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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6929767 No.6929767[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would you eat if you were dining with the Führer?

>> No.6929772


Rouladen mit spatzel and braised red cabbage with bacon.

Then for dessert a few bottles of TBA, the most perfect of German dessert wines.

>> No.6929784 [DELETED] 

Strudel with creme

>> No.6929787

probably some kind of fried meat and cabbage

>> No.6929789

one cyanide pill

>> No.6929794
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Strudel with creme

>> No.6929797

Some shit that I dont remember the name of - its like braised short ribs except pork - super tender cut, a Hoffbrau Weissbier, some spitzle, and some red cabbage like this faggot >>6929772 said.

>> No.6929799


I would serve him some of his traditional Jewish foods

>> No.6929800

it will be best dinner ever :)

>> No.6929803


>eating meat and drinking wine with an abstinent vegetarian


>> No.6929808


I don't care if he eats, only that he pays. TBA is €150+ for a 200ml bottle that's for cheaper vintages.

>> No.6929811

apparently he wasnt a vegefucktard. apparently just eating meat gave him bad gas.
sauce: >>52780978

>> No.6929812


>> No.6929852

Habanero Daredevil loaded grillers w/ a large baja blast

>> No.6929883

>it's not that he didn't eat meat, he just didn't eat meat

>> No.6929890
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Drinking milk with someone lactose intolerant isn't the same as drinking it with someone that will say you're worse than (heh) Hitler

>> No.6929942

Beverages, no alcohol, I've usually got some orange Jews or in typical NEET fashion, Mountain Jew, actually scrap those, they might be to Hasidic for Hitler, i know he had bad teeth to begin with, i wouldn't want to damage his enamel.

i really don't know, but I know id need to have a nice preheated oven, but not so hot it burns what Im cooking, and it would have to be simple i mean my kitchens not a slave labour camp or anything.

I suppose i could just see what's in the fridge and throw it to-ghetto, see what happens.

Maybe a picnic, but it depends on the weather, i don't want our day to get ruined by an unexpected shower.

Actually, i think we'd go out together, maybe some french place.

>> No.6929950
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Probably sushi

>> No.6929974

Pork, some ham probably baked.

>> No.6930011
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>not knowing that our Great Führer didn't eat meat

Fucking Untermensch, when will they learn

>> No.6930022

Meth, his favorite

>> No.6930027

yeah, but the term vegetarian is't exclusive to an ideology, it can be that one is a vegetarian due to dietary concerns. Still the same word bruh

>> No.6930051

>Eva Braun

>> No.6930082
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Question to Americans: How well would you say that the generic American kid is educated about world history? I sometimes get the feeling it's in no way better than in Noth Korea.

>> No.6930089

it's alright but very america centric

if america wasn't involved in it we didn't learn it

>> No.6930095

We don't learn world history until high school and its only just one course of it.

>> No.6930098


history is for faggots, it's America's time now.

>> No.6930099

Führer cake

>> No.6930103

Not very good in my opinion.

But at least it doesn't contain the blatant disinformation and propaganda of north korea

>> No.6930110
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>But at least it doesn't contain the blatant disinformation and propaganda of north korea

>> No.6930116


>> No.6930122

So basicly you only learn 3 centuries back

>> No.6930126
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>> No.6930140
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Pizzas party with Hitler

>> No.6930141

>3 centuries back

Yes, all the important stuff that happened in history.

>> No.6930178

>apparently he wasnt a vegefucktard. apparently just eating meat gave him bad gas.

he was very much a vegetarian. and it was his own meat free diet that gave him terrible gas. he also used a lot of medication.

don't get me wrong, i'm not saying he was unhealthy because he didn't eat meat, just that he had a very unhealthy diet.

>> No.6930188

ice wine when....

>> No.6930205

>Currywurst with Weißbier and Brezn
triggered, tbh

>> No.6930236

Unless you're in IB or AP classes, you don't learn shit.

>> No.6930239


TBA isn't icewein.

Not even close.

>> No.6930254

States set more guidelines around that than the federal government, and each school district is funded locally so rich areas have much more resources and can hire better teachers. In other words, it varies a lot, but on average it is pretty poor because most schools are poorly funded.

>> No.6930256
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>apparently he wasnt a vegefucktard. apparently just eating meat gave him bad gas.

I thought this was the word discussed. Since from the wording and context we can tell exactly what type of vegetarian he is referring to.

>> No.6930270

Your right about the funding but once common core is in full effect all standards will be the same across all states and districts.

>> No.6930275

Someone's triggered

>> No.6930278

>But at least it doesn't contain the blatant disinformation and propaganda of north korea


>> No.6930285

>because most schools are poorly funded.

Lol, no. This is often repeated but there is a HUGE disconnect between American spending on school versus the quality of education.

America spends among the most money per student on public education. In 2011 there were only three countries that spent more: Austria, Norway, and Switzerland.


Yet despite that massive spending, the US ranks 15th in overall student performance.


More money is not the solution.

>> No.6930295


US education might not be great but they don't go around telling kids that "dear leader" has godlike powers.

>> No.6930302

Money is pointless if it is managed by incompetent leaders.

>> No.6930311


That was my point. People seem to love to say "oh we need more money" but in reality the problem is the bureaucracy.

>> No.6930313

Huh? I learned throughout my entire education. It rotated with social studies. There was one course on American history itself. And one economics course too

>> No.6930316

You do realize that in America we have super fucking rich school distiricts that have massive amounts of money.

These are few in number and produce the best students they also massively outspend poorer students

Then there are super poor inner city schools that have barely enough funding to stay open and produce the worst students and these schools are frequent in number

>> No.6930317
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I got this recipe last year on a /pol/ food thread just prior to Christmas. It was a huge hit for the family dinner and I ended up making a second cake within an hour of it being served.

Fuhrer Cake

1 1/3 cups light brown sugar, firmly packed
1/2 cup melted margarine
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup milk
2 cups finely chopped apple
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup raisins


Grease and flour a 13x9x2-inch baking pan.

In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar and melted margarine. Beat in eggs and vanilla with a wooden spoon.

Into another bowl sift flour, baking soda, baking powder, and cinnamon. Stir into egg mixture alternating with milk. Stir in apples and chopped walnuts.

Spoon batter into prepared pan. Bake at 350° for about 45 minutes, until cake springs back when gently pressed with finger.

>> No.6930319
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>but they don't go around telling kids that "dear leader" has godlike powers.

>> No.6930323

Why is there far more yuroposting on /ck/ than on the other boards?

>> No.6930325

I think he might have been talking about "world history" specifically.

When I was in school we had "social studies" all through the lower grades. In 7th grade we had an additional history class for our state specifically. In 8th grade we had geography, 9th we had "american history" and in 10th we had "world history". My school also offered European history, which was an AP/honors course offered as an elective (not required).

And frankly that's not very adequate. You can barely learn most US history in a single course let alone attempting to learn European history in the same, or god help you world history.

>> No.6930329

There isn't. They infect every board equally.

>> No.6930341

I don't know man.
I browse about a dozen different boards every day and every time I come back on /ck/ it's always AMERICANS DO THIS AMERICANS R DUM AMERICANS AMIRITE

It's becoming like an even more shitty /tv/.

>> No.6930342


Disregard the raisins, it's better without them in.

>> No.6930347

So hide their faggotry. It's amazing how much better this board is when you hide all the obvious shitposting threads and posts.

>> No.6930350

Anything that can be eaten with a spoon. There was a whole thing about Aryan food and only eating with a spoon

>> No.6930352

It depends entirely on where the kid's from. On average, I'd say not very well. Although in my experience, most students everywhere have a pretty poor grasp of history. I know in my school district, you got to pick your classes in high school, and most kids just went for the bare minimum required, which was pretty low. If you take AP History or are in an IB program, your grasp of history is going to be much better than the lowest common denominator.

I think the thing that typifies American education is the extremely wide bell curve that it puts out; we lead the world in Nobel laureates, but we also lead the world in people getting killed by lawnmowers.