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File: 365 KB, 963x297, PIZZAMASTERPIECE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6940864 No.6940864 [Reply] [Original]

And now we play the waiting game.

>> No.6940985
File: 198 KB, 1024x768, Clouded-Monitor-Lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am monitoring this thread

>> No.6940987

unlimited toppings and you get fucking pepperoni smh

>> No.6940988
File: 15 KB, 293x179, u wot m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> interest intensifies

>> No.6940990

>mfw they get rid of the "get curried away" crust flavor

fucking loved that shit

>> No.6940994

I've been waiting tabes at pizza hut since before they introduced the new flavors and I've never once had anyone get the curried away. I was going to get it once for my lunch before they discontinued it but my manager already threw it all away.

>> No.6940995

It was ace. Nobody gives a shit about curry in the west though.

>> No.6941005

>pizza hut

nigga wat? I have never once seen a pizza hut with a sit down area

>> No.6941017

You could look it up. Most pizza huts around here are just carry-out/delivery, but ours was an "italian bistro" (I think there's only like 11 nationwide) There's also one the next town over that has a buffet.

>> No.6941022

This is the only pic I've got to prove it tho

>> No.6941040
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>> No.6941071

Some did and some still do.

The one closest to me used to have a dining area but they moved to a smaller building. Now it's just a couple of chairs for people to sit on while they wait.

>> No.6941104

The one by me a looooong time ago had a medium large dining area with table service. There was also a lunchtime pizza buffet, salad bar, and a small game room. It was pretty cool I liked going, the pizza tasted different back then too. Now I think pizza hut has gone to complete shit in terms of quality, dominos used to be the worst but got a little better.

>> No.6941120

>I have never once seen a pizza hut with a sit down area

I can think of eight pizza huts near me that used to be sit down with a buffet.

Now all but 2 have moved into strip malls. But there are 2 sit downs still with one being an "Italian Bistro" dealy.

And im not even old, im 24. But I have seen them over the years change. Feels weird to think about it.

>> No.6941123

>the pizza tasted different back then too

Ive thought this too
I cant remember if its nostalgia or if they really did cheap out on their food.

It did used to be a lot more expensive though

>> No.6941125

>2 pizzas
>1 box

Please post pictures OP I need it

>> No.6941173

It definitely did. I never ate pizza hut as a kid, but Dominos used to have a wonderful flavor, and it would taste great cold too. Then somewhere along the line they cheapened it, and added that disgusting sticky garlic shit on the crust, and that was that.

>> No.6941185

nah, I think quality slowly went down over the years. its been barely noticeable all along because they were counting on everybody not noticing the slide down. it used to be more expensive and higher quality. Now it's cheap pizza made with cheap ingredients that have been flavored to mimic the pizza hut pizzas of yore. I really do not like them anymore and probably consider it the worst. They also seem the most gimmicy, for years everything is stuffed crust this and promotional bullshit that with meme sauce drizzled hot dogs. the original stuffed crust was good and thats where I draw the line.

>> No.6941206
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I remember in high school I ordered pizza hut and it came with this pic related free movie, got stoned as shit ate a whole pizza and watched it. good times

>> No.6941227

I bought 4 pizzas from pizza hut today. Huge mistake. 45$ down the drain. But I gotta eat this garbage so it's just pizza for 3 days. God pizza hut is terrible. Why the fuck did I listen to someone who said it's "not bad".

>> No.6941245

Papa johns>Dominos>Pizza Hut
This is fact and you dun fucked up by getting the lowest.

>> No.6941257

I agree with that except up here it's Panago>Local Place>Dominos. I fucked up buying this shit. The thing is the thin crust isn't terrible but the traditional pan pizza from pizza hut is absolutely pig disgusting. I'm going to throw it out tomorrow most likely.

Gotta stick with Panago from now on

>> No.6941268

Never heard of Panago, but the only local places better than those are hella far away and won't deliver to me.

>> No.6941275

>tfw op doesn't deliver.

>> No.6941304

Pizza Hut was all I ever had growing up. I actually thought it was good until I was probably 22 years old just because no one in my family ever suggested anything else so I had no real point of reference (hometown was also woefully short of good, local non-chain options). Then I moved to a place with a ton of local options and experienced pizza enlightenment.

I had Pizza Hut again a couple years later and found it absolutely disgusting, I ate a couple slices just for the sake of being polite. I just can't go back again.

I personally find Papa John's sauce to be sweeter than I prefer, but otherwise I'd generally agree. Though Domino's with chicken and bacon is pretty good.

>> No.6941325

The only issue i have with Papa John's is my local place is a bit light on the sauce. Papa Johns' everything is better than dominos but the best thing about em is the garlic sauce they always give. That shit is fucking amazing i feel every pizza place should have the same thing.

My list is actually a bit more like this tho
Tony's >>>>Papa John's>Giant Manhattan pizza=Dominoes>>>>>>Pizza Hut

>> No.6941498


>> No.6941509
File: 36 KB, 550x413, pizza-hut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both pizza huts here are fully fledged restaurants, it's great

>> No.6941516

6 hrs ago. I don't think the pizza exists anymore.

>> No.6941518

I sad now.

>> No.6941561

Order it again.

Don't let these mofos walk away without serving you your pizza fit for a god.

>> No.6941639

I live in Spain, all Pizza Huts here are full restaurants, with waiters and stuff.

>> No.6943114

seriously? Where do you live?
They serve beer too.

>> No.6943142

The waiting game sucks, let's play hungry hungry hippos

>> No.6943184

A lot of Pizza Hut locations in the UK are restaurants you sit down in.

>> No.6943189

pizza sandwich when

>> No.6943193

Spoiler: OP died of cardiac arrest before he could post pictures of the pizza sandwich.

>> No.6943335

>itt: orders that were never placed

>> No.6943347
File: 34 KB, 500x497, 1441920346041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to work at dawn foods

>> No.6943360

op, how could you do this to us?

who is the hero who will step up and actually order it?

>> No.6943472

Sit down pizza huts are rare but they do still exist.

There's a "hole in the wall" sit down one up the street from me, and about fifteen minutes away in the next town over there's still one of the old standalone Hut buildings.