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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6963910 No.6963910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bean water general. Ask questions about coffee, share your ideas, favorite roasts or bean sources. Any and everything bean water related.

What is /ck/'s favorite way to make coffee? I love Cuban coffee, it's always my go-to. I'm a poorfag so I make it in a moka pot but it's still delicious

>> No.6964040
File: 94 KB, 398x1000, P1070735procres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is /ck/'s favorite way to make coffee?

Currently, Aeropress. I have a French press too, but I'm not finding it as good these days.

>> No.6964043


>> No.6964045

My work has a Starbucks machine that grinds the beans and brews the coffee on demand. I usually add the cream and sugar to the cup before starting the machine so when it pours the coffee it automatically mixes in the cream and sugar

>> No.6964068


>> No.6964080

Never used an aeropress before. How strong is the coffee that it makes compared to a regular drip brew?

>> No.6964115

Compared to Aeropress and French Press, regular drip brew might as well be water.

>> No.6964215

mostly Aeropress, sometimes v60 or Kalita Wave for lulz
buy beans at local roaster, single origin, currently Kenyan AA Gondo
Have a Rancillio RR45 grinder, but use my Porlex mini for now, I think the RR45 discs are fucked

>How strong
That depends on your parameters.
The great thing about the Aeropress is, that you always have full control over the brewtime. It doesn't depend on the grind. Also you can brew the whole cup full immersion, or use less water and dilute later similar to americano / long black. Also there are different filters. I use a fine metal filter. If you prefer a cleaner cup, you can use paper filters. Usually AP is seen inbetween drip brew and french press. But in the end your beans and your grinder will have bigger influence on the taste than whether you use an AP or a v60.

If the coffee/water ratio is the same, the difference in taste is not that extreme. However drip coffee will produce a cleaner cup.

gr9 b9 m9

>> No.6964239
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i'm ok with this

>> No.6964291

Hario v60 + counter culture fast forward + brewed over ice

>> No.6964296


Hey, I do that too.

Any way to get the coffee to have more "bite"? My stuff is pretty weak. Use more coffee? Let it bloom longer?

>> No.6964313

I do this:
35g of coffee (I grind a little finer than normal when brewing over ice so like medium-fine)
200g ice
70g water for 45 second bloom
260g water to pour over.

This about 1:15 coffee to water ratio (including the ice) and comes out pretty smooth imo.

You might also want to use a darker roast.

>> No.6964314


thanks fam

>> No.6964321

I've rediscovered coffee. I like a dark roast in a screen coffeemater. I load it with aspartame and coffeemate until it is super sweet. the darker roasts have less caffeine and I find I sleep better if I have some coffee in the afernoon.

>> No.6964346

I just picked up some saffron from a fair
Hot damn is spiced coffee good

>> No.6964377
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>aspartame and coffeemate

>> No.6964380


Too bad it's fake.

I do a french press because i'm lazy, I never much cared for the Aeropress. Though, I need to get some less oily coffee for the french press or something. It's good until the last bit which makes me want to throw the cup.

>> No.6964397

tastes fucking great man.

>> No.6964421

What you've done is the coffee equivalent of dumping ketchup on a perfectly cooked prime rib steak.

Yeah it tastes good to you, and it also makes you a complete twerp.

>> No.6964427

Well whatever floats your boat I guess. I think aspartame is probably the worst tasting sweetener on the planet.

>> No.6964538

>I think aspartame is probably the worst tasting sweetener on the planet.

1. that's funny, because aspartame tastes exactly like sugar and wins every taste test.
2. I still have all my teeth. No sugar for me.

>> No.6964546
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kill urself

>> No.6964730

memes killed the thread but here i will try and revive it

In my vac sealed bottle I take with me I brew for it a half tea half coffee. Tastes exceptional with milk, and evens out the taste.

>> No.6964740

1. That is complete bullshit. Aspartame tastes absolutely nothing like sugar. I would very much like a link to these taste tests that say it does.
2. I brush my teeth, floss, use mouthwash, and visit the dentist regularly so I also have all my teeth. That's not an accomplishment

>> No.6964769

>use mouthwash
1. have you bought aspartame and put some in your mouth? it tastes exactly like sugar. no aftertaste either.
2.mouthwash is acidic. Don't use it. Use colgate total with the triclosan. That stuff is magic.

>> No.6964796

This has to be bait, you can't be this fucking retarded. Have you ever fucking tasted anything made with aspartame instead of sugar? Brew some sweet tea with Splenda or something and then brew some with real sugar. Taste them. If you can't tell that the artificially sweetened one tastes like fucking ass you're an idiot and I can't help you. Why else do you think diet sodas taste different from the regular? Aspartame does not even have a remotely similar chemical composition to sugar.



And here is one of your taste tests. And according to this one, artificial sweeteners taste like bitter, chemical, shit.


>> No.6964813
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> Lavazza black label espresso + Moka pot

poorfags espresso, daily coffee.

but it makes a pretty nice coffee. fuck around with one when you first get it, find your method that works for you, once you know what your method is, it becomes a ritual and no other coffee will compare to what you can make at home.

>> No.6964829
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> pic related
> took a drink to try it
> tasted weirdly sweet
> diet drink like aftertaste
> look at the can
> 50 calories
> what the fuck?
> asparteme in ingredients

hate to tell you but... ive met people who claim that they prefer the taste of asparteme.

I can tell them apart on a blind taste test, i can tell there is asparteme in drinks that are not even advertised or labeled as diet.

>> No.6964841

Exactly my point. If someone prefers the taste of aspartame, that's fine by me, I'm not the one drinking it. But the other anon is trying to assert that sugar and aspartame taste identical and that is complete and utter bullshit.

>> No.6964847


I notice the people who consume asparteme in bigger amounts than sugar, do or have smoked in the past, wonder if that has something to do with it?

>> No.6964856

That God for moka pots. I honestly prefer them to real espresso made in a machine. Real espresso is way too strong to my liking. But coffee from a moka pot is perfect. Especially Cuban coffee. 2 teaspoons of sugar per serving, whip it together with 1 teaspoon of the fresh coffee per serving. Add the coffee to it and stir.

>> No.6965031

Never understood the need for freshly ground beans. As long as they were roasted and ground within like a month of using it I've never noticed a difference in taste.

>> No.6965096


I tried to like the Low-cal iced tea in the can tha tlipton created. It's like 70 calories for a 12oz can, so like 115 calorie for a 20oz. But it has a distinctive artificial taste to it, which is Acesulfame. Their regular 20oz green tea is 120 calories and doesn't taste artifical as fuck even though it has the same ingredients.

>> No.6965099


If you keep them vac sealed you're fine, but if its an open bag it will quickly lose its aromatic value once ground up.

>> No.6965105

Yeah I only buy bags that were vac sealed. After I open a bag I generally press super hard to get as much air out as I can before I close it again

>> No.6965116


I would suggest you get a little container for it, it couldn't cost more then 8 bucks to get one. The bags are nice and all, but you're paying for the luxury of the bag.

>> No.6965156

Tea > Coffee
fucking fact

>> No.6965184

Every tea/coffee thread, there's always one shitposter who has to start this shit

>> No.6965188

Apples != Oranges


>> No.6965189


>> No.6965195

>stop liking what I don't like
Autism, folks

>> No.6965197

Coffee is not healthy.

>> No.6965202

And what exactly do you have to support that? It's just water with oils and caffeine. Many of the chemicals active in tea (caffeine, theobromine, theophylline) are also the primary active ingredients in coffee. Coffee has a higher concentration of these chemicals and thus you should consume it less than you would tea but it's still the same shit. It's like the difference between a beer and a shot of liquor

>> No.6965208

Nespresso's $110 19 bar espresso machine is the best coffee money I've ever spent.
I used to look down upon pod machines until mine made a perfect espresso with a couple centimeters of crema every single time.

>> No.6965210

>19 bar
Nigger what the fuck. You meant to type 9 bar, right? Espresso isn't technically espresso unless brewed between 8-10 bar. 19 bar is a fucking coffee pipe bomb

>> No.6965225

It's unregulated pressure can reach 19 bar. Obviously just marketing numbers, but the thing is fast and reliable and the espresso it makes is perfect

>> No.6965230

My favorite kind of coffee is turkish coffee

>> No.6965236

19 bar is fucking crazy. Not technically espresso at that point but I kinda want to try coffee that has been brewed at such a pressure
My town has a Turkish cafe not far away from me. I love it. Tons of Turks there (obviously) but they're hilarious and really fun to talk to

>> No.6965294
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Planning to make some cold brew coffee later this week.

>everyone raves about it
>will probably taste like shit compared to the image i built up in my mind

>> No.6965323

>Planning to make some cold brew coffee later this week.
>>everyone raves about it
>>will probably taste like shit compared to the image i built up in my mind
Nah...it's just coffee dude. It has a little less acidity, and not much else really beyond whatever flavors your beans have in them. You can have nutty flavors, bitter or sweet, depends on your beans. Whatever you can say about it, is that it's the best your beans will do.

>> No.6965352


There is more evidence of meta studies(the study of studies) that show that coffee has almost wholly positive effects if taken with minimal milk and sugar (not frappes)

It is linked with reduced instances of heart attacks and other problems which lead to an untimely death. Most likely due to it being a beverage that isn't caloric dense that people drink rather then soda.

Tea is much harder to quantify in studies, since most tea drinkers come from Asia which as a westener its hard to really quantify the benefits. It's not soda, minimal calories, so theres that. Health benefits come from green teas though, with black tea having less.

>> No.6965361


The pods are too fuckin expensive. At the cost of the pods you can go to a coffee shop and get yourself a shot of espresso.

>> No.6965370

I've got a moka, french press, aeropress, mypressi, and a Rok but I'm looking to get into pour over as well. What do you recommend? Currently looking at the Kalita Wave and have looked into the hario and chemex but I'm open to suggestions.

Also general accessory recommendations are welcome. I already have a tamp and bellman steamer but that is about it.

>> No.6965372


Is this what having money is like? You buy awesome accessories like espresso machines?


Cold brew is nice in its own right, its how I take my coffee in the summer where I live since its so hot and humid.

>> No.6965380

Also, other coffee making devices I don't have yet(I do have a cold brewing setup as well)

>> No.6965382


The chemex makes the cleanest coffee you'll ever have in your life. Kinda a pain to make though, and it's best to make in large quanities so unless you want to prepare 7-8 cups of coffee it's not really viable.

>> No.6965387

I don't what studies you are quoting, but they sound like unscientific garbage based on your summation of the conclusions. Scientists, the real ones, would not jump to the untimely death or reduced heart attacks at all. They would state something to the degree of unadultered coffee is better than sweetened and creamy coffee. As a replacement for other sugary less healthy drinks, that's the role of nutritionists, and when you make substitutions of poor habits for better habits, you don't make conclusions about heart attacks if you can't say something down on the molecular level like caffeine affects LDL cholesterol, or increases metabolism post meal, and prevents insulin resistance, and those kinds of things.

It's not a meta study to talk about this kind of topic at all...and no one is going to know really what factors led to reduced heart disease except by like the Harvard Nurses's Study when has followed 250k _quality_ reporters of habits since the 70The longest range studies that follow health. Even with something like that, the guesses are all the reversed and further understood. Everything from moderate alcohol use is cardio-protective, to the reverse. Right now, the ideas on low fat diets keeping plaque out of the arteries is being reversed and reunderstood to be not just about saturated fat being bad but which type and what it's replaced with, and if it's eaten with carbs. It's complicated, in other words. Try not to quote bullshit you hear Whole Foods kind of supporters and those kinds of green and organic people's websites. It makes you look stupid (as most people are about nutrition). It's not how science works.

>> No.6965395

Have you used the Kalita Wave? I have heard it makes a superior cup all things being equal. If what you are saying about chemix is true then I may grab a different pour over now and then just grab the chemex later for entertaining though I usually use a vacuum brewer for that since its a bit more showy or a big French Press if I'm lazy.

>> No.6965418

anyone else had the experience, where he slowly started to hate the coffee someone made?
when i was still living with my parents i really enjoyed the coffee their coffee machine made, it even grinded the beans fresh.
after i moved out i got myself a french press and a moka pot, every time i visited my parents i disliked it more until after 2 years i simply couldn't drink it anymore.

>> No.6965488

70 cents per pod? Are you getting espresso in 60 seconds right after waking up for 70 cents?
The machine may not be perfect and super customizable but it's exactly what I want in the morning, and it's saving me time AND money.

>> No.6965509

Could be that your water is better, or their water was going down in quality, and after living somewhere a little different, you realized the difference. I've used the same coffee pot at both of my parent's houses, and they now bring bottled water they fill up at the main house when going to the vacation house, and use that for the coffee maker. They also grind their own beans, but sometimes just making the coffee slightly weaker makes it horrible, too. Mom might be skimping on the Tablespoon to water ratio too. Not saying french press isn't #1, but if we're going to compare, gotta consider all the variables. Some coffee brands do better in old fashioned makers too.

>> No.6965517



please go on and disagree with the substantial marshaled evidence which points to coffee having health benefits even in large quantities.

>> No.6965587

Uncontrolled or observational studies only.
Not saying coffee is bad for you, but let's not get ahead of ourselves and say it's good for you either.

>> No.6965709


Except the general trend always leads to positive outcomes, no matter what the study was on. While that does not prove causation, drinking coffee is almost universally healthy.

Kinda like drinking water. While stuff like full calorie coke is almost wholly negative other then the high levels of citrus in coke which can shrink kidney stone size.

>> No.6965785

Greek/Turkish coffee...sometimes a double...which I am looking forward to in the A.M

>> No.6965811

meh not real espresso...but I hear ya

>> No.6965820

crap now I really want one.

>> No.6966561

Back when I was living with my dad he had a decent machine that would make some good coffee. At the time I thought it was so strong and good. Then I moved out on my own, got a moka pot, and now his coffee tastes like piss in comparison

>> No.6966609

I use a moka pot for a single cup, French press if I want more. I buy whole beans and grind them at the store. A one pound bag usually lasts me about three weeks which is one more than recommended, but it's hard to tell the difference until I smell the fresh grind of the next bag.
I like my coffee black or with a bit of milk but I can't stand any kind of sweetener.

>> No.6966620

The town I live in has a strangely high number of Greeks living in it. My family is good friends with probably 6 other Greek families (this is a town of 10,000 people, too). They all run restaurants. Anyways the point of this story is that they make really fucking good coffee. I joke with one of them once saying
>You know Greek coffee is literally just Turkish coffee but you guys call it Greek haha
He was not amused. Went on a big rant about how Turkey needs to give back Greek clay

>> No.6966624

lmao yeah. I mean prior to all the shit hitting the fan most Greeks and Turks lived mostly in peace. They changed the name after the Cypriot invasion. At least we didnt name it freedom coffee

>> No.6966640

While I condemn Turkey's actions with Cyprus and shit, I don't really get all the Greek saber rattling when it comes to them. Maybe these people are just a vocal minority, but I've heard a lot of Greeks saying shit like "we won't rest until we own all of our islands and all the land until Constantinople". I mean, why would they want to reconquer lands that are now almost exclusively Turkish? It would be one thing if there were a lot of Greeks still living in those areas, but there aren't.

Anyways, I love em both. Turkish and Greek pipe tobacco is fucking god tier, too.

>> No.6966667

Its probably frustration that Turkey who once (insert atrocity ) to (insert cultures) isn't really being held accountable nor did anyone really try to prevent. In my honest opinion, Smyrna is (was)majority Greek....Also Cyprus should belong to the Cypriots

>> No.6966676

On that note...Greek coffee is the best coffee and yep that's it

>> No.6966846

They make a small Chemex that is advertised as a three cup brewer (cups being 5 oz) kalita wave is my favorite pour over brewer though.

>> No.6967031

I just looked up those Chemex brewers. What the hell are these? They look like something out of a science lab. So you put your coffee grinds in a filter and then pour the boiling water over it? What advantage does that have over a French press or any other form of brewing? It just seems like the coffee would be extremely watered down

>> No.6967200


Jesus Christ dude I've only seen pods at $2 a pod. Where are you buying them at?

>> No.6967469

Yeah, probably going with the Kalita Wave. Any other recs for accessories or brew methods I don't have yet?

>> No.6967473

>I just looked up those Chemex brewers
What's it like living in 1974?

>> No.6967485

>why hasn't he heard of my special snowflake product!
Fuck off. I own two moka pots, several press pots, a drip brewer and an espresso machine. Stop acting like everyone in the world should know about something because you do, twat

>> No.6967530

Nespresso's website.

>> No.6967552

Who else /addictedtocaffeine/ here?

>> No.6967564

I think I might be. Normally I have probably 3-4 cups of espresso throughout the day. Yesterday I didn't have time to get any coffee or tea all day and I felt horrible. I had a really bad headache, was super fucking tired, and kinda wanted to throw up.

Am I addicted to caffeine or was I just having a shitty day?

>> No.6967580

>Am I addicted to caffeine?
absolutely. 3-4 exspressos is a lot of caffeine. I drink 3 cups of dark roast. flavorful but not much caffeine.

>> No.6967608

I'm actually thinking of buying that. I can get it for $30, not sure if I want to yet.

>> No.6967609

Holy shit that look's good.

>> No.6967611

Also, a cup of espresso actually has less caffeine than a cup of drip brewed coffee. There is more caffeine per unit volume but the serving size is so much smaller that there is less.
So to answer >>6967564
You're drinking the equivalent of probably 3 cups of coffee a day. Depending on roast level, that's enough to develop a mild addiction depending how long you've been doing it. Try to lay off it a bit, bring it down to 2 cups a day for a week, than down to one. At least you don't have it as bad as some. I have a friend whose doctor told him to lay off the caffeine because of his heart problems. This was a guy that usually had 3-4 cups in the morning, two cups of tea around lunch, and probably 2-3 espressos after dinner. He was hardcore vomiting and shit when he quit cold turkey. He actually considered going checking into a rehab place because he was so tempted to just drink coffee to help him lol

>> No.6967621

It's pretty impressive you discovered all those without ever hearing of a pour over brewer.

>> No.6967645

I drink the coffee in the afternoon. It makes me sleep better, believe it or not. I also don't chew my cheek off in my sleep.

I drank coffee for 10 years and quit 2 years ago, and that is when the sleeping problems started. Maybe the caffeine messed up my brain, so I need it.

>> No.6967666

Yeah, a lot of people are that way. My fiance's family is from Colombia. When we visit, they drink coffee down there like it's water. I asked them if they have sleeping problems from it and they said they only have trouble sleeping if they don't drink it. After a while you get so used to it that it doesn't give you any kind of a rush, your body just needs it like it needs any other chemical.

>> No.6968079

Where can I get a cheap manual espresso machine? I want to get a manual one so I can really learn how to make an amazing espresso and impress people. But the cheapest ones I can find are $800-$900. I don't understand how you can get a semi-auto or automatic espresso machine for $400 but a manual one is twice the price.

Do I just need to bite my lip and shell out the money?

>> No.6968145

>impress people

>> No.6968157

And...? I want to have full control over my espresso making process while at the same time getting a few "wow"s and "cool!"s from my guests. Are you so autistic that you've never heard of entertaining guests? No wait, you probably don't have many dinner guests over to your basement

>> No.6968191
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>favorite way to make coffee?

Toddy T2N. Makes very smooth coffee, and makes a lot of it all at once. It's not as efficient as some other methods, but that's a fair trade to make for the quality you get.

>> No.6968195

Second hand ones from ebay
There's a chance you'll get a dud
But more than likely someone died and the person they left has no idea how to use it

>> No.6968244

thanks fam I'll check it out

>> No.6968303

ROK, Atomic, or Bellman

>> No.6968416
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>Sugar and creamer? Ah no thank you. You see I drink my coffee black. I'm sort of like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. The tough cowboy type. Would you care to ask me how frequently I use sugar or creamer? Well go ahead, I've got time. Ask me. ... Glad you asked.

>Short answer: none.

>Disciplined answer: Haven't touched it in months. Probably old by now. I'm actually going through a lawsuit to get my local grocery store to reduce their sugar and creamer inventory. It's going well. I can't stand sugarlets or creamlets. Actually cut all of my old friends off who use. Why go through all of this trouble you ask? 3 words. 2 concepts. Discipline. Mental toughness. This is why friend. This is why.

>> No.6968489

I don't drink coffee, never have. Don't like the taste of what I've had, even down to things like coffee ice cream.

Where should I start? I'm more interested in good black coffee than drinks with a bunch of shit in them.

>> No.6968495

>tastes like fucking ass
aspartame's nice though

>> No.6968535

There is some weak animal study suggesting ~5 cups of coffee a day may have benefits regarding Alzheimer's.

Thank god I'm on 5 cups a day.


>> No.6968566

A cup of drip coffee has around 180mg of caffeine. If you've been on a steady amount of caffeine for a while, increases or decreases by 50mg can cause symptoms. So you can taper yourself down slowly reducing your intake by a third of a cup per day, holding the dose if you feel funky.

>> No.6969191

Can't drink regular, even decaf I really shouldn't, but whatever.

Can someone recommend me decent decaf blends at non-yuppie prices?

>> No.6969241

best keurig cartridge?

so far i like keurig brand kenyan AA, and timothy's donut blend

>> No.6969248

>pod coffee
Kill yourself.

>> No.6969255

eh, its clean, single serve, tastes fine to me

college student anyway

>> No.6969257

>college student anyway
So why would you use something so expensive?

>> No.6969319

how many grams is 1 pod? I checked the prices at the supermarket and nespresso pods where ~45€ / kilo, which is ridiculous. I can buy first class beans from a local small batch roaster for less. And the quality in those pods is laughable. (quality != your taste)

>> No.6969357

It's not crema. It's fake.

>> No.6969480
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i got a kalita wave about a week ago and i still haven't managed to make a good cup of coffee with it

this is my actual face right now

>> No.6969669

What's your ratio and coffee brand fam?

>> No.6969695



>> No.6969726

I liked that a lot.

Coffee related: Who is French Press here? What is your ratio or water to grounds.

Been drinking Hawaii Kauai Lately.

>> No.6970359
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>not crema
what is it then?

>> No.6970462

Fake foamy shit whipped up by a thing in the machine. You might as well use a milk frother, since it'd make the same thing.

>> No.6970481

Is 3 mugs (6 cups) of coffee too much per day? I think I felt my dick twitching yesterday. I don't know if it's because I only just started drinking that much coffee though, and if I'll get used to it.

>> No.6970514

fuck off. He said his machine gets up to 19 bar, which while that isn't a real espresso, is more than enough to make a crema emulsion.

>> No.6970569

Go stronger, like 1:14-15, make sure coffee is fresh and ground right before brewing. Take boiling water off burner for 30 seconds, bloom coffee for 45 seconds and then complete brewing.

>> No.6970800

Is the Aeropress the "best" way to make coffee if you aren't rich enough to afford several machines?

>> No.6970861

I don't think so. Best way in my opinion is probably a moka pot, but the aeropress is a close contender.

>> No.6970879

What are the most credible sources for health and side effects of coffee in regular and excess consumption? The media is trying to make me scared of caffeine.

>> No.6970916


Do you get free shipping?

I seen 70 cent pods, but you have to order a minimum of 50. When you add taxes and shipping, it more likely becomes $1 pods

>> No.6970920

bloom w/ room temp or hot water?

>> No.6970925


>> No.6970926

Literally just go to any medical website and look it up. There is absolutely no evidence that caffeine has negative health effects (unless you're consuming way too fucking much of it). And in small doses, it is most likely beneficial in some small way. I heard that drinking a cup of coffee or tea or something a day can help lower your risk for heart disease but idk that's probably bullshit

>> No.6971117

I'm lucky enough to live in one of the few cities that has a nespresso boutique.
I can get a single sleeve of 10 at a time for $7 plus tax. However I never just buy one. I've never used the app or website to order so I don't know about shipping or minimums.

>> No.6971164

If you go to WebM and such they are incredible vague about healthy dosages. Side effects can include heart attacks, black plague, ebola, etc. Then again im sure they say that for anything in excess.

>> No.6971199

Well I would personally say that you should never have more than like 300-400mg a day, and you should never exercise after having caffeine until like 1-2 hours after you had it. Otherwise it can have some nasty effects (huge increase in sweating, heart problems, and it actually makes you more tired than working out without caffeine).

>> No.6971202
File: 177 KB, 598x581, crema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuck off, inform yourself! You don't get crema just because the pump can produce 19 bar according to tech specs, it doesn't work that way. You can even see that it's not real crema, provided you know what you're talking about. It's mostly foam produced by a special nozzle. Not saying there isn't any crema at all, but exactly this "oh look so much crema" is stupid marketing bullshit.

>> No.6971206

wah? the media says that coffee is healthy, prevents cancer and whatnot.

>> No.6971209

>the media


>> No.6971215

the media reports the science.

>> No.6971219

I think it's the best, because it is the most versatile and you have full control over the brewing time.

>> No.6971226

The media reports segments of science that is

A. Often segments that promote specific things.
B. Sometimes science that isn't heavily peer reviewed.
C. Science funded by their network or owners.

>> No.6971230

Fuck you faggot, I know what espresso is. Yes, I am aware that it has to be produced between 8-10 bar. The anon said his machine can get UP to 19 bar. I am assuming that it normally brews at around 9 bar, meaning the crema that comes out is real crema.

>> No.6971235

still, the media has had nothing but good things to say about the health effects of coffee over the past several years. the poster i was responding to said that the media was making him afraid of caffeine, which i disagreed with.

>> No.6971290

Nespressofag here.
Let's assume there's such a thing as real crema and fake crema.
Is the authenticity determined by the method of brewing? Or is there a scientific difference between the two?
I'm no expert, but I've had my share of real espresso, and there's very little difference between it and my fake ass espresso pod machine espresso. In fact, on average the pod machine is better than the average barista simply due to its consistency.

There's a reason top Michelin starred restaurants use pod machines like the nespresso for their coffee drinks - people can't tell the difference between real crema and fake crema (maybe because there is no difference), and the machines can effortlessly pump out a consistently above average espresso.

inb4 nespresso shill

>> No.6971294

What exactly do you mean by "manual"? A machine with portafilters? A classic lever machine? Or truely manual like the Strietman? A non-electric like the ROK? Or like the Handpresso?

>> No.6971333

A classic lever machine, like the Elektra Microcasa. But I can't afford that lol

>> No.6971354

>method of brewing Or scientific difference
It depends on various factors and there is oc science behind it. I'm honestly sorry that I don't have time for a deep discussion now, but there are good and long articles on the net, just google for "science behind perfect crema" or smth or e.g. look at coffeegeek, homebarista and sites like that. Just inform yourself and don't listen to some cu/ck/ like me.

>on average the pod machine is better than the average barista simply due to its consistency
Don't get me wrong, you can buy/like/drink whatever you want, but this makes me cringe. Consistency is not quality. Pod machines sacrifice quality for consistency. You're talking about two different things here. If you like your pod-coffee, fine, but don't tell me it's a perfect espresso. It's not, you're tricked into believing that. Talk to real baristas about what a perfect espresso is, not salesmen.

>There's a reason top Michelin starred restaurants use pod machines
You can't be serious. And you got that from a businessinsider article? kek
and here's a link for you:

>> No.6971367

Then check ebay for La Pavoni. They're all over the place and considered to be among the best.

>> No.6971380

Thanks. I've been looking everywhere for an affordable lever machine. Cheapest I could find was like $700. Checked eBay for La Pavoni and already found one for $300

>> No.6971405

Neither is being a homosexual, but that has not stopped you.

>> No.6971452

Life is not healthy. The longer you live, the more likely you are to die.

Think about it.

>> No.6971480

>You can't be serious.
Are you claiming that the facts stated in that article are false? Or does it lose its coffee nerd street cred because it's a business publication?
Same basic article, same facts, framed differently and on a hip "philosophy, science, society" site instead of a stuffy business site for squares.
I wouldn't say my pod machine makes perfect espresso, but it's definitely good enough to satisfy people that like espresso. People that like espresso think it's GOOD espresso. If the only people that I'm disappointing with my pod-coffee and its fake crema are pretentious coffee snobs that post on coffeegeek and home-barista then I'm absolutely okay with that.

>> No.6971571

>Have we lost faith in the human touch?
Christ, hipsters piss me off to no end. Why is it that people think that hand-made always equals higher quality? Fact: no human, no matter how skilled, will be able to consistently produce high quality results every. Fucking. Time. Yes, certain things NEED to be made by human hands (violins, for instance. There are distinct characteristics of each slab of wood used that needs to be tuned by a skilled luthier, with the help of machines). However, other things are more science than art. Coffee, for example. The set of parameters needed to make a consistently great espresso are very specific, and a machine is perfectly capable of producing product that is as good as or better than "hand made" shit. Yeah, a lever pull espresso machine lets the operator change a lot of settings. They can adjust how long the water is in contact with the grind, the pressure, etc etc. This can be good or bad. On one hand it can produce a unique espresso that has a unique touch of the barista that made it, and is really good because it is *different* from your average espresso. But no human operator will ever be able to produce the consistent industry standard of what espresso *needs* to be

Fuck that was a long rant. Sorry but pretentious articles like that trigger me.

Anyways, fuck the guy you're replying to, anon. There's nothing wrong with a Nespresso machine

>> No.6971592

I can really only tolerate espresso and French press, basically polar opposites of coffee.

Know that /ck/ loves to shill the Aeropress, but a normal press pot works better for me because I want more than one/a bigger cup and it's less of a mess.

What's a good burr grinder?

>> No.6972235
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>> No.6972252

Go to a local coffee shop. Or try cold brew.

>> No.6972290

I'm guessing that all I know about the flavor of coffee is the overroasted burnt bitter shit that most people drink. Would trying lighter roasts and things like sweeter roasts from ethiopia and the like be significantly different?

>> No.6972297

what method do keurig and other pod machines use to coffee?
is it like an individual long espresso, or a really fast drip machine, or what

>> No.6972322

high pressure like an espresso, but obviously not nearly a strong.

>> No.6972386

I wouldn't know I don't like light roasts. But then again I enjoy a miniscule amount of sugar and/or milk in my coffee so I'm a pleb.

Keurig is a waste unless you have no other option honestly.

>> No.6972472

I buy instant coffee packets and microwave some water.

>> No.6972528

Day doesn't feel right without a nice, bitter cup of black coffee innamorning. Also people who add milk and/or sugar to coffee /tea are filthy heretics

Who else feels this way?

>> No.6972534

Keurig coffee always has this odd taste to it, even if you just use regular coffee.
I can't put my finger on it.
Even if you tell it to make 'strong' coffee, its like... the water hasn't had enough time to soak up the flavor of the beans.
I mean, its nice if you just want a quick, shitty cup on your way out the door, but thats about all its good for.

>> No.6972640
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>getting butthurt over keurig

>> No.6972838

Hot water, typically double the amount of coffee. So bloom 35g coffee with 70g hot water, pour it all over the grounds and let it sit for 45 secs or so.

>> No.6972925

No as long as you use a proper brew ratio it's good coffee. The body is really light and it's super clean which makes for a very nuanced cup. Chemex filters are quite thick and hold back all sediment and a lot more oils then other methods. If you want to get a pour over brewer but want more body I would suggest a v60 or kalita wave.

>> No.6972933
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I would just recommend a nice pouring kettle. I have a kalita thin spout kettle and I love it but there are cheaper options that will still give you great control over your pour.

>> No.6972950

I have a baratza encore and I love it. I also have a porlex mini for travel and a hario slim but I think the porlex is way better.

>> No.6972968

Have fun paying $50 per pound.

Instant is probably the worst way to make coffee.

>> No.6973104

Thanks for the suggestions.

>> No.6973180

Most of this is some low-tier keurig shit but I might as well ask for info.

Does anyone know how much milk and how many grams of coffee are used to make starbucks or costa lattes? I put in a whole 21g (1 double 1 single) of coffee into just one latte and It still doesn't taste that strong.

Not coffee but presumably one who would know that might be able to tell me what starbucks use to make a chai tea latte? any "recipes" I've found online so far don't actually use a steam wand and have wildly variant ingredients.

>> No.6974600
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Goodwill find of the century.


>> No.6974834

What insane person gives this away?

>> No.6975097

Goodwill finds like that are usually from people who have died.

But yeah... Nice find coffeebro

>> No.6975158

The goodwill near me wants 40$ for 80s toaster ovens, and 25$ for Foreman grills

I was tempted to buy a Ronco rotisserie oven just for kicks, because I liked their infomercials. Was too beat up

>> No.6975229

My gf works at Starbucks so I get free vanilla latte's all of the time. I'll never be as patrician as you guys

>> No.6975261
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Use the inverted method. It works better.

Anyway, pic related is my current espresso machine. Obviously no >>6974600 but it works pretty well.

>> No.6975286

I just like bitter coffee, and don't have a taste for sweet things.
On another note, what would /ck/ recommend for a poor kid who can't afford really expensive coffee, but also doesn't want any of that instant Kroger shit?

>> No.6975320


I don't know where you live but just look for a cheap import place.

Theres a cheap import place near my house that I buy all my coffee at.

I can't go back to dunkin donuts coffee or whatever. It just tastes sterile compared to cocaine roast costa rican throatfucker bean supreme.

>> No.6975333
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A $10 French press. Even cheap coffee usually tastes better this way in my limited experience. Just for fuck's sakes, stay away from instant. I got pic related from IKEA for $8. I think it's supposed to be more than one cup, but for what I drink, it makes one cup if you fill it up to the band. It has an indent that has pretty much the ideal place to fill grounds up to.

I put one single sugar cube in my regular coffee. This is three grams of sugar, or twelve calories. Sometimes milk, but less these days.

>> No.6976037

Shouldn't really be making a habit of regular lattes never mind those with like an extra 30g sugar from the syrup. How do you even drink those? The lactose in milk is plenty sugar for sweetness.

>> No.6976105
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I got a 100$ coffe machine and a good brand of coffe. But after experimenting with different amounts for a month I realized it will never taste even half as good as the coffee at my local cafe.

Do I really need to get a 1500$ barista machine to get a decent coffee?

>> No.6976108

Home espresso machines aren't bad, but if you want something that is the same quality as your local cafe then you're up for a bit of money. I think the best cost to quality ratios are Aeropresses (what I use primarily) and French Presses.

>> No.6976114

It could just be the particular sort of beans they use.

>> No.6976116

Aeropress? French Press? Pour-overs like Chemex, the Clever Dripper, or a V60?

Also grind your own beans, and get them freshly roasted from a local roaster.

>> No.6976922

Alright guys, what's the cheapest esspresso machine that can consistently produce the required psi to get the job done well?

There's some $30 mr coffee job at Walmart that I was gonna dismiss but if it can get the job done I may as wel. Not gonna pull the trigger on anything before asking though.

>> No.6977077

Are you wanting a DIY machine that you control the variables (if so, see >>6968303), or are you just wanting consistently good espresso?

You can get the ROK machine for under $200 usd. In that machine you supply your own psi, so consistency will be up to you. A base model Nespresso machine will run you $110. It's a pod machine, but will produce consistently good espresso but never excellent or perfect espresso.

>> No.6977138

Any machine below $100 isn't going to have a pump and thus not make real espresso, someone correct me if I'm wrong. Those Mr. Coffee ones are steam powered and can't produce the right pressure.

Nespresso can be good but like >>6977077 it won't make good espresso like a manual, or semi-automatic will. Thanks for the ROK suggestion too, Anon. Looks interesting.

>> No.6977152

i prefer tea

>> No.6977485
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>tfw too poor to drop twelve hundred on a machine and grinder

>> No.6977515

It doesn't take that much. If you really have to, just grind beans at the store and use a French press. It will probably taste decent if you don't fuck it up too badly. Or get a cheap grinder.

Trying even just a little bit more than usual will create better coffee than if you didn't try at all.

>> No.6977542


did anime make you poor

>> No.6977554

Moka pot
It's more chic than an espresso machine, anyway

>> No.6978855
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>google alerts aspergertame unpaid social media intern
>wins every taste test
so does your mom

>> No.6978858
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aren't these $16 at camping supply stores?

Stovetop Percolators? Anyone?

>> No.6978867

>Instant is probably the worst way to make coffee.

Thanks for blowing the lid on that one Raymond

>> No.6978871

Read http://www.stovpreso.com/2013/08/is-moka-pot-same-thing-as-percolator.html

>> No.6978877

>Hario Slim Mini Mill, $21
There's your mill.
>AeroPress, $30
>French Press, $10-$50
>Hario V60, $16
>Clever Dripper, $22
>Bonavita Immersion Dripper, $30
>Chemex, $46
Pick one.
>Electric Kettle, $14-80
Different styles exist.

>> No.6978890
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>tastes the same
>wins every taste test

>> No.6978898
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka - Ep12 (BD 720p) [Kirakira] [D7D73A04].mkv_snapshot_08.26_[2015.10.04_15.37.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went out and grabbed one of these. It's pretty good for its low price.
Thanks anon.

>> No.6978899

So anime didn't make you totally poor? Nice to hear.

>> No.6978911

Just moderately.

>> No.6978920

Other autism related things /mlp/ itself mostly did me in.

You grinding your own or what?

>> No.6978922

It has a lot of generic flavors as a flaw of the brewing process, so don't get too excited. Can make some shitty coffee less offensive as it tends to extract less roast flavor and bitterness. Generally forgiving but a waste of great coffee. Hot bloom cold brew is less bad.

>> No.6978924

Gross dude.

>> No.6978927
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Is Illy really worth $15 a can?

>> No.6978931

It's not fake crema, it's just really low quality crema. It indicates a poor texture, and most likely very old coffee (most likely has been ground for a while). Taken together, that's a visual cue that most likely indicates that the espresso is of low quality.

>> No.6978947

>Most of this is some low-tier keurig shit
Including your question

>Does anyone know how much milk and how many grams of coffee are used to make starbucks or costa lattes?
Starbucks lattes are 16oz for a medium (grande). Not sure about the espresso, but it is espresso that is nothing like a proper espresso - the machines are superautomatic which for some reason makes espresso that is very different. Part of it is stale beans and over roasting. 16 oz is a TON of milk for a double espresso.

>I put in a whole 21g (1 double 1 single) of coffee into just one latte and It still doesn't taste that strong.
This is probably down to a few things. Number one, let's hope your coffee just isn't as raunchy as what starbucks uses for their espresso. If the coffee is good, then it is at least partly because 16oz of milk is way too much. If you use less milk and still can't taste the espresso as much as you would like, you are probably under extracting the coffee. This means you have less coffee flavor in the resulting liquid. Try grinding finer and/or pulling a slightly larger espresso (same dose, more yield). Buy VST baskets, and get 18 or 20 gram or even 22, so you can fit more coffee in, and extract more evenly (keep your ratio of coffee to water the same though).

>> No.6978952

>Use the inverted method. It works better.
How exactly? Remember that you can stop drawdown easily enough without inverting. And that inverting makes things more risky/messy.

>> No.6978958

Hey, I never liked my Aeropress when I owned it and just moved on to a French press. It's easier to use.

That is, unless I use my espresso machine in the same post.

>> No.6978988

Yeah I have a shitty burr grinder. I wouldn't mind upgrading it but there doesn't seem like much of a point doing that for a Moka pot so I'll just wait until I can afford a mid range espresso machine.

>> No.6979935
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This look like a good setup for a cheap bday gift for myself this year?

Got a bunch of tea stuff last year, so I already have an electric kettle

>> No.6980147

Yeah dude. Pretty much an ideal starting setup. You could save a bit of cash if you drop the AWS scale and go with something from Aliexpress. I've been using the aws for a long time now, and love it, but recently grabbed a 2000g/0.1g scale from aliexpress for 5 bucks and it works just as well.

But really, for under 100 bucks, you are on a really good track.

>> No.6980150
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>Use the inverted method.

I did and I've never not used the inverted method.

>> No.6980201


What's the cheapest actually still good scale and electric kettle? I'm also planning on getting an AeroPress and Hario Mini Mill.

>> No.6980487

No. It's garbage.

>> No.6980503

I'm pretty sure coffee out of the keurig has less caffeine than a normal full mug of coffee even if you choose the largest amount. The coffee itself may be weak but it isn't that bad though usually. I'm only using it if I need to, otherwise usual drip machine coffee is good enough for me.

>> No.6980822

$100 really was the goal, now with ~$40 left to spend on beans/filters. Looked at all the other methods but really wanted something easy and foolproof. Figured I will use the scale a lot in the kitchen to replace the analog one I have now and I like to buy everything from one place so it comes at the same time.

Also had the same American Weigh all throughout highschool, college, and a bit after to sell pot and mushrooms and it was always perfect

>> No.6980831

>I'm pretty sure coffee out of the keurig has less caffeine than a normal full mug of coffe

Why on earth would you think that a Keurig somehow extracts different amounts of caffience from the coffee compared to a different sort of method of brewing? Please explain.

Also, you do know that there are all sorts of different kinds of coffee available for the Keurig, right? They're not all the same. Some are decaf. Some are not. And among those that are not there's all sorts of different roasts and blends available and therefore different levels of caffeine too.

>> No.6980858
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Oh and containers. Was going to buy some sweet Oxo button ones. But you've gotta be able to get airtight jars at a store or something for cheaper than those Oxos at $13/1.5qt

>> No.6980876

Coffee made in a keurig does have a much lighter color and taste

>> No.6980931

Don't bother with containers. You will not notice any difference between a container and the bag the beans come in. Save that money and buy yourself an 18L bottle of reverse osmosis water to later mix with tap water.

>> No.6980939
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>> No.6980943

Kuerig is still a shit tier way to make coffee.

French press, pour-over, vacuum, cold-brew, or just give up life.

>> No.6980965

I don't understand.

>> No.6980968

Keurig pods have not a lot of coffee in them. Less than someone would typically use for a 12oz cup o coffee. Less coffee at the same ext% = less caffeine.

>> No.6981056

I don't understand why I'd buy RO water and mix it with tap water when I have great filtered water at home

>> No.6981315
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I got pic related as a present a couple of years ago, works pretty well for espresso.

Also I like to make lecheros, video pretty much shows how it's done, it's really simple and tastes great.

>> No.6981415
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I got this blade grinder as a gift, but I use a french press. I've tried grinding my own beans and it turns out okay but it's always uneven and I'm worried about grinding my beans too fine so I always end up with big pieces of beans after I grind. Personally I think the coffee tastes okay and I haven't noticed more grounds than normal, but it feels like more effort than it's worth.

Should I just ditch this and grind my beans in-store? I'm not super snobby about coffee but on the other hand I'd like to drink good quality stuff.

>> No.6981630

>great filtered water at home
You probably don't, unfortunately. Most filtration systems will take out entirely - or in disproportionate quantities - essential minerals for coffee brewing. Ideally, you'd have an RO system and then individual minerals which you would add back in exact quantities to the de-mineralized water. Also, some filtration systems will ADD some minerals to the water (to bind with the minerals in there) which is generally pretty bad. Filtration systems also depend very much on your source water, so they are very hard to get a great product from. Not saying this is necessarily your case, just that it is the vast majority of cases. With RO and tap water, you can hit the sweet spot by mixing the two depending on your source water.

Either way, containers for coffee are wasted money.

>> No.6981631

Blade grinders are pretty garbagio. You'd be better off grinding in store every day or second day. Longer than that and blade grinders will start to be a bit better. Save up and buy a hand grinder.

>> No.6981652

How bad can the blade grinder be? I get uneven grounds with my hario all the time

>> No.6981668

Blade grinders are pretty uneven. You'll get some large pieces and some as fine as dust.

>> No.6981701

As bad as a grinder can be. You ideally want all the particles to be absolutely identical. A great grinder (ek43) will get most of them to be incredibly similar, which lets you get all of those particles to the same sweet spot, with only a small percentage being under/over extracted and detracting from sweetness and flavor clarity with bitter/dry and sour/thin flavors. With a blade grinder you pretty much have a random spread, where nearly all particles are contributing off flavor and not many in the sweet spot.

>> No.6982466

How much coffee do you think I can pack into my Bialetti before it just becomes a bomb?

>> No.6983760

What grinder?

>> No.6984174

Are the aluminum boilers of the Gaggias an issue?

Looking at getting a Baby Twin

>> No.6984513

I think I lost my taste for dark roast beans. Tried a bag of Vanuatu Silhouette someone gave to me, and the resulting brew tasted like motor oil in the three ways I prepared it (Kalita Wave, regular Moka, Brikka). Don't really want to drink any more of it, but I don't want to waste beans either.

>> No.6984712

Poorfag here. You can get lucky too. I recently got an espresso machine from my boss. He said that if I could fix it I could keep it. Turns out it just needed a good cleaning. I love the fresh cappuccinos I make with it, but I kinda hate how it makes the rest of my place look much worse in contrast.

>> No.6985053

Can you use a moka pot on an electric stove?

>> No.6985063
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I have a breville barrista express. Pretty nice. I like americhanos the best. Use it every morning, works pretty damn good.

>> No.6985182

A pretty common story. Dark roasts are just plain bad if you are interested in nuance, sweetness, body, aroma quality, acidity level and quality; really anything pleasant in coffee is roasted away into awful flavors with dark roasting.

>> No.6985187
File: 61 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nnijj8LMQV1titub2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /physicallyaddictedtocoffee/ here?

I'm tired of all these damn alcoholic hunks getting all the attention

>> No.6985333

I found that pouring cream and adding sugar into you cup before pouring the coffee makes it worlds better. Anyone have an explanation for this? Also don't panic, I only drink my shit tier coffee with cream and sugar.

>> No.6985334

Sorry just say this. I have the variable temp. gooseneck kettle.

>> No.6985339
File: 180 KB, 404x416, batemangif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly this. stay based poor coffee-bro

>> No.6985340

Don't forget a scale plus you really need something with good pouring control which a lot of the cheaper electric kettles don't have. Oh and a good thermometer.

>> No.6985342

You need something to release the gases but keep air out. Something like the Airscape

>> No.6985345

why are you even listening to these idiots. If you enjoy it, it's good crema. Dumbass. Stop asking 4chan to approve what you like.

>> No.6985347

It will be fine for a FP as long as you sift out the fines at least until you save the money up for a good grinder.

>> No.6985469

Are you supposed to use a fine or coarse grind with these?

>> No.6985473


The cream stops the hot water from burning the coffee.

>> No.6985657

Can you answer this? >>6980201

>> No.6985673


i didn’t read after "starb”

>> No.6985679


i had turkish coffee in firenze. it was really bad and i told the owner that this is not turkish coffee.

he defended himself in a humble way and told me that “all the customers love it”. then i replied, it is my humble opinion that this has nothing related to turkish coffee. bla bla bla.

>> No.6985685


yeah it is all about junta in 60s in greece. the rise of nationalism and statism roots back to 50 years ago. we were living together in peace once.

>> No.6985693


some cities greeks have now had less greek percent which means they were minority at that time. so what i mean is there is no need to fall into the trap of anachronism as it was the end of ottoman empire. empire is the key word here. in cabinet there were so many different groups, religions and shit.

i cannot say “gib back clay salonika” it is stupid.

>> No.6985725

Why willingly make and drink a destructive drug?

Isn't it better to wake up on your own and conquer the day without extra assistance?

>> No.6985731

but it is one of the best coffee shops in ere m9.

i mean it tastes really smooth and shit. i am not a master or gourmet in this but there was a consensus in ankara that illy is the best around even though it is a chainstore.

>> No.6985736

>it tastes really smooth and shit
What have we done with language?

>> No.6985740


it is you americaines fucked up my language. an excuse will solve all my problems.

>> No.6985780


your a faggot

>> No.6985828

1 quarter cup of beans for 2 cups of water.

Uniform grounds the size of breadcrumbs. Pour nearly boiling water veeeerry slowly over the grounds. Steep 30 seconds, stir, cover for desirable strength. Start with 4 one day, go 8 the next, and then find what you like. Press slowly. If there's too much resistance, grind yo beans less nigga it ain't espresso.

>> No.6985829

4 and 8 minutes my bad.

>> No.6985834

Hario skerton. You're looking for what's called a conical burr grinder to make your grounds even.

>> No.6985876
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The right ones taste great and it's convenient fuck you

>> No.6986067

Are you sure you're not talking about ground coffee?


>> No.6986347

No, it's bad coffee. Not sure who is telling you that it is good, but they are not particularly well informed. It's over roasted, not traceable to origin, bland, forgettable at best, and downright raunchy and undrinkable at worst.

>> No.6986354

There is no difference between an airscape and the bag the coffee came in. Don't waste the money.

>> No.6986358

That honestly sounds awful.

Moka pots can make good coffee, but are needlessly finicky as they really don't offer any benefit. Lavazza espresso is god awful in every way. Roasted to death. Stale as fuck. And even worse if you buy it preground.

>> No.6986360
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>mfw just realized the house I'm going to buy has a renowned roaster a mile away

>> No.6987935

Sure thing. Just keep a close eye on the heat, since electric stovetops tend to burn hotter at lower settings.

It's weird for me because I consider "diner" coffee (the stuff at Denny's, IHOP, etc) a guilty pleasure, despite widening my scope. Oh well.

>> No.6987947


>> No.6987952

>I consider "diner" coffee (the stuff at Denny's, IHOP, etc) a guilty pleasure
I totally feel the same way. I have worked in coffee for years. Right now I work in quality control for a roaster that I am opening a cafe with very soon. I still have a soft spot for shitty diner coffee - especially with breakfast sweets. I would not want to drink it with any sort of regularity though.

>> No.6987962

My local diner makes a damn fine cup of coffee. Never asked what they use because it's not that kind of place, plus, the server probably doesn't know or care anyway.

>tfw when you can stumble into the diner at 5 am hungover to shit and get a great cup of coffee and a mound of pancakes.

>> No.6987981


>> No.6988003
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>just ground 220g of beans with this shit

I'm tired.

>> No.6988009

For what?

>> No.6988014


A gallon of cold brew.

>> No.6988026

i think im gonna drink a whole pot tomorrow. feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.6989221

You can get lots of good scales pretty cheap. Any decent kitchen scale that goes to .1g would be fine. AWS makes decent stuff.

As for electric kettle if you can swing it get the Bonavita Variable Temp gooseneck kettle. Its like $90 but well worth the price and will last a long time. You definitely want something with a gooseneck at the very least. Bonavita makes another electric gooseneck kettle that doesn't have variable temperature that would work okay.

With getting things for coffee you are always much better off to save for a little longer and getting something of good quality than buying something cheap and getting something that you will be constantly replacing.

Medium fine. You want it fine enough that the water flows through evenly with some pressure but not so fine that it wont go through.

Yes, I am sure I am not talking about ground coffee. I always grind right before I brew. The reason coffee goes stale is because of oxidation. Roasted coffee also releases gasses. That is why when storing coffee you want something that keeps air out but lets the gasses the coffee produces leave. Its not broscience its a pretty well known fact. If you use something like that you can get an extra two weeks or so over the 2-3 weeks that freshly roasted coffee usually stays fresh.

>> No.6989227

There certainly is. The bag the coffee comes in is air tight and has a valve to release gases which is exactly what you want and what the airscape does. The difference is once you open that bag it is no longer air tight and unable to be sealed like it was when you bought it and pretty much becomes useless.

>> No.6989241

I have an airscape, and it provides no noticeable improvement over a resealable bag which coffee nearly always comes in (the roll down style or the zip lock style). Both allow the outside of the beans to be oxidized. There is oxygen in the airscape when you seal it. New oxygen gets in each time you open it. Same thing with a bag. Not remotely worth the money to buy an airscape.

>> No.6989267

We're just going to have to agree to disagree then. I certainly notice a big difference in something like that and just storing it in bag. Its generally accepted that coffee shouldn't be stored like that. Its not my opinion its from places like the SCAA which would be the authority on these types of things. It is worth noting that my coffee doesn't usually come in bags like that. I almost always buy from a local roaster. I leave them in the bag for 48hrs after roast date and then put them in a container. If you don't care that much about your coffee then it is probably fine to just leave it in the bad. Its certainly better than buying preground beans and if it works for you then great.

>> No.6989281

So how the fuck do people drink this shit?

It either tastes like dirt water, sugary dirt water, or creamy dirt water.

I want to learn to drink coffee if only for the social aspect, but it all tastes terrible. My friends keep looking at me funny when I order water at Waffle House, and I could really use the caffeine.

>> No.6989289

(Apples != Oranges) != (Apples > Oranges)
Also fact.

>> No.6989291


>> No.6989965

try good coffee, that you grind yourself, instead of maxwell house or folgers.

>> No.6990716

>Its generally accepted that coffee shouldn't be stored like that. Its not my opinion its from places like the SCAA
Wrong. A typical specialty coffee roaster's bag will meet the requirements of coffee storage. You also ignored my argument regarding why there is really no meaningful difference between a resealable bag and an airscape. I have worked in coffee for a while. I work with a local roaster, doing quality control and barista work. I have an EK43 at home. You're straight up wrong, and any difference you may be noticing that is actually there, is almost definitely coming from your brew method/grinding/water etc instead. Like I said, I've done my own tests, most likely with better protocol and equipment than you, and have found no difference between a bag and an airscape.

>> No.6991580

Recommend me a bean on amazon or something that's a good dark roast, I just got a grinder and press and I really like french and italian roast coffees. Help me out bros,

>> No.6991592

>good dark roast
Oxymoron. Try branching out - coffee is more than bitter, carbony smokey flavors.

>> No.6991602

I like the rich boldness of dark coffee foo

>> No.6991626

Yeah, but it has less of those than a properly brewed lighter roasted coffee.

As coffee is roasted darker, it loses more sweetness, body, aroma, acidity. Once you hit a french roast, there is really not much left of the compounds which contribute to those things. Instead, there is a lot of bitterness, thin body, and a flat carbony taste.

Also, you should understand that "boldness" is just a way outdated marketing scheme. Calling coffee "bold" was a way to appeal to men who may have perceived coffee as feminine. It also was a way of making the shitty, over roasted bitterness into a desirable thing. You have to be a manly man to enjoy that bold bitter taste, etc.

If you enjoy strength in coffee, extract more and use more coffee to water. If you enjoy richness, go for a central american that is lightly roasted, and extract it properly.

Darkly roasted coffee has less of the things you said you want.

>> No.6991657

I'm open to new things so I'd be willing to try some sort of central american. My french press is in my PO box so I've yet to use it. Picking it up tomorrow. Should be interesting. Will probably fuck it up a few times.

>> No.6991876

I bought a bodum french press and the beaker broke after 3 uses while I was washing it.
I bought a $10 ikea french press and it's still in one piece despite having a wobbly handle since day one.

Why do people still recommend bodum garbage?

>> No.6991881

Right on. Best of luck to you. You may find that you have to grind finer for lighter roasts.

>> No.6991936

how do you all feel about nespresso machines

thinking of getting one with the milk thingy

>> No.6991952

v expensive especially in the long run. Spend that money on a grinder and a french press or aeropress instead. You'll be able to use better coffee for cheaper.

>> No.6992185

even with a french press? I'm not scared of coffee silt but just curious

>> No.6992203
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pods are expensive and gay

you're buying the $100+ fisher price equivalent of a pour-over

>> No.6992322
File: 534 KB, 1712x837, Grind Sizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Or you can agitate it a touch more. Steep time beyond about 3 minutes without agitation does not significantly increase extraction. Grind size will make more difference. I grind quite fine for french press, pic related.

>> No.6992831

>"boldness" is just a way outdated marketing scheme. Calling coffee "bold" was a way to appeal to men who may have perceived coffee as feminine. It also was a way of making the shitty, over roasted bitterness into a desirable thing.
Boldness is about mouthfeel. It actually means the opposite of astringent/bitter.

>> No.6994563

According to who? You won't see boldness on any cupping form in specialty coffee. Boldness doesn't mean shit.

>> No.6994575

>Boldness is about mouthfeel
Typically boldness is a misnomer among coffee laypeople that is attached to the experience of coffee with high TDS (total dissolved solids) or high levels of "strong" flavors, typically those related to darker roasting. It's interesting that American coffee drinkers use the term most commonly, when they also prefer coffee with a lower TDS than Scandinavian countries who roast lighter (1.3% vs 1.5% respectively). Either way, you're off the mark.

>> No.6994580

What does it mean if the coffee I've made in the coffee press offers no resistance when I try to press the filter down to the bottom? If the texture is watery rather than creamy, have I fucked up? Or does it just depend on the type of coffee?

>> No.6994787

Grind it finer.

>> No.6994807

I own one and I love it. The pods are $0.70 each for a good espresso that's made in 30 seconds. If you consider that too expensive then you shouldn't get one.
If you're a coffee nerd then you obviously know better and think that it isn't "real" espresso. Fuck that. It tastes good and I can make it as I'm stumbling in the kitchen at 6am.