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6973307 No.6973307 [Reply] [Original]


post yfw annoying ass entitled ass servers are on their way out

>> No.6973325

I don't tip but I won't go to a place that doesn't have tipping, the ultimate result is just higher food prices because the customers will still tip them.

>pay me, the business owner, more
>so you dont have to pay more


>> No.6973338

I don't know how you handle going out to eat if you're so against paying more. You do know everything is marked up an unreasonable amount, right?

>> No.6973340
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Bring on the ordering kiosks.

>> No.6973342

I don't eat out unless the meal will be of value. (generally in terms of aesthetic experience)

>> No.6973430

>aesthetic experience

>> No.6973477
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>aesthetic experience

>> No.6973480


why doesn't it say anything about the wait staffs pay increase?

>> No.6973517
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>pay increase

>> No.6973532

cause waiters would actually make way less without tips

sure their rate of pay is like 5 bucks and hour but once you add tips they really made about 10-15 an hour

Hell I was a waiter at Pizza Hut and easily made 20 dollars an hour.

>> No.6973534

Oh but DARLING; they do not deserve an increase. YOU UTTER PLEBE MWAH

>> No.6973570


yes that was the joke

>> No.6973571


Works fine for the rest of the world.


The restaurant business is viciously competitive, has small margins, most people in it are terribly paid, and even 'successful' restaurants struggle to survive. If the mark-ups are unreasonable, where do you suggest they make the savings?

>> No.6973577

That's why I laughed friend.

>> No.6973579


but don't forget, pay increases don't exist for any other jobs either

>> No.6973814

As someone who did a stint as a dishwasher, busser and then waiter, I can tell you waiters are the most entitled spoiled brats in the service industry.

They are GUARANTEED BY LAW minimum wage if tips do not reach the set amount. They have absolutely no right to whine about the customer giving them $20 an hour so they can afford their yearly iphone upgrade. The cooks deserve tips more than anyone else, and they often get stiffed.

>> No.6973867

As someone who has also worked as a server, cook, expiditer, busser, and dishwasher, I can tell you you're an idiot. When the cooks have to come out into the dining room and explain their dishes to the diners and take the inordinate amount of verbal abuse and ridiculous behavior by the diners THEN they are entitled to tips.
Perhaps I just worked in good restaurants, but as a cook I was well paid, and the kitchen backed up the servers when they were getting shit on by customers and everything ran quite smoothly. If more restaurants created a better environment and encouraged camaraderie things like this wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.6973879

Fucking complaining about having to provide customer service. I have worked with people who complain to me also and give "verbal abuse" but I didn't ever get tips.
I don't mind tipping at all but I don't like hearing people complain about getting bitched at.

>> No.6973901

But, I imagine you're salaried.
It amazes me that people don't understand the difference. You don't work in the service industry. Service industry workers (and not just servers) get tips because they are performing personal, menial tasks for you that you would otherwise do yourself. It's the equivalent of having servants, except these are public servants. And speaking of public servants, I bet our politicians would do a better job if they had to work for tips instead of being able to give themselves raises out of our pockets every year, but I don't hear anyone going on a social fucking crusade about that, now do I? It's always easier to pick on the little guys, isn't it?

>> No.6974372

So can I bus my own table and fill my own soda?

>> No.6974391

It's amazing watching the mental gymnastics of you Americans trying to justify your own greed and horrid attitude.

>> No.6974420

This would have merit if people like you didn't insist on 20% for standard service. Guess who deserves tips? Police, fire, teachers, etc. The real fucking public servants who often face salaries that are completely untied to their efforts and do a good job while taking a shitton of abuse because it's their fucking job.

>> No.6975442

I have a sister who has been a server for years, she tells me stories from time to time about customers and tips that are just so fucking ass backwards and ridiculous.

Like how she has preconceived notions about how a table will tip her so she acts like a cunt because there is no reason to try. Then she gets mad when they don't tip her.

Also she doesn't give a flying fuck about you or your dish or your personal life, you are just a tip.

>> No.6975447

>unreasonable amount
Sweetheart, plz.

>> No.6975450

Thank god, I fucking hate tipping

>> No.6975452

So Taco Bell?

>> No.6975455

Wait staff already make minimum wage

>> No.6975458

Can't wait for neo Luddite butthurt service industry workers to smash ordering kiosks/delivery systems or try to prevent people from bussing their own tables.

Seriously, I'd do many of the things a waiter does myself because it means no tip, no waiting, and no attitude.

>> No.6975460

Exactly, which makes tipping archaic

>> No.6975498
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>I don't know how you handle going out to eat if you're so against paying more. You do know everything is marked up an unreasonable amount, right?

Sure, but prices for food and service in the food service industry are not determined by what's "reasonable" or "fair" but by supply and demand. Just like in every other private industry.

Pay increases naturally follow when tipping culture doesn't exist.

i used to serve at UNOs and I was paid 3.50USD/h given that it was typical for servers to at least cover the rest to minimum wage by tips.

You'd have to be quite retarded to imagine eliminating tipping would be in the interest of the customer; who is then required to pay the average regardless of the performance of service staff; subsequently they loose that measure of quality control.

You're sort of on the honor system when it comes to tipping, but when it's not done correctly, everyone is likely to loose out if employers have to negotiate higher wages to attract employees, resulting in higher overhead costs.


Serving on people was one of the more difficult positions I've worked to date. Even entry-level serving positions require more work and skill in dealing with customers than entry level positions in just about any other industry.

Partly due to the fact that you can get away with slacking when the manager isn't paying attention when you're working at a cubicle. Even if you've a quota to fill you can work harder and pick up the slack later; you have some control over your work flow.

With server position, you're dealing directly with the customer, you're required to rely on memory a lot more, you have to develop some dexterity, and you're at the mercy of how many customers make an appearance at any time.

That, and you've got to split your tips between the rest of the service staff that support you; the dishwashers, busers and runners.

>> No.6975560

In some states you can pay less than minimum wage if you have tipping. I think the lowest you can go is like $2.00 an hour.

>> No.6975565

Tipping system works and probably have some benefits, but whenever americans say "hurr service industry would collapse and you'll get spit in your food without tipping" I think there's some lack of judgement going on.

>> No.6975570

Tipping should especially not be necessary in places where the minimum wage is high. I hate the idea of tipping and often avoid eating out because of it.

>> No.6975591

This is why I eat at Wingstop instead of Buffalo Wild Wings

>> No.6975641


It's American exceptionalism, they inherently assume that the way they do everything is the best or only way there is. It would be simplicity itself to look at the way other developed countries do something, and realise that the sky hasn't fallen in, but that's often a difficult concept for them to grasp.

>> No.6975998

>Sure, but prices for food and service in the food service industry are not determined by what's "reasonable" or "fair" but by supply and demand. Just like in every other private industry.
I'm not disputing any of that.
The guy just has an issue with paying more so I told him he wouldn't have to pay as much if he didn't go out. I eat out maybe 4 times a year and two of those times is a cheap place like Macaroni Grill. It's okay to splurge sometimes and tipping doesn't affect me as much as the next guy.

>> No.6976014


They fall back on 'exceptionalism' because most of them are duller than dogshit and change frightens that form of idiot.

>> No.6976020


Have any of you tipped for take-out? Not delivery or call ahead to place the order, but walk-in takeout? Some local pizza place has a mandatory tipping when paying by Debit or plastic. Pretty fucked tbh fam

pay your employees a dollar more an hour and fucking stop pawning that tip shit on other. Especially when you go full jew like I experienced last night. I don't mind tipping if the server is charming and competent, but goddamn...

>> No.6976030

The idea of tips is a seemingly good idea gone bad.

It's supposed to be like bonuses: It's incentive to actually put an effort in. And much like how a salesman doesn't get his 12% bonus if he doesn't sell more than 200 units in a month, the server doesn't get her bonus if you see her over there flirting with the guys at the bar for five minutes when your drink is empty and your food might be waiting on the counter.

They get a bit of extra money, you get a server that goes out of their way to make sure that you have a great dining experience. Win/Win, right?

Except that restaurants started lowering meal costs and pay to compensate for the extra money that servers were receiving, and it became so standard that servers began feeling entitled to the customer adding an additional five dollars onto their meal of their own volition, regardless of how well they did their job.

Unskilled workers are stupid, and stupid people tend to have trouble understanding their obligations, instead choosing to follow an extremely self-centered and narrow-minded version of events that insists that everything be easy going and high reward for them. Furthermore, companies are inherently out to make as much money as possible for their owners. Things turning out this way was pretty inevitable, when you think about it.

With that in mind, it really might be better to ban tipping and start forcing restaurants to behave like every other industry by charging what the meal should cost from the beginning and figuring out what they need to pay in order to keep good servers on board.

>> No.6976035


* Also, to people saying that it's quality control: The "control" goes both ways.

Servers often give you inferior service if they think that someone else will tip better, and if this results in you drawing a line through the tip area, then I hope that you're not planning on returning to the restaurant.

This really shouldn't be the relationship between a customer and an employee.

>> No.6976052

>Tip the police

Yeah, I'm not tipping the son of a bitch that just shot my dog.

>> No.6976092

I would happily bus my own fucking table.
atleast then I know what I am getting.

why do we have waiters again?

>> No.6976192

So why is there no shortage of teachers and cops?

>> No.6976309
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>> No.6976568

>like asian buffet near me, cheap and good
>waitresses can't engrish, never refill drinks, are all cunts
>bring check in the middle of my meal (I only eat two plates that are half empty anyway, plus dessert/fruit, and same for friend. Not like we are killing their profit margin.)
>stares at us whole time
>brought my friend the wrong drink
>just completely rude, felt rushed the whole time
>don't leave tip, pay with card
>she comes back and puts receipt on table and TAP TAP TAPs the tip line angrily
>bitch what
>shamefully worked on me because I was taken by surprise, give her a dollar tip
>come back a few months later
>waitress glaring at me and friend
>brings the check when we are still eating, like ten minutes into the meal
>comes back to collect it, we haven't touched it yet and just moved it off to the side
>she retreats and glares at us from the distance
>slowly finish eating, take extra time
>she didn't refill my water even once
>leave four cents as a tip
>she opens up the check book and looks at it in front of us, right at the table
>chuckles sardonically, see her cunt dropping piles of sand and pebbles and the devil rolling her eyes into her head as she thinks of how she can afford to send Ching, Chong, and Chan to dental school now
>look her in the eyes and sip my water
>friend is cracking up
>leave, grabbing a grape on the way out

Entitled cunt.

Meanwhile friends of mine who are waitresses brag about getting 300 bux of tips in one night every weekend. WAAH WE'RE STARVING GIBS MONEY PLEASE AM SLAVE. If it was that bad you'd find another place to work. Why bitches have to lie?

I don't tip if you're a cunt, I don't tip if the service is shit, and I don't tip if you are up my ass rushing me out the door or begging for tips. Fuck off. I worked my ass off in college and you slept around smoking weed. There's a reason I make bank and you make babydaddies.

>> No.6976574

>began feeling entitled to the customer adding an additional five dollars onto their meal

This. I hate people who calculate out 15% like an autist, and tip no matter if the service was fantastic or terrible. My mom does this shit and it drives me up the wall. It doesn't matter how much the bill was, whether you got lobster or chicken it's only one plate a person.

If they did good, leave a few dollars. If they were shit, they get nothing, or maybe a penny or two to thumb your nose at them.

>> No.6976581

sure! thats called "self service cantine"

>> No.6976594

Don't be stupid.
I'm actually all for raising the prices in restaurants to pay servers a salary instead of having them rely on tips. However, you will find that most owners will not go for it, because they are 1. Afraid of alienating customers, and 2. They're too greedy to want to salary their staff.
It works for this guy (in the OP) because he already has a cloche of highly successful restaurants that people are going to go to no matter what.
That won't be the case across the board, and things will go very wrong before they get better.
The world has to create 5 million jobs a month in the next year to keep unemployment from sliding down even worse than it is now for people aged 15-30. Removing service jobs isn't going to help, which seems to be what a lot of people in this thread want to happen.

And, just fyi, what you so blandly call "mental gymnastics" is actually thinking and reasoning out problems and solutions, which is the 1st step to finding answers that actually work in the long term.

>> No.6977205

Servers don't deserve more money than BOH. The servers at my diner make $20-$25 and hour and the cooks make $10. Serving isn't hard

>> No.6977219


Now that's bullshit. Cooking takes skill and education. Cooking is dangerous (knoives and burns.) Serving is something a five year old kid could do.

And 25/hr is goddamned bullshit. There are professionals with certifications and education who don't make that much.

>> No.6977224

This is one of the things Meyer's system hopes to correct.

>> No.6977227

>And 25/hr is goddamned bullshit. There are professionals with certifications and education who don't make that much.
Really? I make $100/hr and I have no education nor certification in my field.

>> No.6977234

It sounds like the cooks should become servers then. Why don't they take that 100%-150% pay rate increase?

>> No.6977249

It's a glass ceiling at my place. Only women can be servers. Men can be busboys but they make around the same as cooks.

>> No.6977255


Why doesn't everyone simply be a movie star or mega-lawyer or other crazy high paying job, anon?

>> No.6977297

I always saw tipping a waitress/male waitress as somewhat akin to hiring a prostitute.

>> No.6977343

I don't know. Enlighten me.

>> No.6977713

But with no actual reward on your part. Either they're "good" by interrupting you often or "bad" by never coming by and you need them to get you a fucking refill.
It's like a judge sentencing a woman. He gives her a break because he wants to fuck her.

>> No.6977718

>Serving is something a five year old kid could do.
This is what gets me. It's a job they give 16 year old girls because it requires tapping on a screen and carrying things. They can do this because they're always on their phones or have a purse.

>> No.6977726
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Thank fuck.

>> No.6977743
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>server at steak n shake
>make more there than I did as an EMT and as a Correctional Officer
>this industry has a group crying for more money
>the other two I was in don't

why even get an education

>> No.6977748

Things like this are spoken by idiots that have never been servers.
Sure, it's not rocket science, but it does require a specific set of skills, much of which can be trained into people, some of which has to be inherent (memory, physical ability, pleasant personality). Back when I was server during college, I worked with people who should never have been serving customers. They had no people skills, were terrible at remembering who ordered what, and couldn't get along with the kitchen. I also worked with one lady who had been a waitress for nearly 40 years, and she only quit when the physical stress got to be too much for her. I worked in a high stress environment, and worked 15 tables at a time. It required a young person's agility. I've always had great mental clarity and good customer service skills, so I was able to do it easily. BUT (inb4TLDR) I also made the most money in the entire place because I was better at the job than my coworkers. Don't knock it till you've done the job yourself. It's not exactly easy, it takes a particular kind of person to wait tables with success. Now I'm an engineer, and my spouse is literally a rocket scientist (engineer as well), and we make good money, but I'm always gracious and kind to good waitstaff when I encounter them.

>> No.6977753

That guy doesn't just control Steak and Shake, he also runs a bevy of high end restaurants, which the policy will apply to. Read the whole article.

>> No.6977758

I don't care about the article I just want to be an emt again and not starve

>> No.6977762

>Mandatory tipping
Fuck that, I always tip but don't fucking tell me what I have to do. Pay them yourself cheap bastard

>> No.6977763

Not to mention anyway, I put steak n shake in there to highlight that even at working at a fucking hillbilly infested sit down McDonald's, you still make a shit ton of money as a server

High end places probably pull in a lot more

>> No.6977769

In life, money will never make you happy. Find something you love to do, and do it. When you find success at that, you will be happy, and hopefully make enough money to live a decent life. Life isn't fair, ever. You have to work around that fact.

>> No.6977774

Well 8.50 is hard to be happy with no matter what

Maybe I should just volunteer with the fucking hillbillies again on my off time

>> No.6978527

>Read the whole article.
Good advice. You should use it, considering that the restaurant he owns is "Shake Shack" and not "Steak n' Shake".

>> No.6978548

What the fuck does that even have to do with what I said

I'm saying I work at some shit diner and make like 100 dollars a night

You guys are so fucking autistic kill yourselves

>> No.6978557

>What the fuck does that even have to do with what I said
I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the retard that told you to read the article when he himself clearly did not.