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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 576x1024, sc_109432159785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6974152 No.6974152 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite kind of milk?

I like soy milk. I only use the cow stuff for cooking and baking.

>> No.6974172

Canadians are the most backwards people on the fucking planet. Know who else sells milk in bags? Russia

>> No.6974180

How do you even store that? Do you put it into a new container just to put it in your fridge?

>> No.6974181

almond milk master race reporting in

>> No.6974191

please young wizzard, enlighten us
In what form is milk packaged in your country and what country is that

>> No.6974194
File: 17 KB, 617x347, Maлk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia sells milk in little pyramids.

>> No.6974196

In bottles and jugs, like it fucking should be, you twat. And just like all civilized countries do it.

>> No.6974201

It's true, I heard that Australia is officially changing their name to "Not-Canada"

>> No.6974203

Is this real?

>> No.6974204

lol dude we used to get milk here in bottles like 40 years ago

get with the times

>> No.6974210
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Everyone has a plastic milk pitcher that basically accepts one bag as a "cartridge". We don't actually drink milk straight-up from the bag.

>> No.6974211

We have to be able to distinguish between all the Commonwealth countries somehow.


>> No.6974220


>> No.6974228
File: 23 KB, 357x480, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how we do milk in canada

>> No.6974232

OP you're kind of a dipshit for posting that image. Instead thread derailer

>> No.6974237

how it should be done.

>> No.6974244

Reminder that America banned kinder eggs.
The way milk is packaged doesn't matter.

>> No.6974253

>have to buy a different container for milk
>doesn't matter

>> No.6974261

>huge gallon jugs that take up space
>get shot
Also the container things are literally like 2 bucks or less.

>> No.6974266

Just a reminder that only Ontario and Quebec do this shit. Everyone else in Canada thinks you're literally retarded. Enjoy spending Alberta's oil dollars on your dyke leader's new girlfriend tho

>> No.6974271

>hurrrrr candy b& in America!
Except it's not. You can still buy them, you just don't see a lot of grocery stores selling them anymore.

>> No.6974281

Are you from BC or something?

>> No.6974282


Kinder is a subsidiary of Rocher...100% of their products are made in Turkey. Sorry we dont desire to eat chocolate flavored palm oil invented by Italians pretending to be Germans, touched and spit upon by brown savages in the Muslim world.

Enjoy your shitty toy eggs TOPKEK.

>> No.6974291

It's not about the candy, its the fact that toy eggs were banned when you have near weekly mass shootings.

>> No.6974305 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 876x493, Germany Migrants Protest-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>school shooter maymay

Has absolutely nothing to do with you actually eating products from people that despise you down to your bones. Funniest thing about that is all those migrants have been in Turkey long enough to have gained employment in those factories. Just a matter of time before a poisoned batch hits European markets.

Afterwards you'll protest about it, riots won't happen on your end, while more and more and more and more disgusting brown people swarm into your nations bringing illness, rape, murder, fires and GUNS...and you'll STILL do nothing about it. Nothing.

Why are all Europeans such weak faggots? Is it because you're descended from peasantry and serfs? Perhaps bowing to those you perceive as more powerful than you is hard wired into your genetics.

>> No.6974309

From ottawa, lived in Calgary, Edmonton, Fort Mac, and now in based Vancouver

You sound like you're from fagville hamilton or smoe shit

>> No.6974314

I drink Homo milk.
It's fantastic.

Get it in the bags.
I like the Natrel Fine Filtered Organic best because it is 3.8% rather than 3.25.

>> No.6974318 [DELETED] 

>mass shootings
If you define a "mass shooting" as 3 or more people, 99% of them are committed by niggers against each other. Media just doesn't like to report on nigger violence because DEY DIN DU NUFFIN

>> No.6974322

>If you define a "mass shooting" as

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.6974323


>> No.6974324

poorfag detected

>> No.6974327

>this is the brize of freedom

>> No.6974336


Have you been to Langley or Maple Ridge? Vancouver is incredibility impoverished and has the largest homeless population for any city, anywhere in Canada.

>> No.6974338

Yeah, that's because God has a plan for homeless people everywhere else. It's called winter.

>> No.6974339
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>> No.6974340


Which God?

>> No.6974346

I can get bagged milk in the good ol' US of A

>> No.6974347

>east hastings

>> No.6974353
File: 102 KB, 985x640, 52221777543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>go back to a board you've never visited

Ask the average Brirish person, German, Hungarian or any European what they think about migrants from Syria. Then ask them what they've done about it. Guaranteed "nothing" is the response.

Maybe you're one of them, they HAVE indeed hijacked the name of "Anonymous" Ghostsec is comprised entirely of ISIL members.

>> No.6974357


Please show me a city without an impoverished section or ghetto area. Reality is, unless you want to score some heroin or a vietnamese ladyboy hooker, you will literally have no reason to go to east hastings

>> No.6974360

Hey man don't hate on East Hastings. They've got a bunch of great microbreweries there.

>> No.6974366

Big fan of Powell Street brew. Dive Bomb Porter is goat

>> No.6974371

Maybe you should finish reading you twat. 70% of all gun crimes and murders in the US are niggers killing each other or whites. And yet they make up 13% of the population. Many of these crimes take place in cities with heavy gun control. We don't have a gun problem, we have a nigger problem
You're right, we never should have set the shitskins free

>> No.6974383

>Maybe you should finish reading you twat

"If you define $thing as $thing-that-suits-me..."
"I'm not racist but..."
"I'm not sexist but..."
"I'm not a fucking moron but..."

>> No.6974384


>> No.6974396

All I said was that a mass shooting is a shooting involving the death of more than 3 people. What, is your definition of mass shooting "when white people shoot people"? When niggers do it it's because of institutional racism, when whites do it it's a "killing spree"

Daily reminder most serial killers are black. I'm sorry that facts offend you so much, maybe you should open your eyes to the truth every now and then

>> No.6974406

Facts and statistics aren't racist you stupid fuck.

>> No.6974410
File: 31 KB, 324x278, oh_you_too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I said was that a mass shooting is a shooting involving the death of more than 3 people.


>there is no official set of criteria or definition for a mass shooting

>> No.6974452
File: 490 KB, 1296x1404, store-bought-almond-milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almond for my cereal, whole dairy for cooking

>> No.6974789

I have this exact pitcher, fuck yeah

>> No.6974792

>milk pyramid.

I want one. Though that's technically a tetrahedron. Like my d4s

>> No.6974799


You are a fucking moron, and there is no but.

>> No.6974809
File: 25 KB, 451x300, 9312801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milk thread becomes /pol/
You asked for this OP.
Also cube jug is best milk container.

>> No.6974810


From your own link
>An FBI crime classification report from 2005 identifies an individual as a mass murderer if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location.

>> No.6974813

FBI stats are racist and corrupt. Duh.

>> No.6974820

None, because I'm not a babby. Sometimes I make completely unfiltered plant stuff. I like to blend a couple bananas, some mint/spinach, flax, and an onion and pretend I'm drinking Shrek's cum.

>> No.6974833

Been meaning to check them out. Most of the time I go to P49, Bomber, and Off the Rail since they're in a 3 block radius of each other.

>> No.6974836



buzzwords and sjw shills on /ck/ ?

Seriously? Cooks are hands down the most degenerate people i've ever met in my entire life... now you're PC?

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6974860


>gubmint is rayciss
>muh mama always sed

>> No.6974898


>> No.6974907


>> No.6974921

speak for yourself, i love drinking it straight from the bag

>> No.6974934

>using mother fucking jones as a source for anything

>> No.6974946


Shh Shhhhhhh

Millenials looks to niggers to explain everything to them, they've somehow become more stupid than sub-humans.

Willful ignorance.

>> No.6974965

If you're born in 1982 and onwards, you're a Millenial

>> No.6975012

Overall gun crime is in a steady decline in the US as is gun ownership. Mass shootings are a societal problem, taking away guns just makes it harder for these losers, it doesn't remove their need to commit meme shootings.

>> No.6975014


83 here, so... hmm

i think you're lying tho

>> No.6975020


>take away guns

Doesn't seem to be slowing down all the gun fights going on abroad. Weren't a whole bunch of people just shot in Australia? Hmm. Took 3 Americans to disarm an angry migrant on a French train as well.

>> No.6975025
File: 15 KB, 203x152, milk bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the advantage,if any, of a milk bag??

>> No.6975029



You have to pour it into a reusable pitcher that has to be washed every time you put milk into it.

>> No.6975098

>You have to pour it into a reusable pitcher
You don't empty the bag

>that has to be washed every time you put milk into it.
Maybe if you're an idiot that somehow spills milk in it.

>> No.6975102

>hey guys I've got a great idea. Let's sell milk in bags instead of jugs! Except you have to buy a jug anyway to put the bag in it

Eastern canada mongoloid detected

>> No.6975111

Pitchers cost less than $2 and they last forever.

>> No.6975114

Cock milk, fresh

>> No.6975117


>> No.6975121

based jug milk is literally the same price as bagged milk in the rest of Canada. Why the fuck would I want to buy an extra pitcher when I can, for the exact same price, get my milk already in one?

>> No.6975129

Most people already have pitchers, I've never met somebody without one. So most people get their milk in bags, I'm not trying to convince you to switch.

>> No.6975135

I've lived in Ontario before mate. People are way too fucking touchy about bagged milk and it's weird. Just admit it's retarded and move on, or switch to storing all your liquids in bag form.

>> No.6975146

It's exactly as functional as jugs. Bagged milk also lasts longer since you typically have one bag open at a time as opposed to a 2 liter carton you open repeatedly.

>> No.6975149

Right but it's unnecessary not to just combine the bag and the pitcher into one unit. And you're just talking shit about bagged milk lasting longer, it takes 3 weeks for my milk to go bad. If your milk keeps going bad, buy less milk.

>> No.6975156

the whole milk in a bag thing seems terribly inefficient. I mean how do you re-seal it? And i'm guessing you have to transfer it to a container that you have to own and wash? It wont even perfectly fill a box and its breakable. Who the fuck thought of that shit? why? also best milk is cows milk. Not a huge fan of milk in general but Cow/sheep/goat milk is more nutritionally sound that those other milks although i like the taste of soy milk way more.

>> No.6975162

coconut. cow milk isn't meant for humans

>> No.6975345

Iran and Israel both have milk in a bag despite disagreeing about everything else. What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.6975367

>soy milk
Enjoy your bitch tits.

>> No.6975454

>soy milk
>almond milk
>coconut milk
i.e. not milk

>> No.6975544

>Except it's not.

Except it is.


>> No.6975568

It's still milk, you fucking mongoloid. Just because you've been raised to associate "cow tit juice" with "milk" doesn't mean that's the only thing that qualifies as milk.

>> No.6975584

Milk is literally defined as the liquid secretions from mammary glands, you troglodyte. You might as well call a vegetable burger a meat product while you're at it.

>> No.6975586

Why the hate? It is just another form of package.

>> No.6975592

>Milk is literally defined as the liquid secretions from mammary glands

Holy shit no it isn't.


>> No.6975604

>Milk is a white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals.
I can play the wikipedia game, too.

>> No.6975612

Suggestions for a non-dairy milk that isn't sweet at all? I've tried unsweetened varieties of soy and almond so far but they still have a sweetness that comes through.

>> No.6975613
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It's good to know Americans can accept the bloodshed of innocent children so they can use an AR-15 to shoot cans on their property.

>> No.6975615

>nothing can have multiple definitions

Holy shit why are you being such a thick-headed little shit about this? Milk CAN be cow's baby juice, but it can ALSO be plant juice! Just because you're so used to sucking another animal's dick-shaped tit for sustinence because you're literally a cow-kin manchild doesn't mean your definition is the ONLY one.

Clearly your parents failed at raising you, because if they had done their job and slapped the smug shit out of you maybe you wouldn't be such an insufferable thundercunt now.

>> No.6975628

Multiple meanings =/= bastardized meanings. Milk's original and true definition is the liquid secreted from mammary glands. Just because you and others have twisted and misused the word doesn't change what actual fucking milk is.

>> No.6975635

>being this boneheaded

I hope you get hit by a truck. And I don't mean a pick-up (it's only TRUE term!), nor do I mean a semi (those are called "delivery machines", fool!), I mean a good, honest to God TRUCK, what has been defined as a TRUCK for generations!!!one1!!

>> No.6975653

>loses an argument
>resorts to death wishes
Jeez, calm down, bub. Just take a breath and admit you were wrong. You'll feel better, I swear.

>> No.6975661

your meme isnt funny

>> No.6975666

Not them, but how did they lose? Milk is for cows and fruit, right?

>> No.6975752

>this whole thread

Buttblasted cow molesters and fruit slaughtering hippes.

>> No.6975783

Almond-coconut milk is amazing and makes Honey Nut Cheerios kind of orgasmic.

>> No.6975880

I don't fuking get this meme
I live in Canada (Medicine Hat, Alberta) I have never seen milk in a bag

>> No.6975882

It's mostly an Eastern Canada (Manitoba East) thing.

>> No.6975900
File: 66 KB, 320x350, Plasticman_whatthefuckamireading_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"milk" isn't milk

>> No.6975907

Don't start this again you pansy-ass piece of shit. You had the floor wiped with you on the last argument, let's not do this again.

>> No.6975910

That's like saying "banana bread" isn't bread though.

>> No.6975918

It isn't.

>> No.6975924

Cow tit milk dude here

I like my milk like my steak
from a cow

>> No.6975931

Okay it's like saying strawberries aren't berries.
Sure they aren't actually "berries" but for all that matters they are. I don't want to throw around buzzwords like "autism" but

>> No.6976697

Regular milk makes me feel sick and I always hated how milk was forced as the only beverage to drink in school with lunch. Milk doesn't quench thirst and it makes digesting food more difficult.

>> No.6976710


Ohhhh he's the type that thinks Soylent is food.


>T-they're the s-s-same thing a-aon kun

>> No.6976715

Whole Cow Milk

>> No.6977010

Anyone into alternatives to cow milk should try buckwheat milk.

>> No.6977018
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You can ship it in cardboard boxes, which can be stacked better on a pallet or shipped individually without a pallet.

Milk as sold in the USA in gallon jugs require dairy crates which have to be dealt with, additional costs, additional time. Crates are reused/stolen and also have to be washed.

Example of market forces here: The dairy industry along with package manufacturers came up with a way to change the gallon jug allowing the milk to last longer, picture related, they made them yellow which was more opaque and didn't allow light to come through the milk and it added days of freshness to it. People wouldn't buy it, it wasn't seen as fresh as the white jug so industry dropped it.

>> No.6977023

This is so stupid.

>> No.6977069
File: 181 KB, 800x578, trap is released from sadness by handsome samaurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish the US would go to this.

>> No.6977087


Is that a west coast thing? Never seen milk in any other type of container other than the "standard" jug.

People have a hard time switching to different types of packaging even when they are "better" or cheaper, I worked as a merchandiser for a beverage company, when 12 packs were on sale and 24 packs were $2.50 higher than two 12 packs, costumers would still pick up the 24s and when explaining to them they could get two 12s and it be cheaper the reply I got the most of was "but i want 24".

>> No.6977098
File: 132 KB, 787x1500, strauss-family-milk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good milk

>> No.6977102

You can get the cubes in Costco.

>> No.6977111
File: 197 KB, 526x526, norrmejerier_mj%C3%B6lk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swedish milk package

>> No.6977123


Tetrapak for the win

>> No.6977164
File: 46 KB, 190x380, Laiterie-Chalifoux-Image-Lait-et-creme-section-lait-2-pourcent-190x380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milkery is just out of my neighborhood.

>> No.6977169

UHT milk?

>> No.6977171
File: 92 KB, 768x1024, image_270002[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff
tastes great and doesn't need to be in a fridge

>> No.6977201

Normal pasteurization

>> No.6977685

>3 weeks for your milk to go bad
lmao enjoy your ultra high temperature milk fag while I actually drink regular high temperature milk

literally noob go back to school american educational kiddo

>> No.6977689

UHT is not, i repeat, NOT "normal pasteurization". pls stop living especially if you are from belgium

>> No.6977704
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Low pasteurization.

>> No.6977720
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>tfw Wisconsin does this too

>> No.6977917

Almont or spelt for semolina porridge and cereals and fresh out of the cow for kakao.

>> No.6977947

every time I pass this thread the frame on the wall looks like a dick and I think op is fucking a fleshlight

>> No.6978009

>Kind of milk
Soy milk isnt milk you fucking retard. Just because something has 'milk' in its name doesnt mean its milk. Its not milk if it doesnt come from a damn mammary gland.

>> No.6978467

Milk is milk. Who cares what container it comes in.

>> No.6978478

only certain parts of canada sell milk in bags

actually, only ontario for the most part.

>> No.6979736

why can't milk come in easy to open bottles instead of hard to open cartons?

>> No.6979764

Most autistic thread on /ck/ right now. Great job.

>> No.6979792

Milk in bags you say?

>> No.6979793

I think it used to back in the day when there was such a thing as a milkman

>> No.6979795
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>> No.6979802

It does where I live.

>> No.6979840

Kinda fond of rice milk. Its watery though.

>> No.6979848
File: 34 KB, 500x500, tumblr_namyjizaby1tjiwazo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on powdered milk?

>> No.6979988

How do Canadians find lost people?

>> No.6980193

>milk in a bag
What the fuck, Canada?

>> No.6980218

Albertafag here, >>6978478 is right. I've never seen it around here and I don't remember seeing any in Vancouver when I went a few years ago.

My friend in England said that they have milk in bags there though.

>> No.6980274

most non-welfare restaurants throughout the States use milk in large 20L bags for dispensing.

>> No.6980298

>What's your favorite kind of milk?
I prefer regular

>> No.6980336

Whole or half.

>> No.6980340


That just looks unwieldy and difficult to pour, especially when full.

>> No.6982152
File: 165 KB, 777x583, 76755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk is sold in bags across Eastern Europe as a whole. Usually its harder to find in bags and is more popular in cartons, but the ones in bags are always cheaper

>> No.6982157

What? They actually sell those? I refuse to buy anythin with powdered milk in it but this is the first time I see it actually sold like that. You know they used to feed this stuff to farm animals, now they sell it to us

>> No.6982184
File: 49 KB, 800x672, Campina-800x672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoveel kanker plebs in deze draad, niet normaal meer. First world milk reporting in, fucking plebs.

>> No.6982186

>first world
>not even in english

Sorry, fam. Something ain't right.

>> No.6982210

>bashes me on my language
>20% of his own country is actually born there.

>> No.6982215

so the bag just stays open in your fridge, exposed to the air to absorb germs and spores and weird fridge smells

>> No.6982269

>soy milk
post your tits op

>> No.6982483

>Zoveel kanker plebs in deze draad, niet normaal meer
I imagine a drunk German with a dislocated jaw sounding like this.

>> No.6982488

In parts of Russia you buy milk in frozen blocks.

>> No.6982780

GF is lactose-intolerant. She drinks either soya or almond milk usually.

Britfag here. We still have a milkman where I live. His name's Kevin. I've heard him, but I've never seen him, even when I've been up at the 3am or something he delivers and I was at the door. I think maybe they employ ninjas or some shit.

It's incredibly fresh milk compared to anything in the supermarkets. There is still cream on the top, because it's not homogenised.

You can get it in bags, yes. But no-one I've ever seen actually does. I think they gave up on that idea. Supermarkets mostly just tell the plastic bottles.

It's technically sold in ml, but really in pints (with the ml next to it). Actual milk bottles from the milkman are exempted from this, they're still a real pint.

>> No.6983002

>lose argument
>get this mad
chill out anon and have a nice glass of milk

>> No.6983007

>My friend in England said that they have milk in bags there though
Which part? Never seen that in any shop before.

>> No.6983283

If it's so great then why do all the canadians come down to my costco and buy all the goddamn milk every time we get a truck in?

>> No.6983309

mmmm estrogen in a bag

>> No.6983909

My grandmother told me that in Germany, they have specially marked glass bottles that are associated to their card. You drop them off at the grocery store, scan your card, shop, and pick up your cleaned and refilled bottles of milk on the way out.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

>> No.6984055

Can confirm, its really efficient. We have a similar system with cans to some extent which promotes recycling

>> No.6984255

Why is rice milk so expansive if all it takes is to cook rice, blend it and filter.
It should go much cheaper than normal milk.

>> No.6985229

once the TPP gets passed i wouldnt drink that shit

>> No.6985246

Secret /tg/ people I see

>> No.6985262

While a little bit harsh, this guy is right.
This must be an eastern thing, because I've lived in all of the western half of canada and have never seen this shit at a grocery store. It's jugs and cartons just like america

>> No.6985450

Bagged milk is scary in america because milk itself is banned

Only cloudy distilled water is available and then we whine about how milk in tea is a travesty because we are literally clueless

>> No.6985476

processing and supply costs
it would be a lot cheaper if we drank it just as much as we drank cows milk
but because we don't drink it as much, people don't produce as much and can't sell it as well