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File: 32 KB, 500x500, 06_STEEL_RESERVE_40_A-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6936477 No.6936477 [Reply] [Original]

Should I get 2 of these, or a bottle of scotch?

>> No.6936490


>> No.6936499

Porque no los dos

>> No.6936510

I only have 10 dollars

>> No.6936512

depends, how fucked up you wanna get?

>> No.6936518

Scotch is nasty but a 750ml bottle wil have more alcohol that those 2 40s. I'm drinking one right now

>> No.6936520

Scotch then

>> No.6936521


>> No.6936523

>$10 scotch

Just go with the steel reserve or buy some cheap vodka or something like that.

>> No.6936534


Get the reserve. A homeless black man taught me the most amazing mix drink.

Steel monkey

Drink 1/2 a steel reserve
Fill the half empy bottle with orange juice

Works every time

>> No.6936541

what do you mean "works"

i have no problem drinking malt liquor on its own

are you a woman?

>> No.6936542


Itll get you drunk nigga

>> No.6936545

but so will drinking the steel reserve on its own

why would I add orange juice? what's the point?

the orange juice doesn't get you any more drunk

did you mean to say orange liqueur?

>> No.6936553

It's called a brass monkey and that guy must be fifteen to still get a decent drunk from them

>> No.6936555

why would you mix beer or malt liquor with anything?

how much of a pussy can one be?

>> No.6936564


Its a steel monkey man. The sage who taught me this elixir had many more decades of experience to refine his his lifes work than either of us combined.

That man knows more about getting drunk than any individual currently alive. Hes spent more than 10 years in jail because he couldnt give up his passion for anyone, not even his P.O.

If you could only tap into a fraction of the knowledge he has acquired, then youd know that the steel monkey was the drink to begin and end all drinks

>> No.6936595

my question was how does orange juice get you drunker

the answer is that it doesn't

you seem young

>> No.6936604

this tbh



>> No.6936610

steel monkey

>> No.6936611

Nobody said it made you drunker retard, stop being intentionally obtuse just to get in a cheap insult

>> No.6936623


It doesnt help. After closer questioning, the only reason he mixes steel reserve with orange juice is he is a chronic alcoholic who hasnt drank anything without alcohol for 2 months, and who scores free orange juice fron the city mission.

Perhaps you shpuld go for the scotch

>> No.6936631

but I like the taste of steel reserve a whole lot more than the taste of $10 liquor

i'm getting steel reserve

>> No.6936641

steel monkey

>> No.6936642


Steel reserve is about 1.50 for a deuce here.

>> No.6936653

I can get two 40s for 5-6 bucks depending on the store

>> No.6936684

I made a steel monkey once. Its pretty tasty.

>> No.6936690

steel monkey bruh

What don't you understand?

>> No.6936695

grow up

>> No.6936700

Fuck off

>> No.6936704


Is mad because he's never had a steel monkey, let alone had a sloot to give a steel monkey to

>> No.6936710

I've had beer with orange juice

in high school

>> No.6936717

No one cares, faggot

>> No.6936719

thanks for bumping my thread

>> No.6936720

I also smoked black tea in rolled up scraps of newspaper when I was in middle school.

That doesn't mean that it was a good idea.

>> No.6936721


Y u so mad

>> No.6936723
File: 85 KB, 335x400, my nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6936726

I don't care

>> No.6936728

that's exactly my point.
i'm not

>> No.6936748

cheap vodka you dillweed. Also, where the fuck do you live where you can get only 2 40's of SR and a $10 bottle of scotch in an acceptable alternative?

>> No.6936751

read the thread

>> No.6936819

neither, stop drinking you fucking alcohol

>> No.6936863

hows the steel monkey workin out for ya op? Im drinking diet dr pepper and Jack Daniels. Its a pretty bad combo.

>> No.6936922
File: 19 KB, 208x210, 1388255897762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all a bunch of underage, degenerate, retards.

A steel monkey is as follows.
1. Drink half steel reserve
2. Crack open a orange 4 loko
3. Pour into half filled 211
4. Profit

>> No.6936933

now that's a drink I can get behind

mixing orange juice with malt liquor is dumb

>> No.6936973

dubs don't lie

also fuck this samefag steel reserve poster

>> No.6936998

I just puked in my mouth

>> No.6937002

Get a $10 bj from Bonqueesha the friendly neighborhood prostitute.

>> No.6937010

Then what do with the rest of the Four Loko?

>> No.6937016

4 loko isn't 40 oz

>> No.6937054

Ahh, gotcha. Around here, malt liquor comes in 24 oz cans and if you're lucky, you'll find a 32

>> No.6937059

>four loko

I'm not a seventeen year old attending my first skrillex concert so no, I will not be drinking that.