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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6960074 No.6960074 [Reply] [Original]

Help me please. I'm a single dad (wife died) with a 16 year old daughter.
She turned vegetarian about 2 years ago and has recently become vegan.

I have no problem with vegetarians, but vegan diet is crazy.
I've made some nice vegan food, such as a spicy bean casserole with tomatoes, garlic, onion, herbs etc.
Really nice falafel with salad. Good soup such as leek and potato, mushroom soup etc

I'm running out of ideas.
Can any of you help with recipes or any tip, please?
Also are there any vitamins that are lacking in a vegan diet?

>> No.6960085

Give her some sausage and some personal quinky sauce tonight.

>> No.6960094

Do your job as a father and sneak in meat drippings so she gets enough vitamins. You're creative, you'll find ways to hide all sorts of chicken, beef and pork bits and claim it's tofu or mushrooms or whatever

>> No.6960107

>Also are there any vitamins that are lacking in a vegan diet?
A lot of them. Meat is vital to a heathy diet, and it doesn't take much to get what you need. It is possible to get what you need when full vegan, but you have to pay a lot more attention to what you need.

Keep up a cycle of different vegetables, even the weird ones you've never used before. Actually, especially the weird ones- find one you've never used before and find recipes on how to use it and make that. It'll keep you challenged, increase your abilities, and increase her intake variety.

Also; try to limit the soy. Yeah it's touted as the be-all protein for vegans, but that shit is packed with phytoestrogen. Know why girls have been hitting puberty earlier and earlier? That shit. It will also cause men to grow bitch tits. Use it sparingly.

>> No.6960130

>Know why girls have been hitting puberty earlier and earlier?
What, because they've been drinking soy all their lives? I don't think so.

>> No.6960138

if she is going to be an insanely picky eater, you should try to encourage her to start cooking herself. I'm not saying to refuse to cook for her, but to encourage her to learn how to make her own vegan dishes. when she grows up and leaves the house she's going to have to know how to cook

>> No.6960145

Look into what the average food contains, m8. Soy is fucking everywhere because it is cheap as dirt.

>> No.6960147

If this is a decision she has made for herself, she should be doing the research and planning out her meals, and contributing to cooking.
Good work on being so thoughtful towards your daughter, but enabling her to learn these skills herself will only help to prepare her for the future.

>> No.6960154
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give her some good ol' cpasta

>> No.6960161

Start following vegan food blogs and get her on a multi vitamin. You're a sweet dad, ask her what made her vegan instead of just vegetarian. If shes actually deep rooted vegan it will make her feel better by being self invested instead of catered this lifestyle. Vegan is best when you do it yourself, not for someone else. Teach her how to cook on her own, one day she'll be on her own soon.

>> No.6960163

>blaming the fact that trace amounts of soybeans are used in foods, and not the fact that literally everything eaten by modern humans is encased in a gleaming layer of hormone-like plastics
There's a reason the EU has banned a lot of plastics and not a fucking bean, dumb americans

>> No.6960176

Cook whatever you where cooking before your daughter cucked you by becoming a vegetarian.

She'll either give up on being a faggot or she'll die clinging to her ideals.

Either way the world will be a better place.

>> No.6960179

I don't know if your daughter has started her periods yet but females especially, need more Iron, a vegetarian or a vegan may argue that you can get this from vegetables but it's a big lie . . .. the ferrous compounds in vegetables are not as readily absorbed as they are in meat, so you need large amounts of iron rich veg to compensate for a small piece of meat.

Most long term vegans eventually get ill and end up having to take supplements, so I suggest you get your daughter involved in the research (and remind her that just sticking to vegan webpages will be biased, so encourage her to 'open her mind'

Hopefully it's just a phase and she will grow out of it.

Best of luck OP!

>> No.6960187

>vegan daughter


>> No.6960197

this pasta is stale and unpalatable

>> No.6960221


If she wants to have a special snowflake diet she can handle it herself.

>> No.6960249

make sure she's taking iron supplements, teenage girls need that anyway and if she's not having meat it'll be even worse that time of the month.

>> No.6960252

If you're bringing home the bacon OP
then your kids should be eating bacon.

>> No.6960265


>> No.6960289
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Make her fucking cook for herself. If she's truly dedicated she'll go through the extra effort. If not then she'll switch back after seeing hoe hard it is when you actually have to face the struggles of your choices and decisions.

>> No.6960368


Also my saving grace has been pinterest. I just go there and type vegan or vegetarian or pescatarian or whatever and I can find all kinds of shit.

I'm horrible at recipes too so it's helped. Right now I'm pescatarian but I'm probably going to transition into a vegetarian diet. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to get her at least a b12 supplement, but honestly that's good advice for anyone

>> No.6960386

This. Get her in the kitchen with you, tell her to gather some ideas from the interwebs and have some fun in the kitchen together.

>> No.6960402
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one of the easiest vegan meals i can think of is a big breakfast, actually.

corn fritters, grilled courgette and tomato and mushroom, tofu, beans, hash browns... and you can eat it together. buy some nice juice.

does she like the weird vegan meat substitutes? they're a good source of protein if they're a bit strange.

>> No.6960413

It's better to make your own. There's veggie dog and veggie burgers recipes you can find online. The store bought brands aren't horrible though, the burgers are actually pretty good.

But the hot dogs are... I mean I like them but after I put a lot of mustard and relish on them, and with the weird ingredients it's better to eat them as sparingly as a healthy person would eat normal hot dogs

There's also nut cheese stuff. I've been making cashew cream spread recently that I'm enjoying

>> No.6960423

this is a really fucking stupid way to ask questions about your own vegan diet you faggot teenage turd burglar

>> No.6960464

Either this

>> No.6960530

Block tumblr from her devices.

>> No.6960572
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>16 yr old
>not having her periods yet

>> No.6960580

Yes sausage

>> No.6960607
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>females need more iron because periods

Do you think we lose like 2 pints of blood or some shit out of our vaginas? It's not even an active bleeding process, it's just the uterine wall that is sloughing off.

This is such a retarded as fuck myth. Some females have iron problems, but not all, and it's a diagnosed issue not "omg ur bleedin LOL here omg hav ironnn"

>> No.6960616

imam bayildi is something i'm going to try next week, gonna try a spicy bean pie too

>> No.6960650

>my daughter is 16
i think its time you teach her how to cook for herself.

>> No.6960661

It's the hormones jammed into american beef that are making american girls hit puberty faster, and at a faster rate than other countries.

>> No.6960671


alright i know, i know, the website that mustn't be named, but there's an infinite scroll of ideas for you OP