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File: 7 KB, 250x188, 250px-Margarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6975980 No.6975980 [Reply] [Original]

This crap should have no place in anybody's kitchen.

Recipes that call for butter or margarine should say-

[x] amount of butter or margarine*
* only use if you don't want it cooked to a perfect crisp and don't want that rich, delicious, buttery flavor

And when it comes to buttering up some bread? The taste and texture of butter is superior there, too.

Actually, if you have a choice between cooking with butter or substituting it with something else, butter is generally the superior choice.

>using inferior substitutes for butter

>> No.6975984

Nah. It's cheaper, has no cholesterol, no trans fat, less saturated fat, and I like it.

>> No.6975985

nah fuck you

margarine is softer out of the fridge

>> No.6975986
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 8d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6975987

Margarine outright fucking sucks, it has no place in the kitchen.

If you're worried, use less butter, use olive oil instead, or go exercise to burn off the extra calories.

>> No.6975988

Just burn off those clogged arteries.

>> No.6975999


If you have health issues due to your diet, cooking with butter is undoubtedly very, very low on your list of diet concerns.

Stop putting mayo on your sandwiches and dressing on your salads?
Less cheese?
No drinks with calories?
No desserts?
Less red meat?
Less bread?


Stop putting butter in the pan when you fry eggs? Man, that adds like nothing, and makes the eggs taste way better than if you'd used pam or stupid shit.

>> No.6976001

>no trans fat
Nigga wat? Butter doesn't have trans fat; most margarine does.

>> No.6976258
File: 19 KB, 800x355, Ostehøvel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like you don't use one of the best tools intended for something thats not butter.

>> No.6976265

>* only use if you don't want it cooked to a perfect crisp and don't want that rich, delicious, buttery flavor

>> No.6976273


Margarine is a way to make poor people fat. Period. Poor, fat, and stupid= easy to control.

Soy protein acts as estrogen in humans. Males ingesting large amounts of estrogen= fat, lazy, stupid, emotional.

Literally any male that willingly ingest this poison is begging for a pair of shriveled testicles and large breasts.

>> No.6976665

>tens(if not hundreds) of generations of asians eating soy
>they are all fat lazy stupid and emotional

the estrogen from soy having ANY kind of actual effect on people is a fucking joke.

I agree wiht you on margarine tho

>> No.6976720


They're all malnourished, hence the tininess. Tens of thousands of years of malnourishment. This is very evident in the Koreas, comparing average size of the North to the South.

Soy protein isolate, is very very different than naturally derived soy. Also low-t levels are all over East Asia, hence the lack of prolific beard growth and body hair.

Soy is a non-soluble/metabolized protein, it passes through the body unutilized.

There are zero health benefits to male humans eating synthetic estrogen.

>> No.6976761

it's worse for you than butter, you faggot

>> No.6976780


You literally cannot butter bread without butter.

>> No.6976909

Take a good long look at nip culture, then think about your statement.

>> No.6977529


> stop liking what i don't like.

>> No.6977632


I don't think that most people use margarine because they prefer the taste and texture that it brings over butter.

I think that they use it because they're lazy.

>> No.6979108

Blood cholesterol and dietary cholesterol are different things.
Saturated fats are not bad for you and an essential component of a healthy diet.
Butter does not contain transfer fats. Many partially hydrogenated margarines do.

>> No.6979142


but butter is too hard...

>> No.6979466

don't store it in the refrigerator. or stop letting it look at porn all day.