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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6933459 No.6933459 [Reply] [Original]

Got a new girlfriend and she's a pescetarian.

I'm pretty much only used to cooking meat-based meals. What are some good ideas for vegetarian or fish based meals to impress her?

Pic not related

>> No.6933461

David Duchovny is a pescetarian. I think I could do it if I didn't live in the mountains

>> No.6933462



Dump her. Not worth all the speeches you're going to hear about "muh animal suffering"

>> No.6933466

>I'm pretty much only used to cooking meat-based meals

Fish contain meat, dickbutt.

>> No.6933470


I know plenty of pescetarians and vegetarians who are pretty relaxed about their diets and their views on animal rights and shit.

Very few pleasant vegans though.

>> No.6933471

Nah she just legitimately doesn't like meat. Like I'm sure if I forced her I could get her to eat some but whatever.

You know what I mean

>> No.6933478

Does she swallow?

>> No.6933480


No you don't.


No one dislikes the taste of every meat except for the most potent tasting of meats on the planet. Fish is a palate smasher taste. Also, the risk of mercury poisoning is very real when consuming so much fish.

>> No.6933481

but fish are animals too

>> No.6933488

b-b-but they're not cute!

>> No.6933553

>Very few pleasant vegans though.
It's always the vegans who are constantly whining about everything. Most vegetarians I know are pretty chill.

>> No.6933618

I don't know what to tell you. She has no problem with people eating meat, she doesn't really give a fuck about animals.

Also, I still haven't heard any suggestions. . .

>> No.6933630


You're with a woman retarded enough (more so than the average woman) to willingly ingest copious amounts of mercury. No idea why you're defending her, you don't even know her and in a years time (or less) you're going to be shitposting her nudes on /b/ crying about how she cheated on you.

No one here is going to help you impress your new waifu pillow, alright?

Good... now gtfo.

>> No.6933637

She doesn't eat fish all that often. Just thought it would be disingenuous to call her a vegetarian tbh

thanks for the help though

>> No.6933799

Monkfish OP. In return make her call you Anon next time you have sex.

>> No.6933838

Thai fish curry on rice with green beans sauteed in garlic and chilli

>> No.6934498
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Is she one of those retards who think fish is ethically farmed?

>> No.6934504

>won't eat meat for ethical reasons
>thinks fish are ethically farmed
kek. In 20 years most species of fish used for food are probably going to be extinct. Dump the cunt

>> No.6934508

Thai green curry catfish

Creole BBQ shrimp

Good old fish and chips, I like pollack best

Veracruza style fillet

Red beans and rice

Vegetarian chilli

>> No.6934557

>Also, the risk of mercury poisoning is very real when consuming so much fish.
That is only a USA/Japan issue.
Fish caught in the glorious Adriatic sea is as healthy as it can be. No mercury here.
As for you OP, if she is as cool about meat as you state she is you are free to eat meat whenever you want and cook some veggies for her. There are bunch of recipes online. Grilled vegetables is the most common one, because honestly there isn't much you can do with vegetables and maintain the nutrients.
And as far as actual recipes are concerned, you might do prawns, or shrimps if you want to surprise her and excite her. Stir fry shrimp with rice or some veggies. Fish is just really straightforward.
If you have any more questions shoot, I'm also here.

t. someone whose GF is also a pescetarian

>> No.6934576
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Cantonese steamed fish is easy and delicious and looking at its sad, dead eyes will cause her to go full veggie, I recommend it.

>> No.6934584
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>being beaten into submission this badly.

>> No.6934585

>Buying farmed fish
>Not wild

>> No.6934640

why can't any of you fucks get a normal person to date you and not some fucking pestvaginatarian or vegetarians? jesus fuck

>> No.6934653

I agree. This bullshit is really getting out of hand.

>> No.6934658

Fishermans pie is pretty easy and tasty.
Or scampi and chips. Awesome.

>> No.6934695

Buying farmed fish is more ethical than buying wild ones. Wild fishing is significantly reducing the population of a lot of species, especially tuna.

>> No.6934721

U wot m8 ? If she is a normal person then you eat whatever you want. Just like I stated, I eat whatever I want and even cook meat for myself while the side dish is the same for both. And most restaurants who are worth something serve vegetarian food, so it's basically the same to me.
But it's more healthy. And wild fishing isn't reducing anything. It's people who fish above the quotas. For instance you're allowed to fish X amount of fish per month for yourself. People fish X times 10 that and there is nobody to control them.

>> No.6934723


>then you

Ohhhhh we're talking to a teenager gentleman.

She'll grow out of it, just like her lesbian phase and "muh daddy" phase.

College was fun for me, don't waste so much of your free time on women.

>> No.6934724


>> No.6934730

not possible. My girlfriend is productive, gets straight 90's+ on tests in university, and maintains a full time job, but she had a traumatic experience when she was younger and has to take some hardcore sleeping pills to even get to sleep at night, see a psychiatrist, etc. Still love her, I don't mind taking care of her.

Point I'm trying to make is that they are all crazy.

>> No.6934739

>a traumatic experience when she was younger
Oh, here we fucking go...

>> No.6934745


Does her name happen to be Garrett?

>> No.6934746


>hey anons got a new gf
>brags this much about someone he doesn't really know

One day when you're a man, you'll understand how retarded you are saying shit like thus OP. Guaranteed this isn't the woman you'll marry, she's going to lie to you, do evil shit to you and make you feel badly at some point in the near future.

Vaginas aren't a reason to kiss someones arse, or even speak well of them when they're not around. I'm starting to think the OP is a shut-in style feminist dork that no one speaks to on campus and ends up having to socialize on /ck/ of all places because culinary school wouldn't let her in...so now she's studying arts.

OP is female, I'm done responding to this bait.

>> No.6934755

yeah, I know.

What? I'm not bragging, I'm giving an example about how even someone that appears to be composed and "together" is really a mess inside in order to substantiate my point that all women are batshit insane to one degree or another.

>> No.6934763

hi, i'me a veggie myself but as i am french all my recipes are in grams and in french, so fuck that.
but the book i use the most is basically equivalent to this one:


>> No.6934764


>just started dating
>can already tell she's a mess

This isn't your blog nigger. If you aren't the female in question i'd be astounded. If you're willing to take on someone with such obvious baggage you're even more pathetic than she is.

Food isn't supposed to be complicated, it's intended to nourish our bodies and enrich our lives. If you come across people who can complicate something as simple as food (something microscopic organisms manage not to fuck up) you leave them where they are to wallow in their own arrogance and self-pity.

This woman will destroy your life, you've been warned.

I still think you are the train wreck bitch we're speaking about though.

>> No.6934766
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>traumatic experience when she was younger
True story. Some dumb cunt I went to high school with claimed to have PTSD because of some shit her parents did to her when she was younger. Everyone thought she got raped or something.

It turned out, she was a fat little piggy when she was younger and her parents would make her eat her vegetables. They would put some ketchup on them to try and get her to fucking eat healthy. Some kids threw a piece of brocoli covered in ketchup on her plate and she started screaming bloody murder like she was being stabbed.

I'm not even fucking kidding, you can't make this up. She claimed that her parents abused her as a child because they made her fucking eat vegetables.

When a cunt said something traumatic happened in her past, she's full of shit.

I watched my next door neighbor get stabbed to death by her crazy husband in third grade and I turned out perfectly fine

>> No.6934768


Bro, you ought to know that rational thought has no place on this board. The very moment you mention a significant other there is no possible explanation except bragging.

>> No.6934783
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make real fallafel like those. If they fall apart while frying, complete the dough with one egg and 2 spoons flour

sauce: tahini with lemon juice (copious) and parsley

if you can make pita bread, it's cool. Otherwise, buy some

then with shredded red cabbage and carrots and lebanese tabbouleh make sandwiches

she'll give you the old lickaroo

my last batch for good measure, i fucked up and forgot to keep parsley for the sauce

>> No.6934790


/ck: a place where noone discusses food

>> No.6934792


>Food isn't supposed to be complicated, it's intended to nourish our bodies and enrich our lives. If you come across people who can complicate something as simple as food (something microscopic organisms manage not to fuck up) you leave them where they are to wallow in their own arrogance and self-pity.

>Food isn't supposed to be complicated


Nice attention to detail there, you must be an attentive employee.

>> No.6934794
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also, go HEAVY on the parsley and add fresh coriander, it gives it all its freshness.
And when i say heavy i mean heavy: color of preparation before frying:

>> No.6934808

I love cunnilingus

>> No.6934906

What ? I don't understand your greentext.
She is in her late 30s.
Dude what ?

Why does /ck/ think they're experts on women ? There are functional adult people who have their own reason to be vegetarian, that doesn't mean they'll stuff their choice into your throat. The world is a big place and just because you've had bad experiences or are retarded doesn't mean someone else is the same.

>> No.6934909


>woman in her 30's
>acts like a child

>> No.6934929

dude... what are you trying to accomplish here

>> No.6934935

I was responding to a post that implied these women are bad. I am trying to explain that they're not. Obviously I'm not gonna succeed.

>> No.6934950


Kill yourselves

Who the fuck would date someone with such obvious issues that even food has to be complicated?

Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.6934970

>Who the fuck would date someone with such obvious issues that even food has to be complicated?
>has a problem with other very happy people that date vegetarians and have no issues at all
>using a bengalese cooking parlor to state his opinion
I'm not sure who the pathetic one is here.

>> No.6934999


>rationalizing a pre-breakup this much

Food isn't complicated, even newborns know to latch onto thr teat. What is wrong with your woman that she has an aversion to survival food? The smell of meat makes my 5mo son salivate, literally cries for food when he smells it.

I think your woman is emotionally damaged bro.

I'll look out for your sadfrog post /b/ calling her a whore and making fun of her picky eating habits in a few months.

>> No.6935017

She is just a girl/woman. Not better or worse than any other I've had or will have. If we breakup we breakup, no hard feelings. I'm not scared of that, I just enjoy life and food.
I don't know why she doesn't like meat. It's not important to me. It's so trivial that I don't even think about it except in rare cases like this.
Also this thread has gone so offtopic that I'm gonna just stop replying.

>> No.6935041


>>>/r9k/ and stay there please. Adults are talking

>> No.6935045

>moqueca (brazilian fish stew, i do it with cod, salmon and shrimp)
>tuna steak
>salmon on pizza
>salmon encased in puff pastry
>cod filet with pressed potatoes and sauce from the frying of the fish

>> No.6935052 [DELETED] 

all boards are ours now
beta uprising faggot
it's happening

>> No.6937250

All farmed fish is garbage. You're probably the same asshole who defends GMO because you think you should eat poison for the greater good. Fuck off faggot.