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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 310 KB, 444x460, mcdonalds-Big-Mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6966780 No.6966780 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people pretend to not like this?

>> No.6966782

I love it when I'm drunk. Too bad they don't stay open past midnight.

We seriously need to have automated McD's. What the fuck are the employees for anyways? We have machines that can put the fortune in a cookie. Since 19 fucking 64.

>> No.6966784

Because they remember when it used to be better, and the patties were actually larger than the buns.

But I still get one now and then, it's a guilty pleasure.

>> No.6966785

the sauce is kinda gross

>> No.6966787

when I went to university, the town had a 24/7 mcdonalds plop in the centre

so at 4am when the clubs started closing, you could go to mcdonalds and get a large big mac meal to satisfy your drunk hunger

also you'd see lots of old people and gangsters having coffee and muffins

>> No.6966791

I have a 24/7 McDonald's that I can see from my living room, I never go there.

>> No.6966793

The bread is horrible and three slices is too much. It's a visual gimmick. I don't eat visual gimmicks.

>> No.6966796


You must not drink on weekends or you have no money past that. The nearest McDicks to me is a DUI away.

>> No.6966797


Ask for the McKingley.

Basically ask for a big mac, but with quarter-pounder patties. Even in my shithole of a town they'll do it.

>> No.6966801

I drink almost every day and have plenty of money.

The McDonald's is slightly uphill from my house.

>> No.6966807

I don't think that's legal, to have a house near a McDonalds. Something about children's safety.

>> No.6966815


Not him but- complete horse piss.

Are you in Canada? The McFuckface we have here is right in front of a residential area, surrounded by houses. In fact most of the town is residential.

>> No.6966816

Look up McDonald's on Nerang Southport road, its in suburbia. I live just near the lake.

>> No.6966817

How fucking stupid are you?

There's a McDonald's near me that is surrounded by apartments and houses

>> No.6966820

Move out of jackfuckistan? I live in Toronto and threes a 24 hour McDonald's with four automated cashier kiosks. I can go in at 3 in the morning and I don't even have to interact with anyone besides to pick up my food when it's all done and bagged.

>> No.6966825

Nice blog post Chang

>> No.6966826


Are you even on /ck/?

We have a research lab here. Not saying I work there (duurrrr) but why in the hell would I not live in a major city? The worst part about this place is that everything closes early and the grocery prices make no sense. You either cook for yourself or learn to love fast food and be a nasty fat bitch.

>> No.6966827

>respond to a post describing an experience that contradicts his

Have you ever had your IQ professionally measured?

>> No.6966829

I'm sure it's not as high as your chink asses

>> No.6966831

I'd rather go to a Rally's and pay half the price, get a better burger, and GOAT fries.

>> No.6966848


We don't have a Rally's here. It's buttfuck nowhere. The one we had closed because there wasn't enough business. It is truly the first circle of hell. At least I can cook.

>> No.6966851

I haven't had one in just under twelve years. My twelve year anniversary of moving to le US is coming up next week. I had one that first week. I thought it tasted of caraway, which I like, but I've been told I'm crazy.

I've not had one at any point thereafter because the quality for the price is almost criminal, though I've had McDoubles a few times since.

>> No.6966852

live in better city you dense fuck

>> No.6966854

Liked. Subscribed. Upvoted

>> No.6966860


You live in dumbass city. Can you even sear ahi or cook a broccoli rabe? I bet you can't even flip an omelette. Go have your chili go fuck yourself fries.

>> No.6966958

I think most people like the concept of the Big Mac, but the execution is shabby and disappointing , which would naturally turn people off of eating them.

>> No.6966967

Because it's legitimately bad. I liked this stuff when I had fastfood like 3 times a week, but once you stop doing that kind of shit and start cooking for yourself, this stuff won't taste good to you anymore. Also, it will probably fuck up your system or make you feel sick if you eat it again after stopping for a long time too.

>> No.6966980

I prefer real hamburg sandwiches, anon.

>> No.6966983
File: 446 KB, 680x500, the whopper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much bread and I don't care for the sauce.

>you pretending you don't want this piece of meat in your mouth

>> No.6966987

>too bad they don't stay open past midnight.
Flyover detected

>> No.6966988

more like nigger king, amirite?

>> No.6966989

Yeah once ur used to cooking your own food how you like, you get really sick off greazburgers.

I buy chuck, shoulder or just regular ground beef probably every other grocery trip for burgers. I started working at mcds, learned enough about the food to never eat there again. The only ingredient in the patties is beef but it's the lowest possible grade, the grade where it's the nastiest sluiced, shit-filled, bug-filled meat. I'd imagine most of it hardly makes the grade at all, just passing the lax fda standards who let's McDonald's suppliers qualify their own meat without a 3rd party inspection. Just fucking gross, work grill for one day and you'll find some fecal matter if you know what to look for, it cooks off differently. I mean we cooked it to kill off bacteria, but the beef had to be heated to like 170-185 and on those patties it would often dry out, so we keep em in greasy trays for a few and they retain some moisture from that.

The sauces are basically just soybean (enjoy your moobs) oil, sugar and salt mixed with mayo flavour, mayo and tartar flavour or mayo mustard and ketchup.

The tomatoes are so cheap and shitty they taste like paper, just a cold piece of moisture to add texture but they have no bite.

What do you expect when the burger only costs 1$ or a 1.39

I wouldn't even buy a tomato for less than that but produce is expensive where I live up north.

I'll happily pay money for better tasting, healthier and more ecologically sound food now so I don't spend it all on medicine when I'm forty and getting cancer from bigmacs.

>> No.6966994

>big macs give you cancer
It sounds like you already have AIDS so who cares, faglord?

>> No.6967000

There's plenty of burnt on grease on every bite. Any carcinogens can cause cancer thats what the word means. Half the shit in a mcds can have carcinogens, same with half the shit in the grocery store and the air we all have to breathe.

It's not a huge deal but might as well cut garbage out of your life.

>> No.6967010

>It's not a huge deal
You got that right.