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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 450x450, k2-_ff224044-de23-44b1-9740-a6606c924ae8.v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6949720 No.6949720 [Reply] [Original]

Is this pretty much the saddest food you can get?

>> No.6949728

Basically, yes. They truly taste of despair

>> No.6949730

tastes like heaven to me

>> No.6949732
File: 69 KB, 453x604, Wapanesemandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah fam, dem fancy.

>> No.6949733
File: 80 KB, 435x679, unfrosty the sadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if it's the one without the frosting,

Bonus points if it's supposed to have frosting anyways but your pack doesn't have any.

>> No.6949740

the fuck why would anyone even eat that

>> No.6949742

What kind of communist buys unfrosted

>> No.6949747


>> No.6949753
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For what purpose?

>> No.6949796

What are you saying, even the value pack is expensive as fuck, nothing beats instant ramen at 4 packs per dollar.

>> No.6950210

Blueberry actually tastes pretty good with peanut butter on it. It also makes the whole thing a little more filling.

But yes, it is the saddest food. No effort in preparation, not even a microwave or toaster if you don't want it. It's the thing you shove down your gullet when you've got ten minutes to get somewhere and haven't eaten.

>> No.6950220

Strawberry unfrosted is the only ones I can stand.

People older than 14

>> No.6950250

Hahahahahahaha, oh fuck no. If a 16 pack of blueberry poptarts represents existential despair in your eyes, you've yet to savor all the bittersweet flavors the buffet of life will present to you. In my eyes, the saddest food one can get is a title reserved for the likes of "hungry man" (aka "face it bro, she's gone") tv dinners, the offbrand "meat products" they sell at dollar stores, and canned ham. No, not spam. Whole. Canned. Fucking ham.

>> No.6950261

You might be forced to by ramen due to low funds. If you're eating OP, it's because you've stopped caring.

>> No.6950265

i once watched my supervisor sit outside and eat cold spaghetti-os out of a can while smoking a cigarette so i think the sadness of a food item is very much contextual

actually at that same workplace, one of my coworkers was fired and when we cleaned out his locker we found it was filled with empty prescription bottles and poptart packs with one poptart left in them

so maybe

>> No.6950273


>cold spaghetti-os

Pretty much all canned pasta is better cold. And as far as sad insta-food goes it's very efficient. Not much shame in it.

>> No.6950298

There was a post somewhere that said some shit about liking brown sugar cinnamon Pop Tarts is an early sign of future alcoholism.

Is there any merit to this? I'm now curious.

I'm sure it was just a shitpost, though.

>> No.6950304


I'm an alcoholic and I always found cinnamon pop tarts disgusting. I was a cookies n cream kid.

>> No.6950306

Probably bullshit but for the record brown sugar is the only flavor I like and I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.6950309


> being elitist about pop tarts

>> No.6950315

brown sugar cinnamon is the only kind i liked and i drink like a beer a week

>> No.6950316

the answer is hot pockets and pizza rolls

>> No.6950412

That can be party food though. To be a sad food, it has to be something you could never serve to people. Has to be eaten alone.

>> No.6950815
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Not even close.

>> No.6950817
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>> No.6950821
File: 67 KB, 500x500, hellokittypoptarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they don't even taste like real meowberry

>> No.6950823

Spread peanut butter and spread them on the unfrosted side of two of them, and then put your favorite preserves inbetween. It's better than with bread.

>> No.6950824

is that frozen spaghetti

>> No.6950826
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>> No.6950827


>> No.6950842

>12 minutes to microwave

so about as long as it takes to cook real spaghetti

>> No.6950849

I think that's metric.

>> No.6950852

sometimes i just eat canned raviolis straight from the can because i hate myself

>> No.6950855

No, that would be store brand toaster pastries

>> No.6950916
File: 307 KB, 500x346, not tumblr_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside faggots.

>> No.6950928


>> No.6950931
File: 251 KB, 853x480, 20150915_220753-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought these freedom tarts a couple weeks ago, I prefer wildberry.

>> No.6950935

just woke up, this last days were particularly sad to me, so i just drink a cup a coffe with a cigarette for breakfast. saddest meal i could imagine

>> No.6950961

I mean nobody wants to admit they eat 9 cans of ravioli, but I did, and I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count and then you get to the second and the third, fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blow torch, then I just kept eating.

>> No.6950963


>> No.6951199

I think I woke up my friend and his gf from how hard I laughed at this.

>> No.6951265


>every Thanksgiving morning
>go to grocery store by myself and buy Hungry a Man turkey dinner and a six pack of Coors just to see the way the cashier reacts

>> No.6952049

I think there's worse. Sometimes I just can't be fucked with caring and I just open up a container of Ice Cream and eat the whole thing, even worse sometime I do it with frosting or nutella.

>> No.6952059

>12 min microwave time

Fucking how? What wattage are british microwaves?

>> No.6952272

What? Metric time?

>> No.6952276

Mine is 900 watts. No idea if this is above or below average.

>> No.6952288
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>> No.6952510

>Strawberry unfrosted is the only ones I can stand.
>only people over 14 buy unfrosted pop tarts
So you admit to being 14?

>> No.6952519

These things are designed to constipate you so you aren't wasting time in the field shitting.

I'm a crazy ass nutjob and I bug out into the woods with my guns and shit at the even slightest sight of a Happening so I eat these a lot. Some are actually really good and others are like eating hot shit

>> No.6952615

Think most of mine have been 1100 or higher.

>> No.6952621
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>> No.6952631

This is pitiful.

>> No.6952647

I'd buy that. At least it is relatively fresh food rather than a bunch of frozen shit.

>> No.6952732
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 480[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo this is worse fam

>> No.6952754

>Bonus points if it's supposed to have frosting anyways but your pack doesn't have any.

I used to eat them for lunch in high school, and that occasional half-frosted Pop Tart could ruin my whole day.

>> No.6952760

It's spaghetti and meatballs, not just spaghetti.

It's only 1 monopoly dollar which in real dollars is less than 2 dollars. You can't make spaghetti and meatballs for $2 unless you buy a shit ton in bulk to spread the costs for each plate made. But if you only have $2 that won't work.

Also, you microwave it for 12 minutes which isn't the same as cooking.

No pans to take out. No pans to clean. No pans to put away.

So you saying

It's fucking retarded.

>> No.6952767

Wut? dude that's like every morning for me what are you on about

>> No.6952775

Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.6952782

Did you just turn 15 or something?
Cigarettes and coffee are a pretty standard early morning thing, especially for people who just don't have a big appetite that early in the day.

>> No.6952784

>But if you only have $2 that won't work.
Sell your microwave

>> No.6952788

Nothing wrong with having a coffee and smoking a cigarette.

But if every morning you're having a cigarette and coffee for breakfast, you need to reevaluate your pathetic life.

Ignorance truly is bliss.

>> No.6952797

>i once watched my supervisor sit outside and eat cold spaghetti-os out of a can

Are you a character in a melancholy sitcom?

>> No.6952798

That's stupid. A microwave can do a lot of cooking indefinitely. When you sell your microwave, the olive oil you bought to cook with will run out. The butter you needed will run out. A microwave needs nothing to cook.

>> No.6952799


>> No.6952804

...OK bud.
Currently reevaluating my life.
In school, girlfriend, car, money in the bank, traveling Europe to visit friends next month.
No, I think I'm fine the way I am. Thanks though.

>> No.6952816

>making up lies to impress people you don't know on a anime image board

Post pic of car.

>> No.6952823



>> No.6952829


Please be making a funny joke fam...

>> No.6952831

It's a Ford Escape. I'm not going outside to prove anything to your sorry ass.
I guess you can try to draw conclusions about me based on my breakfast habits, though.

>> No.6952844
File: 450 KB, 2592x1944, steak_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the offbrand "meat products" they sell at dollar stores

You are down on your luck: unemployed, depressed, without family or friend to lean on. You do all your shopping at the dollar store. One day you see a sign outside the Dollar Tree: Rib-eye Steaks $1!!! You think, "I can treat myself to a steak. I can pretend I am still human." You buy the steak, hardly able to believe your luck. You take it home, tear open the package, murky liquid dripping everywhere as you gently remove the meat from the wrapper. You place the translucent strip on your hot plate and wait for it to sizzle and turn gray. And then, you dine. Later, as you empty your insides into the toilet bowl, you think to yourself, "Tonight, I shit like a king."

>> No.6952860

>a beer a week
stop drinking forever and you won't be an alcoholic anymore, but you won't do that

>> No.6952881

Just how fucking poor are you?

>> No.6952889

They've made them so thin now. I hadn't had any for years, bought a little pack of smores and was pissed. What the fuck are they doing?

>> No.6952892

UH huh okay "bud" you're done here faglord

>> No.6952895
File: 80 KB, 547x410, Ensamhet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swefag here.
This is a TV dinner with traditional swedish christmas lunch sold during the holidays in most grocery stores through out Sweden. There is no context which mitigates the sadness of consuming one of these. Once in awhile you'll spot one of these in the basket of a fellow shopper and the feeling of pity washes over you.

The swedes are a lonely, lonely people.

>> No.6952897

Do you not know how to logic or read? There were discrepancies between what that Anon said about cooking real "ghetti" and the frozen dinner.

Has nothing to do with me being poor, they are logical conclusions to make.

>> No.6952900

>being this jelly

>> No.6952927

He said:
>>12 minutes to microwave

>so about as long as it takes to cook real spaghetti

Cooking and cleaning are two distinct verbs. He also said nothing about cost. You're setting up and attacking a strawman in place of his actual statement.

So in fact it is you who does not know "how to logic or read". You also seem really defensive about this in your posts, and you're defending a shitty frozen spaghetti meal, which would be something that only a person trying to rationalize their decision to purchase this product (instead of preparing a real meal) would do, leading to the second anon's assumption that you're "poor".

>> No.6952929

what's in it?

>> No.6952947

So what the fuck actually is a pop tart supposed to be, is it like a sweet cracker or filled cookie or what

t. non-murrican

>> No.6952953

i usually have appetite, but now i just want to stay melancholic at the window smoking and thinking about a girl... don't had more than 2 meals/day in the last weeks

>> No.6952960

>GOAT chili mac and meh beef
>Not Veg omlet
cmon son

>> No.6952965

It's like a sticky artificial tasting jam inside of a pie crust. Sometimes it comes with crunchy sugar frosting on top.

You can buy them in Germany for around 10 Euro a box. yfw I know a girl who actually does this.

>> No.6952967

They're like kinda like sweet pastry dough with the texture of a cheap shortbread cookie with sweet fruit pie filling that you stick in a toaster to heat up. They're so sweet they hurt my teeth.

>> No.6952975

So people actually eat this for lunch, nothing else? Seems fine for a small snack but for a whole meal? I always found the american pb-jelly sandwich weird as fuck as well.

>> No.6952981

toasted smores poptarts are god's gift though

>> No.6952999

Meatballs, prinskorv(small fried pork sausages), brunkål(boiled and fried cabbage and flavored with vinegar, salt and treacle making it brown), Janssons frestelse(traditional casserole with potatoes, onions, pickled sprat, cream and a breadcrumb coating making it crispy) and finally a rice pudding flavored with cinnamon with a strawberry jam.

Very traditional and almost always consumed together with your family and friends.

>> No.6953002

they're supposed to be for breakfast

>> No.6953029

sounds alright

>> No.6953031
File: 26 KB, 383x287, 1424276672342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking incompetent/lazy do you have to be to buy premade pancakes? Even complete mixes are lazy as fuck and taste terrible, so I can't imagine how these would taste.

>> No.6953033


>> No.6953042

It's fucking delicious when it's done right. Findus doesn't cook it right.

>> No.6953053

Brown sugar cinnamon is the only pop tart I might eat, but I'm not a big drinker. It was always my favorite as a kid. I'm too old for pop tarts now though.

>> No.6953060

there's essentially nothing that comes out of a can that i am willing to heat up.

wolf chili, canned corn, ranch style beans, spaghettios stuff. all better cold. the exception being wolf chili in frito pie.

>> No.6953063

I think like 60% of my lunches in 8th grade were just cold cans of Campbell's Chunky New England Clam Chowder. It was not good times.

>> No.6953069
File: 442 KB, 730x1024, crackingood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, this is one those "better the cheaper you get" foods. I miss those Winn Dixie brand pop tarts, Crackin' Good. This is the only pic on the internet of them, but it's really old. I'm pretty sure it was called Crackin' Good in the 90s as well. That's when their pop tart recipe was best. The crust was nice and soft and the frosting was light, with plenty of filling.

>> No.6953074

dude, only beta faggots actually are so weak that they take time to prepare FOOD before going to work after waking.

for me its a cold can of diet coke with a smoke upon waking, then into the shower and off to fix things.

>> No.6953076

you're actually right. pop tart brand pop tarts are the worst pop tarts. the best are found at dollar stores.

>> No.6953077

Shit, I loved brown sugar cinnamon as a kid and now I'm drunk as a skunk. Well shit.

>> No.6953103

I always thoroughly enjoyed PB&J. Not sure why I don't really eat it so much anymore.

>> No.6953134

those actually look palatable tbh

>> No.6953186

>tfw picturing Sven in his cuckshed giggling happily while chomping lukewarm food.

>> No.6953608
File: 68 KB, 600x414, 360_canned_chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6953668

Those are my favorite kind.

If I had stable income I probably would be an alcoholic.

>> No.6953698

thinking owning a vehicle is something rare.... to be this pathetic at life. I don't know a single person over 15 who doesn't have one. You are dumb as all fuck

>> No.6953724

Good point. You don't need that bullshit in the morning.

Eat a nice breakfast.

>> No.6953862

From time to time I eat vienna sausages cold right out of the can. I can imagine a black and white french depression film showcasing that.

>> No.6953869

I've never seen those before. What's wrong with them? Is it real steak or more burger-like?

>> No.6953884
File: 72 KB, 540x540, Omelette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. They only take 20-25 mins to cook in the oven. A great timesaver.

>> No.6954072
File: 251 KB, 800x600, when i'm too lazy to cook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, these two are.

i eat both.

>> No.6954105
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>> No.6954503

they're paper thin floor sweepings tied together with meat glue.

>> No.6954537

That sounds comfy as fuck tbh. I haven't had time to be melancholic for a while now

>> No.6954586

Also an alcoholic and I hate them.

>> No.6954594
File: 54 KB, 368x500, 51v8Sb7M1XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they stop making cherry poptarts? They're the only kind I actually like and I can't find them fucking ANYWHERE anymore.

>> No.6954667
File: 65 KB, 500x500, pop-tarts-peanut-butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peanut butter poptarts only have 3 packs in them
>all the fruit flavors have 4

Someone must pay.

>> No.6954687


this picture made me contemplate suicide for a brief moment

>> No.6954693

interseting I loved those, and I'm a drunk.

>> No.6954695 [DELETED] 


>tfw no swedish friend to comfort with a mug of hot chocolate or whatever swedecucks drink

>> No.6954754

All things pass anon, hang in there.

>> No.6955006

Are you German?

>> No.6955010

I dont get it, whats sad about pop tarts?

>> No.6955167
File: 314 KB, 1200x1600, 20151008152324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my lunch, damn I hate tuna

>> No.6955204

>ate nothing but Steakumms for a year every night because my piece of shit father somehow got custody of me and he didn't give a fuck

>> No.6955216

Wife asked me to pick some up out of the blue. That's how I knew she was depressed.

>> No.6955336
File: 3.74 MB, 198x197, 1436745746167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6955957

that looks really good though. I want that

>> No.6956054

I love this .gif
Can i save it?

>> No.6956071

Same but my dad gave me chef boyardee.

>> No.6956334

Oh fuck I'm gonna do that this year

>> No.6956346

>cooking spaghett with butter
>cooking spaghooter with OLIVE OIL
Though your sentiment is right, everything that you are is wrong inherently

>> No.6956359

I could stand these if not for the fat gel.

>> No.6956370

>cooking spaghetti without butter
Are you gay or something?

>> No.6956408

2-3 nights of the week I eat cold spaghetti-os out of the can for dinner in my car, because I don't like being around my coworkers.

>> No.6956452

rare gif do not steal

>> No.6956480
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>12 minutes

>> No.6956482
File: 159 KB, 683x1024, 1437697041499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be a broke enough to buy store brand food but not broke enough to know how to cook. Basically a college student from a middle-class family.

>> No.6956514

This man has truly lived life and has sampled it's wide selection of shittiness.

But nothing is sadder than eating at Arby's.

Arby's: where hope goes to die

>> No.6956515


Packaging that lazy makes it depressing

>> No.6956530

>what I'm smoking and drinking these appetite suppressors because I'm not that hungry in the morning

ok sure

>> No.6956536

it's 100% lifeless and corporate, fitting for walmart i suppose

>> No.6956537

>in school
>traveling europe and not a syrian
>everything's paid off

why the hell are contributing to a saddest food thread you supposedly rich fuck? Did you regret once drink a glass of organic milk and then realize it didn't say it was made with orphan tears?

>> No.6956540

must be nice being white huh?

>> No.6956681

>that moment when you're to stupid to get cheese, crack open an egg and put a pan on

ffs, I thought pancake mix was stupid, but omelette involves even less skill.

>> No.6956688

I miss pop-tarts, used to have them as a kid but they don't sell them here anymore.

>> No.6956763
File: 34 KB, 229x346, 51KJKZ01YZL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owning this cookbook:

>> No.6956770

Is this a poptart thread or a sad food thread cause holy shit do I love refrigerated smore poptarts.

>> No.6956775

It's better unfrosted. The absorption of milk or coffee is more evenly distributed when dunking.

>> No.6957595

The only sad thing about the poptarts is that they will make me have an explosive diarrhea.

>> No.6957608

But she looks like such a sweet lady.

>> No.6957638

You mean a French breakfast.

>> No.6957647


>> No.6957677


>grade school, American in Middle East
>everyone had American food mania
>not military so had to shop locally
>someone gets a shipment of Pop Tarts and sells to school
>I'd never had one before in my life
>stood in line with everyone else to get a foil pack
>open it and try to eat it
>everyone else associates it with "home"
>I say I'm saving it for after school
>into le trash

Future outcast detected.

>> No.6957679

>tfw they stopped making apple strudel poptarts

For what purpose?

>> No.6957718


Alcoholic here, those were my favorite as a kid. I would like to see a large study on this phenomenon.

>> No.6957719

BR, why?

>> No.6957767

steal it anyway