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6926622 No.6926622 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys stand eating sushi/sashimi?

Not trying to be a smartass here. I legitimately want to enjoy sushi. I tried it with a friend not long ago at a good Japanese restaurant (checked out quite a few on Yelp and decided on this one for the best sushi experience). I finished the two rolls I purchased but only out of respect for the chef. It was torture.

The texture is chewy. The fish didn't taste fishy but it's just how chewy and cold and uncomfortable it was. The eel roll was half-way edible but that's only because it had that sauce on it.

And it's not that I hate seafood either. I love seafood, and I like it cold too. I just can't wrap my head around sushi. The texture is so unappealing and it lacks a lot of flavor.

How do you guys enjoy sushi? Can I "train" myself to enjoy it more? Or am I fucked?
Are there any chefs (or omakases or whatever) that make sushi that still has other things on it? (condiments, herbs, spices, etc). I'm thinking this will make me like it better. I think the distinct texture I was lacking in it that would have made me like it better was some kind of crunch or something that wasn't mush.

>> No.6926636

It's for people with bad taste.
ie: japs, weebs and soccer moms
You've passed your first test, anon.

>> No.6926649

You probably had shitty sushi OP. Cheap sushi usually has a crappy texture. Add some wasabi next time.

>> No.6926659

You'll understand when you're older anon.

>> No.6926662

I hated sushi when I started to eat it. My friend loved it, so I would try a piece each time. After a while I got my own roll, now I love it.

>> No.6926663

Tried it with wasabi too, but wasabi is also mushy.

It wasn't bad sushi, either. That's what everyone immediately says when I tell them I didn't like it. The place had great reviews, and most of the weebs in town flock to it as opposed to the other 4-5 sushi places we have in town.

>> No.6926671

Are you that much of a weaboo that you have to force yourself to enjoy Sushi?

If you don't like it, don't eat it?

>> No.6926680

Lol I'm at work right now (on break btw) and I'm a sushi chef. Get a fried j.b roll (salmon and cream cheese, seaweed on the outside) put eel sauce on it. If you are just eating straight up fish it probably isn't for you then

>> No.6926682

I prefer sashimi to cooked fish, in most cases (with obvious exceptions). I fucking hate rolls, though, because they inevitably slather them in too much shitty sauce.
Really, either you like the taste and texture of raw fish, or you don't. Last time I went out for sashimi, I had Hamachi (yellowtail), abalone, uni, mackerel (saba), scallop, surf clam, and pepperfin (lightly seared tuna with jalapeño slices and fried onion). All sashimi, no rolls and no nigiri (alough I'd rather eat nigiri than rolls).

The only fish, that is pretty popular as sashimi, that I don't care for is salmon. I'd rather have salmon seared or grilled or smoked. But I personally love the taste and texture of raw fish and seafood.

>> No.6926685


>> No.6926732

I'm not a weeb, I hate most Jap culture tbh fam. I just find sushi aesthetically pleasing. And whenever my friends all say we should go out to eat to a sushi place I feel bad saying no because I can't stand it.

>> No.6926737

get a better class of friends

>> No.6926756

Oh fuck off faggot. A lot of Americans enjoy sushi. It doesn't say anything about one's social class or whether or not they're a weeb. Quit being a contrarian queer.
By your definition, all Americans love sucking Italian cock because we like pizza

>> No.6926847

Bruh, don't force yourself to eat sushi if you don't like it. Most Japanese restaurants offer stuff besides sushi. Get a different Japanese dish: udon, tonkatsu, tempura, curry etc. aren't anything super cool but they do make a tasty weeb experience.

>> No.6927007

American style rolls can be truly shit tier. The only rolls I usually eat are the basic ones like spicy tuna or yellowtail but the rest are all shit.

Nigiri and sashimi is where it's at. If you've ever had good toro nigiri...it's unbelievable dude.

I will say it does take multiple tries, def an acquired taste. It took me until my 3rd or 4th time to truly relish the experience. Dip in soy, add a tiny dot of wasabi, and make sure you cleanse the palette with a bite of ginger after.

>> No.6927095
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The japs keep the good stuff for themselves.
I was amazed how good cheap ass sushi was in Japan compared to expensive American sushi.
Just look at this high grade fatty tuna. Melts in you mouth. Know how much it costs? $2 USD.

>> No.6927111

You gotta mix some soy and wasabi and dip it. It makes even crappy sushi pretty delicious.

>> No.6927115

This. Wasabi is the key.

>> No.6927147

First, the vast majority of the sushi in the world is bad, and yelp is not always honest. So you do need to try it in different places. Second, yes, the texture is rather unique. That's a major part of the experience and most sushi eaters enjoy the texture a lot. For me, the texture is my favorite part.

Now if you want to like it, that's fine, and you approach it like you approach any other thing you want to like. You acquire a taste for it. That can take years sometimes, so have fun.

>> No.6927213

you should never put wasabi in the soy dish

>> No.6927226
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>> No.6927228

I'm asian and was forced to eat it as a kid. I only eat the American kind.

>> No.6927503

try peruvian sushi or Nikei cuisine . u will love it :D

>> No.6927845

That is only for real wasabi.

The rest of the world only gets fake wasabi because the actual wasabi plant is a pain in the ass to grow.


>> No.6927858

Yeah, western sushi seems to love to add mayo and drench it in sauce.

>> No.6928125

>4 - 5 other sushi places
you probably don't live in a place where really good sushi is even available.

that being said, some people just don't like sushi, and that's fine.

>> No.6928155

I only like salmon.

Tuna is ok but i'd rather just eat more salmon. Eel is good. I prefer simple rolls like salmon and avocado or cucumber.

exception to tuna.. Toro is tasty but fucking expensive.

cream cheese is pig disguting

>> No.6928173
File: 234 KB, 1300x866, 36982993-Baked-Salmon-with-lemon-wedge-and-rice-cauliflower-side-dish-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time, order your sashimi cooked and deconstructed. You'll probably like it loads more.

>> No.6928313

That's weird. I love tuna sushi/sashimi, but I really dislike salmon sushi/sashimi. It's kind of weird in taste and feels a bit crunchy.

I also once ate some Toro sushi once, fucker still had scales on it and made me dislike it, even though it was probably just the sushi chef being a dumbass.

>> No.6928314

>How do you guys enjoy sushi? Can I "train" myself to enjoy it more? Or am I fucked?
Sushi is generally about subtle flavors. If subtle flavors aren't your thing it's never gonna thrill you.

I gave it a shot when traveling for business. Just about developed an appreciation for it after visiting a few very expensive places in NYC, LA, Osaka and Tokyo. But I wasn't picking up the tab.

When I was paying for it myself I quickly realized the sushi I could afford I didn't think was that great, and the sushi I though was actually good was so expensive I could easily find many more things I'd enjoy eating more for 1/4-1/10th the price.

So I said fuck it, and haven't eaten sushi since. This was ten years ago.

>> No.6928322

It's like meat, OP. You know, when you eat steak, but it's far easier to eat kind of steak.

>> No.6928326

Maybe the weeb lifestyle isn't for you

>> No.6928328

this entire thread is bait

>> No.6928337

Sashimi has a very light flavor. It shouldn't taste overly 'fishy'. Try a fattier fish maybe?

>> No.6928339

Don't eat it and feel good that you're not contributing to the extinction of all ocean life as we know it.

>> No.6928341

So you don't like chewy texture and you like your seafood hot and smelly.

There's not much you can do except stop not liking it. Which may or may not happen as you age

>> No.6928345

two pieces of thin strips of fish and some rice costs $2? WOW What a deal!

>> No.6928353
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Sushi is to food as the ukulele is to music

it seems easy and fun but unless its from someone who truly knows what they're doing its going to be absolute shit

>> No.6928360

People hate on factory farming but at least it's sustainable. The japs are intent on driving every ocean creature to extinction. It's not ok. Might be time for a couple more bombs.

>> No.6928367

I miss izzy tbh

>> No.6928462

its weird that both of these have become iconic to blue haired tumblr weebs

>> No.6928469

Weird, I like both and have never been on tumblr. Maybe I'm some sort of faggot.

>> No.6928480

>it seems easy and fun but unless its from someone who truly knows what they're doing its going to be absolute shit
This. Because it's subtle food. The line between bold flavor and complete overkill can be blurry at times - there's some wiggle room. The line between subtle and insipid is very thin, and it's much harder to walk well.

The only time I bother with subtle is when I know perfect or almost perfect ingredients are involved. Otherwise there's not point - it'll sail right into insipid no matter what you do.

>> No.6928489

i too am probably a faggot
im learning to play the ukulele and i tried japanese food, im just not a fan of the rice but its probably that im shit at cooking it

>> No.6928505

You wash your rice right?

>> No.6928516

What do you think of yellow tail?

Also, raw sweet shrimp is fucking awesome.

I only had it a few times in my left.

America doesn't know how to get raw shrimp right so I suggest you avoid ordering it in most places.

>> No.6928520

pretty sure i did, but it was like eating sticky paper, just wasn't enjoyable

>> No.6928527

You don't go to a sushi restaurant for the first time and order sashimi, sashimi is something you try and see if you like later on after experimenting with Japanese cuisine for a bit.

You start out with teriyaki stuff, rolls that incorporate flavors you are used to, savory things with sauces, cooked/seared dishes etc.

All the fags that say they hate sushi say the same thing, they say they went to a restaurant and ordered raw fucking fish and traditional sushi rolls when they've never had it before and hated it. You gotta start with the pleb shit and flavors you are used to and work your way up slowly trying new things.

Basically don't generalize the entirety of Jap cuisine based on this one experience, the raw fish side of Japanese food is something not a lot of white people honestly like and one of the last things I would ever recommend for someone to get into sushi with.

TL;DR you should have ordered teriyaki and rolls covered in sauce like every other pleb white man and you probably would have enjoyed it

>> No.6928534

You just have shit weebvisor taste like op.
The stuff here literally tastes the same as most non-shit 'murican places unless you go somewhere that charges out the ass.

>> No.6928544

>you should have ordered teriyaki and rolls covered in sauce like every other pleb white man and you probably would have enjoyed it
That's awful advice. Order the crappy version because you're not likely to like the good version? Fuck that. Try the best you can afford. If you don't like it the stuff probably isn't for you. That doesn't mean with more exposure you couldn't grow to like it, but if you try the good stuff and it doesn't float your boat there's probably not much point in wasting your money.

Same goes for wine. You don't try some shitty box Pinot Noir and then pass judgement on Grand Cru Burgundies, If you have the money you drink some good Burgundies and see whether that style actually appeals to you, or realize it's just very trendy at the moment because it pairs with a variety of foods.

>> No.6928549

Don't bother op its garbage hipster food.

>> No.6928582

Short advice:
- Try a little of everything
- Make sure you get good, fresh sushi

The best advice I can give you is try to eat sushi with friends. Everyone order something different and just try it. If you can find a reputable sushi buffet (they're out there, they can be expensive) or some place that lets you order pieces a la carte, that works too.

Point is, try as much as you feel comfortable with. Go with a group and order a bunch of stuff and try it. You never know what you'll enjoy. If someone told me, "try this eel sushi" I would have said no. Instead I just tasted many kinds, and it turns out I like eel sushi.

>> No.6928655

Hey OP! My first sushi roll was shrimp tempura, no raw things at all. I grew to like the taste of the rice, then tried some milder things like salmon and tuna. Then made my own at home with radish sprouts, cream cheese, cucumber, smoked salmon, etc. Then tried fancier ones when going out for sushi like bonito, octopus, etc. (Learned I do not like sea urchin, but cuttlefish is good.) Still learning to like some things, but mostly sushi is fun to eat. The experience of mixed textures and tastes is unique among foods, and it's a good social event too (usually I go with a few friends).

I also learned I do not like wasabi, but the ginger is good.

>> No.6928736

You should never mix wasabi with soy sauce. Most places put wasabi between the fish and the rice on their nigiri so you shouldn't need it at all. If the sushi is bland then just put a tiny bit on top of the fish or just lightly dip the nigiri in soy sauce fish side down. Never dip the rice directly in the soy sauce, if you do that you're just going to get a mouth full of soy and you won't be able to taste the fish. If you go to a proper sushi restaurant then they'll season the fish with soy sauce or salt or wasabi or tare or whatever depending on the fish. Honestly the way Americans eat sushi by mixing wasabi and soy sauce is just disgusting, it's like if you went to a fancy french restaurant and then poured ketchup or A1 all over your tournedos rossini.

>> No.6928741

>I also once ate some Toro sushi once, fucker still had scales on it
How is that even possible? The skin is really thick on tuna, who would even break it down without removing the skin first? Or are you saying that random scales from the cutting board got on to the fish? Either way that's fucking crazy and unacceptable. Some sushi, like saba and sanma, is served with the skin still attached, but never should it be served with scales.

>> No.6928748

This. Fucking this 10000000 times.
You shouldn't have to use wasabi or soy sauce at all, with the possible exception of nigiri. The sushi comes to your table properly prepared, the only condiment you need is the ginger to cleanse your palate between bites of different things.
The only time I have ever eaten wasabi in a sushi bar was when my favorite place had some in-house pickled wasabi slices, so I wanted to try them. But that was an exception. And I never use soy sauce. I want to taste the goddamn fish.

>> No.6928754

Make chirashi-zushi at home. Buy sashimi grade tuna and salmon, sear each slice for a couple seconds on each side w a little sesame oil, make your own shari (short grain rice seasoned w sugar and rice wine vinegar) and put the ingredients together w some nori. Searing is key for overcoming the texure / cold problem

>> No.6928760

I highly doubt you had raw sweet shrimp, most places get that in blanched and frozen. They just thaw it to order. If they get in live ( which is highly unlikely anywhere in the US except places like Morimoto) then they're still gonna blanch it. Raw shrimp has a really unappealing texture to it. In fact, most of the traditional staples of sushi are cooked in some way before serving. Saba and Sanma are pickled. Tako, Ika, and Ebi are blanched. Anago and Unagi is grilled. Katsuo is smoked. It's only due to advances in refrigeration technology in the 50s that people started eating raw fish at all.

>> No.6928772

Hey don't shit on teriyaki. Teriyaki is godlike when properly executed. A whole chiken leg deboned with the skin still on, the fat slowly rendered so that the skin crisps, the sauce built in the pan with soy sauce, mirin, and sake, finely reduced to a thick and glorious glaze, rich with umami and accentuated by the slight sweetness from the mirin. That stupid stir fry shit you get from "japanese" steak houses doesn't deserve to be called teriyaki.

>> No.6928799

Well the texture varies from fish to fish (tuna is meaty, salmon is surprisingly creamy, mackerel is... well, cured fish, sea urchin reminds me of if someone masturbated into a packet of Jell-O, etcetera.

You may not like sushi. And that's okay.

Not everyone likes __ popular food. Food is not objectively good from a taste standpoint.

Nutritionally, yes. And there are arguments for and against sushi nutritionally (carbs and protein, low-fat- but not much in the way of vitamins from plants, alongside potential mercury toxicity).

Taste is subjective. If you don't like it, then don't eat it.

Food is not just fast food + sushi. For every human out there, there's a recipe that's their favorite. Go out and find it.

>> No.6928900

Hahaha fuckin nerds

>> No.6928927

or he can find out which options at the restaurant have cooked ingredients as opposed to raw ones and order those (california rolls, egg onigiri).

if you've tried sashimi and have decided it's not your thing, it's ok. those tauting it as an acquired taste you are too inexperienced to appreciate have their heads so far up their ass they can smell yesterday's wasabi. fuck them.

this guy gets it

>> No.6929052


>The only fish, that is pretty popular as sashimi, that I don't care for is salmon.

seriously? salmon is definitely one of my favourites.

>> No.6929054


mixing wasabi and soy isn't an 'american' thing japs do it all the time. this fact obviously shouldn't affect whether or not you feel ok to do it, but i have a feeling it often does.

>> No.6929064


i think this is basically bullshit, if you simply have good quality fresh produce you can have nice sushi. yes of course you can be an expert in choosing and preparing the fish but you can also not be and get away with it.

>> No.6929071


Because it is actually delicious

>> No.6929216

>Hey don't shit on teriyaki.
I'm not shitting on teriyaki. I just wouldn't order it at a sushi joint. I'd get it at a place that specialized in teriyaki.
idk, man. Once I sort of developed a taste for the good stuff I realized two things: the good stuff was way too fucking expensive for the amount of pleasure I derived from it, and the affordable stuff didn't really seem like bothering with, given the other options out there. That said, I wouldn't pass on the chance to eat at a really good sushi place on the company dime again, just not on my own.

>> No.6929245

Dude they don't even serve wasabi with your sushi in Japan. You go sit down at a chain like kappa sushi and there's ginger, soy sauce, dried green tea, and a hot water spigot at your seat and that's it, no wasabi anywhere. If you ask for wasabi they'll probably try to explain why you don't need it in broken english and then eventually give up and give it to you. If you go to any family owned sushi restaurant and ask for wasabi you'll get asked to leave, for real.

>> No.6931358

Try sashimi. Maybe something cooked like Unagi. Or shrimp.

>> No.6932479

why is only one fucker pointing out that op chose a god damn shitty couple of rolls? you don't go out to sushi to just enjoy rolls unless you're a fucking white guy pretending to like sushi underneath sirracha mayo. even then you should get the japanese rolls or the older american rolls (like california roll for example of an american roll that isn't fucking aweful)

>> No.6932488

If you search YouTube you can find some cool videos about this chink called Gyro who is like a black belt ninja of sushi cooking.
He's pretty famous and people pay a LOT of money for his shit. He invented the California Roll, the most popular sushi in the world and made a fortune.

>> No.6932489

It's a scam. Overpriced and stupid simple to make. You're not even cooking the fucking fish, you're just putting it on top of a ball of rice with some seaweed. Why sushi chefs need to spend years in school and training to do something that any competent cook could learn to do in an afternoon is completely beyond me and I can only attribute it to a societal game of chicken where no one likes or respects sushi chefs but are afraid of criticizing them for fear of being called uncultured.

But of course Amerilards would jump right on that hype train.

>> No.6932500


> cream cheese
> mayo

what the fuck america

>> No.6932541

he probably means he saw some asian people do it in america.

>> No.6932547

why dont you fucking make some then?
I'd love to see you try, post a video, wear a mask and don't speak, notations are good enough to convey meaning.

>> No.6932626

>nonono guys I swear it was good sushi

I've had good sushi and it doesn't sound like anything you experienced. You had shit sushi and you should admit it, unless you're straight up making this up.

> it didn't taste fishy

You're completely dished, sushi shouldn't taste like your average canned tuna you fatty. You just have shit taste.

>> No.6932638

>You're not even cooking the fucking fish
You're making sure it's fresh and perfectly clean, that's worth paying for.
Anyone can kill bacteria with heat.

>> No.6932653

Sushi is the most overrated food ever. It's cute and fun to eat and that's about it. I haven't had sushi since 2012.

>> No.6932668

what's so overrated about a quick, cheap, and tasty meal

>> No.6932684

Sushi is legit my favorite food and I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it.

OP, people are going to call you names because they like something you don't like, but that's okay. You don't have to like a food if you don't want to.

>> No.6932692
File: 36 KB, 320x213, sushi shoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sushi has been my favorite type of food since I was probably 6 or 7.

What I've never understood is why those wooden dishes they serve them on look so similar to the wooden shoes you see in the cartoons.

>> No.6932704


no i mean i've seen japanese people do it in japan. i just have no response to what that guy said cause it baldly conflicts with my experience.

>> No.6932713

Because it's not cheap if you want decent sushi.

>> No.6932745

nah sushi tastes like shit

I had to eat sushi like 4 times on different occasions before I got used to it

>> No.6933645

then order something other than sushi, I've been to many sushi places in many different states and I have yet to find one that only serves sushi, so if you do have one like that near you, suggest going to one with other options when your friends want sushi.

>> No.6934107

Bro just get a salmon skin handroll

>> No.6934138

Nigirizushi is not supposed to be cold or chewy what the fuck did you eat

>> No.6936352

That is $4-6, plus tip for 2 pieces of decent Maguro nigiri in the US.

And you might as well forget about even finding Toro outside major US cities.