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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 624x512, rice-cakes-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6946416 No.6946416 [Reply] [Original]

Lol remember when these were a trend? What horse shit

>> No.6946418

I loved those things, the white cheddar ones were pretty killer.

>> No.6946422
File: 239 KB, 512x384, brush-with-greatness12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6946426

Rice cakes rule. Eat shit

>> No.6946432

I like the taste but I abhor the squeaking.

>> No.6946444

I thought they were English muffins from the thumbnail. We were about to fight

>> No.6946448

rice cakes are great, especially the white cheddar or caramel ones
i will end you OP

>> No.6946449

I fucking love rice cakes, but I can't for the life of me understand why people thought they were health food. Plain white rice in probably the worst source of empty calories after sugar.

>> No.6946454

It's because people substitute them for crackers or bread, and they're much lower in calories and also more filling. Plus they taste like cardboard and get crumbs all over your science project god dammit mom it was made of plastercene you fucking moron I had to hand that shit in, fuck you early 2000s Dr. Oz equivalent. FUCK YOUR ALMOND BUTTER.

>> No.6946468


I think you mean 'meme'.

>> No.6946474

I guess replacing sliced bread for rice crackers would have a pretty decent effect. And you can't blame your ma, it was the fashion at the time.

>> No.6946479

I remember my mother going crazy over them. She literally did the homer Simpson and covered them with cheese and shit, then wondered why she got fatter. Good job she eventually saw how fat she was being and started counting calories.

>> No.6946482

>he didn't break them up into a bowl of milk for hella good cereal

>> No.6946483


Yeah she looked a lot thinner the last time I saw her.

Smelled a lot better too.

>> No.6946487
File: 39 KB, 512x384, localcooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm, and only 35 calories!

>> No.6946488

What can I say? She cares about customer satisfaction.

>> No.6946498
File: 334 KB, 1306x1600, caramel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caramel is still my favorite

>> No.6946503

With Marmite.

>> No.6946521

I know, I was just having fun.

Yeah, you can't exactly make sandwiches with them either so you're basically eating one 35 calorie rice cake with a few bullshit toppings on it. Personally I can't enjoy them, but I love crispy minis, those little flavored ones.

That's funny though, it literally was in fashion. Everyone's mom was eating them.

Did anyone else's mom start buying decorative wicker balls around the same time? My mom went crazy for that shit

I agree, his mom smells pretty nice now TBH pham

>> No.6946535

Wicker balls and those double wick yin yang candles.

>> No.6946544

rice cakes and feng shui
like that was going to fix her marriage

>> No.6946556

You mother fuckers know what I'm talking about! What the fuck was up with that shit? My friends' moms did it too.

Protip: didn't fix the marriage.

>> No.6946558

Celery sticks and sour cream dressing almost worked though.

>> No.6947740

Ye and they make me wanna puke just seeing or smelling them. Worst are the ones with some disgusting "cheese" powder on. Anyone eating this shit is a fat fuck.

>> No.6947741

I still buy rice cakes every week.

>> No.6948269

They're pretty great, you can substitute them for bread or just eat them plain, a lot better than stuffing yourself with chips or some other snacks
The pack lasts for few days, while sitting at computer, sea salt, damn they're good, I want some now

>> No.6948363

buy them all the time.

just get plain and spread some peanut butter on them

>> No.6948391

there's some tasty paprika ones I've bought

but they're overpriced, they're just fucking rice cakes for fuck's sake

>> No.6949317

They were just trying to find some joy in their disappointing lives.

>> No.6949727

They were replaced by superior products.

>> No.6949737
File: 115 KB, 360x340, 5438948357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6949764

That escalated quickly

>> No.6949770
File: 46 KB, 576x364, meat_product.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6950244

They make the best frisbees, seriously, those motherfuckers can sail on the wind for ages.

>capatcha select the popcorn.

Is that the modern day meme equivelant?

>> No.6950327

No, air-popped popcorn was the thing right before rice cakes.

>> No.6950335


I really hope that's real.