered species, preferably one with wings.

Attach them in a pouch to carrier pigeons who are trained to fly atop Mt. Everest.

Pay some vegan buddhists to retrieve the pouches.

Have a hindu shaman bless the beans.

Bring them back stateside and bake them in authentic Taos pottery.

>> No.6984731

ebin shitpost m8

>> No.6985009
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>I want to be fully immersed in every step of my coffee making

>> No.6985022

>old days

They still do it, look up Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony

Use a shallow wok or something.

>> No.6985027

I'm in the same boat as you OP except with coffee not espresso. I was thinking about getting one of the FreshRoast machines. I've read about people using popcorn poppers but never skillets. That sounds pretty dumb tbh, I bet it's a lot harder to control the roast in a fry pan.

>> No.6985050

I guess posting in the coffee general that's been up for a week just wasn't going to give you enough of a sense of self importance was it?

>> No.6985191
File: 68 KB, 530x600, growler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt call that shitposting

clearly this person put some effort into that