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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6958479 No.6958479 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ approve of keto? What do you think are the pros/cons of it?

>> No.6958495

nice pic op thank u for sharing

>> No.6958502

/fit/ here.

Great diet unless you have high colesterol.

Only valid complaints Ive heard frompeople are you feel a little more fatigued and have to cook more. But being as this is /ck/ we are already fatigued and love cooking. So its really a positive adventure.

I've been on keto for about a month now just trying to cut down a few extra lbs and its the best diet Ive ever tried and results come quickly as long as you adhere to the diet.

I do cardio/weight lifting and intermediate fasting as well (only eat from 10am - 6pm) and results have been pretty remarkable.

If you have any real interest, I hate to say it but head over to the hugbox and read the /r/keto FAQ and it really outlines it all for you and helps you to figure out your macros and all that pretty easily.

>> No.6958515

Pure fad diet

>> No.6958525

ew those waists are disgusting.

>> No.6958538

This honestly should have been posted to /fit/

Im high as fuck and I thought I was browsing /fit/ before I saw weird non-normie replies

>> No.6958543
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Actually it lowered my cholesterol and gave me more energy.
Go figure.

>> No.6958557

It, like Atkins and any low carb diet of the last 40 years, shows great short term results and is completely unsustainable in the medium and definitely long term.

If you want to lose weight fast and think you can shift from keto to a traditional healthy diet with vegetables, grains and moderation go for it. Long term if you think you can follow a diet that can be thrown off kilter by rice, potatoes, pasta and bread, which are the primary sources of energy for 99% of the world's population, I would advise against it. It can be done but it isn't easy and it isn't healthy. Haven't done it myself but people say you feel sluggish on it.

>> No.6958564

What's it like being low test?

>> No.6958566
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What is short, medium and long terms?

Long is obviously lifetime, aka 60-90 years.
But is long months, or years?
Is medium year or decade?

>> No.6958569
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Can someone post a keto routine. It's literally impossible to not eat any carbs.

>> No.6958572

It's a meme diet like the sriracha cleanse

>> No.6958585
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Traps are normally posted on /b/

>> No.6958592

fad diets are useless as shit. just have a varied diet consisting of mainly vegetables, some protein, good carbohydrates, good fats.

>> No.6958598

>Im high as fuck and I thought I was browsing /fit/ before I saw weird non-normie replies
I'm drunk. HOLd me anona.`

>> No.6958601

keto is a low carb diet not a no carb diet.

most of your carbs in keto will come from any source that has high fiber carbs (vegies) and low shit carbs (chips, white bread)

>> No.6958604

Get off the computer

>> No.6958609


>> No.6958623
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>not doing the calories under TDEE nutella and bread diet
Shiggy diggy. Keto works too though.

>> No.6958655

Short term is 1-6 months. The amount of time that any new hobby keeps your undivided interest. Medium term is .5 to 2 years. It's unlikely you'll keep up the dedicated war against carbs up for this long. Bread, rice, potatoes and pasta are everywhere. And for good reason too. I'm not even including things anyone losing weight should avoid. Ice cream, cakes, milkshakes or anything sweet.

Look at diet rationally. It's calories in v calories out. We try to get as many nutrients as possible without consuming more calories than we burn. Eliminating carbs is the worst way to go about this. None of the macronutrient groups should be excluded but carbs even more so.

Keto advises that we eat fat and protein as our primary source of energy. Both include foods that are so easy to over eat. A spoon of oil contains as many calories as a slice of whole grain bread. An extra spoon of oil is much easier to incorporate than another slice of bread which is also a lot more filling.

The reason why so many people lose weight on Keri initially is because they're still figuring out how to get their daily calories with their main source excluded. Eventually they figure out how to get their fill and also miss the staples like bread and it all crumbles down.

>> No.6959243
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Don't like restricting my diet.
I prefer to eat whatever I want and just monitor it to keep it on the healthier side.
Just ate 600 grams of grapes.

If it works for others though, then that's great.

>> No.6959263

absolutely pants on head retarded
not sustainable and you'll be either
>back to fat after getting off a keto diet
>mentally retarded if you stay on it

basically low carb diets cut off glucose to your brain and starve it of energy.

>> No.6959318


Except I've lost 30lbs in 3 months. I don't do the fasting, really, but I've seen obese ppl lose insane amounts quickly. Like, friends and co-workers. I've SEEN it work. It's pretty nuts.
And you get to eat good food. Oh, and I do absolutely no workout. If you want to workout you need to bump your protein intake, but if you want to be lazy... then you just eat less. Pretty much like any other diet: eat less than what you're burning daily.
The payoff with this diet is that you change your metabolism to burn fat instead of carbs/sugar (not body fat, but fat that you are eating). So cheese and other fatty dairy products, fatty meats, etc MAKE YOU FEEL FULL, so it doesn't feel like you are starving yourself.
Check the hugbox if you don't have any friends to guide you.

>> No.6959334

Correction: I HAVE lost that weight in 3 months. I put a bunch of it back on last winter, kind of pigging out. Dropped most of it again pretty easily.
I've been off since the beginning of September and I've maintained my weight. I'm drinking a bunch of beer, but I'm a bit more active. This person here? >>6959263 is pants on head ignorant.

>> No.6959353

honestly if you lost 30lbs in 3 months you sound massive
he was probably talking about normal sized people

>> No.6959387

I was 212. Should be at 175.
I definitely falls off faster the more overweight you are. I was down something like 15 pounds the first month. Took 2 more to lose 15 more.
And you have to keep cutting as you lose more weight.
Doesn't change the fact that you feel full by eating fat.

>> No.6959396

What is keto?

>> No.6959397

I was cutting really hard at the end of it. Like 1100-1300 calories per day.
It's not easy, it's just easier.

>> No.6959401

check out keto boards on *gasp* reddit

>> No.6959403

Disgusting waist training weirdness.

>> No.6959429


Don't do that

>> No.6959439

post your tits now whore

>> No.6959444

*gasp* Why not, faggot?

>> No.6959449

what should my BF eat to get a bigger butt

>> No.6959457

works but don't do it a as lifestyle, shit is hard on your kidneys and long term can fuck you up, as well as being hideously expensive.

it's mostly a gimmick that works for very specific purposes

>> No.6959462


>> No.6959465


Squats and oats

fat and protein are way way more filling than carbs, that's why it's so easy to overeat carbs and hence the evil carb reputation. fat and protien make your stomach send satiety signal to brain 100x faster than bread. Don't believe me? wait until you are all-fired hungry like a wolf, eat a cracker, wait 10 minutes, see how you feel. then have a tablespoon of heavy cream(in tea or something whatever) and notice nearly instant difference.

or drink a pint of heavy cream in one go- you won't be hungry for a day and a half, I guarantee it

>> No.6959466

to lose weight
not for poor fags
your anecdotal evidence is worthless shit, too

>> No.6959467

you're much more succinct than I am.
I'll let you field this.

>> No.6959486


I didn't present any evidence?

>are you nu 2 science friend

>> No.6959490


nothing? she's a reasonably fit human female doing poses and camera angles to do her best impression of a pencil sharpener, but if she stood up straight and put on clothes you wouldn't think twice, she's pleasantly fit but totally normal

>> No.6959495

No butthole, not interested.

>> No.6959548 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6959554
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>> No.6959567

Keto done probably isn't a weight loss program. It's to enhance your overall health by ensuring your cells are properly coated with fat. Which they probably aren't if you've been getting most of your calories from carbs your whole life.

Most people fuck it up by just eating meat and cream, and getting insufficient vegetables. You need to continue getting a large quantity of a wide variety of vegetables for complete nutrition, and that can be tough because it makes it harder to keep carbs down.

>> No.6959589

it's a scam, dangerous on the long run, but even teh defenders cheat at eat so they can pretend it's "healthy".

>> No.6959594

"Cheat at eat," my ass. There's nothing easy about such a restrictive diet.

>> No.6959611


>that gorilla track

wew lad
>dirty ho wash yo ass

>> No.6959613

>s to enhance your overall health by ensuring your cells are properly coated with fat


>> No.6959728

you are what you eat and that ass is FAT

>> No.6959752

Keto was good for me except never being hungry was kind of depressing

Keto gave my dad terrible gout

>> No.6959839

I'm gonna be one of those arseholes and sing it's praises.
I've slowly transitioned onto it almost as a full time lifestyle change.
After a month I lost all bloat and water retention, I see food as fuel now and meals take minutes to cook with little prep.
Breakfast - Eggs and bacon as an omlette with spinach and peas or watermelon
Lunch - Tuna, cottage cheese and boiled eggs
Evening - Fish poached in tomato sauce served with broccolli and other mixed veg.

These meals are examples but breakfast and lunch are always the same, evening meal changes up slightly with pork chops or steak, hot dogs in lettuce 'buns'.
I season well so they don't taste bland.

I still crave carbs from time to time but when once I could eat a huge 16" pizza in basically one sitting I can only manage a few slices of pizza and I feel rammed. Same with sandwiches - two slices of bread will fill me for almost a whole day.

I also drink only water and green tea, I have a pot of coffee around 3 times a week. A glass of no sugar pop when I fancy one (about once a fortnight or after drinking).

The only con and thing I found hard to adjust to is no beer.

>> No.6959845

What does keto have to do with that attractive bottom?

>> No.6959850

High fat ass.

>> No.6959861


>> No.6959864

How long have you been on it?
How is it in terms of money?

>> No.6959871

FAR cheaper for me. I'm in bongland if that means anything.
I live off bagged frozen veggies and fish. I buy fresh meat as and when. Around £30 shop twice a month. I found I was buying way more shit than I needed.

I've been doing it for around a year now.

>> No.6959878

>basically low carb diets cut off glucose to your brain and starve it of energy.
And yet keto diets are prescribed by properly trained doctors to patients suffering seizures. A problem with the brain. Go figure.

>> No.6959879

I'm in bongland too

big thanks for the info based anon, sounds very attractive

I'm not particularly attached to carb rich staple food, and I don't drink beer, so it seems viable

>> No.6959883

>seizures caused by impulses from the brain
>neural generation of action impulses requires energy
>diet decreases amount of energy the brain gets

yep, go figure

>> No.6959884

also, forgot to ask, how are you feeling in terms of energy, especially during long days and long periods of activity

and how is your sleep (if changed)

>> No.6959895

Try it, It's great.
I get all my frozen veg from Tesco (range from 80p - £2 each (about 500g-1kg bags depending what you get))
And their frozen fish fillets (about £1.50 for a weeks worth).
Lidl and Aldi for fresh produce and lunch items (£1 for 15 eggs fuck yeah + tinned tuna (which is so high quality it's like tuna steak))

I've always slept little and feel groggy after more than 7 hours sleep. Around 6 is perfect for me.
I have far more energy now and it's more balanced across the day. I work an active job and was coming home from work, filling myself with carbs and crashing about 8pm bloated and sleepy.
I wake at 5am, go running, put my breakfast on the hob while I shower, eat, go to work for 8, come home at 5, prep tea, that cooks while I shower again, eat then play vidya or shitpost here from 7pm - midnight.

>> No.6959899

Welp, I've been convinced

>> No.6959906

As I said originally, I'm going to sound like one of those dickheads but honestly It's changed my life. It's amazing.
You sound like you can manage it though, you wont have as bad carb cravings in the first couple of weeks.
That was about the hump for me, after that you see differences in your body and appearance, you feel less bloated, stop grunting when you lean over, sweating as much and less out of breath.

>> No.6960079

How's the no/very little fruit thing?

That one, I'm kind of worried about, because I really enjoy fruit.

>> No.6960088
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Instead of eating the fruits, just lick it.

>> No.6960119

Different anon- I'm full paleo, so related to keto. Fruit is okay in moderation, but should be thought of as treats due to the sugars.

The real benefit of this style of lifestyle change is that your tastebuds change. I used to down two or three HUGE apples in one go, now I am fine with one small one. Our bodies become much more adapted to telling us when to stop, so overeating actually becomes harder.

>> No.6960136


sounds similar to what >>6959839 was saying about sandwiches

I can probably deal with it, though (i hope)
Thanks for the info

>> No.6960389

I did it consistently for several months leading up to my 21st birthday.

First few months weight loss was slow until I finally got the hang of it. I am 5'6 and went from 180 down to 160lbs over the course of ~2 months or so leading up to birthday. Figured I could take a cheat day for my 21st, NBD.

Went out with friends, got fucking hammered out of my mind. Woke up next day at like 5am with no hangover to speak of since I puked it all up the night before. As such, I was hungry as fuck and killed a large pizza I had in the fridge from day prior I bought as a hangover cure.

TLDR Stopped keto-ing for a bit, gained a few pounds back but didnt think much of it. Next thing I know I am eating a fairly normal diet again here I am 1 year later and I weight about 185.

Been trying to get back on it, and am slowly but surely.

It sucks though, having my 22nd birthday coming up in a few days and still being fat, because down at 160 I was actually looking pretty good as I have a decent amount of muscle mass. Could have been shredded by now. The thing thats frustrating is I carry my weight in such a way that I dont look fat. Its just sort of soft around the edges, never shows up on my arms or face so when I am dressed its like hey I look good, when I am not its like... oh. Diets aside, I have my own self control issues I need to work on, but had I stayed on keto I would have been shredded by now.

TLDR Worked for me over a couple months. Gained weight back I lost when on it. Trying to restart, and stick to it for a year and see what happens after that.

Almost healthy weight by 21, fat again at 22, lets make this the year and be on my way to making it as /fit/ would say by 23.

>> No.6961437

Post dick faggot

>> No.6961441

>I'm a man
>I'm on a diet

kill yourselves fad diet homosexuals

>> No.6961771

i do it 'cause of my type 2 diabetes.

i don't have health insurance, so i can't afford meds. good thing a strict diet will keep my blood sugar low.

i ate a 1/2 pound bean and cheese from del taco. my blood sugar 1 hour later: 180 mg/dl. yikes.

my blood sugar after eating a 500 calorie keto meal: 90 mg/dl. this is a perfect number, couldn't be better.

>> No.6962066

Fucking fad diets. Plebs gonna pleb I guess.

>> No.6962073
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Embarrassing tbh.

>> No.6962091

the diet itself is fine

the people who actually believe the "scientific" theory behind it are morons and might as well wear tinfoil hats

>> No.6962834
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>it's a bad diet because most people suck at keeping to a diet

no shit

I've been on it for 3 years. I've literally turned my doctor's opinion about it 180 degrees and my cholesterol has never been lower. Best decision of my life.

>> No.6962906

First few days of it suck

>> No.6963145

Be careful with alcohol if your doing keto, with little carbs in your system, alcohol hits you way harder. Just drink like your a 125 lb chick
Found out the hard way

>> No.6963166

Post tits so I can make my pee pee feel funny.

>> No.6963178

Are you me? except add 2 years.

>> No.6963182

I pretty much exclusively eat poultry and fish at this point, like vegetarianism I feel I would get bored on said diet.

I eat a lot less carbs now than I used to though, but it would be damn near impossible for me to completely cut down.