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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 176 KB, 1024x640, Meaty Excretions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6984194 No.6984194 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk steak farts and meat sweats.
Anyone else get fairly gassy after a nice big steak?
That smell too... fuck man. It's like an animal preserve.

>> No.6984204

Make vegan cheese from cashews and nutritional yeast and eat the whole bowl

It was like I had a WMD in my bowels for 2 days

>> No.6984216

That's the opposite of on topic, anon.

>> No.6984221

I just wanted to share my farts.

>> No.6984225

I flew down to NC one time for a week to fuck a vegetarian chick. She was super hot and the sex was OK. I decided to eat like her that week, flew home and shit a pool ball. How's that for on topic?

>> No.6984236

I read that initially as "I decided to eat only her that week, flew home and shit a poo ball"

was a better story the first time

>> No.6984285

Like its my fault your reading teacher thought you not worth spending time on? Go smell some markers Timmy.

>> No.6984454


>> No.6984459

>How's that for on topic?
At least the other guy mentioned farts.

>> No.6984514

I was being contrary, you handsome genius.

>> No.6984523

How dare you. Here of all places.

>> No.6984548


Nothing I eat causes excess gas, or diarrhea. I've literally only experienced diarrhea once in my entire life when I was 11yo. I needed to get my appendix removed, it was so swollen it caused an intestinal blockage for 2 weeks. They gave me laxatives and after I woke up from my surgery I took the most gigantic, shit of my entire life, it was also bright red from blood.

31yo now, still remember the feeling of taking a 2 week dump. Glorious.

>> No.6984610

You never fart or burb? I literally don't believe you.

>> No.6984616


He said "excess" bro. I'm sure he farts and burps on occasion. That's not he same thing as having so much gas it's worth complaining about, or having diarrhea.

>> No.6984624

I don't think you comprehend what the word excess implies.

>> No.6984639

>Meat makes the worst farts!
>Vegan food makes the worst farts!

Fuck off.

>> No.6984644

>Literally strawmanning just so you can complain about a non issue that only you care about

Fuck off.

>> No.6984673

I don't care about this non issue.
Just find it annoying when people bullshit about it one way or the other with what are usually invented stories that never took place.

OP made the thread to make a point about t3h evile meats, and post 2 was meant to contradict it with t3h disgusting vegan fart lol. Neither have a point and nasty farts come from any food source depending on the person's body.

So what is YOUR input, now that you've initiated me in your interest in my basically non post - post.

>> No.6984681
File: 16 KB, 321x240, 1159488699656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diet is mostly pasta, eggs, meat, potatoes
>started a project a couple weeks ago that requires me to work at my computer all day
>buy some snus and long cut snuff to pass the time
>body is not use to it
>endless ropes of loose stool for hours on end

feels goodbad man

>> No.6984683

I am OP and I'm telling you you're wrong. It's not some fucking vegan agenda.
If anything the implication is that I eat meat.
>I don't care about this non issue.
I can see that.

>> No.6984694

>what are usually invented stories that never took place.
>"people eat meat and fart"

>> No.6984709

>I am OP and I'm telling you you're wrong. It's not some fucking vegan agenda.

Usually is from one side against the other.

>I can see that.

I don't care about the "non issue" so much as the people making up bullshit in a weak attempt to bash the other side, all through absolute bullshit of made up evidence. Its not the topic, its the means by which it is debated.

You have misunderstood. Maybe you haven't been on this board long, but over the years I have heard fairly elaborate stories of how unbearable the farts were which came from (insert specific diet here) from a person who apparently has potpourri farts.

>> No.6984715

"Meat sweats" wasn't even a thing til that stupid Progressive Insurance commercial.

You're a puppet, a pawn. A commercial meme cancer.

>> No.6984720

I'm not even american. I've never seen the commercial you are referencing, puppetman.

>> No.6984723



i clearly stated, excess...which would imply an "extra" amount of digestive gasses passing through my gastrointestinal tract.

I burp, and fart... quite nice ones factually speaking. The volume, consistency and quantity never change regardless of what I eat. Always the same. I have never once gotten "itis" or felt sick after eating either.

>> No.6984728



you're the only one here associating it with insurance commercials man.


>> No.6984734

Yeah. Extra is what you release in the form of burps or farts.
The logic is quite simple.

>> No.6984759


>my logic should be universally understood by everyone

Could be part of your problems in life, not simply reading and comprehending something as it is. Excessive, would imply I feel out of the normal, which I never do. No matter what I eat always feel the same exact way. I've always had a bowel movement after every meal for the entirety of my life as well. 3 or 4 poops a day feelgudman.

Why are you so obsessed with my GI? Proctologist? Faggot? Fecalpheliac?

I don't know, everything about you doesn't add up and is very offputting.

>> No.6984774

Jesus christ, man... Be less butthurt please.

>> No.6984786


> i cannot add meaningfully to the conversation because i am a moron
>you must be butthurt

pick one, keep talking about my arse though

>> No.6984792

What more is there to say? It's clearly been pummeled by more sausages than kobayashi's mouth.

>> No.6984796


Hotdogs aren't sausages. He's also a washed up has been.

>b-but guys who e-e-eat a lot are muh heroes!!!

No foolin'

>> No.6984800
File: 40 KB, 650x366, 1443989540603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew. The amount of ass annihilation is palpable.

>> No.6984805
File: 113 KB, 987x1255, 1744322754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does that have to do with my farts and burps, we're getting off topic.

>> No.6985336

>meat sweats
>being so fat that the simple act of digestion causes you to sweat
what the fuck

>> No.6985350

Did you eat any barbecue? NC has the best barbecue hands down. Fuck that Texas bullshit.

>> No.6985374

There's something wrong with them man, I'm 400lbs and I don't get sweaty when I stuff a steak in my face

>> No.6985395

The farts I get from Thai beef with basil and chiles will clear out a room. An ex-girlfriend called them "pungent."

>> No.6985406

wait, you don't get meat sweats? it's normal. that's why you need to drink a lot of water when you eat a large serving of meat.

>> No.6985898

It has nothing to do with being overweight, sport.

>> No.6985937

Jesus christ I fucked ruined this thread by pissing off the anti vegan autists.

I'm not even vegan I like trying new recipes.

I know this board is mostly for retards with burnt burgers but calm down

>> No.6986282

I don't get meat sweats. I suspect that if you do you have "meat sweats" then it might be a genetic deficiency and you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

>> No.6986288

Get over yourself fagbait, you haven't ruined anything. Go back to being a hollywood howard stern fagbait.

>> No.6986323

Ray Bradbury, Here There Be Tygers

>> No.6986342

you guys are sure passionate, you should get together and sniff each others assholes.