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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6931928 No.6931928 [Reply] [Original]

I've got some OC here lads. Homemade Kung Pao Chicken.

I have already prepped the ingreds.

chicken is marinating in
white pepper
soy sauce
sesame oil
corn starch

the sauce is
soy sauce
chicken stock
sesame oil
corn starch

left vegtables I'm using
red peppers

right ingreds
thai chillies

>> No.6931932
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Gotta have my gluten free dogfish head beer while I work.

>> No.6931933
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Throw the chicken into the frying pan.

>> No.6931937

Peanut oil btw, since we are going to be adding dry honey roasted peanuts later.

>> No.6931940
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Remove the chickens from the pan so we can start w/ the best part.

>> No.6931946
File: 2.23 MB, 1296x968, readyup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got league of legends up on my big tv incase anyone is wondering. Will post more very soon.

>> No.6931951
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anyway, here is the next step everyone.
adding the peppers and celery to the fry pan

>> No.6931954
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Tossing in the onions and peanuts, I add the onions last because I like white onions when they are barely cooked; fuck off if you cook your onions to shit.

>> No.6931958
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Lets add the spicy part and cook that shit a little bit

>> No.6931959
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Add the chicken and the sauce to the frying pan, and cook that shit up.

>> No.6931962
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And we eating now.

>> No.6931965

Thanks for checkin out my OC lads if you're lookin. It tasted way better than any chinese takeout; next time I will make a white macadamia sauce and use macadamia nuts instead of peanuts.

>> No.6931997
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Looks good bro

>> No.6932039

Looks good OP but I would have subbed those diced hot peppers for a big handful of la jiao.

>> No.6932100

Looks pretty good OP, I will be making something similar in the future.

>> No.6932109

Fuggg that looks good

>> No.6932802


>> No.6932811

What's that beer? Gluten free why?

>> No.6932820
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Good, I like kung pao and would like that

>> No.6932861

my fucking DIIIIIIICK

>> No.6933077

Based beer. Tweason by the dog.

>> No.6934004

commenting because OC

why u no velveting the meat, bro? classic chinese technique, easy to do

>> No.6934008


anyway good job, pics saved and etc etc. you are bro tier

>> No.6934011

Was worried but the end result looks good

Also why are you cooking the green onions? Those are supposed to go on raw at the end