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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6953707 No.6953707 [Reply] [Original]

>recipe calls for marsala
>be 20

>> No.6953710
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>recipe recommends serving dish at parties with friends

>> No.6953713

Buy cooking wine then?

>> No.6953744
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>recipe calls for marsala
>be 18
>go to store and buy it because i live in a modern fucking democracy
>feel like a few beers to go with dinner
>buy them too

>> No.6953749


Fucking lardlanders... They allow 16 year olds drive cars and kill themselves but drinking before 21 is a sin. Jesus be with you my child.

>> No.6953750


Go to a store every now and then, kiddo.

>wine vinegar
>cooking sherry
>even cooking saki

All sold in my local crap grocery store; the "gourmet" store has pretty much the same shit.

Don't use it though. Get your mom to buy you some because cooking wine is pretty disgusting. If you wouldn't drink it, don't use it.

>> No.6953790

Don't forget the 11 year olds put on death row because they knew what they were doing and the 17 year olds whose 18 year old gfs can potentially be put on the sexual offenders registry.

>> No.6953909

>be me 17
>third world country
>recipe calls for flambeing bacon with bourbon
>went to the market
>cashier does not give a fuck, sell me a pack of marlboro's and a Wild Turkey
>a stranger in the street ask me if i want some weed
>blaze it faggots hell i want
>buy street shitty weed
>at this point i couldn't care less 'bout my dish
>get drunk
>get high
>watch cartoons all night long
>eat doritos
>cry alone

>> No.6954312

>be in high school
>use co-op program to gain apprenticeship electrician hours
>graduate at 17 (late birthday)
>get into union a month or two later, and start working for a company.
>3 months later meet a qt girl
>we start dating, both working full time jobs
>move in together a year later, just makes sense money-wise
>another year passes
>everything goes well the next year, get promotions/pay-raises at work
>get qt pregnant, decide we might as well get married
>get married have child
>actually born on my birthday
>very happy, beautiful, healthy baby boy
>luckily we have more than enough to support ourselves and him
>next few months decide to start putting some money away so he can have a better education than me
>tfw I can't wait for his first birthday
>tfw I'll finally be able to drink

>> No.6954338
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>cooking wine
>actually preparing food with wine you wouldn't drink
>implying that shit is even remotely the same
>actually wasting money on that shit

Nothing like sippin' on a fine sherry, port or marsala in a crisp Autumn evening by the fire.

>> No.6954370

>>tfw I'll finally be able to drink

Really, you aren't missing much. I wouldn't bother bringing that mess into your life if you haven't already.

>> No.6954387

>don't live in the good ol' U S of A
>can buy alcohol at a reasonable age

>> No.6954391

>don't live in USA
Stopped reading there

>> No.6954466

>be in a country where you have to be 21 to drink and 18 to die horribly in the army

Seriously, when I first heard that the drinking age was 21 in Amerifats-land I literally could not believe it was that high. I forced the guy who told me to show me proof. What kind of puritanical bullshit is that?

>> No.6954471


I actually agree with that drinking age.

It's driving and smoking and joining the military that I have problems with.

>> No.6954472
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>using cooking oils you wouldn't drink
>implying that shit is even remotely the same
>actually wasting money on that shit

Stay nigger

>> No.6954476

here in yurpop we have 16 yo who get hammered every weekend on heavy schnaps, killing their brains even before they are fully matured, i cannot see how usa system is wrong

>> No.6954480

They do it in the US too, only they can get a rap sheet for it if they're caught and the cops feel like it.

>> No.6954483
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>> No.6954484

You don't cook with decent wine, in the same way you don't fry with EV Olive oil.

>> No.6954487

Wine isn't an oil

>> No.6954492

It actually used to be different. Every state had its own drinking age, most of which were 18. And you had to be 21 to vote. Eventually they decided to make the entire national drinking age 21 when high school kids would drive across state lines to get hammered and would die in drunk driving accidents. I think it is retarded that you have to be 21 to drink but the fact of the matter is American kids are too stupid to be able to handle it at 18. Not all of them obviously but in general

>> No.6954496


I don't cook with oil much, olive oil and pumice stone oil from time to time.


Sorry you don't have the income to cook with quality ingredients.

>> No.6954509

just sayin ive bought liquor online and there was no kind of ID verification involved, but am of legal age anyway.

>> No.6954511

not a general rule, while overheating good olive oil will always destroy some nutrients and characteristics of it, depending on the situation, making reductions/deglassing with good wines will help bring up and enhance some flavors

>> No.6954521

the UPS guys are supposed to check ID. I'm 20 and I've been wanting to buy some wine and rum online. I've done it before and had my dad sign for it, but I'm living on my own now and I'm wondering if I would get caught.

>> No.6954551

Have you considered moving to a civilized country?

>> No.6954565

Stay happy anon, very happy for you and your son

>> No.6954573

Yeah I'm sure HS students don't smoke weed and drink alcohol. These minimum-age laws on drug use are pointless and just feed the prison system with a steady flow of non-violent, generally poor people. I understand the laws on the sale of drugs but not on use.

>> No.6954581

I have a coworker who usually buys it for me, in exchange I give them some of what I make with it. It isn't like I'm askin for alcohol to get drunk. Getting drunk off amaretto would be disgusting.

>> No.6954683
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>he doesn't get shitfaced on amaretto

It's glorious you fucking faggot

>> No.6954700
File: 27 KB, 399x218, u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madeira > Marsala

>> No.6954949

>Not realizing cooking wine is basically wine watered down with corn syrup and vinegar
>being this retarded.

It doesn't have to be a 200 dollar bottle of some bullshit made by blind virgins but cooking wine is really a scam.

>> No.6954995

You forgot
>get slaughtered by mob for purchasing pork product

>> No.6955007

Wut. You don't buy actual "cooking wine" but wine that you don't normally drink is useful for cooking. Very dry marsala is a good example. No corn syrup or vinegar in that, nigger.

>> No.6955018
File: 100 KB, 850x410, cooking-wines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh honey theres all kinds of shitty cooking "wine" products. Marsala is GOAT for mushrooms and not at all what were talking about.

Pic related

>> No.6955031

Yeah, if you want to get diabetes.

>> No.6955045

I bet you are both American!

Listen Guys .. . . you don't fry with Extra Virgin Olive Oil because (and it's nothing to do with nutrients) the smoking point is lower and the fatty acids turn bitter (and it's false economy).

It's similar to wine, many of the attributes associated with a good drinking wine are destroyed during heating, so when it comes to making reductions or de-glazing a pan, the quality of the wine is not important and totally unnoticeable in the finished product!

tl;dr Save good wine for drinking and EV Olive oil for dressing!

>> No.6955046

i'm BR

>> No.6955049


>pumice stone oil

Y-you cook with mineral oil?

>> No.6955063


>> No.6955069


>muh murrica ad hom

Right. Well. EXtra virgin is just the first press, unfiltered for thr most part and full of solids that cause combustion. Final press olive oil has a significantly higher flash point than extra virgin, but...you already knew that...right


>good drinking wine
>implying there's any other kind

Ad I stated before, I'm sorry you're impoverished and result to cooking with sub-par ingredients.

>> No.6955071


It's an industry term for oil pressed out of olive pits....

>> No.6955074

I know cooking wine ( and cooking port wine, Madeira, marsala) as wine with salt and pepper, I can't drink it ( and the tax is cheaper) only professional can buy it.. never saw it in a normal.supermarket...

>> No.6955083

You wasted your time trying to discredit me because you actually reinforced what I said.

So what are you trying to say?

>> No.6955092



The shit you get in a supermarket isn't anything like marsala, or port, or sherry...

I know most of /ck/ are neckbearded transplants from other boards that are either drunk off boxed wine or high off mexican rag weed trying to quell the drunkies or munchies...but fuck.

This board has gone to complete and total shit.

>> No.6955098


I didn't try to discredit you, I corrected you, and now you're stamping your feet.

I predicted what you were going to say in the post you're replying to:


Sure you did lad.


>> No.6955142 [DELETED] 

>pumice stone oil
God thank you jesus christ. I feel like Im the only one here who wants to talk about more than what the best flavor of dorito is.

>> No.6955148

Oh . . .I see . . .this is your attempt at damage control by claiming you were only trolling?

Fine carry on.

>> No.6955166

Using expensive wine for cooking is fucking stupid. Get a 10-15 dollar bottle that you know you like, and drink what you don't use with dinner. There are plenty of drinkable wines in that price range.

>> No.6955241

first: I live in Europe where I can find "real" port wine, marsala, Madeira, et in every common supermarket
second : I am a professional cook and in the restaurant grocery store in Europe "cooking wine" "cooking port wine" etc is salted and peppered to not to be sold in bars or restaurants (because of alcoholic beverage the tax is 19% and food is 7% and "cooking wine" is considered as food... )
third: I never heard about "cooking wine diluated with vinegar and sugar" that's why I was asking...

>> No.6955309


>damage control


I'm not the one that mentioned extra virgin oil, that was you. I use final press olive oil to cook with.



Me too, that's a broad spectrum through. You could be from Croatia where Coca-Cola is considered a luxury. Maybe you're a dirty turk, who knows...what I DO know is you're dancing around the subject, of there being a significant difference between high quality ingredients and nigger tier swill you think your patrons won't notice.

Protip: even American can tell the difference.

>> No.6955353

>dirty turk,
>Turkey is in Europe
Oh my days . .. . American education everybody.

>> No.6955412


In which two faggots pretend to be eurofags

>> No.6955424

If I could I would buy you a beer anon

>> No.6955508

If you're a 17 year old white girl

>> No.6955510


Their application to be an EU member is denied continuously, however, the millions of Turkish people living in Europe already, paired with all the Turks sneaking in with "Syrian" migrants would indicate they're European. Cities like Berlin and London are "brown dominant" so to say they're not "European" is ludicrous.


Read above. Maybe you're both raging because you're dirty brown people. Thanks for making kinder eggs and Harribo gummies.


>> No.6955513


>implying Amaretto sours aren't God tier.

>> No.6955518


>I'm such a loser I'd hang out with teenaged retards from an anonymous image board.


>> No.6955529

I've gotten shitfaced and hungover after drinking absinthe. Wouldn't recommend.