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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 261 KB, 1920x1080, american pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6957852 No.6957852 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans think that pasta has to be covered in sauce?

>> No.6957860

tastes gewd

>> No.6957866

So, you eat dry boiled pasta? Fucking heathen.

>> No.6957872

do you just eat plain pasta?

with nothing on it?

>> No.6957893
File: 1.50 MB, 1600x1200, aglio olio e peperoncino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this wouldn't fly with most Americans.

>> No.6957895

isn't everything covered in sauce?
Or cheese?

>> No.6957900
File: 3.95 MB, 4155x3101, cacio e pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this

I mean that Americans demand that a sort of thick sauce or some sort of ingredient is touching every part of the pasta.

>> No.6957906

I just meant food in general.

>> No.6957910

Drowned in sour cream is better.

>> No.6957915

It depends on the culture of the food. French & Italian? Sure. German or Japanese? Not so much.

>> No.6957917

Lots of cultures like a lot of sauce on their foods.
It is not just an American thing.

Sorry you had to find this out.

>> No.6957921

>not ranch dressing
foreigner, pls go

>> No.6957923

I remember back in the 90's, there was a big trend of oil based sauces, but it never hit the mainstream. Minimalist type sauces are just too subtle, flavor-wise. Americans generally like hearty, filling, food. Oil based sauces are like the antithesis of that.

>> No.6957924

They both are covered with kind of sauce too

>> No.6957937
File: 1.43 MB, 400x254, 12345123521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6957947


why don't spaghetti niggers mind their own god damn business?

>> No.6957959


You're painting in too broad of strokes. There are literally thousands of American restaurants cooking Italian food that do aglio e olio. America might be home to white trash taste, but it's also home to upper-middle class foodie taste.

>> No.6957975

thought we were talking about Americans.

>> No.6957976

>ranch with high fructose corn syrup

>> No.6957981

As the person you were replying to, AND an American, I can tell you with complete certainty that we eat both of those regularly. Do you seriously think we only eat tomato sauce or cream sauce? You're an idiot. Aglio e olio is pretty much a staple, because it's simple and tasty, same with cacio e pepe. Lrn2American.

>> No.6958001


>> No.6958006

Show me an American restaurant that serves cacio e pepe

>> No.6958008

I'll show you my foot.
In your ass.

>> No.6958045

no its not. Its a bag of pasta, and some shitty jarred tomato sauce. Stop being cool because op's wording hurt your wittle feewings.

>> No.6958053

It's not just restaurants that serve it, people make it themselves, in their homes, you stupid shit.
But, just to fucking entertain your idiocy, here's a place I've eaten at frequently, which serves cacio e pepe, in addition to many other wonderful dishes.


>> No.6958057
File: 90 KB, 639x693, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't eaten jarred tomato sauce since I was a teenager, which was many, many years ago. Just because you're a moron, don't assume everyone else is.

>> No.6958063

Looks good man. Would nom.

>> No.6958079

Well you're special. How does it feel? You are part of the 3% who don't get a jarred sauce. The rest of us morons will keep whining about it on 4chan till we're 37.

>> No.6958086

If you hate Americans so much, why are you on an American website?

>> No.6958094

Italian american here
You just made me miss my mom :(. These and pesto were some of the most common homecooked meals in my household as a kid.

>> No.6958100
File: 13 KB, 221x235, cowboycurtis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw yuros can't afford pasta AND sauce

>> No.6958112
File: 21 KB, 500x320, spaghetti-meat-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit, I used to be one of those ignorant sauce-guzzling Americans

Then recently I started eating Fazolis spaghetti with meatsauce which is fucking delicious.

At first I would mix the sauce and noodles together, because that's what I thought you were supposed to do. But I never had enough sauce when I did it that way, it all was too spread out and I couldn't really get enough in one bite to enjoy the flavor.

Then I just started eating it as served, with the pasta on the bottom and the sauce on top, like some kind of layered cake.

That is SO much better, and I now understand the proper amount of sauce to put on spaghetti

>> No.6958150

Actually you were right the first time. It should coat the pasta almost completly (usually). your pic is a very american way to serve it. The difference is just the quantity of sauce, usually italian prefer enough to just coat it very lightly as opposed to the drowning in sauce pastas that its easy to find here.

>> No.6958161
File: 170 KB, 1600x1200, ravioli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the amount of sauce I like

>> No.6958183

Pasta DOES need a sauce, or else it's just wasted calories. I mean, it's going to be anyway, but it may as well taste good.

>> No.6958205

>Store bought spaghetti with butter and pepper

>better food than America

This is bad bait

>> No.6958222

I don't even understand why people serve it like pic related.

Your pasta will stick together if you don't. Unless you add a little bit of butter, oil, or periodically add a little bit of the cooking water.

Like... why bother? Just mix it pre-serve!

>> No.6958296

Because the human body needs vitamins and sauce has them.

>> No.6958549

>Why do Americans.... ce?




>> No.6958560


>> No.6958568

What else do you do with plain noodles you fucking faggot?

>> No.6958678

I am American. I use a butter/olive oil "mixture" and mix it in then add some garlic powder, black pepper and love. No, not 3 cups of it to a cup of pasta. I also make my own pasta and drink beer and live in a trailer and use a whirly popper for popcorn. All the cars in the yard run and each has it's own driver. There is no couch on the porches. I don't like spam and cheese whiz. Thanks.

>> No.6959053

literally known as butter noodles in my house

>> No.6959412

It doesn't have to be, but I do enjoy it better, especially with a good rustic style bread to sop up the extra sauce left on the plate.

Plus I make a home made sauce with lots of veggies. Pasta itself is pretty much just carbs, so a higher sauce to noodle ratio results in more nutrients.

>> No.6959566

So you buy more, just like shampoo

>> No.6959572

looks like christmas eve