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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6935902 No.6935902 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a \fit\ fu\ck\ or are you fat/skinny/average?

>> No.6935913

5'5" 292

>> No.6935937

5'6 102 lbs

>> No.6935949

Is 5"11 190 average? Got a bit of a round belly, but freakishly long arms

>> No.6935950

6'3" 160

>> No.6935966

skinnyfat tbh, 5'4 120 lbs

>> No.6935987

Pls be a grill

>> No.6935991

5'9" 145lbs average

>> No.6935994

It's a bit overweight so yeah that's fairly average. Still not good though, just lose the visceral fat around your guts.

>> No.6935997

I'm a /ck/ fuck, because this is /ck/, not /fit/, and every time /fit/ posts here it's pretty much garbage..

>> No.6936007

Why? Are their recipes bad or are they assholes?

I'm OP and I'm from \fit\ so I'm curious

>> No.6936011

Time to work out, son.
I'm built skinny if that makes sense

>> No.6936013

>protein shake
>bland food
>skinless chicken (steamed)
>muh protein
>might want to add some protein to that.

>> No.6936014


>> No.6936018
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, kingjack_pepe_reloaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Ja/ck/?

>> No.6936030

/fit/ recipes are almost universally garbage.

so are /ck/ recipes for that matter, and 90% of /ck/ is fast/shit food, aclohol[ics] and fat people that are e-famous for intentionally being disgusting pieces of shit.

>> No.6936031
File: 114 KB, 640x574, ven12_ja_06mar_eatsnew-640x574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm from \fit\
You guys come here constantly looking for ways to make tunafish and plain chicken breast taste good. Its annoying but we always treat you well and give advice.
When we go to your board looking for nutrition tips we get shit on or totally ignored.
/fit/ can /f/u/ck/ off

>> No.6936035


They're usually not really assholes.

It's just that someone from /fit/ starts a thread here around twice every day, and they always just recite the /fit/ sticky like it's the holy grail, when in reality its: oats, cottage cheese, tuna, boneless skinless chicken breast, frozen veggies, brown rice. All day, every day, and anything that tastes good will set you back a year of squatting.

The only "recipe" you ever actually see from /fit/ is the stupid canned tuna cakes, which anybody, with any cooking experience, should be able to make better.

Usually /fit/ comes into poorfag threads and tells the OP to just eat a bunch of bland protein and rice, thinking that nobody on /ck/ actually enjoys food, and just eats it for lifting weights.

>> No.6936041
File: 97 KB, 800x800, 1443156727024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1" 132

Working on eating more tho :c

>> No.6936045

agreed, it's not like seasoning or herbs or spices add any calorific value.

>> No.6936049

Whew lad
I suppose that makes sense.
I'm sorry, some of \fit\ is pretty stupid
Sounds like \fit\ alright

>> No.6936052

Good luck!

>> No.6936056


190cm tall, 90kg weight.

I'm a farmer, I eat a lot of unpasteurized sheeps milk and cabbage.

No gainz on either end really, been the same size since adolescence.

I don't go to the gym, but my career is labor intensive, perhaps why I plateaued physically.

>> No.6936064

Ah I see. At least you're healthy to some degree though since your work is a work out too.

>> No.6936068

Could lose a few pounds and look better.
But, I'm quite tall, so that helps even things out.

>> No.6936077



>> No.6936082

thx m8 ! ^-^

>> No.6936087

Haha yeah that sounds exactly like /fit/

/fit/ is actually thinking about asking /ck/ to the winterball

>> No.6936095

i hope /b/ is catering.

>> No.6936150

6'2" 170lbs. Little muscle mass.

Started lifting recently and cooking for myself. Been eating a lot of brown rice, oats, eggs and beans.

Feeling a bit better but not great.

>> No.6936210

eating any fruits or veggies?

>> No.6936211


>would eat food btards cooked

Enjoy your semen everything

>> No.6936214


I stop by the market on the way home and try to pick up one bushel or stalk or whatever of anything on sale and then prepare a simple version of it with dinner.

I always seem to let things rot when I buy them in bulk.

>> No.6936220

what does this have to do with /ck/?

>> No.6936235

/fit/izens are invading, politely.

>> No.6936238

keep it up.

>> No.6936242

tater tots, pizza rolls, ketchup and week old semen (at least that provides /fit/s protein requirement).

>> No.6936247



Voting on if /fit/ should ask /ck/ to the ball. I'm guessing a /fit/izen posted here to see if it would be a good match or not

>> No.6936249

6'6" 240

>tfw ogremode

>> No.6936274

5'11 215lb size 32 pants

/fit/ is absolutely full of assholes. The ones that self identify as /fit/izens outside of fit are the bad ones. Plenty of good ones crosspost without you ever knowing

>> No.6936289

79kg/174lbs at 183cm/6ft so American thin/European fat.

>> No.6936301

pretty much the same, here

>> No.6936346 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 479x680, 1372033089744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's not m-my fault I'm fat f-fucking assholes

>> No.6936380

Seem to be generalizing a lot there bud

>> No.6936402
File: 25 KB, 300x495, SEMENinfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no nutritional benefit from ingesting semen, it exists solely to provide protection for sperm in the acidic environment of vaginas.

>> No.6936409

What about all that copper and zinc? Just drink down 30 loads daily.

>> No.6936423

6'6 325

>> No.6936427


>30 loads.

Have fun guzzling down 6 dudes spunk.

>> No.6936608

6'2" 230ish pounds.

Haven't weighed myself in a while.

I got down to 200 from dieting but my gf wants me to be chubby, and I am not going to say no to that.

Also I have no idea if I am fat or average or what, I have little muscle mass and am in burgerland so I can't really tell. Body Dysmorphia and all that.

>> No.6936805

bloated fatty here