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File: 94 KB, 800x600, caprese salad 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6973925 No.6973925 [Reply] [Original]

How do the French, Italians, Spanish, and the rest (Portugal) take lunch?

I used to imagine continental lunches as being very light, but I'm starting to realise that's an Anlosphere bias. Couldn't imagine drinking a glass of wine in an English style café.

Pic possibly related. The mozzarella gives it some heft.

>> No.6973927

they're usually fast asleep at lunchtime

>> No.6973928


My 4 year old could make that dish

>> No.6973978


>> No.6973994

you should tell him to make it instead of the usual mac&cheese every once in a while

>> No.6974027

In Spain lunch is server around 2 or 3 in the afternoon and is the biggest meal of the day.
Take in mind that around 2 pm to 5 pm all bussiness (except restaurants and bars) close because this time you're suposed to go to your home and eat with your family.

Traditionally, you will have a first dish, usually soup or a spoon dish, and a main second dish, and usually a simple dessert that can be fruit, yougurt, or just coffe. Also, there sould be always bread ("french bagette").

When you think of Spain you may think of tapas or paella. But tapas are traditionally more of a dinner meal, and paella is usually eaten in large gatherings.

>> No.6974045

Living in spain for the last 20 years, can confirm

But nowadays it's getting very international, not necessarily how it's described here. Nowadays people may eat whatever for lunch, from pasta to bocadillos, to salads, or go to any kind of restaurant (fast food, casual food, sushi, pizza...) American food has it's place here too. Lots of restaurants (Foster's Hollywood, VIPS, Burger King/Mc Donalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's.... a ton) and all that is really popular too.

But yes, it's the biggest meal of the day, and tipically as a dessert people tend to drink quite a bit of coffee, and it is normally eaten with a french bagette as this anon suggested. He is also correct about the tapas/paellas thing.

Tapas are also served at bars when you ask for a beer, they may invite you to some small tapas, or if you go out for beers people tend to order tapas too.

>> No.6974070

All this anon added it's right.
My region doesn't have a true tapas tradition, so i didn't want to get into that.
I would say that this thing of having "less traditional" lunchs is for young people living alone mostly, but it's not like there are people that heat in american restaurants everyday

Our dinner is also different from other countries. We have dinner some time between 8pm or 11pm. And it can either be very light or very heavy. Heavy dinners are for gatherings, special ocasions or when you eat out, and there is a very blurred line between going out to eat or for drinks.
This is probably the meal of the day with less "rules"

>> No.6974136

True all of this. I mentioned the American food because I thought that, this being s mostly American board, people would be interested in knowing about American food in Spain. But yes you are absolutely right.

>> No.6974167

Ugh, I never understood how people like this shit. Every social event I go to, there's always waiters going around offering people these sticks with a slice of tomato, mozz, and basil. Tastes disgusting tbh fam. The mozz is so chewy and gross.

>> No.6974190

I would absolutely love to see him make the mozzarella from scratch too.

>> No.6974283

Sometimes high quality ingredients presented simply has an elegance of its own. Shit mozzarella is shit though, and I can understand not liking mozzarella at all.
But good tomatoes, good basil and fresh mozzarella with just a little bit of excellent olive oil, salt and pepper is a truly excellent salad, imo tbh.

>> No.6976057

Here in Portugal lunch is somewhat like a dinner. Today my lunch was 2 steaks, with potatoes and rice. some times i eat soup too. drank an expresso in the end. Since winter and summer weather is very diferent, i eat food with more calories during cold seasons.

>> No.6976066

This isn't meant as an insult, but when does any work get done if people are taking these long blocks of time to eat?

>> No.6976074

> I never understood how people like this shit
>chewy and gross
> tbh fam

I can hazard a guess that people like it because their palate is a little more mature than yours! (judging by your schoolgirl comments)

>> No.6976076

No vegetables?

>> No.6976079
File: 138 KB, 350x350, 1389418564418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cheese and tomatoes, get over yourself.

>> No.6976106

Italian here.
Our lunches are also at around 1400 as well as our heaviest meals.
My region doesn't do cicchetti (Italian tapas) at all.

Our lunches are our heaviest meals, especially weekends. They're about 800 kcal, not including wine, which might be small for you if you're a fatty fat Britty Brit. Our breakfasts and dinners are usually around 400-600 kcal, not including coffee and wine, respectively.

Lunches in my region nearly always include meat or beans while dinner is more typically Pythagorean.

>> No.6976117

Not today