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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 189 KB, 1024x682, american cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6982612 No.6982612 [Reply] [Original]

>amerilards will defend this

>> No.6982615 [DELETED] 

At least we won't have Sharia law mandatory within 5 years

Go eat more jellied eel while Muhammad rapes all your little girls

>> No.6982618

can a burger explain to me how chicken and waffles is supposed to work, i see people eat it every way imaginable but mostly i see people eating the chicken and then eating the waffles

its even more baffling when its chicken with a bone so if you wanted to eat chicken and waffle at the same time youd have to tear some meat from the bone and tear some waffle too

its such a weird food, fucking burgers

>> No.6982627

You bet your refugee - covered ass we will.
Chicken and waffles is elder god tier food. It's not our fault your head is so far up your own ass you are incapable of understanding that.

>> No.6982637

You use a Goddamn fork and knife, like you would for anything else. Cut some chicken off the bone, cut a bite of waffle, and consume.
It's best when made with Nashville Hot Chicken, and a buttermilk Belgian waffle, with honey drizzled on top.

>> No.6982638

Please spell it "americans" or "amerifats" so my filter catches it. Thank you.

>> No.6982662
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>> No.6982887

This is good tier drunk food. Anyone who eats it sober should be ashamed.

People eat breaded chicken all the time. So the waffle part is just an extension of that. As for maple syrup, I was very skeptical this would be appealing at all. Then when you remember that most bbq sauces have a little sweetness, it makes more sense.

So the waffle is there to balance it the extra sweetness from the syrup.

The best version of this is with spicy fried chicken. The spiciness goes really well with the buttermilk waffles and sweet maple syrup.

Get hammered and try it you faggots. But get it from somewhere that has good fried chicken.

>> No.6982916

>Anyone who eats it sober should be ashamed.

You realise it's a traditional slave breakfast?
They didn't exactly have beer to wash it down with.

>> No.6982925
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Miss Maime's C&W at Spoonbread Too restaurant in NYC. Best in town. Fuck Roscoe's, and Sylvias.

>> No.6982927

It doesn't need defending if you're in Harlem. Anywhere else it's a little silly.

>> No.6982936

>You realise it's a traditional slave breakfast?
citatin needed

>> No.6982945
File: 413 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-17-12-09-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh slave shilling.


>popular breakfast food in the south
>slaves couldn't eat it
>Jefferson brought the first waffle iron in America back from France

Yes yes dem poor slaves, maybe he made the lucky sheeboons a nice plate after railing them raw for hours on end.

>> No.6982949

i've had it where the waffle is more on the savory side, like a biscuit, and it's quite delicious.

>> No.6982967

That's pretty close to what I always thought. Both fried chicken and waffles would have been luxury foods to poor Southern blacks. Put their children in Harlem with a little extra money in their pockets and it's the kind of dish that says "I have arrived".

>> No.6982971

It's nigger "Soul Food" ask them.

>> No.6982981

fuck off hipster scum go eat your fucking quinoa.

>> No.6982988


It's a : "hey im white too" food apparently.

So it started as a white thing, then nigs swaggerjacked jefferson's culinary acumen.

So... who got the better end of the deal there, sheeboon pussay, or dem waffles?

>> No.6983006



Had to Google this, not proud of the results... at all....


>On Malcolm X Blvd.
>Going anywhere named after that faggot


>> No.6983016

What about Amy Ruth's?

>> No.6983030


I compared the most delicious (in my opinion) to the most well known of my city. I've had better in D.C. and Wilmington N.C.

>> No.6983039

Take an entire group of people and make them eat your garbage and do your shit labor for generations. When they finally make to the position of having self-determination and a few dollars in their pockets the symbols they choose to represent that may seem strange to those with a different cultural experience. Zoot suits were weird, too.

>> No.6983044

It's much worse than eating congealed pigs blood, britbong.

>> No.6983046

hi /tumblr/

>> No.6983049


I dont see the Irish eating jellies eels, or any European eating cuisine of the Moors either.

Go be a nigger elsewhere please.

Inb4: b-but muh /pol/lack tier argument continues

>> No.6983057


>different cultural experience

It's white in origin apparently so I don't know what you're getting at.

>> No.6983287
File: 123 KB, 600x450, ChickpeasSpinach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any European eating cuisine of the Moors
In Spain they eat pic related, rice dishes and pisto. And the French are crazy over couscous and merguez. The Moors brought goats to France, so one can see some Moorish heritage in French goat cheeses.

The influence it there if you look for it.

>> No.6983620

Not the guy you're responding to but influence and actively taking another dish are two different things. The Dutch using the spices that were readily available in their colonies is being influenced by something. The Greek's taking Turkish Coffee, naming it "Greek Coffee" and claiming that it is part of their cultural heritage is an example of stealing a dish and passing it off as being your own.

>> No.6983631


>t-the Europeans k-kinda e-e-eat food the Moors ate

No, not at all.

>w-white ppl were n-never slaves, muh s-s-sociology t-teach sed so

That's about all I'm reading in your post. The sad fact is, bleeding heart evangelicals who actually support ans perpetuate niggerdom, are always white kids that come from good homes.

I hope college goes well for you lad.

>> No.6983637

Like the other anon said, utensils. Cut some chicken, cut some waffle, eat it.

>> No.6983650

I was thinking of Gouda with cumin in it, and decided not to use it as an example.

But your point is a little too fine for me. Dishes get adopted all the time. Pizza and curry are two great examples. And nearly every Christian country has some version of pork and beans.

My point is that Moorish influences, and even a few specific dishes can still be found in Southern European cuisine. Which shouldn't come as a surprise. Fucking Fez had running water and universities when Europe was still in the Dark Ages. And the Moors had the Iberian for quite a while.

>> No.6983663

>I hope college goes well for you lad.
Graduated decades ago. Made it through an Ivy, and dad paid. So yeah, I'm from a good home. Good enough that I never picked up the kind of racism common among poor white trash.

>> No.6983673

I've actually made fried catfish and waffles, pretty damn good if you are looking for a healthier option.

>> No.6983674


Putin seems fairly wealthy.

Ethnomasochism is a weakness killing Europe and Western Society as a whole.

I think you should reevaluate your life if you think "everyone is the same", genetically that's very untrue.

Racism is a social construct that doesn't exist. Only to white people it exists, along with common core education that makes our children retarded compared to a global populous, gender issues, race issues, personality issues...these issues are only shilled onto white people.

I hope you fell better after graduation.

>> No.6983675

I see your point but let's not go as far as to cherry pick cities. The "Dark Ages" are more or less a modern invention to undermine Christianity. Yes, while Christianity did persecute certain areas of science at the time, we actually made more advances in botany, physics, and engineering in the "Dark Ages" than we had for a while. And Islam had an overwhelmingly negative effect on Northern Africa and the Middle East. Back when Zoroastrianism and other ethnic religions were popular in the area, they made amazing advances in astronomy and physics and chemistry. For a little while under Islam, science continued to flourish. But now, as you can see, that is no longer the case. Islam turned from being an expansive force that wanted to unite people into a unified culture, turned into an expansive empire that simply wanted to kill and convert. While we can argue about Christianity and the Dark Ages all day, it is clear that Islam has entered its own Dark Age (actively destroying archaeological sites, oppressing universities and science, etc).

>> No.6983679

>getting good cuts of chikin

>> No.6983685


Yes, only after being duck by Jefferson who is the first person to eat this dish.

>> No.6983688

You project like an Epson.

>> No.6983689




Let's not turn this into a politics and religion discussion. This thread is about chicken and waffles and why OP is a fag. Let's just agree to disagree and go about discussing the elder god tier food that is chicken and waffles

>> No.6983704
File: 427 KB, 451x342, nashvile fans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hicks think fried anything and waffles(loads of carbs) are healthy

>> No.6983711


Whatever you say, good retort. Weakling.


>why OP is a fag

OP by default is a faggot.

Jefferson, a white man with jungle fever invented the dish, I refuse to submit to political correctness because common rumor states "muh kneegrows invented it!!!" Peanut butter existed for centuries before Carver as well. Fuck niggers.

>> No.6983715

energy in, energy out you fucking faggot. Eating a pound of pasta and sitting on your ass all day isn't healthy. Eating a pound of pasta and running 5 miles is.

If you're not on a low carb diet for weight loss or something, you should be getting 50% of your daily caloric intake from carbs

>> No.6983725

I agree with you. And yes, I'm aware that Carver didn't actually invent peanut butter. I'm just saying that if we continue this line of argument, this whole thread will go to shit.

>> No.6983734

Shitposters will make this thread again

>> No.6983733

I agree energy in energy out and most Americans are pretty sedimentary and fatty fat fats will eat 3000 calories a day easily so having an 800 calorie breakfast is not good for them

>> No.6983743

>le Americans are fat may may xDDD
Fuck off. You are aware that America has become extremely health conscious over the past decade, right? Mexico and the Czech Republic have obesity rates higher than or comparable to the United States. And many European countries are only 4%-6% below the US

>> No.6983753

Culture changes over time, driven by various historic events. Cuisine does this as well, because it's part of culture.

The two things I give a shit about are food and music, and the best of both tends to come from cultural cross pollenization. As such I have a tough time seeing the world as a series of cultural dialectics, where one culture battles another for supremacy. That does happen, particularly under totalitarian rule, but I do not see it as any kind of threat to me or the things I value. I'm sure I'd feel different if I were a Uighur living in Xi'an, but I'm not.

>> No.6983764 [DELETED] 


>a threat
>that weak subversion

It's not a threat that niggers stole something from a man that raped their women constantly, it's a weakness if anything on their behalf to be be cucked by a man that wore powdered wigs, then adapt his recipes sayin' "dis is mayne now".


>> No.6983772 [DELETED] 
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>cucked by a man that wore powdered wigs


>> No.6983784

No, it's a traditional breakfast of people who could just barely afford waffle irons when they first came out and thought they were the coolest thing ever. It became a trendy thing because Harlem diners started serving it 24/7.

>> No.6983873

smh this tbh

>> No.6983985

Sadly this tbh

>> No.6984005

What do you like to eat, Anon?

>> No.6984071
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The trajectory of this thread was completely predictable.

And this comforts me, because there's so little in this world I can count on.

>> No.6984091

Lobsters were once poor people food too.

>> No.6984144

fuck off sci-fi fag

>> No.6984344

go eat more condensed cream of vomit casserole while the local football team rapes your little girls.

>> No.6984361

enjoy your haggis, euro fag.

>> No.6984452

That's honestly pretty vile.

Americans just tell themselves it tastes good because "dude lmao waffles and chicken fat and sugar TOGETHER dude bro epic".

And black people like it. Americans culturally cow tow to black people at every opportunity.

What a meme nation.

>> No.6984461
File: 129 KB, 1024x681, 1344704088308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever had it

>> No.6984468

Are you just typing random shit that pops into your head or are you legitimately stupid enough to believe that?

>> No.6984472

I'll bet you haven't ever tried it and are just talking out of your ass. Or attempting to bait.

Either way, don't try it. More for the rest of us.

>> No.6984488

fucking retarded presentation and completely unnecessary oversized sprig of rosemary


>> No.6984504
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well I've had it and I rate it delicious out of ten would eat hammered for breakfast every day

>> No.6984511

wait is that portion for one person?

>> No.6984515

This post smells of Reddit.

>> No.6984517

That reeks of stupid pretentious hipster shit. This ranks along with dumb shit like "deconstructed cheeseburger"

>> No.6984520
File: 214 KB, 444x467, 1444846379631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>66 replies

>> No.6984524

Enjoy your hipsterry, niggerry stonerry reddit tier "cuisine"

>> No.6984535

'The Greeks' is not a person. 'The Turkish' is not a person. A group of people cannot steal from another group of people by doing the same thing as them. What the fuck do you think is being stolen? I've seen this referred to as "like when one kid does a piece of work and gets an F, and another kid copies it and gets an A" before. But there is no fucking teacher marking your fucking work in real life. Coffee is not made to get a grade from a teacher. It's made to drink. What the everloving fuck do Turkish people lose out on from having Greek people also drink coffee? Are you literally insane?

>> No.6984538
File: 391 KB, 2304x1728, Hash-House-A-Go-Go-6-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. It's really just casino food though. I think the original is in Vegas, I had it in Mohegan. Not exactly Brooklyn.
All I know is it was good.
So was the eggs benny

>> No.6984562


So despite the fact there's documented proof a US president invented the dish, you're still going to carry on squaking about slavery huh.

You're cute. I think your adoration of the weakest link in the chain of humanity is adorable. Say a lot about you though, an awful lot...

On a scale of 1-10, 1 being average, 10 being bed-ridden, how obese are you?

>> No.6984583

Hash House A-Go-Go honestly has pretty mediocre chicken and waffles for the fact that they're 18 fucking dollars.

>> No.6984594

idk I thought it was pretty good last time I had it
of course spending 18 bucks on food at the casino seems like a win
wherd you have it

>> No.6984602

Vegas. I mean, yeah, for where you're gonna be eating it, it's "reasonable", but it's nothing to write home about I think.

Chicken and waffles in general is objectively great though.

>> No.6984605

I mean I've bought a $40 pizza at the casino and lived every second of it, but if it cost that much on main street I'd walk out.

rents like $12,000 a month there sooooo

>> No.6984685
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>a group of people cannot steal from another group of people by doing the same thing as them
>"Greek coffee" was called "Turkish coffee" and is the exact same thing as it. They changed the name after the invasion of Cyprus
kek. fuck off back to leddit

>> No.6985199
File: 23 KB, 489x488, 1444759238689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duty to enjoy is a staple of modern ideology

>> No.6985206

historically beer was consumed by the lowest tiers of society, often for breakfast, especially slaves.

>> No.6985231

dont you have some sheep anus to be eating

>> No.6985249

What if you literally fried the chicken in waffle batter and skipped an entire step?

>> No.6985548

Actually, historically beer was consumed by fucking everyone because you couldn't drink the water without getting sick and dying.

>> No.6985575

Good thing we developed beer 3 million years ago or we would have died off quick! What with our need to drink something within three days or die.

Most water in the wild is fine to drink. Just don't get your water from rivers or lakes- stick to small tributaries that feed into them, they are the cleanest source.

>> No.6985582

fund it

>> No.6985796

It's almost like salty and sweet go together. Huh.

>> No.6985889
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>omg i hate americans so much
>I better go on american image boards

>> No.6985941





>> No.6985956

It's Japanese now, friendo

>> No.6985994 [DELETED] 

servers are in america cuckerino

>> No.6986001

The Burgers are getting desperate I see. I understand japmoot is already planning to move the servers to glorious Nippon. The butthurt will be epic.

>> No.6986006

I for one welcome our new gook overlords

>> No.6986250 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 590x396, 201473-poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canadacucks will defend this

>> No.6986481

It's delicious. You eat it in moderation, like a normal fucking person. Stop shilling this h8 murica meme all over the goddamn internet. You're an idiotic piece of shit who sees an episode of The O'Reilly factor and immediately makes a snap judgment because the rest of the idiots you idolize tell you to think that way.

You're a pitiful excuse for a human being, and you'll never amount to anything because you lack the intelligence to think for yourself.

>> No.6986492


>kicked out of his own company by the board of directors

Pick one.

Hiroyuki is American educated... do a simple Google. He's spent more of his life in the USA than in Japan. He's also a degenerate faggot incapable of running a business.

2 years, that's the lifespan of 4chan from here-on out. It will be bought out by a big corporation and end up like ebaumsworld...

>> No.6987188


>hating on chicken and waffles

what's wrong with you?

>> No.6987850

We don't need to defend it; it is perfect.

>> No.6988077

>mixing sweet and meat

Absolutely disgusting. I swear this is something you have to be brought up with, I've tried to like things like this such as a honeyed ham and other sweet+meat combos but it just doesn't go.

>> No.6988089

>We wuz kingz n shit

>> No.6988091

>doesn't like sweet n salty desserts
>doesn't like honeyed ham
>doesn't like sweet n smoky barbecue
opinion disregarded

>> No.6988094

>not liking chicken n waffles
das racis man

>> No.6988098

sweet and salty desserts are not remotely the same as sweet and meat.

>> No.6988112

Speak for yourself faggot. I went to a restaurant just the other night where the dessert was a Hawaiian themed thing with ham, coconut sorbet, pineapples, and some other shit. Of course they probably don't serve that at Applebee's in whatever flyover you're from. Don't bother telling me, I don't care

>> No.6988159

I'm not even American you silly head.

>> No.6988172

Oh, I see. In that case, go eat some more snails and jellied eels. Your opinion on real food is still shit

>> No.6988552

Bite into some fried chicken
also put a piece of waffle with syrup into your mouth, chew