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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 300x200, 06galer01a004_big_ce-300x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6969569 No.6969569 [Reply] [Original]

What food do girls like?

>> No.6969573

the same foods that other humans like from their specific culture

>> No.6969579

Nothing. Maybe yogurt and berries, but even that's hard to tell. Girls only pretend to like foods that men like to eat.

>> No.6969587

Girls don't eat, genius. If they ate then they'd have to poop, and we all know girls don't poop.

>> No.6969593


My wife had a baby then transformed into a slovenly neckbeard. Her diet consists of microwave edibles and 2 2L bottles of soda per day. 115lbs later she's easily the most disgusting person I've ever met in my entire life.

It was tolerable while dating, because I didn't have to live with her. Now that we're married she simply stopped giving a fuck and consumes 3,500 calories a day while doing absolutely nothing to work any of that off.

>I'm so fat and ugly
>I wish I had time to work out
Baby is in daycare from 7am to 5pm, 5 days a week.

Moral of the story: convince your woman she's fat so she's paranoid and nearly starves herself to death to maintain a relationship with you.. also...never have kids or get married

>> No.6969600

She's setting a terrible example for the kid, I really think it would be better for both of you, and certainly for the kid, if you got a divorce. I know people think staying together at all costs is supposed to be good for babies or something, but there are plenty of cases where that's simply not true.

>> No.6969603


She doesn't enjoy motherhood, I've taken him on 2 week vacations back home to ireland without a single phone call from her. Very off topic but yea I could just walk away from my marriage without any resistance from her.

>> No.6969605

>never have kids or get married
everyone knows that, it's one of the classic blunders

>> No.6969609

I'm 28 and never had kids or got married. My parents think I'm gay but I'm not. I just won't put up with hormonal woman bullshit. I can barely tolerate fucking them, marriage and kids are out of the question.

>> No.6969612


>classic blunders

Did you see Princess Bride for the first time last night?

>> No.6969614


>my parents think I'm gay

That's a pretty firm assumption, why would they think that?

>> No.6969618

why do girls pretend to eat? if they ate they'd poop.

>> No.6969619

na, I've seen that film a dozen times over the years

>> No.6969621

>I'm 28 and never had kids or got married.
>I'm 28
>never had
So, your life's already over?

>> No.6969622

35 here, I saw this happen to my older brother at an early age >>6969593
and was traumatized. I'm never marrying or having kids.

>> No.6969624

They probably really don't, its just that I'm never 'going steady' and don't bring up my sex life or introduce them to girls. Girls are disposable cum napkins that I choose not to bring to family affairs.

>> No.6969626

She sounds like a shitty person tbh m8

>> No.6969628


Why would you talk about your sex life with your parents? That's a conversation for siblings and cousins...maybe grandpa when he slips into senility.

>> No.6969631


She is. Doesn't matter much. She's too much of a weedhead to ever get custody. I didn't even know she was smoking during her pregnancy until he tested positive for marijuana at 1 day old. The only reason he was allowed to come home was because I tested negative. Wouldn't be hard to take a baby from someone the CPS already considers a piece of shit.

>> No.6969633

Salmon and grapefruit

>> No.6969642

So WTeverlovingF are you doing still living with this woman???

>> No.6969643

I don't know, why would you? I just got done saying that I didn't. What I'm getting at is that I always show up alone to family gatherings and whatnot, I never bring girls around and don't talk about my fuck muppets.

>> No.6969649


>> No.6969653


Accessible vagina that I don't have to put effort into obtaining.

>> No.6969657

Also if a girl asks me to go to some family event with her I straight up refuse and probably quit talking to her. I will not be a boyfriend. If I like you then you can stay over and we can do stuff together. If you want to meet my family or introduce me to yours, bye.

>> No.6969658
File: 53 KB, 500x375, Phoebe_Cates-Proper_use_of_Carrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6969660

Pathetic. You deserve each other.

>> No.6969663
File: 103 KB, 900x500, rainbow_farting_unicorn_by_ahiruluver602-d4rdxgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know that girls fart rainbows and unicorn dust.

>> No.6969671
File: 79 KB, 211x220, 652446543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gallons of other men's semen.

>> No.6969681

I just realized somehow I've always assumed that there were a lot more women on this board.

Is it true?

>> No.6969686
File: 69 KB, 453x604, Wapanesemandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot for 4chan. Probably 30% women.

>> No.6969688


source: anon's anus

>> No.6969698

>Never get a white wife and produce offspring goyim, your life will be ruined!
>Here, have some anime and pony cartoons instead.

>> No.6969701


Go back to your containment board

>> No.6969787

Most whites don't get married and reproduce white child sadly

>> No.6969800

Why do girls pretend to like food?

>> No.6969928

Turkey burgers

>> No.6969957
File: 703 KB, 372x210, burrito.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burritos or burrito bowls if they are fatties

>> No.6969964

its true when I was 10 I was like 5'10 and done guy said I was too big to go on the playground with my friends 6 years later I was 6'3 150 pounds and otter mode as fuck and popular

>> No.6969967
File: 1.31 MB, 366x274, burrito bitch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the e-kitchen, and filthy neets dont cook for themselves much
example 2

>> No.6969971

looks like the latest and greatest food network sensation

>> No.6969973
File: 2.38 MB, 720x405, gb2pol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh I know loads a white girls on birth control shots who treat fucking dogs like kids and cart them around everywhere

>> No.6969974
File: 14 KB, 320x320, 52299412738a669f0e03c0b1_5408b03c0ec1e11151536f89_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a grill pic related, it's me

>> No.6969979
File: 404 KB, 1024x768, 4320264412_ce661c16a1_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6969980
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>> No.6969983
File: 219 KB, 1920x1280, sweer_potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6969986

I think that started in hollywood with guilty feeling types adopting niggers and other shitskins from foreign countries to make a politicial statement, then the little doggie in the handbag came next like what Paris Hilton was doing.

Toy children and toy poodles, some chicks have that mother thing going on and the fact is that not everyone is cut out to be a parent.

>> No.6969987
File: 121 KB, 1024x682, 1443571815553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6969990

... even worse angelina jolie, that's a pretty pathetic excuse for a human

>> No.6969992
File: 2.23 MB, 640x360, 1444694279309.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6971444

the fuck is that?

>> No.6971462

lol. Story?

>> No.6971465


Do you really need a story? Obviously some /b/tard rushed up to her and said "herr princess chloe i fap to you all the tiem lemme get a picture witchu"

something along those lines.

>> No.6971466

>115 lbs overweight
It can't be that accessible m8

>> No.6971470

>scotch egg
>sweet potato fries
>nice small salad
dam that looks good

>> No.6971491

not that, you KNOW what I'm talking about

>> No.6971500

that's just the "i recognize that blowjob"-blowjob

>> No.6971503

Got 'eem

>> No.6971519

That doesn't explain the guys sucking each other off in the background.

>> No.6971552

fucking saved

>> No.6971561

Hey does anyone know where the ad for some kind of chocolate drink with the same style as this video has?

>> No.6971857

"Health" shit. Women are obsessed with disease and health. Vegetables and fruits and anything the latest study claims is good for this or that.

If you are a man feeding a woman, feed her meat as the main thing. Men trading meat for sexual access is literally a million year old tradition for our species.

>> No.6971867

who is this cummy mummy