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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6939914 No.6939914 [Reply] [Original]

Food safety is important to every foodservice operation, and the costs of a foodborne-illness outbreak can be high. Let's take a look an example of when regular working-joe Jerry had a bad day:

Jerry was not happy because he was working by himself. His coworker had called in sick and they were expecting their regular Wednesday night group of softball players. Jerry was not feeling too well himself, and on top of this, the large group canceled at the last minute. Unfortunately, Jerry had already started cooking a dozen burgers on the grill.

Jerry finished cooking the hamburger patties until they were well-done, and then he put them in a pan on the counter. "Maybe someone will order a burger later," he thought. Because there were no customers yet, he made a quick run to the restroom. When he finished, he wiped his hands on his apron, combed his hair, and headed back to the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later, Jerry got his first customers of the evening. They were an elderly man and his four-year-old granddaughter. Jerry was happy when they ordered a burger to share. "Cook it medium," the man said. It looked like the premade burgers would stay on the counter for a while.

Jerry went back to the kitchen and put a fresh patty on the grill. Then he wiped off the cutting board he had used earlier for prepping raw chicken. He sliced the tomatoes and onion. When the burger just passed medium-rare, he plated it up.

When Jerry delivered, the little girl asked for a glass of water. Jerry grabbed a glass and used it to scoop some ice. But, the glass broke. Jerry carefully picked the broken glass out of the ice machine. Then he got the girl a fresh glass for the ice water.

What did Jerry do wrong?

>> No.6939927

He told multiple people that he was attracted to little girls.

>> No.6939932

Forgot the pickles

>> No.6939936

Not go into STEM

>> No.6939940
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>> No.6939954


>> No.6939963

>4 year old granddaughter

He was probably fapping behind the counter the whole time when your supposed to take care of that on your restroom break, but since he was alone in the kitchen I'd let it slide this time. Also no burger should be cooked any less than extra well done.

>> No.6940007

Jerry isn't paid nearly enough to keep an eye on every little detail of his work, especially when his colleagues pull a sickie.
The little girl could have got that glass in her stomach from anywhere, you know what kids are like always putting random shit in their mouths, I'm sure emergency invasive surgery wasn't entirely called for and that's what health insurance is for. Also the grandfather was probably just lying about getting sick to get a free meal - these fuckers will try anything.

>> No.6940046

1)he wasn't feeling well himself. Does he have a runny discharge from his nose?
2)cooked meat only has a certain window. I wouldn't sell something that wasn't hot or I would've done them under well done so they could go back on the grill
3)wash your fucking hands Jerry also don't touch your apron with your dick hands. Also wear a hairnet or hat or something
4)chicken-beef cross contamination
5)you need a dedicated ice scoop, not just a glass. Don't ever fucking touch the ice with your hands, especially chicken/dick hands
6)ice is basically colorless and transparent, so is glass, I could see him missing some as well

Is Jerry actually the dishwasher and it's his first day on the line?

>> No.6940073

He joined the food industry.

>> No.6940094

you know, jerry fucked up a long time ago. no need to pile on the guy.

>> No.6940101

found the actual foodservice worker in the thread

>> No.6940120

Jerry got a restaurant job

>> No.6940533

Let's say something goes wrong at your establishment. What should you do? In this example, we take a look at Philip, a regular guy who is about to have a lot on his plate:

Philip was the kitchen manager at Stacy's on 44, a diner just off route 44 in upstate Wisconsin. His boss, the owner/operator, had taken the day off to visit her family. So, on Monday afternoon, Philip was the manager on duty.

Just after the lunch shift slowed down, the calls began to come in. Customers were complaining that they had gotten sick after eating at the diner on Saturday. The cashier turned over the phone calls to Philip. He became a little panicked after the third call came in.

Callers told Philip that they were experiencing diarrhea and fever. Many complained about severe vomiting as well. All of the callers had eaten the meat loaf platter. Philip didn't know what to say. He asked them to call back the next day when the owner could help. Philip tried to reach the owner, but his calls went straight to voice mail.

Philip tried to remember who was working on Saturday. He thought about the ingredients in the meat loaf and what might have happened. Just as he was about to write some information down, a health inspector arrived. The inspector told Philip that they had received illness complaints from customers who had eaten at the diner. The inspector asked Philip what information he had received from the customers who had gotten sick. He also advised Philip that they should work together to identify the source and take action immediately. Philip said that he didn't know what had happened and that he was just the kitchen manager covering the shift for his boss. He told the inspector to come back on Tuesday when the owner would be back.

So, /ck/, what did Philip do wrong?

>> No.6940539

>He also advised Philip that they should work together to identify the source and take action immediately
Not doing this.

>> No.6940547
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Nothing, the health inspector should have beaten the shit out of him with a club while a small battalion of health gestapo took everyone in the restaurant prisoners of health as they razed the establishment to its foundations. Phillip would be decided guilty under health law and swiftly executed by being hanged, drawn, and quartered.

>> No.6940548

>at my establishment
>I'm not the manager

>> No.6940557
File: 25 KB, 480x360, tmp_20100-jared-fogle-1452732231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's even dressing like him.....
how long until he gets that juicy endorsement deal friends?

>> No.6940598

and then a juicy teenager.

>> No.6941529

Who wears an apron in the bathroom?
I have literally never seen that.

>> No.6941581

This is an actual Servsafe question

>> No.6941865


>> No.6942997

Top kek

>> No.6943053

From an operational point of view Philip did nothing wrong! . .. . but I suppose that's not the answer you are looking for, which would be to start helping the inspector and gather any meatloaf that may be around and potentially drop everybody in the poo!

>> No.6943055

Phillip dindu nuffin wrong.

>> No.6943301

I had no idea this thread would survive until today, /ck/.

Are you interested in more scenarios from the world of incompetent foodservices employees who are probably still more diligent than the actual people who handle the food you eat every day?

Let's meet Randall, a good man about to make some bad decisions:

Randall is a foodhandler at a deli. It is 7:47 a.m., and he has just woken up. He is scheduled to be at work and ready to go by 8:00 a.m. When he gets out of bed, his stomach feels queasy. He blames that on the beer he had the night before. Fortunately, Randall lives only five minutes from work. Despite this, he doesn’t have enough time to take a shower. He grabs the same uniform he wore the day before when prepping chicken. He also puts on his watch and several rings.

Randall does not have luck on his side today. On the way to the restaurant, his oil light comes on. He is forced to pull off the road and add oil to his car. When he gets to work, he realizes he has left his hat at home. Randall is greeted by an angry manager. The manager puts Randall to work right away, loading the rotisserie with raw chicken. Randall then moves to serving a customer who orders a freshly made salad. Randall is known for his salads and makes the salad to the customer’s approval.

To be continued...

>> No.6943303


The manager asks Randall to take out the garbage and then make potato salad for the lunch-hour rush. On the way back from the garbage run, Randall tells the manager that his stomach is bothering him. The manager, thinking of his staff shortage, asks Randall to stick it out as long as he can. Randall agrees and gets out the ingredients for the potato salad. Then he heads to the restroom in hope of relieving his symptoms. After quickly rinsing his hands in the restroom, he finds that the paper towels have run out. Short of time, he wipes his hands on his apron.

Later, Randall cuts his finger while making the potato salad. He bandages the cut and continues his prep work. The manager then tells Randall to clean the few tables in the deli that are available for customers. He puts on a pair of single-use gloves and cleans and sanitizes the tables. When finished, Randall grabs a piece of chicken from the rotisserie for a snack. He takes the chicken with him to the prep area, so he can get back to making the potato salad.

So, /ck/... what were Randall's errors?

>> No.6944845

1. You close the store, since its a 2 man shift. No seriously, you do that.
Or hire a temp, or get a temp over from the same chain from somewhere else.

2. Jerry remembers to wear latex gloves, and swap them after use
The manager at the store also know how bad spread of viruses is from snivel, so Jerry always wears a Face Mask when feeling runny or having a mild cold

3. Holy fucking shit, whoever trained Jerry gets fired

>> No.6944862

Are you talking these out of a book?

>> No.6944916

This is why robots should start replacing employees.

You would save a lot of money because robots don't need gloves and can be instantly sanitized by blasting them with 100% UV radiation, something that would be dangerous to do on humans.

And UV radiation is way better than antibacterial soaps and shit.

Bring on the robot workers already.