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File: 218 KB, 640x480, breakfast-stout[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6960933 No.6960933 [Reply] [Original]

20 years ago could anyone really have predicted that the United States would be producing the best and most creative beer in the world?

>> No.6960940

Picture unrelated I suppose

>> No.6960972
File: 325 KB, 800x600, founders-canadian-breakfast-stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever have CBS? I've had regular Breakfast Stout of course and KBS one time, but CBS sounds the most exciting. It's got 100 on Beer Advocate so I assume it's gonna be really good, but if anyone can compare it to the other two that'd be cool.

>> No.6960994

who doesn't like breakfast stout?

>> No.6961001


Stout is far too heavy for my tastes, but that's just me.

>> No.6961003

most people who've had founders for a number of years don't like breakfast stout for the past while

over time it started to get incredibly thin and ashy-tasting, same with kbs

>> No.6961005

I mean I wouldn't describe breakfast stout as one of the best beers in the world, but its surely good

>> No.6961011


>> No.6961029

The picture on the label looks pretty disgusting.

>> No.6961107


>> No.6961118

Well we have good beer in certain parts of the country.

In flyover land on the otherhand..... not so much.

>> No.6961127

What? The northern midwest makes the best beer in the world

>> No.6961132

Have you ever actually left the Midwest?

>> No.6961133
File: 43 KB, 332x396, 1418530450304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What? The northern midwest makes the best beer in the world

>> No.6961134

I'm pretty sure the best beer in the US comes from the West Coast.

>> No.6961141

im pretty sure you are wrong. There is literally nowhere else in the world where so much good beer is being made and so easily bought than the area around Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Chicago and Michigan

>> No.6961142

>implying colorado does not have more craft breweries per capita
>implying the great American beer festival is not held here>>6961118

>> No.6961146

Have you ever been there? Even BA with its strong new england bias agrees the Midwest does it the best http://www.beeradvocate.com/lists/top/

>> No.6961167

why is the west coast so bad at making elite beer?

>> No.6961169

Why would I travel to the Mid West? That would be waste of time considering the only thing of worth in the Midwest is maybe Chicago. It's mostly just big empty fields and mediocre beer.

Here in SoCal we used to have "flyover" parties where we dressed up as hicks and drank shitty beer ironically, pretty cringey looking back but it's a pretty accurate reflection of how Midwestern beer is seen outside of Flyover land.

>> No.6961170

Is this the same sort of absurd self-obsession that makes people who never left Wisconsin think they make the best cheese in the world?

>> No.6961172
File: 150 KB, 800x622, wild-friendship-blend-rob-todd-vinnie-cilurzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely not. But I think if you asked the right people they would deny that we do today either.
pic related, he makes the best beer in the country and I highly doubt he thinks he does it better than Belgium

>> No.6961182

>Why would I travel to the Mid West?
Why travel anywhere with that attitude?

>> No.6961185

Is it even possible to travel to the midwest by plane?

I mean, I see planes flying over these states often but I don't recall them having any airports.

I would drive, but I fear I will crash since the midwest is just the same corn fields for 500 miles

>> No.6961186

LA is the second largest city in america and it makes less good beer than countless tiny cities in the midwest

>> No.6961190


If you enjoy food and drink, a food desert like the midwest is obviously the last place you want to go.

>> No.6961194

pretty much anyone educated in beer agrees america, specifically the northern parts makes the best beer in the world. Belgium has good beer and a much better beer culture than what you find in the rest of europe but its not even close anymore

>> No.6961201

Yes it is. Left coast consistently produces quality beer over the whole seaboard

>> No.6961206

you can get almost the exact same good food in every city, beer, not so much. There is literally no American city of over 200k people where good food is tough to find

>> No.6961210

No it doesn't. The northwest has a lot of good beer, but little great beer. California has a few elite brewers but it lags far behind the northwest, midwest and northeast. There is a very strong north/south correlation with good beer for some reason regardless of how far east or west you are

>> No.6961222

Does that actually have chocolate, coffee and oatmeal in it? Because roasted malt is capable of producing cocoa and coffee flavours without assistance, and oatmeal sounds unpleasant, so using such additives would be silly.

>> No.6961233

ask tod who makes the best beer in the world, I guarentee he won't say its him

>> No.6961247

oats work very well in stouts, its actually kind of silly not to incorporate some oats if you are making a stout

and there is no way you could recreate the flavor of a coffee stout with only roasted barley

>> No.6961252

um, ok

>> No.6961431

Sure do love endless ipa circle jerking in cali. So good!

>> No.6961446
File: 92 KB, 750x752, lemonig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>californians think their beers aren't available outside of california

not sure if pompousness or retardation

>> No.6961454

You must not fly much.

>> No.6961457
File: 40 KB, 432x613, topplinggoliathpseudosue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and most of the best IPAs are in the midwest and northeast anyways

>> No.6961468
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20151010_190639212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I am drinking. had a Dirty Bastard earlier in the day. I went to Founders once before a concert. Great place.

>pic related

>> No.6961486

>says IPA
>posts an APA

>> No.6961521
File: 47 KB, 640x427, Zombie-Dust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care how the brewery describes it, even if its not an IPA its does a better job of being an IPA than anything from the west coast

Same goes for this

>> No.6961590
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current fridge right now. This is the emptiest it has been. No bragging. Im the buyer at a beer shop so I'm always bringing stuff home.

Problem with my buying is that I buy all this crazy rare expensive stuff and I save it for a "better" day. so then I just go buy a 6pk ipa and get drunk off that instead while all this intense sutff just sits

>> No.6961598

if your beer has to rely on a gimmick it is a shitty beer.

>> No.6961606

like the new packaging gimmick that the macro brewers constantly cycle through?

>> No.6961632

>nowhere else in the world where so much good beer is being made and so easily bought

not even a belgiumfag but that's so blatantly wrong based on sheer numbers combined with popularity

you really can't name an american brewery that touches the hype from cantillon alone

>> No.6961656
File: 27 KB, 335x517, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6961669

Belgium has pretty good beer, by far the best outside america, but not near the variety of quality beers in so many different styles as you can find in the american north

Are you seriously saying Cantillon is better than every american brewery? All sorts of american breweries are making excellent sour beers now, Cantillon is great, but nothing unique.

I would much rather live in a place where you can buy a really good beer of pretty much any style, and almost always at a good price

>> No.6961832

you hit the nail on the head. Ive been working in beer for about 4 years now. I've been to cantillon before. They make amazing beer but as you explained no other country offers the variety and quality of beer as the United States.

>> No.6961976
File: 100 KB, 247x259, 1272841828970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good joke.
Belgium, Germany, Britain and Denmark still exist.

>> No.6962051

Do you seriously think any of those are even competitive with america?

>> No.6962056


in that the majority of beers are shelf turds with a handful of decent ones interspersed because all of the ones worth having got bought directly off the truck by neckbeards with more money than sense

>american craft beer

>> No.6962060

They are

>> No.6962064

do you live in california or the south? There are so many good beers lining the shelves of any gorcery store up here

>> No.6962072

Thats really a crazy thing to believe these days. England and Denmark are starting to catch on but they are still way behind. Belgium is by far the best beer in europe, they make a small handful of styles really well, but nothing that american brewers have not figured out how to master, and Germany is way the fuck behind they might have better shitty beer than the rest of the world, but they have almost no good beer and its really silly to even compare them to Belgium.

>> No.6962075

I have one. Its been sitting in my "cellar" since it came out though.

>> No.6962142

I know this is sarcasm but it's actually a real pain in the ass to fly into/out of the midwest. You almost always have to have a connecting flight.

>> No.6962158

Holy shit I've never even set foot in the US but I can see from here how obsessed you coastfags are with flyover country

Does a single day ever pass when you don't talk about it? Flyover this, flyover that. Just admit it coastfags, you've got a huge crush on the Midwest, haven't you?

>> No.6962407


delusional as fuck. try more like a fucking shitload

>> No.6962533

You know it's funny I've worked as a brewer for 3 years now and I doubt anyone in the industry would say Germany is "the best at making shitty beer" clean consistent lagers are the toughest beer styles to make along with sours.

The catch is very few people have the palate to taste the year to year difference on sours and the ones that do are quite forgiving and know that it's impossible to perfectly replicate a batch as of now

>> No.6962570

They couldn't and it doesn't.

>> No.6962578

>Germany, Britain, and Denmark

Jesus christ, might as well throw Uganada in there

Belgium is the only one you could actually make a half-assed contention for

Even then they have no where near the variety and mass of great beer that America has

>> No.6962581

>buy a 4 pack of Breakfast Stout

>first bottle is amazing, everything you'd expect

>every other bottle tastes like regurgitated Starbucks


>> No.6962584

thats ever bitch beer that sells on its "flavor"

it all just starts to taste gross after a while.

>> No.6962612

Yeah, but I genuinely enjoyed it, had a bottle the next day and it tasted like shit

Maybe I didn't clean my glassware well?

>> No.6962616

nah the beer has betrayerd you you must rid it from your life

>> No.6962794


>> No.6962803

I'd say that the US is the best right now other than the best in Germany. We're now on par or better than the Czechs or Belgians.

You'd have to be here in the US to have it fresh. We're in the middle of a revolution here that's way ahead of what they did in the Napa Valley with wine. The natural water here is outstanding for beer and the temperature in the north allows for some outstanding cold brews.

>> No.6962812

Britbong beer can be pretty good, it's mostly just their big brands like Newcastle that are watered-down piss

Scottish beer best UK beer, though

>> No.6963031

This is the best apa I've ever had tbh fam.
Also I can't believe there are still west coast fags thinking they make the best beer. That's actually hilarious.

>> No.6963415

german beer isn't even that good. They get credit for their bad beer being better than the bad beer everywhere else, but their ceiling is incredibly low, and they really aren't even starting to catch on to the making good beer thing like the UK and Scandinavian countries are

>> No.6963422

You can just say you don't like pilseners, hefeweizens, or any other traditional styles of beer. It's fine.

>> No.6963439
File: 10 KB, 400x300, dancing man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them just fine, but I like a lot of other stuff too, and I can find great hefewiezen and lager in america just as easily

Remember, a huge chunk of the american north was settled by Germans who brought all of their traditions with them

>> No.6963466
File: 513 KB, 1632x1224, s6Mc9Gi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you guys pretending pale ales are the best beers in the world?

>> No.6963494

>Johnsonville brats and kraft singles
>"tradition "
Get back to me when Wisconsin is producing riesling of the same caliber as the Mosel

>> No.6963509

This isn't a wine or cheese thread you faggot.

>> No.6963512

what does that have to do with anything? Most kraft cheese is from the west coast, Wisconsin factory farms are churning out the cheddar and mozzarella

and wine? What? Why would you even bring something so arbitrary up?

>> No.6963513

Belgian ales and german weisse are still the most balanced beers in the world
>most creative
>Muh obscure hop species and unorthodox ingredients

Some good stouts and porters come from merica though.

>> No.6963520



confirmed for pleb. might as well eat a half-loaf of bread.

>> No.6963522

Stop pretending to know shit about wine if you think that serious wine can be made in Wisconsin. The geography simply doesn't exist.

Also, quit the red herring garbage, it makes your arguments look weak

>> No.6963523

>"cheddar "
Yeah I bought some Wisconsin cheddar a few months ago, it was on sale. For aged cheese it was shockingly bland. Isn't cheese supposed to develop crystals? Never seen it in the industrial garbage of the Midwest. Guess it freaks out the flyover palate.

>> No.6963525

You guys think maps are anti American, what would you know about maps.

>> No.6963531

>Belgian ales and german weisse are still the most balanced beers in the world
What a meaningless and unquantifiable thing to say

>> No.6963535

Wisconsin makes most of america's best and worst cheddar, next time don't buy the cheap stuff bub

>> No.6963539

As if taste isn't subjective as fuck and objective in any way.

>> No.6963541

What does this even mean?

>> No.6963542

>you guys

And here come the blanket statements. You should think about adopting a trip code!

>> No.6963546

It's not arbitrary at all. It's a part of the culture that was lost, just like the appreciation for good beer, and good food in general.

It's like these Chicanos in SoCal who think their horrid texmex abomination is legit mexican food like their abuela made in Michoacan.

>> No.6963548

Hi, where are the ratings?

>> No.6963554

Are you high? You're just chaining random shit you don't like about Americans together at this point. Get it off your chest I guess

>> No.6963556

Is that a young Donald Trump?

>> No.6963557

but you can find much better beer in the german settled areas of america today than you can find in germany

and what does wine have to do with anything? making wine is not about skill, its about climate and edaphology

>> No.6963559

>Wisconsin is the only real antigens
Lay off the Tea Party propaganda, mein herr

>> No.6963570

are you just saying random things?

>> No.6963571

Ok good luck getting wheat farmers to figure out how to make good wine, just plunk 'em down on route 29 and tell them to have a go at it :^)

>> No.6963575

I think that he meant breakfast stout is not at all a creative type of beer.

>> No.6963576

wine making is much less of a skill, thats why the primary selling point of wine is where it was made. This is not the case with beer

>> No.6963604
File: 48 KB, 448x512, 268810623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6963614

You just got done arguing that Wisconsin has the best beer because it's got ethnic Germans, but apparently that's only applicable when it's a beverage you "feel" takes skill to make.

>> No.6963624

I never said anything like that, I was saying Germany isn't the only place that makes german style beer and does it well. You suggestion that the immigrants just came here and lost all of their culture is ridiculous. Most of them still primarily spoke german up until the world wars

>> No.6963646

>the greatest country in the world
>anyone surprised that they produce the best of something

Really, OP?

>> No.6963853

>Implying Hertog Jan Grand Prestige isn't the best beer in the world.

>> No.6963863

This tbh. Not even trying to enrage euroshits, but we do kind of make the best of everything in the U.S.

>> No.6963883

Stay ignorant ameripleb

>> No.6963891

Beer so good they called it "craft" beer.......

>> No.6963907

I literally am a euroshit, I'm the one who posted >>6963646

I weep every day at the fact that I wasn't born in the based US of A, God's blessed country

not even joking, this sounds like a joke but it isn't, America is great

>> No.6963908

visited the states. agreed might even claim them to have the best beers if they have this many selections

>> No.6963915
File: 50 KB, 400x505, 1310485591942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breakfast double chocolate coffee oatmeal
What the fuck is this abomination? If you're that much of a sissy that you need your fucking beer to taste like a dessert I don't think stouts are right for you.

Oatmeal stouts are good, and chocolate stouts are good. Most coffee stouts/porters I've had taste bitter and artificial. But adding all those buzzwords together just sounds extremely fucking silly.

>> No.6963916


>> No.6963918

world is too big for just your liking mate grow the fuck up

>> No.6963925

If the wine industry was any indication, then yes. We've had a strong beer culture for 100+ years.

>> No.6963933

>grow the fuck up
I'm not the one trying to make my beer taste like a breakfast cereal. If you don't like the taste of beer, stop trying to pretend you like it. It's like people who will say "Oh my god, I LOVE coffee" but they only drink a giant fucking super whipped venti cappalatte chocolate java chip cookie shake from Starcucks

>> No.6963944


But the best thing about German beer is the number of pubs that brew their own. Unless you've actually been to Germany and had it fresh then you haven't really had it.

>> No.6964051

I loved that beer in TX when I lived there but now I'm in CO and it's not distributed in this state. I have some friends bringing me 2 cases later this month though, so that's nice.

>> No.6964053

reddit: the thread

>> No.6964142

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.6964164

Great response. Very well thought out. I'm in awe at your skills of oration.

>> No.6964172


>> No.6964178

there's great beer in all those counties but the US has an edge now, 20 years ago US beer was shit tier.

>> No.6964183

im in Manhattan ks and the only two places there air port flys to is fort worth and Chicago. Connections from there.

>> No.6964189

Fucking top kek at that anon. The midwest isn't the best at anything except being the place that no one wants to be in ever.

>> No.6964209

i can confirm this... would love to go to USA again to see your evolution in brewing culture... unfortunately I have other interests now...

>> No.6964496

It's out like once every few years, relatively rare.

>> No.6964575

B8 or retarded?

>> No.6964587

Belgian ales are the precursors to "unorthodox" ingredients

You're just another butthurt foreigner that's clearly out of his depths

>> No.6964620

>bitch beer that sells on flavor


>> No.6964621

american beer always seems so gimmicky

>> No.6964624
File: 31 KB, 300x450, 233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, we still have the best beer on this planet.

>> No.6964751

Yeah I'm in new York and I flew to Chicago once

I almost had a panic attack over how many parking lots there were, but luckily the sofitel by the water tower place looks like a normal building in a normal city. You just can't venture too far out of the CBD because it's panera and cheesecake factory from the edge of normalsville to the corn fields out by O'Hare

>> No.6964785

Yeah it's so weird how they experiment with all these different flavors and ingredients. Just give me the same old piss, guys!

>> No.6964837

It honestly sounds like you don't really know much about stouts or beer in general

>> No.6964850

Beer has countless different tastes

Its what separates it from ULTRA-pretentious wine snobs such as yourself

You're shittalking a beer you havent even tried (protip: its nothing like breakfast cereal)

You're just trying to pathetically look macho when you look like a whiny aspie

>> No.6964853

>im 16

I can tell

>> No.6964872

Fuck off. Gimmick flavored beers are like flavored whiskey. If you can't taste the subtle differences between different drinks, and you need artificial flavoring to scream it to you, you really have no business acting like you enjoy it.

>> No.6964877

Kek. You think I'm somehow being a snob? I don't give a shit if you need a flavored beer to drink. But don't try to act like you actually enjoy the taste of beer if it has to be flavored with chocolate and coffee. I would never say I love wine if I only drank strawberry flavored wine coolers

>> No.6964898

You're right. Whisk(e)y producers never use unique ingredients or aging processes to set themselves apart from the competition. Do you know how dumb you sound?

>> No.6964904

>You think I'm somehow being a snob

You are, you're literally just restating points I called you out on

And again, you look like a whiny wannabe macho, autist, out of his depth

>> No.6964908

You're not even making any sense at this point, put the bottle down and get some sleep

>> No.6964920

>getting this fanny flustered that someone called your beer sissy
Feeling a little insecure are we? I'm guessing you're also one of those #MasculinitySoFragile fags on twitter

>> No.6964927

>a little insecure are we

Yes, you are :)

I'm not the one ranting about sissy beers and being scared of catching the gay from someone m8

Succumb to your urges and suck a dick, m8

>> No.6964934

>this one literal aspie limp wristed German that always shits up threads talking about "real" beer

Every time lmao

>> No.6965663

You don't know anything about chicago besides the name of the city and an airport.

There's a reason LA is losing their location contracts for movies. It has a lot to do with parking. Turns out free parking is the tits. High quality tits.

Also 1/2 acre is a fantastic brewery. Love this place. Filled two growlers from other breweries and they were cool about it.

>> No.6965674

I don't know. 20 years ago I was too young to be thinking about alcohol, and I'm currently way too old to be on 4chan.

>> No.6965683

Living in West Michigan is awesome, I'm where the distribution of many regional breweries overlap.

Shit I'm happy just having Bell's and Founder's right next door.

>> No.6965718

I can walk to founders, and drive to 20+ unique breweries within 15 mins. How are you even getting the water to brew beer in social again?

>> No.6966018
File: 501 KB, 1000x562, Generic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that there are more garbage and/or mediocre breweries than good ones regardless of where you are located.

>> No.6966037

I want that bourbon barrel stout

>> No.6966088
File: 94 KB, 1101x355, garage project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want creative, Garage project in New Zealand have released some awesome beers!

>> No.6966096

Yeah, I think someone could have predicted it. The US has always loved its beer and liquor since colonial days, and tends to bust out with some interesting solutions every time someone (government, big business) or something (tradition, laws) gets in their way of doing what they want and enjoying it. It's a country made of immigrants who told where they came from to fuck off. That mentality breeds innovation.

>> No.6966110
File: 177 KB, 250x380, 1348709364_1_FT0_samuelsmithorganicchocolatestout1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ck/ think of this?

>> No.6966118

>Here in SoCal we used to have "flyover" parties where we dressed up as hicks and drank shitty beer ironically, pretty cringey looking back but it's a pretty accurate reflection of how Midwestern beer is seen outside of Flyover land.

I swear, the worst part about enjoying craft beer are the smug, pretentious faggots who I'm associated with.

I'll drink an Old Rasputin just as readily as a Budweiser depending on how much cash I have on hand. I hate faggots who pass up on beer because it's too pleb. Fucking hipsters.

>> No.6966124

This place is about 30 seconds from me. Pity I'm a broke student and can barely afford cheap beer.

>> No.6966131
File: 213 KB, 1536x2048, download_20150912_183010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT flyover neckbeards who think Miller and Budweiser increase their rep as beer making states.

You don't have micro like the west and Colorado.

Your culture is the culture Europeans make fun of.

You can't top Firestone and Rogue. You never fucking will.

>> No.6966142

>ITT flyover neckbeards

I think you mean normies. Arguing about beer unironically is probably the most autistic thing you can do outside of obsessing about Sonic.

>> No.6966144


The things you kids tell yourselves.

Honestly, it's an equal mix of cute and cringeworthy.

>> No.6966146

>Not a flyover state

Stay delusional.

>> No.6966151
File: 84 KB, 800x600, samuel-smiths-nut-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the tastiest beer I've ever had. I've tried all sorts of shit from Rogue, North Coast, Firestone, etc and this trumps them all. Being hoppy and bitter for the sake of it =/= good beer. A good beer is one that is flavorful and easy to drink one after another. You beer advocate hipsters can go suck a cock.

inb4 Eurofag. Nope; I'm a burger through and through.

>> No.6966183 [DELETED] 

You're a cuck who drinks the cum of the English and calls it flavorful and easy to drink.

>> No.6966187

>being this mad
Bad night?


>> No.6966195
File: 67 KB, 496x800, Ryan_Gosling_Cannes_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposting helps me get out my anger and be a happier person to my friends and family

>> No.6966257

It only came out one time.

>> No.6966444

Bottled? Yes, but there are kegs of it dispersed every year. If founders distributes to your state you might be able to find a bar that will have a special tapping of the stuff.

>> No.6966849

>he doesn't know about Sam Smiths

fucking pleb

>> No.6966857

Entry level as fuck. The only thing I've had of theirs that was memorable was the taddy porter

>> No.6966858


>> No.6966861

>not having a session in a beautiful old Sam Smiths pub with your mates
>wanting obscure barrel aged imperial IPAs at 10%+ in ridiculous glassware

Get fucked.

>> No.6967134

>making all these baseless assumptions
Sorry. SS is a good brewery, but nothing too noteworthy imo fam

>> No.6967148


the way you feel about him is the way the rest of the world feels about these american autofellatio threads

>> No.6968606
File: 20 KB, 300x248, Michigan-Brewers-Guild-logo-e1361504642277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best beer state

>> No.6968613

Michigan, wisconsin, minnesota. In that order.

>> No.6968631

Sam Smiths is my fucking favorite beer

cheers anon

>> No.6968652

Objectively the best beers come from the Third Coast.

>no salt no sharks

>> No.6968656
File: 36 KB, 582x406, laughing animes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left coast faggots are ACTUALLY this delusional

>> No.6968660

I think Wisconsin gets the edge because they have better out of state distribution there, You can get a lot of Michigan's best beer in Wisconsin (plus Toppling Goliath, Surly and Three Floyds most of the other best breweries in the region), but you can't get much of Wisconsin's best in Michigan

>> No.6968672
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>Your culture is the culture Europeans make fun of.

That's a good thing though.

>> No.6968673

Well you can't get new glarus anywhere BUT Wisconsin. At least lakefront is slowly expanding.

>> No.6968679

I kind of doubt any state has as great out of state breweries selling there as Wisconsin

>> No.6968747
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>> No.6968767

Yuengling is terrible, and you should feel bad, its pretty much just budwieser with a little fake coloring to make it look classier

>> No.6969043

this tastes like literal piss

>> No.6969142


nice pour you fucking autist

>> No.6969148
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>> No.6969231

lmao beer is inherently flavored. drink water instead if you're not a sissy faggot

>> No.6969536

Wisconsin has been distributing quite a bit more it seems. I feel like there are a couple new wisconsin beers in MN ever month or so.

>> No.6969546


Not really.

To my knowledge autistic people don't drink or do drugs and pretty much sperge on anyone who talks about either.

>> No.6969552

This is pretty true.

>> No.6969648

true, board games club at my old uni literally had activities for non-drinkers on their pub crawl, only one to do so

>> No.6969684
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kek, ameridumbs thinking they can compete with thousands of years of brewing knowledge and tradition. Your beer is and always will be an average imitation at best.

>> No.6969687

i cant wait for this whole IPA meme do die down again

>> No.6969696

The meme of hating them?

>> No.6969729

I'm not a fan of American IPAs, gotta admit. The approach seems to be "make it more bitter and more alcoholic", which is not synonymous with quality in my book.

>> No.6969753
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>the only thing of worth in the Midwest is maybe Chicago.
>Here in SoCal

>> No.6969858

That hasn't been the case for years

>> No.6971006
File: 102 KB, 640x640, Almost Heaven with poured glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I enjoyed this beer. Anyone else tried it?

>> No.6971136

American beer is better nowadays but I wish the IPA craze would end already.

>> No.6971149


Why is this piss even a thing? Just call it what it is, piss.

They all taste the fucking same.

>> No.6971174

I have yet to have a good pilsner made in the US, lagers in general are pretty poor here. German/Czech pilsners are good, though they do pretty much all taste similar.

>> No.6971186

Except they don't and are extremely refreshing while still having some complexity to them.
Lagunitas Czech pils is pretty good, Schell's pils is good, Liftbridge has a decent one. Idk. Look a little harder.

>> No.6971205

Lagunitas pils is probably the best I've had in the US but still doesn't taste right. I'm not sure if its the water they are using or the malt that makes it taste off.

>> No.6971241

I think a lot of US pils are a little more malt forward surprisingly. They always taste a little fuller to me vs any European pils I've had. One that I hated was Victory's pils. It tasted like I was drinking a flower and it was awful.

>> No.6971253

It just doesn't taste balanced. If you think Victory pils tastes like a flower stay clear of Scrimshaw. North Coast Brewing Company makes a good stout, but a horrible pilsner.

>> No.6971261
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I don't know about producing "the best and most creative beer in the world," but I would concede that if you're a beer lover, the United States is probably the best country for you to live in right now.

I guess you got your wish, pic related. Shame though, that was great packaging.

>> No.6971267

Really? I have yet to be disappointed by North coast. I'll take your word though. And yeah I think Schell's makes the best us pilsener, but they're also a pretty old, traditional, german brewery.

>> No.6971285

Racking my brain, I can think of one American pils I liked more than Lagnitas, it was Trumer Pils.

>> No.6971827

Probably not. 10 years ago though? Yeah. No one however can say they knew what phases the beer aficionado community would go through. Big barrel aged stouts, sours, triple IPAs, sours, session IPAs, and brett saisons are way bigger things now than they were 10 years ago.. No one could've predicted these trends. No one.

>> No.6971877

I'm always curious what the next big style will be. Im going to say doppelbock just for the hell of it

>> No.6971894

What a fucking joke about the breakfast stout label, big government politicians are the worst

>> No.6971898

reminder that america was settled by europeans. The people too dumb and poor to make it to america have less claim over those old traditions than the ones who made the trip do

>> No.6972045


Fucking shit babbys first craft tier garbage

>> No.6972384
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san diego confirmed god tier beer city, only other cities than can hold a light to them are portland oregon and philly

>> No.6972389

What are those melon and grape ones?
I like the labels.

>> No.6972628

Mikkeller's "collab" aka phantom brew with Lindemans brewery. He essentially is just taking Lindeman's lambic and keeping it on the traditional style by not artificially sweetening it like lindemans does with their other fruit lambic. Just came across quite a few of these today actually. Some of them are actually quite good and others totally don't justify the price. Giving one a try isn't such a bad idea though.

>> No.6972658

I just looked this up. That's dumb as hell. Oversensitive cunts complained I assume.

>> No.6972662

>Problem with my buying is that I buy all this crazy rare expensive stuff and I save it for a "better" day. so then I just go buy a 6pk ipa and get drunk off that instead while all this intense sutff just sits

I feel you anon, I really do. I have ambitions of one day sharing my aged quadrupel and imperial stout collection with someone who will appreciate them ;_;

>> No.6974149

I'm personally rooting for black lagers and black IPAs.

>> No.6974158

Yes, because Americans aren't descended from these exact people

I wish I could break your twig arms in half you European flyover

>> No.6974166

>caring about a pour


>> No.6974177

where you live? i'll come over and we shall drink!

>> No.6974223

Texan who's moved to California here... Yep. You sure are a Californian alright.

>> No.6974414

I'm honestly surprised at the the margin in which the US is the best beer country. it's not even remotely close

>> No.6974417

this. there are probably 300 american beers in existence right now that are better than any beer from anywhere else that isn't belgium and that's a fact

>> No.6974466

We have a couple from Ballast Point where I am in small town Ohio. I really think the Dorado DIPA is the best, most well-balanced I've encountered. Sculpin and Grapefruit Sculpin are good too. We don't have the rest of the selection, but then again, small town.

Also, Green Flash > Stone.

I think SD has to be the most blessed beer city with those three.

>> No.6974646

>there are probably 300 american beers in existence right now that are better than any beer from anywhere else that isn't belgium and that's my subjective opinion

>> No.6974652

I don't think that's what he meant to post

>> No.6974706

yeah, Canada probably has 1 in there

>> No.6974715

its called google images

>> No.6974911

my nigga

>> No.6975169

anaheim is probably number 1