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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 389 KB, 1600x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6954957 No.6954957 [Reply] [Original]

'Za thread?

>> No.6954961


It looks like that pizza just came out of the closet and is inappropriately flamboyant.

Would not eat with upturned pinky/10.

>> No.6954979

You really wouldn't eat that?

I would fucking eat the shit out of that

>> No.6954980


Working on one now. Eight minutes then I add the cheese then ... then.. then IT'S PIZZA TIME!!!

>> No.6954992


>crust is dense not airy
>black olives, mushroom and bellpepper (fag toppings no thanks)
>lack of sauce
>cheese is pineapple yellow

Enjoy your shit 'gourmet' pizza, I'd rather have a Jacks frozen pizza than that.

>> No.6955016

how to make the edge higher than the middle

should I just roll some of the edge inward like I was going to stuff the crust?

>> No.6955026

>fag topping

i think you are the fag here

>> No.6955027
File: 351 KB, 1500x1125, pizza0oct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6955030

go ahead chickenshit say that word again i will shove your entire torso up your ass and make you fuck yourself from the inside out

>> No.6955032


I think you bite your pillow when you take it in the ass.

Pepperoni, bacon, jalapeño is best pizza combination.

>> No.6955043
File: 33 KB, 753x315, realitalianpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I haven't been to a truly WOW pizza place here in Louisiana. Reginelli's is a great restaurant that has interesting pizzas, but I just know it's not the real thing. I want that woodfire oven smoky crispy crust.

>> No.6955044

Sheeeeeeeesh I guess cu/ck/ doesn't like a good pie. :^)

>> No.6955050


Don't roll it. Shape the pizza by hand.

>> No.6955062
File: 131 KB, 768x667, pissa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made something like a pizza

how did i do?

>> No.6955066


>> No.6955087
File: 133 KB, 920x690, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6955091
File: 99 KB, 920x900, pizza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6955093
File: 140 KB, 920x920, pizza3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6955105

Looks sort of fake, like everything was assembled cold for a photograph, notice the lack of crumbs between the slices...gross.

>> No.6955108
File: 73 KB, 920x613, pizza4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6955110

Use your hands and push out from the middle. Then pick it up and drape an edge across your fists while turning the dough slowly and letting it stretch naturally.

>> No.6955118
File: 90 KB, 920x614, pizza5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6955121
File: 115 KB, 920x518, pizza6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6955127
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don't know how common this is but a place in my town makes a white pizza with topped with arugula, prosciutto, and a balsamic dressing. pretty amazing but makes you full as fuck

>> No.6955130

Raw mushrooms added after the pizza has been cooked? Also what is that parsley? 0/10

>> No.6955141
File: 137 KB, 799x618, dat za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted this before, but what the hell. One of the best pizzas i've ever had from a local brewery, wood fired with spicy coppa, chorizo, fennel sausage, mozzarella, and roasted red peppers

>> No.6955158


Be honest, that's one of those Bobolli premade crust ones isn't it?

>> No.6955173

premade crusts wouldn't bubble like that

>> No.6955213
File: 128 KB, 1000x750, beto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out last night there's a pizza restaurant in my city (Pittsburgh) which serves slices with the toppings raw -- the cheese included. Sounds pretty shitty tbh.

>> No.6955214
File: 37 KB, 594x594, redbaron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I add some zing to a Red Baron pizza? Bought it since you guys are always bragging about it. Thanks for the fucking advertisement guys. Had to pick up my nephew from school that's right across from a grocery store. Couldn't help myself.

>> No.6955231
File: 104 KB, 458x1000, Chef-Paul-Prudhommes-Magic-A-Seasoning-Blend-Pizza-And-Pasta-047997123701[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like some extra shredded cheese of your choice, and a sprinkling of this stuff

>> No.6955240

Hm I do have a lot of cheese, I don't have that seasoning though.

>> No.6955257

>california skateboarder/surfboarder accent
>Heyyyyy Braaaahhhh, you want some Zah? Let's get some ZzZAah bBbrah.

>> No.6955270
File: 81 KB, 901x700, 4986586010_91efaf3229_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, you're probably right.

Man I lived in FL for a year and publix sold pizza dough. My wife would make the best fucking pizzas with it, chicken Alfredo zomg delicious.

Then we moved to flyover'ville and store doesn't sell pizza dough, so the wife stopped making them and it fucking sucks. She says if I want homemade pizza I gotta buy her a dough mixer which is a couple hundo for a good one, which I rather not spend for reasons.

How do I get fucking premade pizza dough worth a shit!?

>> No.6955279
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>> No.6955293
File: 109 KB, 200x200, tr43t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't wanna spend money on a dough mixer but you'll get married?

>> No.6955303

Try asking local pizza places if they sell dough, I worked at one in high school that would sell their pizza dough

>> No.6955306


Yes virgin I've been married for 5 years and rather spend my money on other shit.

So tell me about pizza dough or stfu tbh fam.

>> No.6955319


That's actually been considered before. I know a pretty good bar that has good pizza.

It's just kinda awkward to ask. I'm a functional adult now but the akward anti-social /b/tard still lives within me.

>> No.6955327


>married for 5 years

are you collecting Social Security yet grandpa?

>> No.6955332

>"hey, I really like your guys' pizza. Would you guys consider selling the dough?"

its not that difficult

>> No.6955335

Yeah the place I worked at packaged 16oz. of dough and bagged it and put it in a cooler by the register, which I know isn't that common, but still call and ask, the worst they can do is say no

>> No.6955372



I'm 30 and have 4channed for 11 years. I was an awkward virgin too, I just grew up. You'll get there, or an hero.


Yeah I know. I'll give it a go.


Yeah the dough is the only complicated part. I'll either do that or just buy her the damn thing Christmas is coming up.

>> No.6955392

Can you stupid faggots post anything more stimulating than fucking pizza? Holy shit learn to cook

>> No.6955411

>Pepperoni, bacon, jalapeño
aka "the chad special"
basic as fuck

>> No.6955423


Wtf are you talking.

Chad orders meatlovers or extra cheese for his vegetarian girlfriend.

You're so lame you can't even into Internet subculture. Feel sorry for the daycare you eventually shoot up.

>> No.6955465

jalepenos are disgusting on normal pizza

>> No.6955474
File: 246 KB, 1024x576, 2015-09-25 14.17.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This concoction popped into mind one night, rushed to the store next morning:

Alfredo sauce
One layer of prosciutto
Marinated artichoke hearts
Baked chicken thigh pieces
Mozz/Provo mix
Black pepper


Pic Related

>> No.6955482

Looks fantasmo

>> No.6955484


You had me until capers.

I hope your family is raped, tortured, and killed. Not necessarily in that order.

>> No.6955493


This is pure pizza porn, and some retard has to suggest that this is a Boboli crust?

Enjoy your Dominos government cheese.

>> No.6955504


There's a caper hater lurking this board

>> No.6955506
File: 60 KB, 800x600, 43545366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to get a plain cheese pizza then stick some anchovies on it.

>> No.6955528


Probably has all of the salty goodness of my prosciutto caper pizza.

I wonder how the caperhater feels about anchovies

>> No.6955534

anchovies will only be popular with pizza when you can pepper anchovie over the pie kinda like how ceazar dressing is

>> No.6955537

>dry sauce

>> No.6955556

dat slice on the bottom right corner

>> No.6955562

Made kimchi pizza recently. It was delicious.

>> No.6955590

one of the best pizza recipes I found has carmelized onions, roasted eggplant and zucchini, black olives, feta and mozza cheese, on a base of olive oil and rosemary.

>> No.6955608

how fucking hard can it be for americans to build a stone oven and power it with wood


>> No.6955618


Thank you.

>> No.6955656

right now I'm making a pizza
1 part tomato paste, 1 part sour cream, season with basil, oregano, garlic salt, pepper for the sauce
ricotta cheese, spinach, roma tomatoes, and egg whites. it's baking right now and I'm super excited.

>> No.6955677

Orland Park, IL?
there's a place there called Wooden Paddle Pizza that does one like this and several others with odd ingredients.

I used to work there. the owners are pieces of shit.

>> No.6956183

I live in New Jersey. but not jersey shore bullshit. I live in a surfbilly area. (surfer + hillbilly) sounds retarded but it exists. one day I'm on the ocean fishing or surfing, the next I'm taking town white tail with my bow.

>> No.6956193

looking in this thread physically hurts, im a trained chef and i know how to make an awesome pizza from scratch but my old man is coming over and dinner is hours away not to mention he will order fucking takeaway, fuck you /ck/ fuck you.....

>> No.6956407


>> No.6956469

i bet you don't even know how to cook you giggalord of a faggot you!

>> No.6956496
File: 92 KB, 540x384, 1424802042879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Papa John's more than most pizzas.

>> No.6956577


You dont need a mixer for great dough. Just hand kneading and 48 hours in the refrigerator.

>> No.6956583


Say that to my face offline, fucker, and see what happens.

>> No.6956584
File: 65 KB, 347x520, 080411_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not liking mushrooms

Is this your Glamour Shots picture? I THINK SO.

>> No.6956604

Looks like the stone in the back of the oven has diminished in the middle.
I've never had an authentic chicago deep dish pizza before. Seems like the crust is high and the middle is sunken.
Yes arugula and prosciutto are mostly used together, but I've never tried with balasamic.

I've recently tried an apple pizza, it had honey as a base, sliced provolone, green apples & rosemary. It was pretty good, however I wouldn't want to eat more than 2 slices of it.

>> No.6956632

Everyone loves Za'

>> No.6956637

same tbh john is tha king

also tht pic wld not be so bad cus skittles r more convex than tha others an reeses an m&ms taste ok together so it wld b p easy to jus grab a handful an sift out tha skittles w ur fingers an bada bing bada boom ur golden, easy snackin brudda