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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6968744 No.6968744 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Things that retards do when cooking that pisses you off

>fully cooking the steak till it's brown throughout

>> No.6968752

NOT cooking steak till it's brown throughout

>> No.6968761

>eating bloody red meat. Kill yourself if the meat won't faggot

>> No.6968766

>>fully cooking the steak till it's brown throughout
Does this really need to be stated here? Of course you think this, so does almost everyone else under the age of 60

>> No.6968768

I can't stand a watery pasta sauce. Unforgivable.

>> No.6968771

I'm just going to hijack this thread to ask:
Can rare meat be refrigerated and eaten later cold?

>> No.6968774


>implying stock is disgusting

wow, you're a fucking faggot huh...

No Ramen or Udon for you nigger.

>> No.6968779

i dont really know

>> No.6968780
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>> No.6968781

That's not blood ya dingus

>> No.6968786
File: 36 KB, 500x332, pittsburgh-style-steak_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6968789

what the fuck is that tbh

>> No.6968792


You have problems reading filenames?

Without looking, just guess what it is.


>> No.6968794

You're gonna have to reheat it in the oven. Rare steak was meant to be eaten straight outta the kitcken, not hours after it's gone cold and bacteria have accumulated within the reds of the meat.

>> No.6968797


is that a garbage bag full of semen?

>> No.6968801

It's cum in a garbage bag. No /ck/ related at all.

>> No.6968804


>implying people don't eat cum

your woman must be a thrill

>> No.6968806

yeah thats not a lettuce though m8

>> No.6968814


maybe... could be stunt cum and i might be a caterer on sets of adult film... who knows...

>> No.6968820

How about you just realize that a fully cooked steak is just a choice like any other. Get your Fucking elitism out of here and let people enjoy their food on their own terms

>> No.6968827
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who let reddit in?

>> No.6968830

You've clearly never seen a steak thread on reddit.

>> No.6968839

>improperly pouring sauce over cooked pasta and serving as is instead of incorporating it in.

>> No.6968846

>You've clearly never been to reddit

Yep. Now fuck off back there, champ.

>> No.6969138

Dumb frogposter.

>> No.6969486

Nothing. I'm not autistic. Why would I get mad at people cooking food that isn't for me? Get a grip and go outside.

>> No.6969489

>not cleaning as you go

>> No.6969491

What an original thread

Lurk more instead of just making stupid posts trying to fit in, not doing what you do on /tv/

>> No.6969494

Is this really how lazy 'straya kids have become?

>> No.6969498

Fuck off back to /tv/

>> No.6969516

you watch WAY too much porn lol

>> No.6969528


Tits or gtfo fat cumdumpster

>> No.6969530

>Washing salad leafs
>not draining it
>dripping with water
>putting any on plate makes a puddle of water and everything soggy

The fuck nigger I have never found soil on my lettuce before so why the fuck you insist so much on cleaning that shit, even if it did have soil you clean it to fast i doubt all of it would go.

>> No.6969577
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>> No.6969639

lurk moar

people who eat their steak bien cuit should be shot in the kneecap tbh

>> No.6969647
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>being an autistic sperglord

>> No.6969667
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Oh boy. I got a whole list accumulated watching my younger brother cook.

>Cooks precooked salmon until it's fucking charred, stinking up the house
>Cooks fries in the microwave
>Every piece of meat he cooks is doused in olive oil, he coats the whole iron skillet with a quarter centimeter thick of olive oil
>Cooks at a high heat and always burns it.
>Leaves his food unattended
>Slathers all the meat in a brutally disgusting combination of Montreal Chicken spices, A1 BBQ sauce, Steak spices and leaves that on to burn as well
>When he needs to use large knives he fucking fists them instead of using the proper technique
>Leaves his cooking unattended
>Doesn't clean up after himself, or makes a token effort (leaves a little water in the skillet, soaks the pots he cooks vegetables but never fucking washes it out completely)

I went to school and learned how to cook and bake. I have time and time again offered to train him free of fucking charge. He gets pissed and holier-than-thou that someone wants to help him eat better food. He loses his temper and fucking screams or back talks at me like he's an aspie. Then he goads me into a fight, saying he's not afraid of me. That's he's bigger (taller) I always brush it off, but honestly the urge to knock his ass to the ground is becoming a realistic prospect. Fucking Lanket.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprise when he gets a cancer scare from all that carcinogens he voluntarily consumes. Jesus fuck, some people shouldn't cook.

>> No.6969694

Most lettuce isnt even grown in soil these days. Fully hydroponic, they float on little foam discs with their roots in nutrient water. Theres no need to rinse

>> No.6969733

Nothing more pleb than this.

>> No.6969746

>>I went to school and learned how to cook and bake.
>doesnt teach his brother the errors in his ways with the knowledge he learned in school
youre a fucking shit brother, hes not just a fuckin roomate you sack of shit.

>> No.6969748

Thats a soup base you fucking retard

>> No.6969751 [DELETED] 


>> No.6969754


>> No.6969771


Fuck you, asshole. I have time and time again offered, lectured and told him and even shown him. I would teach him without a moments hesitation. But time and time again he turns into a prideful retard about his shit tier cooking. He has made it abundantly clear that the 5 or so grand I spent on Cook training means jack shit to him. Years I have tried to get basic culinary school concepts into his thick fucking skull to no avail.

So fuck it.

>> No.6970025
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>not using any spice to cook meats

Mother in law literally doesn't even use salt and pepper to cook with. She also uses a corn-meal type product (supposed to be for frying fish) and puts it on pork-chops/chicken in the oven and bakes it. It's like eating gravel.

>> No.6971301

>ramen soup
>pasta sauce
>same thing

does it hurt to be this stupid?

>> No.6971701

>I have time and time again offered to train him free of fucking charge. He gets pissed and holier-than-thou that someone wants to help him eat better food. He loses his temper...

You probably should learn to read before using the internet, dumbass

>> No.6973442

do you even read?

>> No.6973497
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>tfw I used to be the retard who burnt meat until it was brown throughout
>it was my family (my father in particular) who taught me how to cook a steak properly
>tfw he now suffers from severe bodily injuries and can't even stand for more than a few minutes

I'll cook steak for the glorious bastard until the day either of us dies. I owe him that much at least.

>> No.6973518

>roommate throws away ramen packet because it's shit brah gotta use real seasonings brah
>proceeds to dump a shitload of pepper, oregano, chili powder, montreal steak seasoning into the pan with the bare noodles
>pan is crusted with the remains of all those spices
>kitchen smells like you just did a line of pepper

For what purpose.